TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 - #5

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I see no way the "threat" could have been in the vehicle on the way back from Alabama. Having the kids in the car would have complicated matters greatly. I think somebody entered the vehicle after the children exited and before Gail left the house in St. Ives. Based on my own logic only--nothing to cite here.

Pearl*, I hope it didn't sound as if I meant the threat was in the car all the way back from Alabama--no way this happened.

I understood that your theory is: the "threat" would have entered the car after she dropped the kids off. Thus when Gail was driving away from the house and down the street, it would explain why she looked straight ahead and didn't acknowledge Susie. It makes sense.
This is what I've always thought happened. JMO

I knew I had read that theory on here before, but I think these new developments begin to narrow the possibilities. SOMEWHERE, I read a possibly relevant comment about Ace Hardware, and I can't find it now. Anybody know what I'm talking about? I'm trying to be non-specific in case it was removed for some reason....
Pearl* if you are responding to my post---hope it didn't sound as if I meant the threat was in the car all the way back from Alabama--no way this happened. I understood that your theory is: the "threat" would have entered the car after she dropped the kids off. Thus when Gail was driving away from the house and down the street, it would explain why she looked straight ahead and didn't acknowledge Susie.

No, I didn't mean to imply that at all. Just thinking that possibility seems ruled out, so the range gets really narrow.
I knew I had read that theory on here before, but I think these new developments begin to narrow the possibilities. SOMEWHERE, I read a possibly relevant comment about Ace Hardware, and I can't find it now. Anybody know what I'm talking about? I'm trying to be non-specific in case it was removed for some reason....

Yes, that was one of the supposed sightings of Gail on Apr. 30, and I believe the dark-haired lady was with her, at Ace Hardware. I'll see if I can find the link.

ETA: the only link I can find to MSM is the one about the Jeep sighting on Apr. 30. I know I read about a sighting at Ace Hardware but it was at the FB site which I think we are not supposed to quote.

Here's the other link:
Since they went to the bluff (if it really was GP) and the jeep and/or GP was not found at the base, could they have gone to throw something off? If so, what? Evidence? Wedding ring? Seems like there would have been a purpose to have gone to that spot.
That woman may have her stories mixed up, old and new.

This is a more recent story connected to that area around the weekend of June 3rd:

Stolen Truck Involved in Fatal Wreck

James T. Meeks III, 18, faces charges of theft of a motor vehicle and burning personal property, according to District Attorney Mike Taylor of the 12th Judicial District.
He said investigators believe Meeks took the truck from Sequatchie County and later burned the vehicle.

Scott Clayton, 20, Emily Clayton, 21, both of Sale Creek, and Annie Blevins, 24, of Chattanooga, were killed when they were thrown from a Jeep on Big Fork Road early Saturday.

The Jeep went off the road in a curve and rolled. The passengers were thrown out and trapped under the vehicle, the Tennessee Highway Patrol said. The Jeep’s driver, Eric Blevins, 37, of Chattanooga, was injured.

My granddaughter attends high school with Emily Clayton's younger sister.. The funeral IIRC was last Thursday..Emiy and her husband, Scott were buried next to their baby who also died not too long ago...
So was this Meeks guy the one involved in the wreck? I remember hearing they were looking for someone and thought another vehicle was involved..
I have been thinking about something. We have been kind of focused on the fact that Gail was compelled to get back to the house. But maybe it wasn't that she had to get to the house as much as she had to get away from the lake house.
She was upset and left abruptly and felt as though she was being followed. So maybe the threat was perceived at the lake house and it caused her to want to get her kids out of there.
Perhaps this person followed her from the lake house and once she dropped off the kids they took control of her vehicle. She could have stopped for gas and they could have taken her there or anywhere. If they took control of her vehicle at the house, I do not think they revealed them self to her until she was on the road. We know she talked to her sister after she dropped off the kids. If someone was in the car it would have had to been "professional" ie parked somewhere remote,sneak into the house, lie in wait without being detected etc etc.

We have a dh going through cash. More cash than on a mistress. Was he involved in some shady dealings and Gail was going to reveal it?If he was we have another element of a 3rd party being affected if Gail was going to reveal something.IOW another person or person(s) that saw gail as a liability.

