Deceased/Not Found TN - Joseph 'Joe Clyde' Daniels, 5, autistic, Dickson, 3 April 2018 *Arrests*

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Burton S. Staggs

1 hr ·

Today, shortly after 10am, Joseph Daniels appeared in court in Charlotte, TN. When asked if he understood the charges he is charged with, he replied "yes sir." Daniels has been appointed a public defender and waved his rights to a preliminary hearing. His next court appearance is June 1.

The exact thing occurred in the courtroom minutes later when Krystal Daniels was led into court. When asked if she understood her charges, she replied "I guess." She was also arraigned a public defender, waved her rights to a preliminary hearing and her next court appearance will also be June 1.

Awaiting their arrival was a crowd of community members who had planned a peaceful protest. The community held up signs plastered with Joe Daniels photo with writings demanding justice and support for the 5 year old autistic child. The crowds shouted "where is Joe" loudly as both of the Daniels was led into and out of the court.

Joseph Daniels kept his head held high and made eye contact with spectators, whereas Krystal hung her head and refused to look at the crowds.

Powerful and emotionally charged moment in Dickson County. Anger, frustrations, heartbreak are among the feelings this community is feeling.

Photo courtesy of Josh Breslow, WKRN
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15 hrs ·

More Details Released on the Murder of 5-year-old Joe Clyde Daniels

My friends at News 2 have reported that knives, tools, phones, computers and pillows were seized from the Daniels home. Releasing info on the Burgundy Chevy Impala driven by Joseph R Daniels.

Below is a before and after the arrest and TBI search, picture I took.

A neighbor took me down to the Daniels home before most were focusing on it, as we now know, the home is the alleged murder location. The Impala is visible in picture 1.

To the best of my knowledge this is one of the only pictures of the Impala at the residence.

The search for Joe Clyde Daniels body continues.

Warrant photo via WKRN

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling
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18 hrs ·

Just In: Krystal Daniel spent years in state custody, Joseph Daniels doesn't remember where he hid 5-year-old Joe Clyde Daniels body.

Over the past few days I've talked to neighbors and friends of Krystal and Joseph Daniels.

The biggest news of the day "A source close to the Daniels family told NewsChannel 5 that Joseph Daniels has not disclosed the location of his child’s body because he apparently does not remember where he hid it."

Baby Joe's mother Krystal spent many years in the state of Tennessee's custody as a juvenile and was placed in homes or facility mostly in the Knoxville area according to a friend.

There is also a reported allegation that the mother of Joseph R Daniels and the Grandmother of Baby Joe went to neighbors house to call 911 having to do with a Domestic dispute with Krystal.

Based on FB post of Krystal we know that DCS was involved several years ago, but a person close to the Daniels said that DCS did investigate or had a case in or about 2014.

Tomorrow at 9 am the pair will be in court in Dickson County General Sessions Court.

Typically they will be read the charge, asked if they have an attorney, most likely the court will appoint and they will enter a not guilty plea.

The next step will be a preliminary hearing, unless they waive that.

The search continues for the body of Joe Clyde Daniels.
I feel like with the collection of knives..that baby Joe might have been hurt more severely than being punched..I think that is why they won't say where his body is..I think once his body is found it will show a lot more trauma than stated
Good Lord she STILL has that mean face tattoed in place, even for the court appearance! Poor children!
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I wonder why Little Joe was the one killed. Not that any child should have been murdered or abused but little Joe was Big Joes first child. I would think the older boy would have been the brunt of big Joes anger. ( not deserved by any means ) but isn't that usually what happens? I wonder what happened that night. Jmo and thinking outloud.

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I wonder why Little Joe was the one killed. Not that any child should have been murdered or abused but little Joe was Big Joes first child. I would think the older boy would have been the brunt of big Joes anger. ( not deserved by any means ) but isn't that usually what happens? I wonder what happened that night. Jmo and thinking outloud.

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Sadly, I think he was scapegoated because he was Special Needs and could not speak. :cry:
Sadly, I think he was scapegoated because he was Special Needs and could not speak. :cry:

Yeah...I think he was either an "easy target" or aspects of his autism set them off.'s probably both of those things, sadly.

I have a child with autism and I am friends with many parents of kids with special needs. Often times, it really takes a lot of patience. But if you truly love your child, you manage without physically (or verbally) abusing your kids.Tons of us do it every single day. If you can't handle it, find help. There are so many resources out there. These people clearly didn't do right for Joe in many, many ways. I am sad thinking about what he likely endured in his short life.
Someone (Sorry for not remembering who) asked about the initial assumption that KD and the two other kids were out of town when Joe Clyde went missing.

I have lived in Hickman County for about a year and a half, before that I lived in Murfreesboro for 22 years. Before moving here, we were in Hickman County often because we have family here.

