Found Safe TN - Mary Catherine Elizabeth Thomas, 15, Maury County, 13 March 2017 #14 *Arrest*

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Note, WKRN says the couple stayed at Black Bear for two days, but were asked to leave? :not good:

If I had to guess, they became suspicious of the cover story - dad/daughter or whatever.
I wonder if Tad Cummings will waive extradition.:thinking:
He bought KY Jelly at Walmart in OK

Yeah, the criminal document spells it out very clearly. Now, I see why they didn't release some information.
I recall the TBI guy saying that she would be flown home on a TBI plane. My hope is that they brought a counselor with them who can help ET through some of her emotions on the flight home. She has got to be torn in pieces, poor girl.

My biggest concern for ET right now is the possibility that she has been brainwashed into thinking herself in love with that gross pervert and thinking her family is against her (just my own "what if?").

Not that any abduction is an easy thing to bounce back from, but if this child was brainwashed to think she is some kind of "spiritual bride" to this beast, she could be so horribly conflicted and may even resist help offered her.

Fifteen is still such a baby <3, although I know that I, at fifteen, considered myself an adult. (Sorry, Mama)

Lots of healing thoughts going to TN tonight.
Note, WKRN says the couple stayed at Black Bear for two days, but were asked to leave? :not good:

Commune 'guidelines'
Stay 2 days
2 weeks
2 months
then resident.
Can be asked to leave by a 'resident'. So i'm guessing after the 2 days, they were asked to leave. Probably didn't 'contribute' as required to show they were going to 'work out' as members. I would be they stayed to themselves. Communes don't want that.. and maybe, just maybe, someone recognized them .........
Kat, please give ET a hug from me! Sorry, gotta do one more happy dance!!! :happydance:
I am happy the story has a happy ending as no one ends up dead. Congratulations for the Thomas family.

In his Tweeter description, two items about Mr. Tad Eric Cummins stuck to mind: (1) Jesus freak and (2) warrior.

&#8220;Jesus freak is a term arising from the late 1960s and early 1970s counterculture and is used as a pejorative for those involved in the Jesus movement.&#8221;

The description of the Black Bear Ranch commune where Mr. Cummins and Ms. Thomas stayed includes
&#8220;It was founded in 1968,[1] with the slogan "free land for free people". It has been considered by some participants and commentators to be one of the more radical examples of communal living/intentional communities that grew out of the counterculture of the 1960s.&#8221;

In hindsight, it fits well that they were staying in that commune for over a week prior to the notice and alert. Another interesting feature of the Black Bear Commune is its use of peyote, an entheogen live plant used to be close to the divine. This fits Mr. Tad Cummins religious freakiness. He wants to be close to &#8220;Jesus&#8221;.

Further description of the commune includes &#8220;Miller also records how "a strong sense of community" including ritual peyote use led to a variety of social experiments being conducted including the abolishing of private property and also the institution of a rule to prevent "coupling," which banned anyone from sleeping with the same partner for more than two consecutive nights,[SUP][3][/SUP] although this had disastrous consequences after a venereal disease spread amongst the community. Despite the ban on coupling (considered "bourgoise decadence"),[SUP][6][/SUP] traditional feelings of resentment came back when they tried to work out who had slept with whom in order to treat the disease..&#8221;

This aspect of the commune is interesting. The news announce: &#8220;After the capture, one federal charge of transportation of a minor across state lines for the purpose of having criminal sexual intercourse was filed against Cummins, said Jack Smith, acting US attorney for the Middle District of Tennessee.&#8221;

How do they know about the &#8220;the purpose of having criminal sexual intercourse&#8221;? Is Ms. Mary Catherine Elizabeth Thomas pregnant? If she were pregnant, do they know yet if the procreative phallus is Mr. Tad Cummins&#8217; or somebody else, given the &#8220;rule to prevent coupling&#8221;?

I was somewhat bewildered about Mr. Tad Cummins&#8217; self-description as a warrior. Common definition includes &#8220;A warrior is a person specializing in combat or warfare, especially within the context of a tribal or clan-based warrior culture society that recognizes a separate warrior class or caste.&#8221;

Is Mr. Tad Cummins a member of some paramilitary group?

The Black Bear Commune is described with some &#8220;warrior&#8221; aspects: &#8220;Despite their remoteness, the community managed to keep in contact with a variety of radical groups including the Hells Angels and Black Power groups.[SUP][8][/SUP] There was a tension between those with a radical&#8212;even paramilitary&#8212;persuasion who wanted to pursue weapons training and possibly harbor radical political fugitives[SUP][9][/SUP] and the many pacifists.&#8221;

Anyways, it is a good news that Ms. Elizabeth Thomas is safely returned to her biological family. Now, she could resume her schooling. How long will Mr.Tad Cummins has to serve in prison? Perhaps, Ms. Elizabeth Thomas will be adult be the time he may be on parole.

Unfortunately for them, the underage person is female and Caucasian. In the US, this is a big taboo. If the underage person were a 12 year old male, and a member of a minority group, they could have ended up like Ms. Mary Kay Schmitz Letourneau Fualaau and Mr. Fualaau.
The criminal complaint makes me ill. His wife felt the need to tell them about the prescription refill. IMO, she had probably known for some time about his intentions. (Not in the way that she had evidence, but a guttural thing.) I'm kind of...conflicted...about her. But that doesn't matter, at all. He is a monster. I kind of hope more information is not made public, for ET's sake.
If they spent 2 days at a motel in OKC it seems likely someone would have remembered seeing them. However, this is the first i have read about that. Knowing they were in OKC for more than 24 hours. FBI spokesman said 2 days ago everything he knew to do was being done, then yesterday they got the tip.

Gosh, forgive me but now I feel like part of a story has been missing. The LE reports then read nothing like the charges posted above.
The good news, ET is safe now. ET will need counselling for this ordeal. I feel for the sp's wife.
I am sick with the knowledge that was released on the statement as to what was purchased at walmart, I can't even imagine.
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