TN - Joann, 31, & Adrienne Bain, 14, Whiteville, 27 April 2012 - #5

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You know I hope a judge can get all of this in place and quick,ITA.

That's exactly what I hope will happen!

I don't know that I think anyone is trying to make a lot of money off this tragedy, it's just that I think there should be a third party to safe guard the girl's interests. In hard times people may not make the best decisions. Not out of malice, but just inexperience or for emotional reasons.
Reportedly MJ gave up his parental rights more than a year ago possibly for financial reasons. I presume once you give up your parental rights you don't have to pay child support? I am not a lawyer but seems if it was all done legally he is not likely at all to get custody (even if he does have DNA tests on both of the children?)

Yes. The only benifit I can think for MJ was getting out of child support.
I'm thinking this ordeal stirred up some feelings MJ had for his girls and is acting out of need to fullfill his wants. This is not going to benefit his daughter. Actually it will delay her ability to heal if there is a custody battle. Very selfish.
Isn't the little girl 12? Hopefully she is old enough to have a say in who she lives with.
I'm still not clear on whether we are allowed to make references to FB comments.. so I apologize in advance if this is an inappropriate. The FB page I'm referencing is a public page. (News Channel 3 Official Fan Page) ..out of Memphis.

MJ commented on a public post from Chanel 3's FB page. He stated he would like to come to a agreement with GB where both girls can have love and support from all family members.

He states that he is not trying to harm GB, saying that they considered each other close friends, and would like both families to be close in the future.

My company is a local organization based in Memphis and we are "friends" with MJ on FB, although I do not know him personally. He and his friends say that he stayed in contact with the girls, although he hasn't spoken to AB since her rescue. (As of yesterday.) He does have recent pictures of himself with his two older daughters on FB to support this. These pics are not "public" and some are "tagged."

In one post that MJ commented on, TB (GB's oldest daughter) also commented. She says that the Bain family is not preventing her sister from seeing anyone (I assume she is referring to her step-sister, Alex) and that her sister speaks for herself.

IMO, I am hesitant to make speculation or judgement on any side. We are obviously on the outside looking in and know very little about the dynamics of the family and this horrific situation. IMO, I believe these little girls have so much support -- friends, family, LE, social workers, counselors, community & etc. -- and will come out on top. They are deeply loved by so many.

I agree! Thanks for posting this, raineday! :tyou:
Some posts respectfully SBM
My husband had a child at seventeen, and gave up parental rights to the grandparents. It was devastating for him, but it's what was best for his child. Years later when he was older and financially stable he considered trying to regain custody, but decided against it because, again, it wouldn't have been fair to his son to move him away from his "home". The child should always come first. However, they have always been extremely close, even now that the child is a grown man. They talk daily and even a brief view of facebook would confirm that.
It really bothers me that people might give money to help the girls, but that money might end up somewhere else.
Separating them would be a terrible thing to do at this point.
I applaud your husband for doing the right thing by his child! Lots of parents do not and the child suffers. If he had tried this and failed I really think it could have hurt the relationship he has with his child now. This is the way I believe true love really is. Unselfish, unkind, always putting your wants and needs aside for the best of all. Hugs to your husband!
I also agree about the financial thing. I wish it was illegal to even have an account set up if you are not the parents (and he no longer is), or some charity overseeing for the child.
I also agree it would be horrible to separate the children. They've been through enough!

CPS allegations which are unverified mean nothing, but even MSNBC stress that AM and KB were "naked". (So, so sensational, cant be left out for lack of reliabilitly.)
I would really like to slap the snot out of whomever started putting this out to the public. KB deserves some privacy with regards to this situation. I'm pretty sure her parents were alerted on it and spoke to her about it. Sensationalism sells, but to me it sucks! It was unfounded so it should have never been brought out. I've seen a lot of custody and family fighting and the lies that get called into DFS is unreal. Now, trust me, I'm not saying I think DFS is perfect. I think they are far from it, but also overworked and unappreciated at times, even by me.