Remember that phone never left the mountain. I do not think she would have given up her phone voluntarily because it was her lifeline.Whoever took control of Gail did it somewhere between the house and the base of the mountain.

This lady was scared to death and apparently with good reason.
This thought just came to mind.....Just wondering IF the brown haired woman could have been wearing a wig..Also, WHY O WHY didn't Gail scream out or do something IF she was being held unwillingly when she saw other people on that road?.
Since they went to the bluff (if it really was GP) and the jeep and/or GP was not found at the base, could they have gone to throw something off? If so, what? Evidence? Wedding ring? Seems like there would have been a purpose to have gone to that spot.

Unfortunately, the reasons I am thinking of are ALL nefarious in nature...JMHO
I have been thinking about something. We have been kind of focused on the fact that Gail was compelled to get back to the house. But maybe it wasn't that she had to get to the house as much as she had to get away from the lake house.
She was upset and left abruptly and felt as though she was being followed. So maybe the threat was perceived at the lake house and it caused her to want to get her kids out of there.
Perhaps this person followed her from the lake house and once she dropped off the kids they took control of her vehicle. She could have stopped for gas and they could have taken her there or anywhere. If they took control of her vehicle at the house, I do not think they revealed them self to her until she was on the road. We know she talked to her sister after she dropped off the kids. If someone was in the car it would have had to been "professional" ie parked somewhere remote,sneak into the house, lie in wait without being detected etc etc.

We have a dh going through cash. More cash than on a mistress. Was he involved in some shady dealings and Gail was going to reveal it?If he was we have another element of a 3rd party being affected if Gail was going to reveal something.IOW another person or person(s) that saw gail as a liability.

Remember that phone never left the mountain. I do not think she would have given up her phone voluntarily because it was her lifeline.Whoever took control of Gail did it somewhere between the house and the base of the mountain.

This lady was scared to death and apparently with good reason.

Hmmm, well I'm thinking the party following and the party in the vehicle with her weren't the same. I can't get past thinking her demeanor leaving St. Ives is somehow important.

If somebody were to have waited at the house for her to arrive, the person could have been dropped off within a large window of time without notice. And that would have left no vehicle to conceal at St. Ives.

Predicting that she would stop for gas or some other reason would have been difficult, I would think.

And the phone call with her sister.... As I recall, we don't know at what point that call occurred after leaving the house. Maybe she could have gotten enough composure to have a conversation that wouldn't give anything away, if she had to? I've never understood why she would have ended that call either. And as I recall, that phone conversation was the last contact?
Has anyone found any pictures of TH? Does anyone know what she looks like?
This thought just came to mind.....Just wondering IF the brown haired woman could have been wearing a wig..Also, WHY O WHY didn't Gail scream out or do something IF she was being held unwillingly when she saw other people on that road?.

I'd suspect yes on the wig. Surely that person doesn't want to be identified.

As for not screaming out? My immediate thought is perceiving a threat to her family. I think she'd protect them at all costs.
Yes, that was one of the supposed sightings of Gail on Apr. 30, and I believe the dark-haired lady was with her, at Ace Hardware. I'll see if I can find the link.

ETA: the only link I can find to MSM is the one about the Jeep sighting on Apr. 30. I know I read about a sighting at Ace Hardware but it was at the FB site which I think we are not supposed to quote.

Here's the other link:

Yes, I found it, and you're right about where it is. I hate that we can't discuss it because I think it's important.
Since they went to the bluff (if it really was GP) and the jeep and/or GP was not found at the base, could they have gone to throw something off? If so, what? Evidence? Wedding ring? Seems like there would have been a purpose to have gone to that spot.
lalalu, I agree. But what purpose? And that bluff is only one place in a park of over 24,000 acres! Considering the size of the park, and the overall terrain especially on the on the trails, IMO of course, I cannot fathom that this would be something she would do voluntarily, nor for several hours. IMO - after the previous evenings events with LE, a trip down to and a trip back from the AL house with two children, probably not much sleep the night before would have have been exhausting.

According to the article she (if it wa Gail), was seen from afternoon there, until near dusk (several hours). Driving these trails would not be a liesurely joy-ride even if you were well-rested.

It also bothers me (IF this was Gail on the trails), that no phone activity was reported during this time when she had a history of remaining in contact with the calls to remind them to do homework, chores, make sure their father had returned to the home as promised, that the dogs had been out/fed, or to make sure dinner was taken care of.

