TN - Joann, 31, & Adrienne Bain, 14, Whiteville, 27 April 2012 - #5

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Saw this on the located forum. A man staying with the childs mother abducted the 2 yr old. He claimed to be the childs father. Mom said no he is not. Seems strange this excuse is used for kidnapping again. Makes me think it really is a cover up for an unatural interest.
Missing on Sunday, from a hotel room where MOM left her with a man, and MOM does not report her missing until Thursday? That little girl is blessed by God to even be alive. Why is mom not charged for not reporting? Going back to my corner now and sit on my hands.
I just had a hard time tracking the posts down as well, without first going to MJ's page first. (Facebook is tricky for me, now that the timeline has come along!)

Here are the links. (Both from the public media page.)
MJ's comment is currently 10th or 11th from the bottom.
MJ's is one of the last comments on this post (he says the same thing as he did on the other post) and TB's is about 20 comments above his.

Wow, this is really sad. After all they have been through.:argue:
The issue here is that the biological father is concerned that if Gary takes them out of state he will MOVE out of state.
Before the abductions they were preparing to do what?
Move out of the state.

Has he called Gary and said "Hey, I just want you to know that if Alex wants to spend time with us, or needs us we are here."

Or, maybe Gary doesn't feel like talking.
Has it occurred to him that maybe AFTER the funeral of the wife and oldest daughter might be a better time to do that?

I think the court is going to refuse him... and he would have been better off to work with Gary...
Nobody can say right now that Gary isn't willing, he hasn't even buried his wife and other daughter yet!

I certainly hope, once again... that ALEX gets to choose who she talks to, where she goes and who she lives with.

When they were finally rescued, after a nearly two-week ordeal during which they were kidnapped by the man who allegedly murdered their mother and older sister, 12-year-old Alexandra Bain turned to her 8-year-old sister Kyliyah and said softly, "Now we can go home."
I just had a hard time tracking the posts down as well, without first going to MJ's page first. (Facebook is tricky for me, now that the timeline has come along!)

Here are the links. (Both from the public media page.)
MJ's comment is currently 10th or 11th from the bottom.
MJ's is one of the last comments on this post (he says the same thing as he did on the other post) and TB's is about 20 comments above his.

Oh, I see, so he's saying he doesn't want her taken out of TN, because she needs all her family. I totally agree with that, because honestly they need all the love and support they can get. It's a hard situation for all the family on both sides, only adding to the sadness of everything that's just happened. I'm sure they'll put both girls first, they're all running on high emotions right now. I think right now all they probably want is to be with their Dad and together in a safe place, they have so much healing to do.
Personally, I'm not going to make a judgement about whether MJ should have some sort of custody or not. I don't know why he signed away his rights but I do know that some parents do it with the best of intentions. After losing one child and I can completely understand the desire to want to build up a relationship with the remaining daughter. Sometimes things happen that we don't even think about when we do things. They are in a completely different world than the one they were in when he signed away his rights. I think if him and his daughter are in a good place then it would be the best thing for everyone if GB allowed him visitations. I would hope that both the adults in this situation would keep it out of court, and make it as easy as possible.
A lot of the comments on the WREG site (from people who know MJ) are saying that MJ, JB, and GB did have an agreement where even after MJ signed his rights over he still got visitation with the girls. Hopefully they will come to an arrangement where MJ can still see Alexandria (assuming she wants to). I don't think MJ should get custody unless Alexandria requests it.

Also, MJ and GB should probably get some kind of counseling or mediation together, to make sure they are in agreement about how to keep the girls safe. No more ignoring red flags!

It makes me mad that some people commenting on the WREG site are outright accusing MJ of trying to cash in on his daughter by getting custody and selling her story. There is NO indication that is his motive! This guy just lost one daughter... can people at least understand why he might want to cling to the other daughter right now?
Personally, I'm not going to make a judgement about whether MJ should have some sort of custody or not. I don't know why he signed away his rights but I do know that some parents do it with the best of intentions. After losing one child and I can completely understand the desire to want to build up a relationship with the remaining daughter. Sometimes things happen that we don't even think about when we do things. They are in a completely different world than the one they were in when he signed away his rights. I think if him and his daughter are in a good place then it would be the best thing for everyone if GB allowed him visitations. I would hope that both the adults in this situation would keep it out of court, and make it as easy as possible.

MJ's problem is that he did something that the court would have made absolutely crystal clear was irrevocable: relinquish his parental rights. That is MJ's problem and he is using extremely poor judgment in making it his daughter's problem as well. That child needs stability in her life, not more questions about where she is going to be living.

