Found Safe TN - MCET, 15, Abducted by Teacher, in Maury County, 13 March 2017 #16 *ARREST*

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Authorities said the mother physically abused several of her children for about a year, beginning in November 2014. The teen's father was living at home during that time, but the couple separated in November 2015 and the father took sole custody of the children. The parents have been married for 30 years and have 10 children together, though only four of them are still minors.

The mother is accused of hitting her children until they bled, knocking a daughter unconscious with a wooden board and throwing a chair at another daughter, bruising her leg. The mother also smacked a child in the head for injecting herself with her brother's EpiPen.

The mother is alleged to have banged the 15-year-old's head on a washer, and at another point, she threw the girl down basement steps and locked her inside.

The children wrote letters to the Department of Children's Services about the abuse before the mother was arrested.

The mother has been ordered to stay away from the children.

Cummins knew the girl had been abused and took advantage of that information.
This just gets worse and worse with every bit of information released. I feel so sad for ET and all that she has been through. Who was watching out for this child? Clues were there all over her IG. Wife? for crying out loud the questions should have been asked well before the classmate saw that kiss. Just MOO. Hindsight is 20/20 but when it comes to kids that have been in an abusive situation and should be healing I dont understand the surprise that the abuse by TC had been going on for months unchecked.

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You hit on something really important here. This is something most victims of abuse experience. They are desperate for morsels of love and affection. They are "taught" that no one else can love them correctly but the abuser. It's especially pervasive in sexual abuse against children. There is so much self loathing wrapped up in experiencing child/minor abuse. They want and crave the attention from the abuser, but it doesn't feel right or good, but at the same time it does. They believe this is the only person who can love them and save them. Losing that is terrifying.

I loved my abuser. At one point, I was obsessed with losing him. I think I'd have done anything to keep them. I believed no one else would or could love me. I craved the attention and affection. It also felt horrible and I hated myself. That made me need him more. It was pure hell.

ETA: I want to add, you better believe I blamed the whole thing on myself. And I would have secretly jumped at the chance to see him again, for some time even after charges and stopped contact. But I can tell you, I was NOT willing in all of it. It's very complicated psychologically.
Thank you for sharing this. It's hard to comprehend for some but what you shared is what many victims experience. Especially craving the attention..feeling bad about it..but not wanting it to stop. It's a rollercoaster in hell.

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The mother is scheduled to appear in court next month and has pleaded not guilty to five counts of abuse and neglect involving several of her children. The girl's father filed for divorce Monday, citing the alleged abuse. His daughter was found safe with her teacher last week at a cabin in a remote part of Northern California.

The mother is alleged to have banged the 15-year-old's head on a washer, and at another point, she threw the girl down basement steps and locked her inside, the documents said.

Authorities credit the caretaker of the remote Northern California property for helping police find the girl. The caretaker will get a $10,000 reward on Friday.
I do understand that folks are trying to protect her, but :thinking:

She was trying to control her destiny, and now all her interactions with everyone (from media reports) are supervised.

At that age, I think in her position, I would be very upset having no privacy with interactions at this time.

Heck, to this day I would be very upset if I lost the freedom to not have private conversations and interactions with friends and family.

I do not understand, and hope indeed that others that are knowledgeable ( e.g. Jaycee's or Elizabeth Smart's organization or similar) are involved and her emotional health is primary.

I guess my concern is due to my ignorance of what is best for her.

Just seems that her current lack of control and freedom is anxiety producing.
According to the charges against ET's mother, she made her strip naked in from of other adults, as well as hitting her and pushing her down stairs.

I think those links may be in the media thread, but if not I will hunt down a link.

ETA link:

In the video the family friend Caleb posted he recounted another worse story with one of the other sisters IIRC. The environment was just awefull.
I agree with defense attorneys having an important job to do. A necessary job. And were I ever in a pickle, I would be grateful to have representation .

That said, TC (I hope) is indefensible. His actions have no "gray area" and he is a straight-up child predator and rapist.

In fact, I have some sympathy for defense attorneys. I suspect they often defend worthy clients. And again, I am grateful for their presence. You never know when you might be wrongly accused of a crime.

