Found Safe TN - Mary Catherine Elizabeth Thomas, 15, Maury County, 13 March 2017 #1

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Bouncing off of yours because it touches on a thought I have had about TC since first reading his SM posts and the interactions between he and ET there. He comes across as very immature, more like a lovestruck teen boy than a 50 year old man. He may be in love with the idea of being in love with this young girl and the risk factor of getting caught with his "true love" probably amplified the attraction for him.

Kind of like having an affair with anyone of any age. They are perfect and fun and make you feel special and adored while your spouse is the one who nags, has expectations, real life requires paying bills, holding down a job and all those things that are harder in life. You have to sneak around to spend time with your "love" in stolen moments and time spent to together is perfect for that reason, it is limited and special time, adding to the illusion that this is your soul mate.

I am not defending this jerk. Just trying to get in his head a bit.

I'm wondering if his "combined" FB account with his wife was established due to some mistrust on her part of Tad Cummins's behaviors. (Not suggesting she knew of his criminal predilections whatsoever prior to this case, just wondering if he had a history of going behind her back, online-wise.)
Exactly! My brother is in his second year as a college professor...all of his students are over 18 and some are pretty close to his age, but it would still be going against school policy for him to date any of them. The university made that very clear from the start.

I work at a major research uni -- affairs with students are strictly off-limits. In a uni it's less to do with age than the power imbalance between professors and students, given the immense pressure that can be exerted on students who rely on grades, feedback and especially references in order to progress, certainly at the upper and graduate levels.

In high school, the power imbalance includes the extra dimension of age and peer politics. It's one of the reasons I feel quite strongly about such cases, regardless of gender -- I don't get the winks and chuckles that greet the many cases of young boys "seduced" by older female teachers, for example. Sure, the odd case ends up in a successful later relationship, but the power imbalance and potential for serious damage seem to me far more likely.

At this point, I agree with many posters that there's not a lot for him to lose, and that's worrying. I wonder if a different approach might have been more successful, one more focused on return, her safety, etc. Anyway, hopefully one or both of them come to their senses and find their way back home.

Source: ABC News.

Does anyone have any idea to why they believe they could be in Alabama?
In her public plea, Jill Cummins states the following:

'Let me speak directly to my husband. Tad this is not you. This is not who you are. We can help you get through this.

'No matter how far you've gone or what's happening right now, God's grace is sufficient for you and he wants you to come home. Your family wants their poppy back. Please do the right thing, and turn yourself into the police and bring Beth home.'


My hope is that these words were carefully chosen as a means to get TC to turn himself in and not Jill Cummins's true feelings. Because the unfortunate truth of the matter is that this is EXACTLY who Tad is regardless of how he's presented himself to loved ones and his community over the years.

Source: ABC News.

Does anyone have any idea to why they believe they could be in Alabama?
According to comments on SM their phones were found Monday with the batteries removed in Decatur. Take that with a large grain of salt though as the news and TBI have not reported that.

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Sorry I'm a bit behind and just woke up but where did we learn about him buying survival books and telling ET about being an undercover agent?

I'm so worried for her.
The part about being a secret agent was reported by her dad on the local news. He said Tad told ET he was like some Jason Bourne character IIRC the survival books I'm not sure

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Sorry I'm a bit behind and just woke up but where did we learn about him buying survival books and telling ET about being an undercover agent?

I'm so worried for her.

There's a Instagram post with the book cover and comment about just receiving it, think it was in Jan of this year. The interview with her dad he mentions that TC told his daughter he was a secret agent and the dad scoffed at it. He didn't believe it and tried to get his daughter to understand that it was unlikely that a rural school teacher was a Bourne character.
I've been reading through their instagram accounts. Sigh.

They were definitely using them to communicate with each other.

A week ago she posted a phrase that says "I'm glad I met you, I hope you know that." and then, if you click on the picture you can see that she wrote "Going good. Mission almost completed."

Then she posted a phrase that says "One day someone will hug you so tight that all your broken pieces fit back together." If you click on that picture she writes "mission completed"
I've been reading through their instagram accounts. Sigh.

They were definitely using them to communicate with each other.

A week ago she posted a phrase that says "I'm glad I met you, I hope you know that." and then, if you click on the picture you can see that she wrote "Going good. Mission almost completed."

