Still Missing TN - Joseph "Joe Clyde" Daniels, 5, Dickson, 3 Apr 2018 *autistic* *arrests* #2

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From the above link:

NewsChannel 5 obtained photos of the letter that was sent anonymously to Joe Clyde's grandparents.

The handwritten letter was postmarked out of Nashville. It was sent this week to the grandparents in Dickson, Tennessee.

The anonymous writer claims Joe Clyde's mother, Krystal Daniels, arranged to give the little boy away.

"I believe Krystal got Joe's clothes, packed them into a bag... and left Joe on the side of the road," reads the letter.

The writer claims that he is alive and living in west Tennessee, possibly Jackson.

"If we could get Krystal to confess what really happened...with this case. I know it's a bizarre case," the letter reads.

The letter goes on to name those involved, which we have blurred out of our copies of the letter since they have not been named by police as part of the investigation.
Seriously? Someone writes a letter to the grandparents and it's a "stunning" new piece of evidence? GMAB.

If the writer possessed that much information they could just come out and tell exactly where Joe Clyde is. This is just like Casey Parsons' story of Erica going to live on a horse farm with "Nan." Sorry, ain't buying it until they show me Joe Clyde.

And why write to the grandparents - why not directly to LE?
This broke my heart a little. I wish he were alive and safe. I wish that crap of a mom would have gave him away before he was killed. I wish she would confess exactly what happened to Joe. It’s just all heartbreaking.

The grandparents have said before they think there’s a chance he’s still alive. I wouldn’t be surprised if the letter was fabricated by them in some fashion.
Darn it, I had my hopes up for a second, and then felt smashed again. Ms Marple, you were quick to put logic into place. I needed that, because I so wanted to believe it "might" be a possibility.
Darn it, I had my hopes up for a second, and then felt smashed again. Ms Marple, you were quick to put logic into place. I needed that, because I so wanted to believe it "might" be a possibility.
Well, never say never. The sheriff is still investigating the letter and has asked the TBI to assist. My doubt over the legitimacy comes from a combination of prior reports about Joseph's temper, the fact that his story of beating Joe Clyde for urinating on the floor has a ring of truth and that Joseph hasn't changed his story since his arrest. I do not believe he's protecting Krystal, again based on reports that she was planning to leave the marriage.

Plus, a witness saw Joe Clyde running down the street at 1 am - that doesn't gel with Krystal arranging to give him away. Joseph said he ran after Joe Clyde and brought him back into the house then beat him to death.

The grandparents are quite angry with Krystal, claiming she was trying to blame them even though there's no evidence to support it. The grandfather is trying to use the witness statement as somehow showing Krystal gave Joe Clyde to someone but that makes no sense.
Joe Clyde Daniels: 10 things we learned at preliminary hearing
Letter stating Joe Daniels is alive likely ‘staged,’ Dickson County sheriff says
Joe Clyde Daniels: TBI investigating letter claiming boy is alive
TBI, Dickson Co. Sheriff's Office investigating letter claiming Joe Clyde Daniels is alive
Interestingly, the letter writer named names so it should be fairly easy to track down the truth. The letter also only accuses Krystal, with no mention of Joseph. It sounds like someone has it in for Krystal and is trying to create doubt about Joseph's confession.

Right now I give the letter about a 3% truth probability that Joe Clyde is alive and living in western Tennessee. IOW, we can hope but it ain't looking good.

Oh, my last link said that more searches are coming up now that the foliage has thinned out:
More searches are scheduled to be held for Joe Clyde's remains in the next month. Texas Equusearch, which has assisted in many of the previous searches, plans to use a drone with heat seeking technology to scour areas where dirt and soil might have been disturbed. With fall weather and foliage thinning, it will allow the drone's technology to be deployed for the first time.
Yeah, you are so right, Miss Marple, but you were using logic and I let my heart get ahead of me this time. I am usually more careful. That's why I need more than my one brain. I don't think they gave him away. After all, a prison sentence for that would be less than for murder, wouldn't it? Or just keep quiet and never admit to anything?

I do hope he gets found, wherever he went.
From the above link:

NewsChannel 5 obtained photos of the letter that was sent anonymously to Joe Clyde's grandparents.

The handwritten letter was postmarked out of Nashville. It was sent this week to the grandparents in Dickson, Tennessee.

The anonymous writer claims Joe Clyde's mother, Krystal Daniels, arranged to give the little boy away.

"I believe Krystal got Joe's clothes, packed them into a bag... and left Joe on the side of the road," reads the letter.

The writer claims that he is alive and living in west Tennessee, possibly Jackson.

"If we could get Krystal to confess what really happened...with this case. I know it's a bizarre case," the letter reads.

The letter goes on to name those involved, which we have blurred out of our copies of the letter since they have not been named by police as part of the investigation.

Wow. I'm just now seeing this. My first impression (before seeing the sheriff said it is likely a hoax) was that this is someone who has a theory based on no evidence at all and was heartless enough to write to the grandparents to give them false hope. That impression was based on the person saying "I believe" in the above text. People make up random speculation here all the time but no one is callous enough to send our theories to the family as if we have any actual knowledge of what happened. Whatever the case, I hope LE gets to the bottom of this letter.

And I hope little Joe Clyde is found soon. It's been too long. :(
After DNA testing on the letter, they have confirmed it was written by Joe Clyde's father, Joseph.