You know, EllieBee, I hope you are right. But I am a worrier, and what I worry about in this case is that he will say he did not have intent of sexual activity when he crossed the state border, but that the intent and the activity came later. If he has a jury trial, and the jury believes him or has more than reasonable doubt, I worry about him getting off the federal charges. Go ahead and pile on me, everybody! I want to be wrong about this.
My gut says she really thought what she felt for this disgusting turd was love.

He probably relished the bullying that HIS ACTIONS CAUSED because it made him seem like her only sanctuary. He probably LOVED it. :mad:

The thought that this child has had her innocence stolen by this gross pig sickens me. I truly hope she will be able to heal and experience a true love in a normal, healthy way with a boy/man her own age. Emotionally AND physically.

I seldom wish violence on others, even perps, but this guy makes me see red. He potentially DESTROYED a child's life for his own nasty desires. I really think I would throat punch him if I could and accept a night in jail with joy.

Sorry. Gettin' scrappy. Better go make dinner. :(

Agree you hit the nail on the head. Part of the grooming to create a situation that they then "save' their victim from, creating a need.
Yes! And in trying to examine what we are up against here, I am looking at anything and everything... The fear I have is that TC may be shown undo leniency in what, imo, is still a very patriarchal system! (I am all for tempering justice with mercy, but I fear TC may get more leniency than he deserves in this case!)

My hope is that the prosecution will heavily stress premeditation, months, years even! , by TC as there is some evidence that he attempted to groom other girls, and he most likely had this in mind for a long, long time. He chose ET not because she needed a "savior" (pfffttt!) but because she was vulnerable and he spotted that.... like a lion spots a limp. moo
BBM. Yes, that's exactly what sexual predators do. I feel like this needs to be understood because it's so important so you can protect the children in your life. There is a reason why there are stiffer penalties for adults like teachers who sexualize their students, and it's because of a couple of things. The teacher is already in a position of power so the student must comply. It's not even a good idea to give a student a hug because they feel they have to accept it whether they want to or not, and sometimes children don't like their teachers and feel "icky" around physical contact with them. The other reason is because the teacher has information about the child that the general public doesn't. TC knew about any prior abuse with any of the students because he has access to their files. A teen is more likely to be receptive to sexual abuse from an adult if they've previously been abused, it saves grooming time and they've already been "taught". Sexual predators know this, inherently, and they look for that child The previous child he attempted to groom was in the middle of two parents who were divorcing, another "limp" that lets a predator gain ground. So they pick the child who already has a history of abuse or is otherwise unprotected, like when a child's parents are divorcing. Then they try a few things, compliments, love poems, songs and sit back and wait for a reaction. If the child reacts appropriately to the actions, they up the ante. A back rub, stroking the face or hair, At this point the child feels they are in control of the situation, because the predator is always acting conflicted, pulling back. Before they know it, they're in over their head and that's when the predator does whatever it takes to make the child feel ashamed, dirty and bad all the while telling them they're being protected by those who don't understand. And it all happens so fast that it's like a whirlwind. And they become further isolated by their actions and more dependent on their abuser until something stops it or what happened with TC happens. TC knew about ET, her abuse and her mother out of her life and her parents divorcing. Not only was that going on, but she was new at school, had no friends and he was well entrenched as a "good guy" in the community. Even if she told on him, he could easily dispute her claims, after all she's just a very troubled girl. It's also why the previous girl he attempted to groom was a child whose parents were divorcing, thing was that girl had friends, had had a strong family upbringing, in other words she was well protected. Trust me, if he were truly honest he'd admit he was salivating when he was told about this new student and he most likely began planning this the moment she entered his classroom door.
You know, EllieBee, I hope you are right. But I am a worrier, and what I worry about in this case is that he will say he did not have intent of sexual activity when he crossed the state border, but that the intent and the activity came later. If he has a jury trial, and the jury believes him or has more than reasonable doubt, I worry about him getting off the federal charges. Go ahead and pile on me, everybody! I want to be wrong about this.