I am not familiar with Tennessee law and I'm not a lawyer. I don't think I've ever heard of a state where someone who relinquished their parental rights voluntarily could come back and say "oops, I wish I hadn't done it. I know what, let's have a DO OVER!"

MJ was apparently fine with it when the Bains were planning to move back to Arizona at the end of the school year.

The Bains weren't moving for frivolous reasons; two of the three girls had/have asthma, which is eased by the drier climate of Arizona. The family has ties to Arizona because they lived there for quite a long time.

I'm hoping that when MJ finds a lawyer, that lawyer tells him that there's a snowflake's chance on a red hot griddle that the courts will even hear the case.
Just some input on a father signing away custody to another man. My 2 younger half sisters were adopted by their stepfather after their mom and my father divorced. The stepfather wanted to provide for them and had the means to do so. He loved them dearly and was very involved in their lives.

Even though my dad signed his rights over to step dad, my sisters still came and visited every other weekend. I would go pick them up and we would have so much fun together. My dad loved them and did not love them any less by signing them over to the stepdad. It was simply the best choice for providing for them. Stepdad wanted them to have everything he could provide including inheritance and medical insurance, etc. It was all very amicable.

So it is hard to tell the bio dads motivation for doing this. Perhaps the girls' asthma was a serious and costly condition and the insurance that biodad might have provided only covered the state he lived in, so it would make sense for the stepdad's insurance to pick them up. Not sure how all of the technicalities of insurance work, each state is different, many insurers are becoming more picky about who they will insure. So it could have been something like that which motivated the decision to sign them over.
The plan was to move to Arizona. That was the plan and for all we know, it may still be the plan.

So if Gary wants to move Alex to Arizona because it's easier for her to breathe...

Is her biological father going to be willing to do so as well? Or pay for her to come back to visit him?

What is he going to be willing to do in order to be involved?

Does he just expect Alex to remain in Tennessee so that he can see her?

This could have been handled so much better.
Saying you don't care who you make mad, you want a lawyer to get the child you allowed to be adopted back...
Probably wasn't the best route. Now he's basically declared war... and isn't likely to get much cooperation.

MJ's problem is that he did something that the court would have made absolutely crystal clear was irrevocable: relinquish his parental rights. That is MJ's problem and he is using extremely poor judgment in making it his daughter's problem as well. That child needs stability in her life, not more questions about where she is going to be living.

I am not familiar with Tennessee law and I'm not a lawyer. I don't think I've ever heard of a state where someone who relinquished their parental rights voluntarily could come back and say "oops, I wish I hadn't done it. I know what, let's have a DO OVER!"

MJ was apparently fine with it when the Bains were planning to move back to Arizona at the end of the school year.

The Bains weren't moving for frivolous reasons; two of the three girls had/have asthma, which is eased by the drier climate of Arizona. The family has ties to Arizona because they lived there for quite a long time.

I'm hoping that when MJ finds a lawyer, that lawyer tells him that there's a snowflake's chance on a red hot griddle that the courts will even hear the case.
This is my opinion. I don't know if AM had a relationship with her bio dad. It said he signed his rights away only a year ago. He also is married with smaller children and is around JB's age. Gary is well into his 60's and now a widower. He is going to have a hard time just taking care of the 8 yr old. I can also understand MJ's concerns. He believed that he was doing what was best for AM when he signed the rights over to JB and GB, they were a happy family and combined together as a family. I can also understand MJ's feelings now, after not knowing all that had gone on with Adam in their life. And the charges from 2009 against Adam. I think that they should take in to consideration how Alex feels about this. And I think that should be the deciding factor. But I do understand MJ's feelings on this. I really can't understand how GB was so blind to Adam for all these years and why he was allowed to be in their life so much.
This is my opinion. I don't know if AM had a relationship with her bio dad. It said he signed his rights away only a year ago. He also is married with smaller children and is around JB's age. Gary is well into his 60's and now a widower. He is going to have a hard time just taking care of the 8 yr old. I can also understand MJ's concerns. He believed that he was doing what was best for AM when he signed the rights over to JB and GB, they were a happy family and combined together as a family. I can also understand MJ's feelings now, after not knowing all that had gone on with Adam in their life. And the charges from 2009 against Adam. I think that they should take in to consideration how Alex feels about this. And I think that should be the deciding factor. But I do understand MJ's feelings on this. I really can't understand how GB was so blind to Adam for all these years and why he was allowed to be in their life so much.