Letter from Joe Clyde's Father: "If we can get Krystal to confess...we can win this case."
From your link:
The letter continues to detail Daniels theory that Krystal packed Joe's clothes into a bag, got into a car, and left Joe on the side of the road, calling someone else to make sure they're "prepared to pick up Joe." The theory continues that Krystal then drove to the person's house mentioned at the beginning of the letter to drop off an item, then immediately returns home.
And from this:
However, according to the attorney, Joseph Ray admitted to sending the letter to his parents from the mental institute he was staying in. He wrote down his initials at the end of the letter but the parents misread it as "JJ" instead of "JD" and therefore mistook it as anonymous.
Joe Clyde Daniels' father writes letter saying 5-year-old is still alive
Joseph IMO thinks he can con LE. His plan was for his parents to go running to LE saying look what their son revealed. Instead, his parents not only didn't recognize their own son's handwriting but apparently couldn't read it either, lol.

Clearly he's furious with Krystal who had been planning to leave him. I'd bet dollars to donuts that the man Joseph named as helping Krystal is her boyfriend or else a man that Joseph suspects of being her boyfriend.

His story fails to explain the blood found on his clothes and in the console of their red Impala. Most of all he could have accused Krystal at the beginning instead of confessing. It makes me think he was afraid LE would locate Joe Clyde's body and find evidence on it linking to him.

IMO he waited long enough to be confident that LE won't find a body. And if they do he's counting on a COD of undetermined. In his mind he wins either way. MOO.
Blood found in alleged murder of Joe Clyde, but with no body, case based on confession
Father of Joe Clyde Daniels wrote letter blaming wife for boy's disappearance

Joseph Daniels states in the letter that he believes another man “is involved with Joe’s disappearance” and that “it’s becoming more clear that he’s clearly involved and that who Krystal called that night.”

Daniels goes on to say he’s been “giving Krystal hell here at the (mental health institute). Anything they have been asking me, I attack Krystal. She’s playing with fire and she’s going to get burned.”

Daniels then asks if a second person might have Joe. Both of those names in letter have been withheld by authorities and media.

He then writes that “everything that has been discovered points to Krystal.”

Daniels continues: “If we can get Krystal to confess what really happened, we can win this case. I know it’s a bizarre case.”

"I believe Krystal got Joe's clothes, packed them into a bag...and left Joe on the side of the road," Daniels writes.
Father of Joe Clyde Daniels wrote letter blaming wife for boy's disappearance

Joseph Daniels states in the letter that he believes another man “is involved with Joe’s disappearance” and that “it’s becoming more clear that he’s clearly involved and that who Krystal called that night.”

Daniels goes on to say he’s been “giving Krystal hell here at the (mental health institute). Anything they have been asking me, I attack Krystal. She’s playing with fire and she’s going to get burned.”

Daniels then asks if a second person might have Joe. Both of those names in letter have been withheld by authorities and media.

He then writes that “everything that has been discovered points to Krystal.”

Daniels continues: “If we can get Krystal to confess what really happened, we can win this case. I know it’s a bizarre case.”

"I believe Krystal got Joe's clothes, packed them into a bag...and left Joe on the side of the road," Daniels writes.
Thanks Spellbound! IMO Joseph isn't rational in his thinking. For one thing, if Krystal's alleged boyfriend lives in Kansas (per link upthread) and she planned to leave Joseph to go be with him then why would she plan something as intricate as packing up Joe Clyde's clothes and then leave him on the side of the road for the b/f to pick up? What's her motive? Why not pack her own clothes too and leave with Joe Clyde?

Joseph says she called her b/f "that night." So was he in the area? Depending on his location in Kansas it would take about 11 hours +/- to get to Dickson. So she would have had to call him early in the day.

What would Krystal and her b/f gain by stealing Joe Clyde? What's their motive? Joseph doesn't seem to address this.

And why the heck would some boyfriend kidnap a child and hold him for nearly 7 months while his honey sits in jail? He would have no idea if Krystal was ever going to get out of jail, so what, he decides he'll be Joe Clyde's new daddy? Why not drop Joe Clyde off somewhere safe where he'll be found and avoid a 30 year jail sentence himself?

IMO Joseph is raging against Krystal because he learned she wanted to leave him. That screams control freak to me. And therefore it makes way more sense that Joseph would harm Joe Clyde for urinating on the floor and not cowering the way his dad wanted.

Uhuh. Nope. MOO.
If that was true, and that's a BIG if, the only thing that I can think of as to why she might do that is to protect her son from further abuse. Maybe she had had enough of the father's abuse, and when he went too far with Joseph, she tried to get him out of the house first, while she tied up some loose ends.

Do I believe this happened? No. Yet, we've seen a grandmother hide her daughter and grandson in a cubby hole behind a bureau for a couple of years, when the mother tried to protect her child from her abusive husband. So, while it is possible that this could have happened, personally, I think there's a good reason why the father is where he is.
If that was true, and that's a BIG if, the only thing that I can think of as to why she might do that is to protect her son from further abuse. Maybe she had had enough of the father's abuse, and when he went too far with Joseph, she tried to get him out of the house first, while she tied up some loose ends.

Do I believe this happened? No. Yet, we've seen a grandmother hide her daughter and grandson in a cubby hole behind a bureau for a couple of years, when the mother tried to protect her child from her abusive husband. So, while it is possible that this could have happened, personally, I think there's a good reason why the father is where he is.

I agree with you. I don't for one second think that anything else happened to Joe Clyde other than he was murdered.

Which is the case you mentioned about the Grandmother hiding her Daughter and Grandson? I would like to read about that.
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