Found Safe TN - Mary Catherine Elizabeth Thomas, 15, Maury County, 13 March 2017 #8

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I have security cameras inside and outside. I have trail cameras up in the front of my driveway. I have no trespassing signs all around my property.
I'm not a wacko , nothing happened to make me install them. I just want to know who comes on my property and when.
I have a masters degree and am a professional. I also have German Shepherds work are trained to work my property as guard dogs.
I'm not paranoid at all. I'm just prepared. So there's probably not anything wrong with the fact that Mr Thomas has security cameras.

Not everybody with cameras has some stories to tell about being scared or victimized. There's not always a story behind everything.
That's what I call majoring in the minors.
Ok, to flush TC out- His family would have to go along with this one (maybe they would agree to because of how he has treated JC). Maybe LE can hold a press conference where they say they have arrested JC, and one or some of TC's children for their involvement in the kidnapping and that their grandchildren are being placed in foster care pending investigation....
Just a thought again...
I don't think he cares about JC or he wouldn't have left her in the lurch. Let's not hope for harm unto others. However, I wonder how he'd feel if some creeper took HIS young daughter.
I don't think he cares about JC or he wouldn't have left her in the lurch. Let's not hope for harm unto others. However, I wonder how he'd feel if some creeper took HIS young daughter.

Yeah, I don't hope harm on anyone, his family is going through something bad because of him too, but maybe seeing what he's put them through will make him stop. If he though his family were in trouble for possibly aiding him, would he feel bad enough to come out?
I'm in East TN. Hubby and I sleep with the front door wide open in the summertime. Not unlocked, wide open. But then, we're in the middle of the forest (which obviously explains my lack of understanding when it comes to security systems). Make it up my driveway unannounced in the middle of the night, and you probably won't make it back down without an ambulance.

Jeez remind me not to deliver pizza to your house at night--lol
I cant imagine going through that as an adult, so how hard it must be for a 15 year old child!! Very unprofessional of that school IMO.

JMO but everything on that website is Nancy Grace.... and her spin on things. I think many of us have followed her enough to know she tends to make statements as facts that are in fact, rumor, and runs with it. I'd prefer to stick to sites that are local or more 'fact based'. She's been wrong numerous times... not saying she is in this case, but as soon as i 'hear' her behind it, I roll my eyes.
Yeah, I don't hope harm on anyone, his family is going through something bad because of him too, but maybe seeing what he's put them through will make him stop. If he though his family were in trouble for possibly aiding him, would he feel bad enough to come out?
No, I don't think that would draw him out. I think he's 100% committed to this, to the bitter end. At any cost.
Another thing I'm confused about (because, you know, I'm annoying like that) : This home had security surveillance cameras. Who monitors those ? The company ? The home-owner ? How does that work exactly ? If TC had showed up to the home several times announced and uninvited, wouldn't there be video of that somewhere ? If so, that might help fill in some of the timeline.

It's monitored by the father. After the restraining order was placed the mother broke in the house numerous times. The camera system was installed. They monitor it only if something happens. It backs up to a hard drive.
Jeez remind me not to deliver pizza to your house at night--lol
That's the way it is for people that have a key to my house and don't call me and say they are coming over. They know if I'm home and not expecting anyone and they start coming in my door, they will be nose to nose with my little friend.

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So...the home surveillance wasn't through a security company, according to what the father said. Wonder what prompted the father to install the cameras. Not that they are uncommon or anything, but I know he worked a lot of hours, so maybe he was concerned about security or monitoring the kids or maybe even the mother trying to contact the kids ?

I answered this on the last page. Sorry. I'm trying to answer theses quickly.
The father installed it after the restraining order was issued because the mother kept breaking into the house. It was to monitor and report the break ins. They had proof with videos.
KAT Do you know if she took her epipen with her? JMO I have no idea what TC's family is doing to find him, but I really think that they should be making public pleas for him to give himself up. Once is NOT enough!!!JMO They know people in other States.....they could ask those people to assist in public pleas.

I could ask her sister but we all have food allergies and there are multiple epipens in the home
I could ask her sister but we all have food allergies and there are multiple epipens in the home
Well that is good, maybe she did take one just in case something comes up.

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Yes! The public support her family and friends give to her is so very important. There's a chance she will see a plea from her siblings for example...saying they miss her, NEED her, love her etc is what will let her know it will be okay.

Also I agree she probably did choose to go. My only argument with that is the driving emotion behind that is most likely feeling she owes it to him, imo. Which is probably something he's aware of and I can imagine using against her. A debt hanging over her head: "Look what I did for you, this is how much I love you"

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it was said that she wanted her friend/driver to take her back home. Maybe denied because he/she had to work.
I have security cameras inside and outside. I have trail cameras up in the front of my driveway. I have no trespassing signs all around my property.
I'm not a wacko , nothing happened to make me install them. I just want to know who comes on my property and when.
I have a masters degree and am a professional. I also have German Shepherds work are trained to work my property as guard dogs.
I'm not paranoid at all. I'm just prepared. So there's probably not anything wrong with the fact that Mr Thomas has security cameras.

Not everybody with cameras has some stories to tell about being scared or victimized. There's not always a story behind everything.
That's what I call majoring in the minors.

Not sure if you addressing my post with this or not, since you didn't quote me directly, but just to be clear, I never said there was anything wrong with having security cameras, or that everyone who has them has some story to tell. In fact, I made it perfectly clear that I don't know the first thing about home security cameras and that was what made me wonder aloud about why someone MIGHT have them.

But I do agree, a prolonged discussion about that is "majoring in the minors" with respect to this case.
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I could ask her sister but we all have food allergies and there are multiple epipens in the home

I heartedly wish a safe return, the sooner the better, for your sister. I have a fleeting feeling that your statements at websites appear to be recycled by some news media. Then, people repost what they read from news media to websites. It is like a snake eating its tail. That could be good sometimes and bad at other times.

Perhaps, you are discussing with your lawyers what is good to say and what should be saved for later. People’s motivations are not always selfless. You want to avoid that what is said today may hurt your precious sister tomorrow. Good luck!
JMO but everything on that website is Nancy Grace.... and her spin on things. I think many of us have followed her enough to know she tends to make statements as facts that are in fact, rumor, and runs with it. I'd prefer to stick to sites that are local or more 'fact based'. She's been wrong numerous times... not saying she is in this case, but as soon as i 'hear' her behind it, I roll my eyes.

I understand where you're coming from. But even her sister stated she was being bullied by students and some teachers were not acting appropriate either.
The Epi Pen wasn't for asthma. Epi pens are for anaphylaxis. Her doctor thought with how bad her reactions were getting to eating the food her chances of anaphylaxis was high. Doctors don't give Epipens out for fun.
Oh wow!
I heartedly wish a safe return, the sooner the better, for your sister. I have a fleeting feeling that your statements at websites appear to be recycled by some news media. Then, people repost what they read from news media to websites. It is like a snake eating its tail. That could be good sometimes and bad at other times.

Perhaps, you are discussing with your lawyers what is good to say and what should be saved for later. People’s motivations are not always selfless. You want to avoid that what is said today may hurt your precious sister tomorrow. Good luck!

Yes. However the allergies aren't a secret and it's already in the media. I do ask what I'm allowed to say. I don't answer question that I'm not sure how to and I will admit when I cannot answer them.
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