I'd like to address the "adoption for financial reasons" thing...

My ex-husband had 3 kids from a previous marriage. He paid child support, but there was a period when he was unemployed and didn't pay the full amount. He didn't go back to court and get the support amount changed, though -- because he kept thinking he'd get a job anytime now. After 11 months out of work, he owed about $7,000. Once he got a job, he made a deal with their mom to pay the full child support plus pay $50 a month toward the $7k. However, the state of CA (where I lived at the time) was not aware of the $50 a month deal, and one day they took every penny out our checking account (including my money and the child support I'd received from my ex for our daughter!). All our checks started bouncing, and we had hundreds of dollars in fees. We went to the local child support office and explained the situation. They said the state requires you to pay a certain percentage of your arrears every month, regardless of the deal he had with his ex. (Maybe 10% or something, I don't remember.) But then they did put the money back in our account. We were stuck paying all the fees still, because they wouldn't say it was their fault. For every dollar in back child support the state can say they collected, they get Federal funds. So they are very aggressive in pursuing back child support. It is no longer a family matter, it is a government matter. (And usually for good reason.)

Before we judge MJ, I think we should consider that he campaigned a lot to help find the girls, begging everyone on Facebook to put up posters, and put the pics on their FB profile, etc. I didn't see ANY of that from GB... just food for thought.
I don't need an answer but did your husband ever think of signing over his rights to get out of paying child support?
Did he go popping out three other kids, and not have any parental relationship with his other children?
Sounds like your husband just planned on working out a way to pay what he was ordered.
With MJ and his girlfriend having three kids without being married it makes me think the state might have been the one paying for their births, and possibly still some of their care.
To let you know why I feel so strongly against this, this is happening with someone in my own family. My family member got with another person and made a break with his kids, yet is so sad if he can't have his freaking pet. I'm beyond ticked and yes, MJ is probably feeling some of my wrath for it. I'm beside myself with pain in my heart. If you give your children away for someone else to carry all that goes with it, then leave them alone!

According to him, Joann's was his ex wife. He initially said that his "ex wife and HER 3 daughters" were missing.

There are NO pictures of A and A in the last 2 years that he took. NONE after the "adoption" with the timeline we have.

Then the ones not including A and A. "J family 2012" with only the 3 youngest girls.
"My 4 girls" with a picture of his fiance and the 3 little girls. That one made me cringe.
Signing over your rights or not, they are still your kids. Why not "4 of my girls" or "my girls, except for A and A."

I'm wondering if they went and had that professional one done once he decided to sign over his rights?

I thought he signed over his rights when he was young and couldn't support the girls. Hence his comment about making mistakes.
But, he already had 2 or 3 more girls by then... so he wasn't a teen Dad... he was in his late 20's.

That first sentence kind of speaks volumes about his ability to just move on with his life. I say if he's moved on then stay moving on! No child deserves this back and forth BS! :banghead:
I thought the same thing about the professional photo.
I will say that even though I read that he gave up his parental rights, and that is what he did by allowing the adoption, that before then he didn't probably stay up on his child support, or cherish being a dad to his two daughters. No one forced him to do this!!

It seems to me that both GB and MJ have made mistakes in regards to the children... MJ for signing away his parental rights, and GB for letting them be around AM in spite of red flags.

Before we go off saying either one of them is trying to profit off this because they have an account for donations, can we TRY not to assume the worst about these two men? Trying to profit off the death of their child?! Really? Maybe friends or family set up these accounts FOR them. I wouldn't go assuming such nasty things about either of these men.

True, MJ wasn't friends with the girls on Facebook. Maybe he wasn't a very involved biodad. Maybe he was even a deadbeat dad, I don't know. But to assume he is trying to profit off his daughter's death seems harsh.
I believe that one of the best things MJ did was give his parental rights up to GB. If he couldn't step up and be a dad then allow someone that could. The mistake he is making, imo, is causing more turmoil in AB's life. Her last name is Bain and not Johnson, she doesn't belong to him anymore.
If someone else set this account up for MJ to profit from then shame on them. MJ could stop it at any time, I'm assuming. All he has to do if it's one of his friends doing it is say stop.