They were definitely plotting.

I feel like police need to quickly search any computers (if any) left behind, try to get access to their clouds, phone records, and social media, and trace any purchases this guy has made on credit cards. Has he traveled out of his area any time recently? Filled up his gas tank out of state? Any place he has gone could be a place he was scouting to hideout later.

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I want to talk to Tad to. If you see this Tad, please know that when we find you, and we will, you're going to become someone's love interest all right.... in jail. I hope it was worth it.
I want to pause and talk to Tad for a minute because I think this is one of the cases where the person we are taking about might be searching the web to determine his next move and evade capture. He could easily stumble on this site.

Tad, if you are reading, I understand that you hit a place in your life where you longed for a deep connection, to find a level of excitement and romance you may not have experienced in a long time. And I understand you likely feel a deep connection to this student, that she may even seem to need someone like you to watch out for her, and that you may feel you are doing the right thing by giving her a new life...even if it's unconventional.

But I also think there is part of you that questions your own choice.

I understand that you have spent the majority of your adult life contributing good to your community. You have invested in students for years and seem to have an active faith as well. Neighbors and acquaintances agree you have always been the type of person who has extended yourself to help others. And most importantly, you have raised a family. You have children you care about and grandchildren who you want the best for.

Because of all this good in you, I also believe that there will be times when you begin to doubt whether you've made the right choice. Times when you wonder if you really did the best thing for this student--if she should have to give up socializing and having fun like a normal teenager to hide away the rest of her life. If she should have to give up the very basic step of earning her high school diploma. If she should have to cut ties to her siblings.

You may begin to look back on your previous choice and realize it was somewhat emotion filled and impulsive...that it set you on a path that isn't realistic to stay on. You may even question at some point--when the challenges of this new reality set in--if you REALLY want to trade in everything you have ever been and could be with your family. And you may decide that if you really love this girl, that it is unfair to ask her to make such a drastic adjustment. That she may need the stability of ongoing contact with her family and community of origin.

In these times, I want to encourage you that you still have an opportunity to make a respectable decision and redeem how you will be remembered by arranging to safely return this girl to her community. The police have said your sentencing can be greatly reduced if you act, of your own free will, to restore the situation rather than waiting until someone notices you or tracks you down. While it's true, your life will be different, it sounds like you needed a change anyways. If you can take responsibility, you can find new ways to live that allow you to stay in connection with the people who call you Dad and Poppa. You can get support from other people of faith, and from counselors, and sleep with a clear conscience again. You don't have to spend every waking moment for the rest of your life in fear of being hunted.

Please don't let yourself go to an irrational place when you feel anxious. Even in your darkest hour,God can still hear you wherever you are and there are people who are still wishing for your well-being.

If you get into a sticky scenario, please don't use your firearms in an effort to prevent being captured and risk this girl's life and your own as well as the lives of other good people. Surrender peacefully and give this girl the gift of growing up in freedom. Lay down your own preferences for her ultimate, long term well-being. That is real love.

Give your children and grandchildren peace of mind to not lay awake worrying and wondering about you every single day. Lay down your own preferences for their well-being. That is real love.

God be with you and help you find a path to restoring yourself.

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Beautifully said!

I've been following this case silently yet deeply since I received the Amber alert in middle Tennessee. It's heartbreaking on so many levels and all leaves me speechless. I agree that wouldn't shock me at all if he were to come across this thread.

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Okay, so we know they went to Decatur--approx. 80 miles and 1 hour and 15 minutes--from Columbia. If I were him, I would drive cross country--to the west--as quickly as I could. also occurs to me that Chattanooga and the mountains and the national forest would provide plenty of cover to get lost if you wanted to. We need to know if he vacationed anywhere like that as an adult or child, where he would feel like he understood the area and would know where to get supplies.

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I am in that area. The AA is all over. All parks are on alert. It wouldn't be a good place for him to hide. My assumption is south or west from Decatur.

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I am in that area. The AA is all over. All parks are on alert. It wouldn't be a good place for him to hide. My assumption is south or west from Decatur.

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I would definitely put some distance between the southeast and me...if this were me.

