TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden; believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #33

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In light of the latest news in the Mickey Shunick case, do we assume all RSO in TN are accounted for? We know of 2 arrests. Were the others questioned and cleared?
In light of the latest news in the Mickey Shunick case, do we assume all RSO in TN are accounted for? We know of 2 arrests. Were the others questioned and cleared?

Iirc, there were 12 RSO's residing in the area at the time- including a female I believe? A pretty small demographic, so we can hope LE checked them all out.

What concerns me on top of the RSO's, are the un-RSO's; and other persons with criminal histories, unknown to either LE or the community, but who have somehow managed to walk about without being caught before. Or persons who have a criminal history elsewhere- other states, counties, etc. A knowledge of such histories which may not have made it's way to Darden before Holly was abducted. :(
What concerns me on top of the RSO's, are the un-RSO's; and other persons with criminal histories, unknown to either LE or the community, but who have somehow managed to walk about without being caught before. Or persons who have a criminal history elsewhere- other states, counties, etc.(

Excellent point.
Excellent point.

What do you think about creating three different and distinct profiles of the person(s) who abducted Holly?
One based on the 'I-know-this-person'.
One based on the 'I-have-never-seen-this-person-before-in-my-life'.
One based on the 'this-person-is-familiar-to-me-for-some-reason'.

I would really like to know what ya'll think about the different possibilities a profiling of these types of persons might create, especially because they project to different locations of where Holly may be now.

If that makes any sense? TIA for any thoughts.
What do you think about creating three different and distinct profiles of the person(s) who abducted Holly?
One based on the 'I-know-this-person'.
One based on the 'I-have-never-seen-this-person-before-in-my-life'.
One based on the 'this-person-is-familiar-to-me-for-some-reason'.

I would really like to know what ya'll think about the different possibilities a profiling of these types of persons might create, especially because they project to different locations of where Holly may be now.

If that makes any sense? TIA for any thoughts.

I think the most important thing is probably someone who knew her schedule, given that she regularly left home to go to school at about 7:45. You could fit that detail into any of your 3 categories...someone she knows or people at the school (or at somewhere like a convenience store if she often stopped on her way) she just was familiar with in passing or wasn't familiar with at all.
One based on the 'I-know-this-person'.
One based on the 'I-have-never-seen-this-person-before-in-my-life'.
One based on the 'this-person-is-familiar-to-me-for-some-reason'.

I agree with you that it would make a difference. Statistics would suggest that it was probably either an individual known to her or an individual that knew her...even if she wasn't familiar with them. (ie: someone she may have seen on a regular basis but never spoken to or had limited contact with) But you can't rule out a stranger either.

If nothing can be ruled out, then all things have to be considered.
But you can't rule out a stranger either.

If nothing can be ruled out, then all things have to be considered.

I would tend to rule out a total stranger for a variety of reasons.

1) The Bobo house isn't the most visible or easily accessible.
2) Would a total stranger somehow know to park off the logging roads
3) Would a stranger have a plan to get away with Holly never to be seen again?
4) Would a stranger also have been at Holly's school ?(search was done there)
5) Would a stranger have known where people parked, door they used?

After over a year my initial ideas about the crime have not changed - it was someone that "knew" Holly but that she most likely did not know. This was not random. It was planned. Exactly what the entire motive is, I am not sure. Possibly it was just an abduction (usually for a sexual assault, murder) but I am still out on the home invasion part or if there was something more.
I agree with you that it would make a difference. Statistics would suggest that it was probably either an individual known to her or an individual that knew her...even if she wasn't familiar with them. (ie: someone she may have seen on a regular basis but never spoken to or had limited contact with) But you can't rule out a stranger either.

If nothing can be ruled out, then all things have to be considered.

I tend to think a little differently about things. This is all just opinion, based on the facts of the case. I tend to believe that Holly probably had a different schedule nearly every day of the week. We know that at the time she vanished, she was going to classes at the school on Wednesday and Thursday. On other days, she was doing her practical nursing work in medical facilities.

From personal experience, I know that student nurses are often scheduled in at various times to give them exposure to working different shifts. I don't think it would have been unusual for her to leave the house at different times on different days.