Except he refilled his ED medications days before the disappearance.
And he was being investigated for criminal charges after suspension, IMO for more than "a kiss", that they both denied then explained as a fatherly peck. There is probably much more than public that could come out. IMO the Pros/Feds will have no problem proving intent, that's why the Federal Charges are what they are.
Except he refilled his ED medications days before the disappearance.
And he was being investigated for criminal charges after suspension, IMO for more than "a kiss", that they both denied then explained as a fatherly peck. There is probably much more than public that could come out. IMO the Pros/Feds will have no problem proving intent, that's why the Federal Charges are what they are.

Plus they have the emails he sent to her where he talked about her body. I have not one worry he's going to prison.

You hit on something really important here. This is something most victims of abuse experience. They are desperate for morsels of love and affection. They are "taught" that no one else can love them correctly but the abuser. It's especially pervasive in sexual abuse against children. There is so much self loathing wrapped up in experiencing child/minor abuse. They want and crave the attention from the abuser, but it doesn't feel right or good, but at the same time it does. They believe this is the only person who can love them and save them. Losing that is terrifying.

I loved my abuser. At one point, I was obsessed with losing him. I think I'd have done anything to keep them. I believed no one else would or could love me. I craved the attention and affection. It also felt horrible and I hated myself. That made me need him more. It was pure hell.

ETA: I want to add, you better believe I blamed the whole thing on myself. And I would have secretly jumped at the chance to see him again, for some time even after charges and stopped contact. But I can tell you, I was NOT willing in all of it. It's very complicated psychologically.

Blue, I commend you for getting beyond this. Even being able to share it shows amazing strength on your part. Thank you for sharing your history.
Plus they have the emails he sent to her where he talked about her body. I have not one worry he's going to prison.

and text messages between the two. LE found them on ET's phone when the police initially investigated.
Except he refilled his ED medications days before the disappearance.
And he was being investigated for criminal charges after suspension, IMO for more than "a kiss", that they both denied then explained as a fatherly peck. There is probably much more than public that could come out. IMO the Pros/Feds will have no problem proving intent, that's why the Federal Charges are what they are.

I'm sure we're going to be shocked when this goes to trial and it comes out why he was being investigated. I have a sneaking suspicion it wasn't about ET. I think there was another student he was grooming when ET hit the radar and he dropped that other student because ET was an easier target. There was something in a couple of ET's posts that led me to believe there was another child he was playing her against. Call it a hunch. I think the other student made a complaint.
I'm sure we're going to be shocked when this goes to trial and it comes out why he was being investigated. I have a sneaking suspicion it wasn't about ET. I think there was another student he was grooming when ET hit the radar and he dropped that other student because ET was an easier target. There was something in a couple of ET's posts that led me to believe there was another child he was playing her against. Call it a hunch. I think the other student made a complaint.

This too did cross my mind when I read her pictures. It was parallel to the timeline.
Except he refilled his ED medications days before the disappearance.
And he was being investigated for criminal charges after suspension, IMO for more than "a kiss", that they both denied then explained as a fatherly peck. There is probably much more than public that could come out. IMO the Pros/Feds will have no problem proving intent, that's why the Federal Charges are what they are.

Does anyone have links to the back/forth social media that a member here compiled?

In light of new information and dates that have been released, wanting to review and I cannot find that file(s) that was created and shared.
I'm sure we're going to be shocked when this goes to trial and it comes out why he was being investigated. I have a sneaking suspicion it wasn't about ET. I think there was another student he was grooming when ET hit the radar and he dropped that other student because ET was an easier target. There was something in a couple of ET's posts that led me to believe there was another child he was playing her against. Call it a hunch. I think the other student made a complaint.

:thinking: Hmm. I hadn't thought about that. Very interesting idea that could explain a couple of things.
I'm sure we're going to be shocked when this goes to trial and it comes out why he was being investigated. I have a sneaking suspicion it wasn't about ET. I think there was another student he was grooming when ET hit the radar and he dropped that other student because ET was an easier target. There was something in a couple of ET's posts that led me to believe there was another child he was playing her against. Call it a hunch. I think the other student made a complaint.

BBM, Yes i remember reading that upthread, that ET wasn't the first student he tried to get with. Ugh!
Since they secretly "shared" his work email account, I think he might've also had access to her Instagram and done a lot of #love postings on her IG himself.
#tad #ohtheplaces #prison
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