The girls are now witnesses and because of that they will be protected. They will have counselors, social workers, LE, lawyers and advocates heavily involved with their lives for quite some time depending on how long this takes to go to trial.

This is a different situation but a perspective from the witness' viewpoint.
Our family was completely broken. Because of the upcoming trial, though, no one was allowed to discuss it: we were told the jury might reject my allegations if the defence could say I had been influenced by other people.
It took 18 months for the case to come to trial. There was a whole year of delays. Instead of being able to start the healing process from four days after telling people what had happened, I had to live in limbo.

IMO the girls will need all of their family especially after the trial when the professionals will all be gone. I hope they can all come to terms and blend for the girls.
It is a sad mother's day for the Bain family, my prayers go out to the children. I hope all mother's here have had a good day. This case I believe is just getting sadder by the minute. I just hope these people around the girls don't stress them even further.
I believe that one of the best things MJ did was give his parental rights up to GB. If he couldn't step up and be a dad then allow someone that could. The mistake he is making, imo, is causing more turmoil in AB's life. Her last name is Bain and not Johnson, she doesn't belong to him anymore.

I don't know... I think that MJ's mistake was (apparently) not putting in the work to be involved in a meaningful way, and then giving up his rights. I think it does hurt kids for bioparents to give up their rights, unless it is adoption at birth to another couple. (That's why when I thought he let GB adopt when the girls were 1 and 3 or younger, I didn't necessarily see that as a bad thing.) But I think it registers as rejection if it is done later in the kids' lives. I don't see it as a good thing if it was only a year ago. But there may have been pressures and financial issues, I don't know... trying not to judge too much without all the info.

Sometimes kids are mad at their bioparent for not being more involved, or for having more kids that get to see them every day etc. That might be why they weren't friends on FB or didn't mention their biodad. But the cure is not to sign them over to someone else... the cure is to be patient and loving, pay support, and send cards, etc. Just be a safe place for them to turn when and if they need you. So that is why I say it was a mistake to give up rights. JMO
I don't know... I think that MJ's mistake was (apparently) not putting in the work to be involved in a meaningful way, and then giving up his rights. I think it does hurt kids for bioparents to give up their rights, unless it is adoption at birth to another couple. (That's why when I thought he let GB adopt when the girls were 1 and 3 or younger, I didn't necessarily see that as a bad thing.) But I think it registers as rejection if it is done later in the kids' lives. I don't see it as a good thing if it was only a year ago. But there may have been pressures and financial issues, I don't know... trying not to judge too much without all the info.

Sometimes kids are mad at their bioparent for not being more involved, or for having more kids that get to see them every day etc. That might be why they weren't friends on FB or didn't mention their biodad. But the cure is not to sign them over to someone else... the cure is to be patient and loving, pay support, and send cards, etc. Just be a safe place for them to turn when and if they need you. So that is why I say it was a mistake to give up rights. JMO
I agree that it does register as rejection when it occurs later on, but it could also be a blessing in the eyes of AB and AB if he wasn't a good dad to them. That's not saying he can't be to his other three daughters. Hopefully he's learned their priceless and irreplaceable along the way. Seriously, some parents, both moms and dads, aren't that great of parents after they split. They hold resentment and hate sometimes and that spills over on the kids many times.
Whatever the outcome I pray it's the right thing for AB, KB, and GB, without any regard to MJ. The B's never gave up anyone. I know that sounds pretty harsh but I truly mean it. I'm tired of people being so much less than they should be and I'm tired of being disappointed.

This article says that TM said murder was part of the plan. So there is something concrete....I guess. I'm not sure how much of what TM says I trust.....but I do think if she says it was planned it probably was. You were right!

Info is 3rd paragraph from bottom.

I think there must be some confusion. Possibly in poor wording by the writer of the article.