I search all morning long for the article I had read saying the above said statement, I couldn't find it. I think maybe there was some confusion, the grandparents that live with them are truck drivers and were actually the ones who were out of town. If I am not mistaken they left sometime on Monday for Texas.

Hope that helps.
Joe Clyde Daniels: Grandfather says mom ‘tried to blame this on us’
Joe Clyde Daniels’ grandfather, who shares a name with the 5-year-old whose death captivated Dickson County and the country, is angry at the boy’s mother, Krystal Daniels.

She blames the grandparents for Joe Clyde’s death, he said.

He’s outraged by law enforcement, saying they goaded his son, Joseph Ray Daniels, into admitting he “struck” Joe Clyde “repeatedly in the body, upper torso, head, and face with closed fist until his son was deceased,” as the affidavit states.

And the grandfather, Joe Clyde Daniels Jr. is furious with some Dickson County residents for the hate-filled words directed at his family, he said.

The grandfather, who is a commercial truck driver, has consistently said he and his wife were on the road for his job when Joe Clyde Daniels III was announced missing last week.

“That (darn) woman he’s married to tried to blame this on us,” Daniels said. “And we weren’t even home.”

“I don’t know if she told the authorities but she’s been telling everybody else that this is our fault,” Daniels added.
(Krystal Daniels is a graduate of Central High School in Knoxville, according to her Facebook page.)
When asked if Joseph Ray Daniels is capable of murdering his son, the grandfather said emphatically: “No.”
“He would hit a wall before he hit anybody,” the elder Daniels said.
Asked if the family was remaining hopeful about Joe Clyde III, he repeated, “Oh yes, oh yes.”

“I think (Joe Clyde's) been kidnapped, myself,” said Daniels, pointing to a witness who said he saw Joe Clyde Jr. walking down Garners Creek Road early on the morning of April 4.

About the admission of guilt, the grandfather said investigators “badgered” Joseph Ray into the confession. He said he didn’t like or agree with the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation or local law enforcement.
The grandfather is frustrated at some Dickson County citizens and, in particular, the comments his wife has received on Facebook.

“I don’t listen to it, but everyone else is telling me about it,” said the grandfather about the Facebook comments.
His family has received verbal abuse at stores and elsewhere, and people have thrown things at their vehicles, he said.
Joe Clyde Daniels: Grandfather says mom ‘tried to blame this on us’
Joe Clyde Daniels’ grandfather, who shares a name with the 5-year-old whose death captivated Dickson County and the country, is angry at the boy’s mother, Krystal Daniels.

He’s outraged by law enforcement, saying they goaded his son, Joseph Ray Daniels, into admitting he “struck” Joe Clyde “repeatedly in the body, upper torso, head, and face with closed fist until his son was deceased,” as the affidavit states.[/b]
And the grandfather, Joe Clyde Daniels Jr. is furious with some Dickson County residents for the hate-filled words directed at his family.

When asked if Joseph Ray Daniels is capable of murdering his son, the grandfather said emphatically: “No.”
“He would hit a wall before he hit anybody,” the elder Daniels said.
Asked if the family was remaining hopeful about Joe Clyde III, he repeated, “Oh yes, oh yes.”

“I think (Joe Clyde's) been kidnapped, myself,” said Daniels, pointing to a witness who said he saw Joe Clyde Jr. walking down Garners Creek Road early on the morning of April 4.

The grandfather is frustrated at some Dickson County citizens and, in particular, the comments his wife has received on Facebook.

“I don’t listen to it, but everyone else is telling me about it,” said the grandfather about the Facebook comments.

His family has received verbal abuse at stores and elsewhere, and people have thrown things at their vehicles, he said.

This family is already going through so much. It’s disgusting that people would act this way towards them. We see it in every case and it always sickens me. They did not disappear or kill this sweet boy. JD and KD are solely responsible for that.

Also, this poor man really thinks Joe Clyde was kidnapped. How incredibly sad is that? His son confessed. I stand by my previous post, sadly Joe Clyde’s grandparents aren’t going to even believe he is dead until he is found. I’ll add that they’ll most likely believe it was a kidnapper that killed him and not his son.

Last, for some reason all posts are only showing in bold for me for some reason. If my post comes out all bold I apologize. I have no idea why it’s doing that 🤷🏼*♀️
This family is already going through so much. It’s disgusting that people would act this way towards them. We see it in every case and it always sickens me. They did not disappear or kill this sweet boy. JD and KD are solely responsible for that.

Also, this poor man really thinks Joe Clyde was kidnapped. How incredibly sad is that? His son confessed. I stand by my previous post, sadly Joe Clyde’s grandparents aren’t going to even believe he is dead until he is found. I’ll add that they’ll most likely believe it was a kidnapper that killed him and not his son.