I, too, can see how her bio dad would want to change the arrangements. When those decisions were made, this child had a mom, and an older sister, and an intact family. NONE of us know whether he stayed involved in her life, as signing over on an adoption does NOT mean he was never allowed to see the girls or spend time with them. This bio dad obviously was given reason to believe that the girls were being protected and cared for, and that proper supervision over their activities outside the family was provided. Since this was so obviously NOT the case, he has every right to change his mind at this time, and make sure his daughter is protected and given every appropriate type of help she might need now that EVERYTHING about her life situation has changed. IMO, the very fact that this whole thing happened absolutely proves that this child and her little sister MUST have someone step forward to protect them and make better decisions about who is allowed access to them in the future. Their current family failed them miserably, IMO of course.

I, too, can see how her bio dad would want to change the arrangements. When those decisions were made, this child had a mom, and an older sister, and an intact family. NONE of us know whether he stayed involved in her life, as signing over on an adoption does NOT mean he was never allowed to see the girls or spend time with them. This bio dad obviously was given reason to believe that the girls were being protected and cared for, and that proper supervision over their activities outside the family was provided. Since this was so obviously NOT the case, he has every right to change his mind at this time, and make sure his daughter is protected and given every appropriate type of help she might need now that EVERYTHING about her life situation has changed. IMO, the very fact that this whole thing happened absolutely proves that this child and her little sister MUST have someone step forward to protect them and make better decisions about who is allowed access to them in the future. Their current family failed them miserably, IMO of course.


Given the information we have, I couldn't agree more.

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I, too, can see how her bio dad would want to change the arrangements. When those decisions were made, this child had a mom, and an older sister, and an intact family. NONE of us know whether he stayed involved in her life, as signing over on an adoption does NOT mean he was never allowed to see the girls or spend time with them. This bio dad obviously was given reason to believe that the girls were being protected and cared for, and that proper supervision over their activities outside the family was provided. Since this was so obviously NOT the case, he has every right to change his mind at this time, and make sure his daughter is protected and given every appropriate type of help she might need now that EVERYTHING about her life situation has changed. IMO, the very fact that this whole thing happened absolutely proves that this child and her little sister MUST have someone step forward to protect them and make better decisions about who is allowed access to them in the future. Their current family failed them miserably, IMO of course.


I also pray that social services is going to look into the care that the 8 yr old is going to receive with just a father now. Gary won't be in his right mind for a long time, he has had his life ripped away. I really hope social services does the best for both girls. And if the best if for the 12 yr old to go to her bio dad, then I think she should be with him. I just pray for the little 8 yr old. Both girls really need a mom or female relatives that will take over that role and nurture them.

"Gary Bain told police that his wife and daughters were asleep when he went to bed at midnight and were gone when he awoke the next day, but he figured the girls went to school and Jo Ann had gone somewhere, too. But she didn't answer her cell phone that day, April 27, and the girls never got off the school bus that afternoon.

At 8 p.m., he called the Hardeman County Sherriff's Office to report them missing."

I thought he called 911 when they didn't get off the bus. He knew they never made it to school and didn't call LE until 8pm?

"Police interviewed Mayes, who acknowledged to investigators on April 29 that he was the last one to see Jo Ann Bain and the girls"

So LE didn't even talk to AM until the 29th? What took so long? GB (and also LE) must have really believed JB left with the girls of her own accord... wonder why they were so willing to think so?

"Hardeman County Sheriff John Doolen said two days later* that Mayes was a person of interest in the case but that there were no signs of foul play."

*This would be May 2nd. LE really didn't see the asthma medication and cell phones left behind as signs of foul play? They carried on with that thinking for SIX DAYS? WTH? I guess the only "signs of foul play" they finally recognized were the bodies buried in shallow graves?
Along the same thoughts as others...
Last night as I lay down to sleep I found myself worrying about the girls.
My thoughts on this whole immediate family situation was that JB was likely the balance and glue that held everything together. GB probably financed the family needs but Joann met everyones daily personal needs.
I worry GB cant fulfill Joann's shoes. Starting with the basics like cleaning to the more complex issues that "girls" have. I guess he can hire household help or order dinner out instead of home cooked meals but I think those girls are going to be missing their mamma more than we understand.
What a tough road ahead for them all. I hope that these girls have all the love they deserve and GB will be extra considerate of their needs before his. I still havent seen any proof that he is a good parent BUT he was Joanns husband.
I also pray that social services is going to look into the care that the 8 yr old is going to receive with just a father now. Gary won't be in his right mind for a long time, he has had his life ripped away. I really hope social services does the best for both girls. And if the best if for the 12 yr old to go to her bio dad, then I think she should be with him. I just pray for the little 8 yr old. Both girls really need a mom or female relatives that will take over that role and nurture them.