That is why I think her abductor had to know her schedule. He had to know that she was coming out at about 7:45 that morning. She actually probably tried to leave about five minutes earlier than usual to get to the test, according to best guesses.

I don't imagine he knew she had a test that morning. If his purpose in going there was to abduct Holly early and flee before anyone noticed, he could not have known that classmates and a teacher would have probably gone and at least called Holly to find out why she was not at the test in a matter of minutes or hours.

I don't think he expected Clint to be there. This leads me to wonder if his initial purpose for coming there was possibly to sexually assault her. Maybe he hid his car and waited in the bushes. Perhaps he was planning to assault her when he drug her into the garage or accosted her in there.

When the little dog in the house was barking, perhaps Clint began telling the dog to "be quiet," and the abductor heard his voice in the house. Now there was a problem. He could not drag her in the house, as someone was there whom he had not counted on being there. He could not assault her in the garage, as the person in the house might come out and discover them. He couldn't leave her, because now she had seen him. The only alternative was to take her with him. I don't even think the abductor realized how many things Holly had with her that would later have to be disposed of. I think he panicked and threatened her or possibly threatened to kill Clint, and Holly complied to try to save the both of them.

I think it is highly likely that this person was a local who had full knowledge of her schedule by virtue of the fact that he had access to her school records and/or her hospital and class hours schedule and knew exactly when she would be leaving the house. Or, he could have been a close enough acquaintance that he knew Holly's personal schedule. As someone else pointed out, he had to know she'd be alone, be driving her own car (as opposed to catching a ride with her parents or a friend), coming out the back door as opposed to the front, etc.

The only other possibility I see is a random stranger abduction, in which case Holly just happened to be in the wrong place at exactly the right time for the perpetrator of this incredibly sad crime.

I think there could be merit to this theory from the standpoint that the camo man did not just immediately grab her and drag her into the woods. Remember Clint observed them having some type of conversation in the garage between Holly and her assailant. If someone were in a hurry to grab Holly and get her out of sight before anyone noticed, why would they stick around and have a conversation?

JMHO, as always
We must consider the neighbor and why he didn't assist the person who screamed. He heard it, told his mother and went to work. Really? Why would a grown man not run to where a female was screaming to help her?
We must consider the neighbor and why he didn't assist the person who screamed. He heard it, told his mother and went to work. Really? Why would a grown man not run to where a female was screaming to help her?

You always raise interesting questions Whisperer despite being from SF:). That has bothered me also and I don't think there has been much focus put on the neighbor. I can't remember how far away he lived, but I don't understand how someone wouldn't at least drive over to check it out immediately. JMO as always.
You always raise interesting questions Whisperer despite being from SF:). That has bothered me also and I don't think there has been much focus put on the neighbor. I can't remember how far away he lived, but I don't understand how someone wouldn't at least drive over to check it out immediately. JMO as always.

My thoughts are that maybe he thought it was some kind of horseplay between kids over at the Bobo place. They do have a pool, and though it was probably too early to be swimming in mid-April in TN, the neighbor might not have known that and just thought some crazy, silly kids were whooping it up. Or, if he did take the screams seriously, maybe he just did not want to be involved, or maybe he had to get to work, and if he stopped to look into that, he'd be late and in trouble. I can think of several viable reasons why he might not have come himself to check. None of them may be right, but we won't know til they release more info. JMHO as always.
I think it is highly likely that this person was a local who had full knowledge of her schedule by virtue of the fact that he had access to her school records and/or her hospital and class hours schedule and knew exactly when she would be leaving the house. Or, he could have been a close enough acquaintance that he knew Holly's personal schedule. As someone else pointed out, he had to know she'd be alone, be driving her own car (as opposed to catching a ride with her parents or a friend), coming out the back door as opposed to the front, etc.

I think there could be merit to this theory from the standpoint that the camo man did not just immediately grab her and drag her into the woods. Remember Clint observed them having some type of conversation in the garage between Holly and her assailant. If someone were in a hurry to grab Holly and get her out of sight before anyone noticed, why would they stick around and have a conversation?

JMHO, as always

Your humble opinion is a good one. My gut tells me that yes, it was someone who was at least familiar with her routines. Or at least her normal routines.