MFM has only been charged with conspiracy to commit especially aggravated kidnapping X 4. If the plan had included murdering JB and AB, then MFM would be charged with conspiracy to commit murder in the first degree X 2.

I suspect that the writer of the article meant to say that "in carrying out the plan to kidnap the two younger girls, AM killed JB while TM watched." Not that the murder was part of the plan but that the plan was what they were doing when AM killed JB.

Heh. I'm not sure I'm being any clearer than the writer of that article.
I'm still not clear on whether we are allowed to make references to FB comments.. so I apologize in advance if this is an inappropriate. The FB page I'm referencing is a public page. (News Channel 3 Official Fan Page) ..out of Memphis.

MJ commented on a public post from Chanel 3's FB page. He stated he would like to come to a agreement with GB where both girls can have love and support from all family members.

He states that he is not trying to harm GB, saying that they considered each other close friends, and would like both families to be close in the future.

My company is a local organization based in Memphis and we are "friends" with MJ on FB, although I do not know him personally. He and his friends say that he stayed in contact with the girls, although he hasn't spoken to AB since her rescue. (As of yesterday.) He does have recent pictures of himself with his two older daughters on FB to support this. These pics are not "public" and some are "tagged."

In one post that MJ commented on, TB (GB's oldest daughter) also commented. She says that the Bain family is not preventing her sister from seeing anyone (I assume she is referring to her step-sister, Alex) and that her sister speaks for herself.

IMO, I am hesitant to make speculation or judgement on any side. We are obviously on the outside looking in and know very little about the dynamics of the family and this horrific situation. IMO, I believe these little girls have so much support -- friends, family, LE, social workers, counselors, community & etc. -- and will come out on top. They are deeply loved by so many.

I couldn't find it, they must have taken their comments off.
You do understand that Casey Anthony's friends all thought she was a wonderful mother? They can get you to believe anything about them. They will be anything and everything you want them to be... in order to get what they want. GB is just as much a victim of AM, TM, MM, and anyone else involved in what happened with his daughters.

This guy, MJ, can give up his own children to raise someone else's children? I'm sure that made his daughter's feel very loved! They were raised by GB! Not MJ! Elizabeth Smart's parents hired a guy who ended up kidnapping their child. Should they lose custody for putting their children in danger? No! Because sometimes, it happens. You allow people into your life, so dangerous, because you don't know or could never even imagine them being dangerous.

It's a scary world. But what MJ is doing is 150% wrong!


I've never met a parent who never made a mistake that, if they hadn't been lucky, could have turned into a tragedy. Most of the time, a mistake is made and nothing happens.

For instance, the parent falls asleep during naptime, the toddler wakes up and plays quietly in the living room until the parent wakes up.

Sadly, quite rarely, a tragedy does happen. The parent falls asleep, the toddler wakes up and drowns in the toilet (probably trying to reach the reflection).

That doesn't mean the parent was negligent. Parents are human, mistakes happen. It's just that, so often, nothing bad happens after the mistake. When something tragic does happen, that doesn't mean the parent was bad, it means they were unlucky.
JMO, but I think there are huge assumptions being made about the use of FB. Some people put their whole lives on FB, others just some of it, others not at all. And everything in between. And then there are the privacy settings which are supposed to control who sees what.

I don't think that we can fault/judge anyone for their use/non-use of FB.

Similarly, photos...some people take lots of photos of their life...some don't.

I'm more than a bit uncomfortable with the seeming notion that if it's not on FB (or anywhere else online), it never happened. KWIM?

I try so hard to give people the benefit of the doubt. If this account was set up by someone and he knows nothing about it -- he needs to come forward and say so. ASAP. There is no reason whatsoever that an account should be set up to raise money for him.

Any money donated should be put into trust accounts (monitored by the courts, imo) and used to help them with the years and years of care they are going to need. Any money left, when they are adults, should continue their care and College education. Money should not even touch the hands of MJ or GB, IMO.


