TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #24

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(I know we've ended the discussion on the t-shirts, but this isn't exactly about the profit from the t-shirts, so mods, I hope this is okay. If not, feel free to delete.)

Question: Does anyone know if Parsons Flowers is still selling the t-shirts? I don't care who's getting the money from them or anything, but I'm asking because I'm wondering if this might give us a clue as to whether or not everyone in the town really has decided to remain silent and stop putting the word out there. If they're still selling t-shirts, that's kind of a sign to me that maybe some locals do still think it's important to get Holly's name out there and that maybe the family's silence is just a personal decision, but if they've stopped selling them that would be very interesting and would imply that there's a real reason behind the silence. Make sense?

I dont know if selling or not selling is any indicator of support. For example selling memorial tee shirts is big around here. Every time a cop gets shot a local radio station promotes memorial shirts with the profits going to the slain officers family. They have done three or four in the last year. But basically they get a batch of X number shirts, sell them for a month or two, and thats it. It doesn't mean the support is not there its just how many can you sell to a somewhat captive audience over a period of time.

From what I have read, and by all accounts, the Parsons community does seem to have really been supportive of the Bobo family. In many cases you do find individuals who are willing to speak out against various parties involved in those cases like ex business partners, neighbors, ex spouses, etc but in this case I have not really seen that. I would say that in general the family does seem to be really well liked and respected in the community and still has a lot of community support despite the lack of information realsed.
Poor Will. "If you hear of any events, let me know" speaks volumes.
Gotta agree! He seems like the ideal kind of "news media" one would have no problem talking to, taking into a confidence, getting help from.
All-in-all, he would make for a really good spokes-person for the family.
Two months into this thing and EVERY detail is in need of a real definition. You would think after this long someone somewhere could come up with an official LE story with "the facts"

But noooooo...

So still there are doubts as to Holly being led, dragged, walked into the woods...

Clint ran out and followed them into the woods, Glanced out the window and went outside later

Hollys car was parked in the carport or in the driveway (in front of the house?)

Camo man grew a bit and got fatter 1 month in

There is a pool, puddle, flakes, spot, flecks of blood on the car port or across the yard and at some point a spilled can of coke appeared

This is an abduction/kidnapping/missing person/home invasion

Item found was a potential game changer or not related to the case at all

People are/are not ruled out

Even statements attributed to the family or by the family are contradictory: Family is hopeful Holly is alive but father is searching the woods looking for Holly (I assume her body). Thats not meant to be a criticizm... just pointing out how everything in this case is so confusing from start to finish
I just don't understand why the family is not screaming for help to find Holly.

None of what been out there make any sense. Someday soon I hope that Holly will be home and the pieces put together.
I think LE is probably embarrassed that they have not been able to find Holly or name a suspect. So I don't think they want to speak out more than they have to, other than to say that they need information and try, in a way, to put the blame back on the community for not talking. I don't believe they have any real idea that this was done by a local.
One investigator says that he knows some people are with-holding information about the young woman, who might have been at the house and become caught up in a home invasion on April 13.*

"We know people have that information. Just please call us…there's no doubt in my mind. There are people who know what happened to Holly, and there may be more than one person involved," TBI Agent John Mehr told WREG TV.

Thanks mountainguy for the link. I believe you're correct saying Thia article is way more than anything we've had in a very long time about Holly..

And the ^above^ snipped quote really makes ya go WTH?.. because when reading it, it does imply not only the long forgotten home invasion theory but also implies that this agent is confident that there is more than one person involved in what took place that morning..

Something I definitely need to think on and not sure if I "buy it"

something that may or may not mean something is take a look at the date of the article.. April 15.. 48hrs into the case. And it says this story was "updated" June 15..*
I could be wrong but I'm pretty certain that the ^above^ quoted snip from agent Mehr was from way back on April 15.. And not a recent quote..

This is the type "reporting" I hate.. It is totally and completely misleading IMO!!
This is not directed at anyone in particular, just a gentle reminder again that LE frequently does not make all information acquired during an active investigation public, and that includes reporters. The general public may not have any idea what LEA's are working on Holly's case, or from what angle.

Generally confusion seems to stem from poor reporting, which is everyone scrabbling for that one little bit of info from an official source that gives their paper or news report or whatever an edge.

But frequently there is a lot going on behind the scenes that the general public- including reporters- are unaware of, so instead they speculate and create confusion and frustration.

To the best of my knowledge, WS's is very supportive of LE. Let's try to respect that. Also, WS's is victim friendly. Let's try not to be overly critical of the actions of Holly's family and friends here. I imagine they are suffering horribly right now.
Comment, and critical thinking, about all of the actions and processes of government is crucial to a democracy.
I agree, wfgodot.

However, I have seen many a case torn apart in court and a guilty party walk free because someone leaked information they should not have. LE has a heavy responsibility to walk the very fine line between providing information to the public that may enable us to protect ourselves, and preserving the integrity of a case that they are actively working on.
Wow, I wonder why? I mean a few reasons come to mind, like privacy, are they being bombarded with nosey people? I doubt it's for protection, I doubt a gate across the driveway would have stopped whatever happened. Or is it a statement, like "stay away from us, we don't want to talk to anyone"?

This really stinks (the whole thing, not the gate), this poor girl deserves so much more. :( I still pray for her everyday and hold onto what hope I have no matter what.

I've thought about putting a fence and gate around my rural home for protection purposes but haven't because of how enormous the costs would be to put up one that actually looks nice. Since the Bobos don't know the motive of the criminal and don't know if he could return to strike again, they would have as stong as incentive as anyone to put up such a barrier.

Of course, it probably helps with privacy issues as well. They've probably had tons of cars from media, amateur sleuthers, nosey people, and god only knows who else stop by and look at the place -- maybe even the perp. With each car they don't recognize and some they would recognize, perhaps they wonder each time if that one is the perp. It would really be an annoyance if you think about it and try to mentally place yourself in their shoes.
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