JoAnn home schooled the girls for a time, and raised animals, made jewelry, etc. so she was a very hands-on mom. Now if Alexandria and Kyliyah are left with just Gary, who will be taking care of the girls while he works? It will be a very different life than they had when mom was there.

MJ has a wife and more kids, but he is a trucker. He would probably be gone a lot. If Alexandria went to stay with him, I fear she would end up in an even more lonely and disjointed situation, living apart from Kyliyah and the man who has been her day-to-day father figure. Sigh... what a mess. AM really shredded these girls lives into pieces.
I also pray that social services is going to look into the care that the 8 yr old is going to receive with just a father now. Gary won't be in his right mind for a long time, he has had his life ripped away. I really hope social services does the best for both girls. And if the best if for the 12 yr old to go to her bio dad, then I think she should be with him. I just pray for the little 8 yr old. Both girls really need a mom or female relatives that will take over that role and nurture them.

If bio-dad gave up his parental rights and they have done it legally, through the courts, then GB is considered her legal father.
Just to be clear, when you sign your rights away to a child, you are no longer their parent. So in keeping things real, AB is not MJ's daughter, nor is MJ AB's dad.

I'm reading where some are saying that AB should be able to choose where she lives because of her age. So in saying that do you think she should be able to choose to go live with a friends family? Seriously? So if she chose to just go live with one of her friends she should be able to do that? MJ has no legal rights to GB's child. Period.

And it's not like GB and JB were the only people fooled by AM. There have been plenty of people interviewed who never dreamed AM would do anything like this.

I also wonder if the "say no evil" syndrome was in play.

People are really reluctant to say bad things about someone to a person who may be that person's friend. Once that person has been hurt, then people in the know start to speak up because they feel it's becoming common knowledge. But until that person has been hurt, people just don't talk.
I agree and this happens a lot. Most times it seems people don't speak up to do what I consider the right thing (warn people). It's as if they don't care unless it's happening to them. Sad times.

I don't believe AM was still around when GB woke up, because of the specualtion by GB and LE they all ran off together.
I don't recall reading that LE and GB thought that AM and JB ran off together. Can you give me a link, please?
As for the relationship being strong between JB and GB, hey we all have our days, but they were married for eleven years. That means a lot to me. I have a friend that when she was younger she and her husband would argue and she'd get in her car and leave, cool down and go back. Sometimes it would be for a couple of hours or a couple of days. I never understood it but it happens that way with some people.

I feel sick. wreg3 should never have posted that, IMO, and they should remove it. What is wrong with people?! (rhetorical)
I am glad they got it out there what MJ is up to. He is not a victim. JB, AB, AB, KB, and GB are. He needs to back up.

The issue here is that the biological father is concerned that if Gary takes them out of state he will MOVE out of state.
Before the abductions they were preparing to do what?
Move out of the state.

Also, MJ and GB should probably get some kind of counseling or mediation together, to make sure they are in agreement about how to keep the girls safe.
It makes me mad that some people commenting on the WREG site are outright accusing MJ of trying to cash in on his daughter by getting custody and selling her story. There is NO indication that is his motive! This guy just lost one daughter... can people at least understand why he might want to cling to the other daughter right now?
With all due respect~
MJ doesn't need to be in counseling with this family. They are no longer a part of his family, by his choice!
I do feel like MJ is trying to cash in on this, sorry if that offends but I call it like I see it. I may be right, or you may be right, only time will tell. Regardless with the funds that is being collected for his family, which his family does not include AB any longer, then that shouts volumes. If he's not trying to cash in then take those funds and deposit them into the account for the B family.
He didn't lose a daughter. He lost a child he use to have rights to.
Yes, I'm bitter about people doing this to the kids. I've seen it to many times to be affected but yet I am deeply, especially by the one in my own family.

MJ's problem is that he did something that the court would have made absolutely crystal clear was irrevocable: relinquish his parental rights. That is MJ's problem and he is using extremely poor judgment in making it his daughter's problem as well. That child needs stability in her life, not more questions about where she is going to be living.

I am not familiar with Tennessee law and I'm not a lawyer. I don't think I've ever heard of a state where someone who relinquished their parental rights voluntarily could come back and say "oops, I wish I hadn't done it. I know what, let's have a DO OVER!"

MJ was apparently fine with it when the Bains were planning to move back to Arizona at the end of the school year.

