TN - Joann, 31, & Adrienne Bain, 14, Whiteville, 27 April 2012 - #1

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The Union County Sheriff confirmed that the bodies were found behind the home of Adam Mayes' parents in Guntown, MS. He would not release further details, but did say the bodies were found in a shallow grave

Has LE mentioned anything about interviewing his parents regarding the bodies found behind their home? I know that there were newspaper interviews with his neighbors. Has anyone, LE or MSM, mentioned interviews with any of his family members?

Not that I have seen or read. Haven't seen any quotes by neighbours or friends mentioning whether AM's parents have been seen around recently either.
My last question for now....where did the police find him at to question him the first time? Tennessee? Mississippi? I am assuming Miss. since he supposedly was seen there on Tuesday but who knows...that could be wrong also..........grrrrrrrrr!
Here is something I just noticed in an article from this morning:

Quote from article talking about the home where bodies were found:
:"We started Friday morning conducting search warrants when we found out that this person was in our county from Hardeman, TN. He lived here, his family lived here, and of course we ended up recovering two bodies," said Edwards.

He used past tense- 'his family lived here". Maybe a clue that the bodies were some of AM's family? His parents? Or am I reading too much into it?
I think there's also a chance that AM made up some ploy to ride along with JB and the girls to drop them off at school. So they left willingly with him but only planning a very short trip.

It just doesn't make sense to me that a mother who sounds as committed to the health and welfare of her children as Joann did, what with moving to ease her daughters' asthma, would just jump ship like that and leave with minimal preparation.

At the very least, leaving like that would be confusing and upsetting to her children.

That's my interpretation of the most likely scenario, too.

In addition to Jo Ann's commitment to her daughters' well-being, the collection of pictures seem to demonstrate a joy in marking milestones for the girls - i.e. first day of school shots. They appear well cared for and well loved. It's hard to imagine a mom managing to care for her three girls without once having used her credit cards since she went missing. If it was voluntary, I'd expect that JB would have used her cards to purchase things the girls needed.

I'd also expect that the girls would have had some communication with their family/friends via cell phone, texts, etc. that Friday if they thought it was just a normal day, and they went off for a ride with Mom and AM. We don't know that they didn't, but nothing has been reported to say that the girls had any contact with anyone after going missing. It has been reported that JB hasn't used her cell phone at all.

Have to wonder at what point in the timeline JB &/or the girls became unwilling, and what was the impetus?
I am beginning now to think the dead bodies are members of AM's family.
It's possible they didn't know he was in the car? I believe she owned a Durango, perhaps he was in the back waiting? There has been discussion about him selling his vehicles, maybe he just said he had and he had a car stashed somewhere near the location her vehicle was found? Which brings up another question, if AM had recently sold his means of transportation, how did he get to the Bain house? Maybe he took one of his parents vehicles?
Lots of outstanding questions:

  1. Where was the family while AM was being interviewed by LE
  2. what misleading info did AM give to police that resulted in the first warrant being issued for him May 1
  3. where are AM's parents?
  4. Was there an incident or difficulties in the marriage between Gary and Jo Ann that caused Gary to initially think that she might have left voluntarily?
  5. did any of the girls have cell phones? And if so, have they been used since Friday, April 27th?
  6. WAs the school informed that the girls would be away that day?
  7. Did AM have a cell phone, and if so, how was it used between April 27th and May 1st when he fled?
  8. How long before the autopsy results are in that the bodies are IDed?
  9. Is there any benefit to the investigation if LE holds off on releasing the IDs as long as possible?
  10. What are the pros & cons for investigators to consider before releasing the IDs?
  11. At least one report specificed that the girls were with AM in Mississippi (IIRC, on Friday 27th). How was this determined? Were they seen together, if so, by whom?
  12. Did AM's parents have vehicles at the home? If so, are those vehicles still there?
Perhaps AM killed his parents to spare them from what he was about to do. Typical warped sociopathic mentality. 'This will kill them, so I'll save them the angst and do it first."
I think AM left the Bain house with at least two people and drove to his place 80 miles away. Then he killed both of them. At that point, he either returned to the Bain house to retrieve the remaining girls or already had them with him. My guess is that he locked up or restrained anyone who had not been killed. Then he drove back to the Bain house with a story ready for the police. He then returned to the home in Mississippi and fled when the police contacted him again. There is absolutely no telling which way he headed, and I have not read anything regarding the vehicle he is driving. I'm assuming that his parents did not live in the Mississippi home and that they only owned it and were renting it to him. Feel free to punch holes in this theory.
It is interesting to me that LE has not had GB plea for their safe return. GB is/was seemingly very close to AM/Paco. It would appear, to me, to be a very effective way to try to ensure their safe return.
??? I wonder if AM used a ruse to get JB and girls to his vehicle like saying he ran out of gas on Chapleau Rd. Maybe he asked to be dropped off at car on way to school with girls. Mayhem then began when they arrived at his car. ????
I lean a bit differently if AM did indeed kill his parents. I'm more cynical and think if he did, then it wasn't to spare them, but to remove them as an obstacle in the way of getting his own way.

Perhaps they tried to intercede to protect the girls? Perhaps they recognized that AM was involved in the disappearance and challenged him, maybe even threatening to go to authorities?

Based on what little we know so far, I'm not anticipating that we'll learn AM was motivated by 'sparing' any one pain or fear. So far, he's put a whole lot of people through a whole lot of worry. Unfortunately, it is most likely that those girls are the ones who are highest on the list of those in fear. He hasn't spared their feelings, else they would have been allowed to communicate with someone - anyone - by now.
I think AM used some type of concocted story to lure JB and her girls away from the house and it all went bad when they realized something was wrong. The question I have is where are the Bain girls and JB and who are the two bodies they have located? All JMHO
Muckrucker, with respect...if he has killed the family or is anticipating killing the family, you're dealing with someone unstable. While the case eludes me, there was a situation here in Florida where a man killed his wife, but first killed his parents so they didn't see his shame. It's not so much sparing their feelings, but sparing them from seeing his fall. See, it's still about the sociopath--"My arrest and conviction will damage their view of me as the perfect son" etc, etc.
If he killed his parents i think they may have tried to stop him!
He eliminates what gets in his way.
Thanks MomofBoys. I always appreciate hearing alternate perspectives, especially with examples to consider as you've given.

I have been mulling over differing possibilities for a psychological overlay playing a part in this, including various mood or personality disorders. I'm not discounting your perspective at all, you've shared a valid theory.

I'm just a tad more cynical and am leaning towards AM's selfishness being more of a driver than his altruism. ;) Whether that selfishness is innate, or part of a psych diagnosis, we don't know.

I think either of our theories are plausible. Which is part of the benefits of brainstorming. Idea exchanges.
Picture of SWAT gearing up at the staging area for the manhunt. Note the K9 SUVs in the background, which is encouraging. Wonder if they are using both tracking and cadaver dogs?


From:,0,5876466.story which has no new information, but the picture is compelling.

ETA: I see Bee beat me to linking to the pictures. ;)

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