Putting strict stipulations in place can backfire badly.

I've posted before about the plight of Shasta Groene. After everything she went through, she started living with her father. She had close to $100K in a trust fund that had strict stipulations that it was only to be used for her ongoing therapy and college education; if there was anything left over, it would be given to her on her 25th birthday.

All well and good.

But then Steve Groene contracted cancer, he didn't have health insurance, his medical bills ate up his income and he wasn't allowed to touch Shasta's trust fund.

That resulted in them being homeless for a period of time. When they did find a home they could afford, it backed right up on the interstate, the same interstate Joseph Duncan spotted the Groene children from. Living there was hugely triggering for Shasta.

It wasn't until a local reporter did a followup story that the community learned just how precarious Steve's financial situation was.

No child should be homeless in this country. None. But to think of Shasta being homeless after all she went through just really ripped at my heart.

Fortunately, the community rallied for them. A lovely home was built that was not within earshot of the interstate. Funds were raised to help Steve out with his medical bills.

When trust funds are set up, I think it's important to remember that life is what happens while one is busy making other plans.
JMO, but I think there are huge assumptions being made about the use of FB. Some people put their whole lives on FB, others just some of it, others not at all. And everything in between. And then there are the privacy settings which are supposed to control who sees what.

I don't think that we can fault/judge anyone for their use/non-use of FB.

Similarly, photos...some people take lots of photos of their life...some don't.

I'm more than a bit uncomfortable with the seeming notion that if it's not on FB (or anywhere else online), it never happened. KWIM?


Yes, I do know what you mean.

I'm actually stunned that this is playing out on FB as much as it is. Stunned and amazed. :what:
As far as donations, public opinion or using fb for that whatever purpose, will never mean a thing when the court is involved. It will be up to the judge, who will listen to counselors opinions and they'll be a long road of legal issues, lawyers, CPS, etc, from what it seems. At the age of 12, a child can state their preference, and it will be weighed in with all the other factors.
Putting strict stipulations in place can backfire badly.

I've posted before about the plight of Shasta Groene. After everything she went through, she started living with her father. She had close to $100K in a trust fund that had strict stipulations that it was only to be used for her ongoing therapy and college education; if there was anything left over, it would be given to her on her 25th birthday.

All well and good.

But then Steve Groene contracted cancer, he didn't have health insurance, his medical bills ate up his income and he wasn't allowed to touch Shasta's trust fund.

That resulted in them being homeless for a period of time. When they did find a home they could afford, it backed right up on the interstate, the same interstate Joseph Duncan spotted the Groene children from. Living there was hugely triggering for Shasta.

It wasn't until a local reporter did a followup story that the community learned just how precarious Steve's financial situation was.

No child should be homeless in this country. None. But to think of Shasta being homeless after all she went through just really ripped at my heart.

Fortunately, the community rallied for them. A lovely home was built that was not within earshot of the interstate. Funds were raised to help Steve out with his medical bills.

When trust funds are set up, I think it's important to remember that life is what happens while one is busy making other plans.

I read this when you posted it previously. It had a big impact on me and I've been thinking about it quite a bit.
I couldn't find it, they must have taken their comments off.

I just had a hard time tracking the posts down as well, without first going to MJ's page first. (Facebook is tricky for me, now that the timeline has come along!)

Here are the links. (Both from the public media page.)
MJ's comment is currently 10th or 11th from the bottom.
MJ's is one of the last comments on this post (he says the same thing as he did on the other post) and TB's is about 20 comments above his.
I just had a hard time tracking the posts down as well, without first going to MJ's page first. (Facebook is tricky for me, now that the timeline has come along!)

Here are the links. (Both from the public media page.)
MJ's comment is currently 10th or 11th from the bottom.
MJ's is one of the last comments on this post (he says the same thing as he did on the other post) and TB's is about 20 comments above his.

I feel sick. wreg3 should never have posted that, IMO, and they should remove it. What is wrong with people?! (rhetorical)

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