You do raise an interesting question in your last paragraph too. That is a little strange, but if it was someone who she knew or recognized, that "might" explain it?
In looking at the map, there are only two houses in the area from what I can see. The Bobo house and the Wise property are about 390 yds apart (about 1/4 mile). I believe the son of Ms Wise is about 30 yrs. old. He heard the scream and told his mother and went to work? Between him and Clint, both of their behaviors befuddle me.

I will assume that the neighbors knew each other. I have been told (too many times) how very close these neighbors are to each other (tight-knit) out there. His actions don't tell me that. They are quite the opposite for the very rural community of loving neighbors and all.

There is no good reason why a young man would not go over and assist a young girl screaming @ 7:30am. I refuse to buy his work was more important than a young girl in distress. Has this guy been checked out? Because I have a few questions for him..
You always raise interesting questions Whisperer despite being from SF:). That has bothered me also and I don't think there has been much focus put on the neighbor. I can't remember how far away he lived, but I don't understand how someone wouldn't at least drive over to check it out immediately. JMO as always. too. Sure would like to see a pic of him.
There are two people on the radar...well more...but to stay in the guidelines and not discuss it, I will say that the guy Nichol and this neighbor, ?, needs to be cleared.

Of course I don't expect LE to clear anyone or say anything. I gave up on that a year ago.
In looking at the map, there are only two houses in the area from what I can see. The Bobo house and the Wise property are about 390 yds apart (about 1/4 mile). I believe the son of Ms Wise is about 30 yrs. old. He heard the scream and told his mother and went to work? Between him and Clint, both of their behaviors befuddle me.

I will assume that the neighbors knew each other. I have been told (too many times) how very close these neighbors are to each other (tight-knit) out there. His actions don't tell me that. They are quite the opposite for the very rural community of loving neighbors and all.

There is no good reason why a young man would not go over and assist a young girl screaming @ 7:30am. I refuse to buy his work was more important than a young girl in distress. Has this guy been checked out? Because I have a few questions for him..

I had read from someone who claims to be a local that there may have been some tension between the two neighbors. I want to say over target shooting or something like that. It must have been quite a scream or screams for the neighbor to call Karen at school.
In looking at the map, there are only two houses in the area from what I can see. The Bobo house and the Wise property are about 390 yds apart (about 1/4 mile). I believe the son of Ms Wise is about 30 yrs. old. He heard the scream and told his mother and went to work? Between him and Clint, both of their behaviors befuddle me.

I will assume that the neighbors knew each other. I have been told (too many times) how very close these neighbors are to each other (tight-knit) out there. His actions don't tell me that. They are quite the opposite for the very rural community of loving neighbors and all.

There is no good reason why a young man would not go over and assist a young girl screaming @ 7:30am. I refuse to buy his work was more important than a young girl in distress. Has this guy been checked out? Because I have a few questions for him..

Have we heard any details of the scream(s) in question?? I mean, was it a long drawn out loud scream, a sharp fast scream? Just a loud vocalization? Multiple screams?

Because I am guessing by the neighbors reaction, it probably was a really quick scream or loud shout. I hear those often in the neighborhood ( a very safe one) and I assume it is someone yelling "Hey!!" to get their dog into the house, kids horsing around, etc. That is the only type of scream I can imagine would cause him to say something to his mother and then continue on his way.
According to Karen, initially Clint didn’t realize what was going on. Because of Clint’s lack of awareness, maybe Karen (or someone on her behalf) called Holly’s school to find out if she arrived and that is how the teacher and Holly’s classmate knew something was wrong.

I am a fan of the perp being organized enough to wound her immediately to get her to cooperate, to disguise himself in cammo so he looked like a hunter and to have stashed her someplace that is not easily found. I dont know that I think it was a crime of opportunity like snatching someone off of the street. I also think he had an idea of her schedule.

I would love to understand further the neighbor's son reaction to whatever scream he heard.

I guess we would also need to decide how long we think he took to set this up-was he casing her for a while and in the woods planning his escape routes? Or is it someone who happens to know the area well? Or just someone who has some kind of mapping program....I lean to him being a serial predator and isnt the conventional wisdom that his earliest victim is close to home and his later victims radiate out? I dont think she is his first, so I am a fan of him being far afield...

Just my thoughts.
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