Found Safe TN - MCET, 15, Abducted by Teacher, in Maury County, 13 March 2017 #16 *ARREST*

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First time I've ever heard her cry for real though. She was very moved about an anecdote by the lawyer that ET's dad went searching everywhere for a special, rare flavor of Gatorade for ET and had a lot of trouble finding it when she was gone. Just a broken daddy desperate to find this connection to his kid so he could give it to her when she returned.

The lawyer keeps repeating that she looks, behaves/acts like a younger child. She is in a lower percentile on the physical/emotional range of 15 year olds is what I'm getting. She has reached puberty. But she's small, not that developed (some girls are more than others) and childlike in her conduct. Normal kid but there's always a range at this age. As freshman, my brothers and I were all like this. I think he's really trying to express his astonishment at what a little girl she was when he first met her. And how much more of a pervert that makes TC. Like some in the public are trying to paint this kid as some knowing Lolita type but she's not.

I agree. Oh his attorney can prattle on all he wants about how TC is excited to defend himself and how he was arrested without incident and was cooperative.

Well listen, he was lured out, away from his guns and away from the child he stole. Had it been otherwise, I'm positive the outcome would have been more violent.

He wasn't fully armed with loaded weaponry for nothing.

Yes i heard NG cry at the special drink her dad went looking for. I think years ago i saw NG get teary eyed on her show about one of the missing child cases, but can't remember which one now? Maybe Caylee or Haleigh?
So Jills car now has a bank that wants those high interest payments every month.

So Tad gave up his 40k a year job plus new vehicle plus family plus friends plus the next 10 years of his life for 6 weeks of being on the run in dingy places.

Wow. And he was sober the entire time for the most part?

What was he thinking?
So Jills car now has a bank that wants those high interest payments every month.

So Tad gave up his 40k a year job plus new vehicle plus family plus friends plus the next 10 years of his life for 6 weeks of being on the run in dingy places.

Wow. And he was sober the entire time for the most part?

What was he thinking?

I think he really is a sandwich short of a picnic. Nothing he has done makes any sense and was obviously only taking care of his own selfish needs with no conscience about how his actions would impact his victim or others, IMO.
For those that listened to, Anything to highlight or that is new info?

About Nancy Grace's podcast yesterday
TO ME it was a very interesting interview of the Thomas' attorney. It gave me more insight as to what the Dad and mcet are going through...the fun of the family, the tears of dad. And the perspectives of himself (the attorney) being exposed to all that. And I thought it was interesting the way the attorney mentioned the boat, and of course his opinion of TC. Perhaps prosecutors will agree with him. He used the word 'demented', and the paradox of how tc actually hurt ET by his actions towards her at school causing others to dislike her to the point she wanted to escape. But then tc used it to pretend he's a hero of sorts but really it was for his own purposes. Not direct quotes, sorry. Just my thoughts from their conversation. Yeah, I do get excited about Nancy Grace stuff. She helps get the word out about victims.
I love Websleuths too because lay people can express themselves by venting their frustrations, hopes for justice, as well as getting lots of info from others.
Oh yes, there was a moment ng expressed her feelings about law enforcement's struggles. I like various perspectives unless the perspective is that ET went willingly insinuating her guilt. If people can't understand she's 15, there is no hope to get them to understand. That's why we have things called 'parents' because teens are still immature. Errr.

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Lawyer: family is doing well, counselors will get ET back to normal, at times she appears normal, looks/acts 12, growth may be stunted (?!?!)

NG she had not developed as a woman, doesn't need a bra (twice)

Father is stoic, but this broke him. Never had a client weep in the way he did. We've had to reign in his emotional response because she cannot handle it.

The sight of the Thomas mother on media is hurtful to her children - they can't stand to see her.

ET told people she was so upset about the ridicule she got from the kissing incident that she wanted to "get out of there."

NG says the kiss was a "french kiss" (three times)

TC narcissistic, "a legend in his own mind"

In the commune, naked men walking around, but lawyer is not going to say what else he knows

Lawyer's understanding is that he went into Mexican waters with boat he purchased.

He also thinks ET will testify and be a good witness.

Her forensic interview was not finished, still need to finish that.

-And lots of other stuff we already know.

Grain of salt because NG, but ET didn't need a bra?

ET posted on IG that she needed a 32f but had to settle for a 34ddd.

I wear a 34ddd and am 5'10". I def need to wear a bra.

NG confounds me.
Yes, i agree about NG, she really didn't need to go there IMO, because it was TMI. Wasn't necessary because we get how ET has come across as being young for her age compared perhaps to other girls her age. From her pics. she looks like any other 15 yr. old, a young teen, IMO.
Not me! I have been with my husband since 10th grade. 34 years ago. If he pulled a stunt like this I would be thankful for my grandkids to never know or remember him!