Last, for some reason all posts are only showing in bold for me for some reason. If my post comes out all bold I apologize. I have no idea why it’s doing that 路*♀️

I agree with all you've said there.

I'm also wondering about what the grandfather says about JD and KD, though?

I would be concerned that someone who can take things out on a wall might be at risk of smacking up a child? I don't know if he's right that JD would hit a wall instead of his son, or if he's wrong and it's a sign that he would hit little Joe. And then, maybe JD takes it out on walls when grandpa is around but when grandpa isn't watching....

Why does the grandfather think LE forced a confession from JD? Why does the grandfather not seem to think it possible that KD was the one who attacked little Joe and that JD hid the body?

If KD is going around blaming the grandparents when the charges on her suggest that she was fully aware JD was the's so odd? Does KD blame the grandparents for not being around at a time when she was struggling? How does that fit in with JD being the sole perp?

I do suspect that LE are correct that something happened to little Joe in that house, but I am curious how they've determined, aside from the confession, what and who.
Sadly, I think he was scapegoated because he was Special Needs and could not speak. :cry:
I know a family of a child that is autistic and non-verbal. One of the most difficult things they face is that their child rarely sleeps. Perhaps little Joe wasn't sleeping and keeping his parents up & they snapped. No excuses for them!!
Just a random statement and just a matter of opinion...... The Hubs thinks Joe Clyde is still alive and that he was sold for what ever random reason, drug, money, whatever.

I don't necessarily agree with him, but it would explain why they aren't giving details.

Again I just think Hubs want the boy to be alive.
This family is already going through so much. It’s disgusting that people would act this way towards them. We see it in every case and it always sickens me. They did not disappear or kill this sweet boy. JD and KD are solely responsible for that.

Also, this poor man really thinks Joe Clyde was kidnapped. How incredibly sad is that? His son confessed. I stand by my previous post, sadly Joe Clyde’s grandparents aren’t going to even believe he is dead until he is found. I’ll add that they’ll most likely believe it was a kidnapper that killed him and not his son.

Last, for some reason all posts are only showing in bold for me for some reason. If my post comes out all bold I apologize. I have no idea why it’s doing that ����*♀️

This is one of the worst cases of attacking the family that I've seen in a while.
Both sides of the family, both suspects parents, even those who LIVE out of state!
They are all being attacked and blamed for not revealing the location of his body.
It really has been exceptionally over the top from what I normally observe.
Hopefully it IS out of the ordinary, because it should never happen at all.
Joe Clyde Daniels: Grandfather says mom ‘tried to blame this on us’
Joe Clyde Daniels’ grandfather, who shares a name with the 5-year-old whose death captivated Dickson County and the country, is angry at the boy’s mother, Krystal Daniels.

She blames the grandparents for Joe Clyde’s death, he said.

He’s outraged by law enforcement, saying they goaded his son, Joseph Ray Daniels, into admitting he “struck” Joe Clyde “repeatedly in the body, upper torso, head, and face with closed fist until his son was deceased,” as the affidavit states.

And the grandfather, Joe Clyde Daniels Jr. is furious with some Dickson County residents for the hate-filled words directed at his family, he said.

The grandfather, who is a commercial truck driver, has consistently said he and his wife were on the road for his job when Joe Clyde Daniels III was announced missing last week.

“That (darn) woman he’s married to tried to blame this on us,” Daniels said. “And we weren’t even home.”

“I don’t know if she told the authorities but she’s been telling everybody else that this is our fault,” Daniels added.
(Krystal Daniels is a graduate of Central High School in Knoxville, according to her Facebook page.)
When asked if Joseph Ray Daniels is capable of murdering his son, the grandfather said emphatically: “No.”
“He would hit a wall before he hit anybody,” the elder Daniels said.
Asked if the family was remaining hopeful about Joe Clyde III, he repeated, “Oh yes, oh yes.”

“I think (Joe Clyde's) been kidnapped, myself,” said Daniels, pointing to a witness who said he saw Joe Clyde Jr. walking down Garners Creek Road early on the morning of April 4.

About the admission of guilt, the grandfather said investigators “badgered” Joseph Ray into the confession. He said he didn’t like or agree with the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation or local law enforcement.
The grandfather is frustrated at some Dickson County citizens and, in particular, the comments his wife has received on Facebook.

“I don’t listen to it, but everyone else is telling me about it,” said the grandfather about the Facebook comments.
His family has received verbal abuse at stores and elsewhere, and people have thrown things at their vehicles, he said.
This is why it's so important to view this confession at a distance. Not only is it not a guilty verdict based on proof, it's open to way too many variables to be taken at face value. There's more to this IMO than just being simply that JD hit his kid and tossed him away with no regard.
Things like this are never straight forward and black and white.

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The list of items taken from the home is disturbing and definitely lends credence to the theory on here that they are hiding the body location because his murder was much worse than they are admitting to :-(
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