Found Safe TN - Mary Catherine Elizabeth Thomas, 15, Maury County, 13 March 2017 #11

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Originally Posted by JerseyGirl
How do you explain a phone diversion to Decatur. An hour or so away from Columbia and it didn't ping until it reached Decatur?

If the phone was being "shipped" it would have pinged all the way to Decatur, not when it arrived.
Yeah, they would have had to have turned the phones off and then have someone there to pick up the phones and turn them back on to get that effect.

If they were smart, they would have left their phones on, put them in a box, and FedEx-ed them to NY or WA or something, thus sending LE on a multi-state wild goose chase as it would appear they were traveling this route until the batteries were dead.

shipped (transported) while turned off, turned on upon arrival.

Turned off with an alarm set? Idunno, is there any sort of "auto on" feature or app you could use to make a phone turn on after a set time period?

(Sorry, I only post things I have a strong "gut" feeling about)
shipped (transported) while turned off, turned on upon arrival.

Turned off with an alarm set? Idunno, is there any sort of "auto on" feature or app you could use to make a phone turn on after a set time period?

(Sorry, I only post things I have a strong "gut" feeling about)

You can make phones do things like that, but again-- for me Decatur, AL doesn't really make sense. If they wanted to throw off LE, and had the idea to ship their phones to do so, just ship (as I mentioned) to some distant state like Washington or NY. The phones would ping all the way, and batteries would likely last quite a while since they wouldn't actively be using them. LE would have been following those phones for days. They could have, as you said, put an auto-power on when Alarm sounded, but why not ship them further?

I just feel that if they were really trying to throw LE, they would have shipped the phones further, and in the opposite direction--not just an hour south, which doesn't really throw LE that much.

Makes more sense IMO that they got an hour down the road, checked their phones, and ditched them. But it doesn't really matter at this point, does it?
If they sent phones to Decatur was a diversion, it wasn't much of one. It would have been better to send them the opposite direction and cause people to think they were heading east. As it was, it looks like they just started driving south from Columbia down to Decatur (probably just the quickest way to get out of TN if they thought an Amber Alert would be issued for the state), then cut through the Ozarks, then headed to OKC--lots of large parks in these areas.

I don't really think you have to be cunning to avoid LE for a few weeks--mostly just lucky. Finding two people when they could be anywhere in the U.S. is searching for a needle in a haystack.

If he is dumb enough to walk with her into a Wal-Mart in plain sight, I don't think that's too cunning. One of them could have gone in quite easily and NEVER have been noticed--it's only the combo of the two that's identifiable. Furthermore, Wal-Mart is FULL of people and security cameras, and if he's even taken a glance at the news, he already knows he was caught on camera in a Wal-Mart once before! Wal-Marts have some of the best surveillance I've seen.

To me that signifies that either, 1) he isn't very cunning and they both went in carelessly, or 2) he doesn't trust her to be alone and is afraid she'll bolt if he leaves her alone in the car.

Either option isn't good for him. If it's 1, then he'll likely make more careless mistakes, and if 2, there's trouble in paradise.

IIMO the Walmart sighting was intentional, like a signal to someone, not sure who. He's walking like he's bragging. And they bought items that could have been gotten in a convenience. store And the state letters, OK, may mean something too. IMO it was intended to be caught on camera that day,
IIMO the Walmart sighting was intentional, like a signal to someone, not sure who. He's walking like he's bragging. And they bought items that could have been gotten in a con·ven·ience. store And the state letters, OK, may mean something too. IMO he/they intended to be caught on camera.

What possible reason would they have for blowing their own cover? I just don't see it. They could have easily been apprehended then and there by LE.
Yes. Anyone who has done a bit of research into the FLDS or other polygamous societies would know these are CLOSED communities. The only outsiders let in historically have been regular LDS who convert to fundamentalist polygamy. And that hasn't happened with regard to the FLDS in particular in a long time because after Warren Jeffs took charge, it became even more secretive and, frankly, cult-like.

Some random dude with a child bride ain't gonna' be welcomed in a secretive community like that, who seek to fly under the radar and are highly suspicious of outsiders.

This is a very typical college graduation book. (I got one). What are your thoughts?

The census data bears out that teen marriages are much more common in the south.