Here is a link to the park

I wonder if they have a check-in procedure for visitors? Or security cameras at the entrances. It would seem to me that the park would want to do a "head count" of sorts when the park closed to make sure all returned safely (ATV & hikers).
This thought just came to mind.....Just wondering IF the brown haired woman could have been wearing a wig..Also, WHY O WHY didn't Gail scream out or do something IF she was being held unwillingly when she saw other people on that road?.

I believe she was either too petrified to scream, or else she thought she could figure a way out of the situation she was in. I hate to say, there might have been a gun pointed at her.

Oh, I think I just "got" what Pearl* was saying--maybe there was a threat to her family if she didn't comply with the person? Let me know if that wasn't what you were implying, Pearl* !
I have been thinking about something. We have been kind of focused on the fact that Gail was compelled to get back to the house. But maybe it wasn't that she had to get to the house as much as she had to get away from the lake house.
She was upset and left abruptly and felt as though she was being followed. So maybe the threat was perceived at the lake house and it caused her to want to get her kids out of there.
Perhaps this person followed her from the lake house and once she dropped off the kids they took control of her vehicle. She could have stopped for gas and they could have taken her there or anywhere. If they took control of her vehicle at the house, I do not think they revealed them self to her until she was on the road. We know she talked to her sister after she dropped off the kids. If someone was in the car it would have had to been "professional" ie parked somewhere remote,sneak into the house, lie in wait without being detected etc etc.

We have a dh going through cash. More cash than on a mistress. Was he involved in some shady dealings and Gail was going to reveal it?If he was we have another element of a 3rd party being affected if Gail was going to reveal something.IOW another person or person(s) that saw gail as a liability.

Remember that phone never left the mountain. I do not think she would have given up her phone voluntarily because it was her lifeline.Whoever took control of Gail did it somewhere between the house and the base of the mountain.

This lady was scared to death and apparently with good reason.

Wow. These are all really good points, JBean. I'm just stunned at the ideas sleuthers are coming up with today.
I believe she was either too petrified to scream, or else she thought she could figure a way out of the situation she was in. I hate to say, there might have been a gun pointed at her.

Oh, I think I just "got" what Pearl* was saying--maybe there was a threat to her family if she didn't comply with the person? Let me know if that wasn't what you were implying, Pearl* !

Yes, I'm guessing that would have been the most effective tactic to use, particularly on a mother.
If this is a verified sighting does that mean they are 100% sure it was Gail?? I didn't see any mention of the license plate, which is one-of-a-kind, although that doesn't mean the woman didn't note it. But since it isn't mentioned,it makes me wonder if it was someone else's Jeep. How can a person guess someone's height and weight when they are sitting down in a car with only their shoulders, part of their chest and head visible? Guess I shouldn't keep questioning stuff; I am confident that LE has it all covered!

Sounds like Carol got a really good look inside the Jeep:

Carol Coppinger said she was in a distinctive new red Jeep and had a female passenger, who looked away each time they passed them on the isolated Big Fork Road.

She said Ms. Palmgren "looked like a deer in the headlights. She slowed down and acted like she wanted to tell us something."

So she must have been pretty close to the Jeep's windows to see in like that.

I had a lot of trouble reading that article. Twice in my life I've been witness to someone who seemed to want to talk to people for help (one a child) and both times I called police just in case. But it also seems like weird things (possibly drug related, if I'm reading it right?) go on in that area all the time, so I can also see someone just chalking it up to some of the same old crazy stuff.
Wouldn't it be awful if there was a third party situation going on and she told her husband, and he didn't believe her -- instead, he thought she was paranoid and mentally ill, just like he told the police.

But I have to really agree that the amount of cash we are being told he took plus the sneaking around when he was supposed to be at work make me doubt that his behavior is separate from the stalking situation Gail was dealing with. This is another "huge coincidence" scenario: What is the likelihood that a woman being followed/stalked who has been involved with 911 calls multiple times because of domestic issues, who had given documentation and security videos to fiends for safe keeping, who rushed back to TN on the 30th for reasons unknown, would have just been out for a fun off-road ride with someone on the 30th and then left of her own accord? It's so unlikely.
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