I agree 100% IF that was their situation. Sadly, it is not. Only one of TC's 5 grandchildren is a baby, too young to remember him. Those innocent children are learning (or soon will) that the person they knew & loved was a felon, child molester, kid napping, rapist. Painful to learn at any age, for as children?This is all over the news. They live in a small town and a few are in school. There will be some kids who tease them, as in, "Did your Poppy rape you?" (Kids can be mean li'l chits, especially those who's parents set bad examples by being judgmental and not expressing/teaching compassion in their own homes). Maybe I'm just a worry wart, but these things are where my heart and thoughts lead when thinking of JC & her family. IMHO.
I don't care if she was 6 foot tall and was packing a D cup...mentally, emotionally, and legally, she is a child. It infuriates me to no end that there is even a discussion about how "developed" she was physically. Because....if she were a voluptuous child, you could maybe understand this pervert's actions?

Oh HELL no. Shame on anyone who even goes there.
I don't care if she was 6 foot tall and was packing a D cup...mentally, emotionally, and legally, she is a child. It infuriates me to no end that there is even a discussion about how "developed" she was physically. Because....if she were a voluptuous child, you could maybe understand this pervert's actions?

Oh HELL no. Shame on anyone who even goes there.
Yes! Thank you

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I don't care if she was 6 foot tall and was packing a D cup...mentally, emotionally, and legally, she is a child. It infuriates me to no end that there is even a discussion about how "developed" she was physically. Because....if she were a voluptuous child, you could maybe understand this pervert's actions?

Oh HELL no. Shame on anyone who even goes there.

Legally she is a Minor not a Child. There is a difference.

n. 1) a person's natural offspring. 2) a person 14 years and under. A "child" should be distinguished from a "minor" who is anyone under 18 in almost all states.
I agree with the previous poster that mentioned in the NG podcast, how per the family lawyer said that ET is having some "normalcy" back in her life and interacting and having fun with her siblings. That was good to hear.
I agree with the previous poster that mentioned in the NG podcast, how per the family lawyer said that ET is having some "normalcy" back in her life and interacting and having fun with her siblings. That was good to hear.

One of the things I found most impressive about her plan of care is that she is in control of who she sees, and when she wants to see them. Naturally, every family member wants to see her and spend time with her, but I can imagine that a constant parade of people coming and going might be incredibly overwhelming for her right now. Especially if she is having some difficulty accepting the realities of what actually happened to her.

A family of 10 is quite large. I have seven children and raised them as a single parent, 1000 miles from their father(s).
It wasn't easy at all. I know that I lacked giving the individual the proper attention and direction at times. They depended on each other for many things, emotionally.
I had a conversation just the other day with my 25 yo daughter and she was scolding me for not having the serious talks with them as children about drugs and sex and that they did discuss that with each other and she had expected me to be more involved.

My point, is that ET's family has its own dynamics and I feel it is in ET best interest to stay at the health facility until they decide she is strong enough to face her life going forward.
Her father has a huge role going forward, and I hope he has the support going forward that he needs to maintain balance and foresight into what is healthy.
The adult children don't necessarily stop needing a parent either. Because the mother is so wretched, this just puts so much more on his plate. He has a very difficult job.
But, ET's sister Kat seems to be a huge strength for both ET and the rest of her siblings.
I pray for them all and wish them all happiness.
Do they have grandchildren in the family yet? They certainly add another layer of both joy and attention.

A family of 10 is quite large. I have seven children and raised them as a single parent, 1000 miles from their father(s).
It wasn't easy at all. I know that I lacked giving the individual the proper attention and direction at times. They depended on each other for many things, emotionally.
I had a conversation just the other day with my 25 yo daughter and she was scolding me for not having the serious talks with them as children about drugs and sex and that they did discuss that with each other and she had expected me to be more involved.

My point, is that ET's family has its own dynamics and I feel it is in ET best interest to stay at the health facility until they decide she is strong enough to face her life going forward.
Her father has a huge role going forward, and I hope he has the support going forward that he needs to maintain balance and foresight into what is healthy.
The adult children don't necessarily stop needing a parent either. Because the mother is so wretched, this just puts so much more on his plate. He has a very difficult job.
But, ET's sister Kat seems to be a huge strength for both ET and the rest of her siblings.
I pray for them all and wish them all happiness.
Do they have grandchildren in the family yet? They certainly add another layer of both joy and attention.

IIRC there is at least 1 daughter not at home with a child and not active in this case.
It's good to see that ET is in charge of who she sees. I'm glad she is getting the freedom to make these choices.

The physical development talk is really weird and something I'm surprised to see in this thread. I think I need a breather
One of the things I found most impressive about her plan of care is that she is in control of who she sees, and when she wants to see them. Naturally, every family member wants to see her and spend time with her, but I can imagine that a constant parade of people coming and going might be incredibly overwhelming for her right now. Especially if she is having some difficulty accepting the realities of what actually happened to her.


Yes i agree. The family attorney did say about her being overwhelmed with too many people, so she definitely needs a space she is comfortable in.
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