But if he's already in hiding in some remote spot, and has enough supplies to lay low for a month...I have heard of people sticking to areas they are familiar with. (Like that Gary guy who took his niece from school last year.)

If they didn't go out together, and when the need strikes, only one of them went out alone--in disguise--for supplies, this search could stretch on a long time. Would the average small town mom and pop store owner in the SE look twice if a brunette teenage girl came in alone and bought some things a month from now?

I hope they are still logging into their social media or some other sort of device that might be GPS enabled and can somehow be tracked in a general direction. And I hope word is getting out and alert observers are looking for them.

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I would definitely put some distance between the southeast and me...if this were me.

But if he's already in hiding in some remote spot, and has enough supplies to lay low for a month...I have heard of people sticking to areas they are familiar with. (Like that Gary guy who took his niece from school last year.)

If they didn't go out together, and when the need strikes, only one of them went out alone--in disguise--for supplies, this search could stretch on a long time. Would the average small town mom and pop store owner in the SE look twice if a brunette teenage girl came in alone and bought some things a month from now?

I hope they are still logging into their social media or some other sort of device that might be GPS enabled and can somehow be tracked in a general direction. And I hope word is getting out and alert observers are looking for them.

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Agreed re: traveling as far away from the SE of the US altogether in order to evade capture. TC probably realizes that entire communities in the south are on the lookout and that the further they travel west, the less "on alert" the people of those locations will be. Although this crime has made national news, the day-to-day interest level simply isn't going to be what it is in the southeast.

The gun situation is alarming - he's not only planning to use firearms for "protection" in their situation, he's probably going to also threaten Elizabeth once she becomes regretful over the situation and expresses a desire to go home. Plus, he never plans to return to his family, especially under these circumstances, and I suspect will most likely attempt to take his life (and possibly hers) if they're surrounded by law enforcement at any point. From any angle, she is in an extremely dangerous situation and the manhunt has got to be stepped-up at this stage.
Agreed re: traveling as far away from the SE of the US altogether in order to evade capture. TC probably realizes that entire communities in the south are on the lookout and that the further they travel west, the less "on alert" the people of those locations will be. Although this crime has made national news, the day-to-day interest level simply isn't going to be what it is in the southeast.

The gun situation is alarming - he's not only planning to use firearms for "protection" in their situation, he's probably going to also threaten Elizabeth once she becomes regretful over the situation and expresses a desire to go home. Plus, he never plans to return to his family, especially under these circumstances, and I suspect will most likely attempt to take his life (and possibly hers) if they're surrounded by law enforcement at any point. From any angle, she is in an extremely dangerous situation and the manhunt has got to be stepped-up at this stage.

I have thought about that too. He may feel like he couldn't let her leave without compromising himself, but I want to suggest to him that he could.

He could let her go and turn himself in voluntarily and work with police to reduce his charges. If he wasn't prepared or willing to do that, he could drop her off in a public place somewhere and flee to another remote location on his own.

People are coming out to say nice things about this guy. I am hoping that the good they saw in him in the past is real and he will do the right thing to repair this in time.

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Seems like everybody who knows TC is portraying him as a saint. Makes me wonder who is really steering this ship.
Seems like everybody who knows TC is portraying him as a saint. Makes me wonder who is really steering this ship.
Can you elaborate? I don't want to assume what you mean by this.

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Seems like everybody who knows TC is portraying him as a saint. Makes me wonder who is really steering this ship.

I don't know anything about him personally. But neighbors and others have started to be interviewed in the media and so far they are portraying him to be a wonderful person.

I think what he has done is wrong and illegal, so his history doesn't excuse it at all. I am just saying that I hope he has enough good in him to eventually come to his senses, evaluate the situation, and do the right thing.

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Okay, so we know they went to Decatur--approx. 80 miles and 1 hour and 15 minutes--from Columbia. If I were him, I would drive cross country--to the west--as quickly as I could. also occurs to me that Chattanooga and the mountains and the national forest would provide plenty of cover to get lost if you wanted to. We need to know if he vacationed anywhere like that as an adult or child, where he would feel like he understood the area and would know where to get supplies.

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It could well be true that they went through Decatur, but, thinking deviously, couldn't they have had their phones hitch a ride there (on a delivery truck in a box of produce or some such maneuver?) while they went in a completely different direction?
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