TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #13

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Selling T-shirts could be a six figure income for the Bobos. I don't know if they've thought this though, but this would also be taxable income. Additionally, there is a TN state tax on all clothing sold within TN.

Assuming they have a sharp attorney, and the money is put into Holly's name, this would still be taxable income for her. I don't see how it could be considered charity.
I'm sorry to be so dumb. I cannot figure out what BBM means. Can someone translate please? Thanks!

Bolded By Me. (To indicate that text in bold was emphasized by that poster instead of the one that originally wrote the article or qouted post.)
UBM is Underlined By Me, means the same thing.

Not a dumb question, I had to ask too.
And the many times he broke probation and should have been back in jail and wasn't. He would have never been around to kill either of these girls. Also, Chelsey's parents took the death penalty off the table so Amber could be found.

I know all that, but also, LE would not have found Amber on their own...that is what scares me about some of these cases.
I didn't get to see Geraldo, not that I'm heartbroken, but did he say WHEN the dogs ddidn't hit? that day, the next, a week after? And, as always, what type of dogs, air scent, ground scent, cadaver? Sigh, i wish they'd start telling us what kind of dogs, just for clarity, in some of these reports, but sadly, I don't think many reporters know enough about the field to ask.

Not that I know if MF is telling the truth, but he said this first sometime last week, shortly after she went missing.

Selling T-shirts could be a six figure income for the Bobos. I don't know if they've thought this though, but this would also be taxable income. Additionally, there is a TN state tax on all clothing sold within TN.

Assuming they have a sharp attorney, and the money is put into Holly's name, this would still be taxable income for her. I don't see how it could be considered charity.

I'm sure if the Bobo's ever start selling tee shirts, that will be a consideration. As of right now, they aren't. Parson's Flowers is selling tee shirts on behalf of and to the benefit of Holly herself.
Not to mention all the food and things people have donated INTERNATIONALLY for this family and for this search. Churches in the area have donated thousands of dollars that is not showing up in the news articles...I think it is AMAZINGLY selfish that they could be thinking this way while so many are giving everything they can to help this family....

This is turning into a circus FAST.

I think we have quite a bit to go before we get to the circus. After following the Casey Anthony trial, my definition of circus changed forever. That case not only turned into a circus, the family were the ringmasters! :sick:
So, Mark is saying he was told that no dogs hit at/in the woodline? So what, he walked her across the lawn and then beamed her up? Sorry, clearly I need some sleep.

I saw that too. It seems kind of problematic because those dogs were brought in really fast. This was one of the fastest and biggest turnouts of LE I have seen in a missing person case. So it seems strange that no scent was followed, especially since one of the people were supposedly wounded and bleeding slightly. Seems very odd, imo.
I would feel the same way...if her family were selling them. They aren't.
if the people of the community had been decieved about where the money was going. They haven't.
if we had heard anything suspicious from the family themselves. We haven't.
Moo and other appropriate farmyard noises.

I thought I just read a couple pages back that her mom had something to do with it? Sorry, don't have a post to reference, posting from my phone right now.
At last count, 2500 T-shirts had been sold at $12.00 = $30,000. That would be a heck of a vacation for anyone.

Keep in mind, that I doubt those tshirts were donated. So there is a cost for the t-shirt and any printing done on it. I really doubt they are clearing the full purchase price for each shirt sold.
I was once married to a sociopath. He wasn't a killer or a rapist or anything, (most of them are not), but he was (is) a very violent person. It's not the first thing I throw out there when I meet someone, but I'm open about it in situations where I think it could help someone else. Living with it up close does give you a certain perspective, I think (as does lots of therapy)....

So these are my thoughts about the person who did this.

- He picked Holly because she's the kind of girl that other guys want: beautiful, smart, nice, talented, etc. It's also the kind of girl he thinks would never give him the time of day and that makes him pretty p.o.'d. It doesn't matter in his mind that she's not with him willingly, it just matters to him that he wanted her and he got her.

-I do believe that he was watching her, and that even that made him feel superior to her.....look how clever he was to be able to watch her undetected and look how inferior she was to him to just be going about her life with no clue he was there.

- I'm sure the camo was to be able to hide in the woods undetected, but I'm sure it also makes him feel powerful and manly to wear it.

-I think he has the best "toys" for whatever he's into....if it's cars, he's got the biggest pick-up, if it's guns, he's got the biggest gun with the most bells and whistles. At the same time, he probably has terrible credit because he lives above his means....if he wants something he can't not have it, even if he can't afford it.

- It wouldn't suprise me if he had tried to get a job in the past as police, fire, or EMS and was unsuccessful. He wants other men to see him as a "big man".

-Locally, when people discuss the case, I think he will probably belittle the way the police are handling the case. He will say he doesn't think they are doing the right things or enough things to bring Holly home. People will take his anger as concern for Holly when inside, he's laughing about how superior he is to LE.