The Bains weren't moving for frivolous reasons; two of the three girls had/have asthma, which is eased by the drier climate of Arizona. The family has ties to Arizona because they lived there for quite a long time.

I'm hoping that when MJ finds a lawyer, that lawyer tells him that there's a snowflake's chance on a red hot griddle that the courts will even hear the case.
Standing and applauding Loudly Thank you for the excellent post!

Perhaps the girls' asthma was a serious and costly condition and the insurance that biodad might have provided only covered the state he lived in, so it would make sense for the stepdad's insurance to pick them up. Not sure how all of the technicalities of insurance work, each state is different, many insurers are becoming more picky about who they will insure. So it could have been something like that which motivated the decision to sign them over.
Dad was self employed so I am doubting that he had insurance. I am not doubting that he probably is a more stable and better provider for his family than MJ.

This could have been handled so much better.
Saying you don't care who you make mad, you want a lawyer to get the child you allowed to be adopted back... Probably wasn't the best route. Now he's basically declared war... and isn't likely to get much cooperation.
I would never trust MJ as far as I could spit now. Too fickle, imo. You can have them, pay for them, love them, care for them and be their dad. Nope, changed my mind I want them back. Nope I changed my mind again you can have her back again. :banghead:

This is my opinion. I don't know if AM had a relationship with her bio dad. It said he signed his rights away only a year ago. He also is married with smaller children and is around JB's age. Gary is well into his 60's and now a widower. He is going to have a hard time just taking care of the 8 yr old. I can also understand MJ's concerns. He believed that he was doing what was best for AM when he signed the rights over to JB and GB, they were a happy family and combined together as a family. I can also understand MJ's feelings now, after not knowing all that had gone on with Adam in their life. And the charges from 2009 against Adam. I think that they should take in to consideration how Alex feels about this. And I think that should be the deciding factor. But I do understand MJ's feelings on this. I really can't understand how GB was so blind to Adam for all these years and why he was allowed to be in their life so much.
Age of the dad and birth dad make no difference in the love and care of a child. I'm betting that MJ has more kids than he takes care of now and would love to know if those children are benefiting from state assistance, and nothing wrong with that if it's needed. One of my issues with MJ is that he has two children, gives them away, pops out three other children with someone else and probably isn't providing well enough for them either. So if they split will he sign his rights away again? Enough already for me!

Since this was so obviously NOT the case, he has every right to change his mind at this time, and make sure his daughter is protected and given every appropriate type of help she might need now that EVERYTHING about her life situation has changed. IMO, the very fact that this whole thing happened absolutely proves that this child and her little sister MUST have someone step forward to protect them and make better decisions about who is allowed access to them in the future. Their current family failed them miserably, IMO of course.jmo
The reason MJ didn't make this same mistake could be because he wasn't the one taking care of AB and AB. I'm betting GB is feeling very taken and hurt that someone he allowed access to his children, all of them not just the two that he adopted, with this psycho.

Just to be clear, when you sign your rights away to a child, you are no longer their parent. So in keeping things real, AB is not MJ's daughter, nor is MJ AB's dad.

I respect your opinion, and agree with some of it. But not the above statement. Biology matters, and MJ is still Alexandria's biological father.

Kids see themselves as half mom and half dad. If mom says dad is a jerk, then kids see themselves as flawed because they are half dad. If dad says mom is a jerk, same thing. They internalize these things. Biology and what it means to us doesn't go away just because someone signed some papers a year ago.

Alexandria was just betrayed by a man who she was not biologically related to, but who was allowed into her life *as though* he were an uncle or a brother. He took her mom and older sister away, and terrorized her. Gary was the man who introduced him into her life -- another man who was in her life *as though* he was her father... but he wasn't. She may not trust men very much right now -- especially those that are not biologically related.

And having been in stepfamily situations, I know that usually it is the person in JB's position who is the glue holding everyone together. She probably was a buffer of sorts between Alexandria and GB. (Kyliyah is biologically related to both GB and Alexandria, so now she becomes the buffer.) Everything changes in the stepfamily dynamic when the biological parent is gone. (And although GB adopted the girls a little over a year ago, they have operated as a stepfamily, not as an adoptive family -- since MJ still had contact with the girls.)

Still, I think the best place for Alexandria to live is with GB and Kyliyah... I just don't think it is a bad thing for MJ to have contact with her and let her know she is loved by him. I do wish he and GB would use mediation or something to work it out, instead of MJ looking for a lawyer. MJ doing that may have just tipped the scales against him. He should have been more patient and thoughtful. JMO

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