[FONT="]Research has shown marital timing is affected by an individual's demographic and family background. With respect to demographic variations, women marry younger than men ([/FONT][URL=""]Goldscheider & Waite, 1986[/URL][FONT="]; [/FONT][URL=""]Johnson & Dye, 2005[/URL][FONT="]). Race-ethnic differences in marital timing are also pronounced. Hispanics are the most likely to marry young, followed somewhat closely by Whites and more distantly by Asians and Blacks ([/FONT][URL=""]Glick, Ruf, White, & Goldscheider, 2006[/URL][FONT="]; [/FONT][URL=""]Michael & Tuma, 1985[/URL][FONT="]; [/FONT][URL=""]Teachman, Tedrow, & Crowder, 2000[/URL][FONT="]). Moreover, geographic location has also been found to be associated with early marriage. Individuals who live in the southern United States are more likely to marry at young ages, as are people living in nonmetropolitan areas ([/FONT][URL=""]Bramlett & Mosher, 2002[/URL][FONT="]; [/FONT][URL=""]Goldscheider & Waite; McLaughlin, Lichter, & Johnson, 1993[/URL][FONT="]).[/FONT]

Census data on teenage marriage, from 1998, showed that only 1 percent of 15- to 17-year-olds had ever been married. But the rates were higher among 18- and 19-year-olds — 6.5 percent for white women, 13.4 percent for Hispanic women — and they vary by region, with higher rates in the South and lower rates in the Northeast. Experts say that teenage marriage tends to be more common in religious and immigrant families, particularly among Hispanics, and more common in so-called red states like Alaska.

The rate of child marriage varies widely by state. It is most common in West Virginia and Texas, where about seven of every 1,000 15- to 17-year-olds were married in 2014. Several other states in the South and the West, including Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina, Nevada and California, also have above-average rates of child marriage.

But are we getting off track? While teen marriage happens in the US and more often in certain regions, teens marrying vastly older adults, I would venture to guess that that is quite low. It happens, indeed, among the FLDS, but I don't know of any other group where that happens frequently.

Like the green bow. I'm going to put it on my FB and twitter page.
Was it both of their phones that pinged in Decatur, AL? Or just one? If so, whose?

Were the physical phones ever located by LE after the ping?

(Have never been clear on either of these questions...)
Yeah, they would have had to have turned the phones off and then have someone there to pick up the phones and turn them back on to get that effect.

If they were smart, they would have left their phones on, put them in a box, and FedEx-ed them to NY or WA or something, thus sending LE on a multi-state wild goose chase as it would appear they were traveling this route until the batteries were dead.
Seems they would eventually ping inside the facility and then it would be obvious that the phones were sent in transit. But maybe not until after that wild goose chase.
Seems they would eventually ping inside the facility and then it would be obvious that the phones were sent in transit. But maybe not until after that wild goose chase.

Accuracy of pings is relative to density of cell phone towers, so it's not generally an exact location, like an address. Phone's GPS system is a different story.,2817,2404494,00.asp
Would anybody else feel better if the Nashville sighting(s) were debunked by the TBI instead of local police? I'm getting weird feelings on this one.


I watched a movie last night called "Bernie" with Jack Black and Shirley MacLaine. The role of Jack Black was TC and the small town was Columbia, TN. Instead of a shooting, I imagined the kidnapping of ET.


It's actually a true story about a man named Bernie Tiede

I LOVE that movie! Quirky, sensitive and funny! Did you know that some of the people in the movie talking about Bernie are actual people who knew him?

We have no proof that TC has ever been diagnosed as a psychopath, we can find similarities sure but without a confirmed medical diagnosis , it's all just speculation .

I didn't see anything to suggest it was anything more than interesting speculation. I thought that was pretty clear. There was no post of hers actually diagnosing the man.

And I don't think it's an illogical theory. This is a person who has violated the rights of others in various ways and doesn't seem to appreciate boundaries. He had zero regard for his wife, children or grandbabies. he had no regard for the rights of ET or of the feelings of her desperate family.

He didn't care about his reputation, or his job. He apparently has engaged in illicit, destructive, unethical behavior with ET for several months. He is engaging in extremely risky, dangerous, criminal conduct by disappearing with a student in violation of the law.

The kind of person who would do all that has something wrong with them. Narcissistic personality disorder, malignant narcissism, sociopath, psychopath, borderline, who knows? But that's what we do here -speculate based on the facts. It's all good.
Was it both of their phones that pinged in Decatur, AL? Or just one? If so, whose?

Were the physical phones ever located by LE after the ping?

(Have never been clear on either of these questions...)

The info I've seen cites Thomas's phone.
It doesn't seem that they have the phone itself, since they are unsure about exactly when the ping happened. If they actually found the phone itself, THAT would be the story--e.g., "Amber Alert Victim's Phone Found in Decatur, AL" instead of the unsure speculation in articles like the following:

EDIT: I should also write that I mentioned them "ditching" their phones, but now that I reread articles, there's no indication of that. They could simply be turned off.
What possible reason would they have for blowing their own cover? I just don't see it. They could have easily been apprehended then and there by LE.