Just my random thoughts for your late night reading....
I really have read all the threads, but could someone refresh me regarding confirmation of Mark's statements about the dogs not hitting? I don't remember anyone confirming this. I discounted it long ago because I only heard it from him. Was this the same video or a more recent one? I know LE said there were dogs right away but didn't give any other information that I can recall. Thanks in advance!
Mark Fuhrman is a known liar so again I wouldn't take anything that comes out of his mouth as gospel.


You think he lied about talking with TBI and the lack of Holly's scent around the woods and the brother's story changing three different times?
Did I read somewhere that LE thinks he's an avid hunter? Or am I just making that up? The reason I ask is that there are products hunters can use to disguise their scent so animals don't get spooked by them....I wonder how common it is for a hunter to use something like that or how well those work?
Had to go back and read. In the link in post 404 it says that holly's mom helped design the tshirts and a friend offered to sell them. Mom comments it's because she wants holly to have money for a vacation when she returns. Add to that on geraldo it was reported it was the moms idea to have shirts made. Who knows if that's credible or not?

In my heart I want to believe the family only has good intentions, but I can't help but think things seem a little odd. It's hard not to speculate when we've been given so little information.
I don't care how much money the family makes off the T-shirts. They get her face out there. I'm sure the mom and dad are not working and at some point will exhaust whatever vacation/sick time they have. I'm sure they'll have medical bills and therapy for years because of this, no matter what happens. I think the mom is saying Holly can use it to take a vacation when she gets home to try and stay positive. Internally, as a mom, I think she just wants to know that she has the money she needs to do whatever it takes to find Holly, whether that is hiring a private investigator or putting up a billboard, or anything else. If Holly comes home safe tomorrow I hope they do use it to take her on a vacation...they will need to because it will be a media frenzy. I don't think any good parent would look to profit off of this nightmare, but with everything they've been through, I don't care if they do. In fact, I'd feel better knowing that at least that one burden would be off of their shoulders.
I just thought of something about the ATV...apparently LE thinks that is how the perp abducted HB....Hubby & I are avid ATVers / we go every weekend. I've been bothered by something all along & something just wasn't right....tonight it came to me.

The perp would of had a horrid time putting HB on the wheeler & keeping her on it. If she was in the front of him she'd of been fighting him... I'm sure using any means she could think of / but mostly head butting him / kicking him etc he couldn't of driven fast because of the terrain & especially with her trying to get loose. She would never of hung on to him if she were in the back & done anything to fall off.

A second person had to of helped the hold Holly on to get them to a car / then to drive the wheeler to a spot. There is no way the perp could of did it alone! ABSOLUTELY no way.

The driver of the wheeler would of had to of used both hands to drive it!
I just think the comment about the vacation is a little strange. Had she said the money was for resources to find her, I wouldn't find that strange at all. I suppose it's all semantics at this point.

I can't imagine what the family is going thru so I feel bad for feeling skeptical, but I can't shake the feeling. Trust me, I hope I'm wrong!
Did I read somewhere that LE thinks he's an avid hunter? Or am I just making that up? The reason I ask is that there are products hunters can use to disguise their scent so animals don't get spooked by them....I wonder how common it is for a hunter to use something like that or how well those work?


Good point; I do believe they make such a scent; my brother is an avid hunter (but I can't call him now) and I know he uses all kinds of scents. I vaguely remember him saying something about a "coverup scent".

I know there are sleuthers on here that can better answer.......

here, I found this info.....interesting....
I think LE just included ATV as one of the possible ways he could have removed her from the area. They probably ran across some ATV tracks, if they are so popular out there and are just considering all possibilities.
I just thought of something about the ATV...apparently LE thinks that is how the perp abducted HB....Hubby & I are avid ATVers / we go every weekend. I've been bothered by something all along & something just wasn't right....tonight it came to me.

The perp would of had a horrid time putting HB on the wheeler & keeping her on it. If she was in the front of him she'd of been fighting him... I'm sure using any means she could think of / but mostly head butting him / kicking him etc he couldn't of driven fast because of the terrain & especially with her trying to get loose. She would never of hung on to him if she were in the back & done anything to fall off.

A second person had to of helped the hold Holly on to get them to a car / then to drive the wheeler to a spot. There is no way the perp could of did it alone! ABSOLUTELY no way.

The driver of the wheeler would of had to of used both hands to drive it!

AHHHH. I see your point. I have only ridden a few times but I can see exactly what you mean. We had 2 ATVs and 2 adults and 2 kids, and we tried all different ways of riding with a passenger. At one point our daughter got mad that no one would let her drive [ she was only 8] so she got kind of obstinate and wouldnt hold my waist tight. I was kind of struggling trying to hold her myself with one arm while trying unsuccessfully to steer with one hand. If she had been actively fighting me it would never have worked.

So tell me, if she was knocked out by ether or drugged, would there be any way to keep her on the ATV, with just one perp?
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