IIRC the Alert had not gone out that far yet. And the lawyer indicated on the NG podcast that they may have been around for some time since that sighting occurred two days after the disappearance and it is something like a 10 hr drive. So they may not have been rushing too much, And the only reason we are so aware now is media coverage. As for why I said in my post not sure.

Side note - 3/15 is the Ides of March. On their IG accounts they used a #markanthony (get the link?). if you go to IG and type that in search its the profile of a poetry saying site. Probably doesn't mean anything.
The info I've seen cites Thomas's phone.
It doesn't seem that they have the phone itself, since they are unsure about exactly when the ping happened. If they actually found the phone itself, THAT would be the story--e.g., "Amber Alert Victim's Phone Found in Decatur, AL" instead of the unsure speculation in articles like the following:

Thanks DerrenAnker! This info seemed to be harder to come by for whatever reason.

Assuming ET's phone was roaming, could the roaming carrier not use triangulation to narrow down the area of the ping (and thus have LE search for the device in person)?
Thanks DerrenAnker! This info seemed to be harder to come by for whatever reason.

Assuming ET's phone was roaming, could the roaming carrier not use triangulation to narrow down the area of the ping (and thus have LE search for the device in person)?

There are ways to narrow down a ping, but it seems that the last time her phone pinged was in Decatur and nothing since, so there's really nothing to work with at this point. Or, if there is, LE isn't publicly reporting it.
IIRC the Alert had not gone out that far yet. And the lawyer indicated on the NG podcast that they may have been around for some time since that sighting occurred two days after the disappearance and it is something like a 10 hr drive. So they may not have been rushing too much, And the only reason we are so aware now is media coverage. As for why I said in my post not sure.

Side note - 3/15 is the Ides of March. On their IG accounts they used a #markanthony (get the link?). if you go to IG and type that in search its the profile of a poetry saying site. Probably doesn't mean anything.

I'm lol'ing at the thought that TC stomped into an OKC Wal-Mart as a fugitive for the purposes of making a statement regarding Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. #markanthony appears to be just another "warrior poet" on IG. ;)

Irishboy: This came out wrong. I meant that I was amused at the mental image of TC thinking about a Roman General then applying the Ides of March to his arrogant Wal-Mart appearance. In other words, not amused that you came up with the link, in fact, I'm super impressed! :)
Looking at patterns, the first day they travelled 8 hours and went through Decatur. The next day they were 10 hours away in Oklahoma City. BessDrew??? Hate to bother you again, but could you do a radius around Columbia that's about 10 hours away? If they haven't headed to Mexico or way out west, I'm thinking it might be worth looking into areas within that 10 hour radius. I will say, I highly doubt he'd head to the west coast This is where his politics would drive him, and the west coast is very liberal I just can't picture him being able to hang at, oh, a gay pride parade in SF or be able to deal with the constant professional protesting.
I've lived in the South all my life and have traveled all over this country. I've never had the impression that more people marry young in the south and start their family at an early age more so than in any other part of the country. There are just as many rural communities and big cities all over the US where people marry right out of high school and start a family (or drop out of high school and start a family without getting married). Many get married, start a family, and still go to college. A lot of young people marry and start a family at a young age when they enlist to serve our country.

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understand. BUT a 15 year old with a 50 year old man? I don't think many parents would give their approval to that.
I'm not sure why you all think the phone was turned on when it got to Decatur, it was probably on the whole ride down there and that's just where the last ping was. I'm new here and not too sure about posting twitter links with what ET's dad said but here's a quote. "Her phone was last the night of the 13th. I called twice, it rang 10x, and went to voice mail. Next, it just went to VM"
Does anyone else think a third party might be providing a place to live? If they are sleeping in the car (mattress fitting in the back of the Rouge) they would have to either 1- eat out or 2- camp out. I just do not see camping/off the grid as a long term or even three week plan for them. There are all kinds of groups and forums online--- many shady I'm sure, where TC might have made a contact. Surely LE has checked with his immediate and extended family members but maybe he was involved in some kind of Fall/Spring group online.

I just can't wrap my head around them being on the move, out and about for three weeks without someone seeing them.

ETA--- sorry if off topic. I haven't read today's posts. [emoji15]
I'm not sure why you all think the phone was turned on when it got to Decatur, it was probably on the whole ride down there and that's just where the last ping was. I'm new here and not too sure about posting twitter links with what ET's dad said but here's a quote. "Her phone was last the night of the 13th. I called twice, it rang 10x, and went to voice mail. Next, it just went to VM"

You can post that, it was in msm somewhere as well. Something to the effect that her dad worried TC may have heard the phone ringing and made her toss it.
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