Found Safe TN - MCET, 15, Abducted by Teacher, in Maury County, 13 March 2017 #18 *ARREST*

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Not impossible the address to send her a card was posted awhile back.

Really?? Thanks I will try to find when I get on my laptop! Thanks :)

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Cummins’ defense attorney Dumaka Shabazz told the court his client didn’t have an attorney during his initial interview and may have been coerced by investigators.


Oh good gravy. (I'm finding it VERY hard not to use profanity throughout this case.)
If they 'go there' re: coercion, I am going to hate him even worse.
Own the f up to what you did you blankety blank.

Wow, he took a beating on the resale of that kayak! Bought for $1500 and sold for $400.
As I said before, I can't understand his people talking about how smart he is.
Not that I'd ever do something like this, but if I did I sure as heck would plan it out much better.
Dumb criminal.
I'm still dumbfounded that TC thought he would kayak to Mexico. Mmmmm K.

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live feed back up....Tad walked in at 12:58 in court.. reporter continuing to read her feed above

Sister was character witness... What happened, wasn't her brother
I think that the above post is now repeating itself in case others want to hear it..... Since I missed very beginning... typing notes from the start which I missed.

They talked about allegations during interview re kissing... he said local authorities were working on that and Feb 6th was suspended after surveillance video (all this according to FBI) and she said what was new to her was that Tad apparently he played the mentor role and abuse with many students. The FBI said she told Tab about abuse, but he never reported to DCS. FBI talked about relationship... how Mr Cummins and wife took her to church 3-4 times FBI talked about how he got her job, and how he gave her money.... Talked about Cialis and loan (he lied about his assets on that)...

ok... it's looping to what I said above.. there is more info but we all knew it (mattress search, teen wedding search etc... ) so I didn't type it all. I'm sure her report later will include all this.


On above live link...¬if_id=1494636041398501

In court, they played audio recording of his call to his wife after arrest. "he said, baby I wanted to come home three weeks ago"... she asked him why didn't he turn himself in, and he said she did want to do that, and if she didn't go with him, they (LE) would think that he had killed her and that is why he didn't.

He has no trouble at all coming up with excuses. :blah:
A grown (insert colorful word) man was afraid of a 15 year old and what she wanted? Please.

ETA - not aimed at you but him:).

Next we will hear that SHE raped him. And he was scared to tell her no or, or, or, people would think the wrong thing.
Kayaking from SAN DIEGO TO MEXICO? This guy is an idiot. He's lucky they're both not dead. Ocean kayaking is really difficult, physically and mentally, and takes pretty great map skills too.

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Does anyone else find his handwriting extremely creepy? I don't know what it is but it just freaks me out.

A handwriting analyst could have a field day with it. It's very... unusual handwriting.
On above live link... (thanks! I came on with 29 viewers, 269 now~~, and got up to ...

In court, they played audio recording of his call to his wife after arrest. "he said, baby I wanted to come home three weeks ago"... she asked him why didn't he turn himself in, and he said she did want to do that, and if she didn't go with him, they (LE) would think that he had killed her and that is why he didn't.


Despite "wanting to come home three weeks ago", TC, by his own admission, continued to rape his victim throughout the entire ordeal.

I am truly at a loss for words when it comes to Tad Cummins and I don't think it's possible to hate him anymore than I already do.

Oh, and "baby" = :sick:
Next we will hear that SHE raped him. And he was scared to tell her no or, or, or, people would think the wrong thing.

Nothing would surprise me. He is a run of the mill predator. It is ALWAYS the victims fault.
Btw the Federal Rules of Evidence allow admissions against interest by a party. He's free to testify and try to explain what he meant but the FRE are clear on admissibility.

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On above live link...¬if_id=1494636041398501 (thanks! I came on with 29 viewers, 269 now~~, and got up to ...

I'm taking quick notes from this live stream

Thank you so much for taking notes!

In court, they played audio recording of his call to his wife after arrest. "he said, baby I wanted to come home three weeks ago"... she asked him why didn't he turn himself in, and he said she did want to do that, and if she didn't go with him, they (LE) would think that he had killed her and that is why he didn't.

I don't know about anyone else but I feel like he at least considered killing her and going home. Why else would he say that LE would think he killed her? He could have just told them where she was if they came knocking. I wouldn't doubt him threatening her with the guns he brought.
Cummins’ defense attorney Dumaka Shabazz told the court his client didn’t have an attorney during his initial interview and may have been coerced by investigators.


I was expecting that. Seems typical.
This will be a Federal case. It will not be tried by the State with their rules/etc.

This case can be tried in any of the 50 states. Think... OKC bombing case was tried in Colorado.

His lawyer has already hinted that the confession was coerced. He will argue that it should not be admissible.

The OKC bombing case was a change of venue, due to publicity in OKC. It had nothing to do with it being a Federal case. That was in the 1990s. I think judges are much less likely to move trials these days. I think the trial will be held right there in Nashville. Which is 50 miles away from Columbia anyway. That should be enough distance. Not that that will make much difference, since the case has gotten national publicity.
Oh good gravy. (I'm finding it VERY hard not to use profanity throughout this case.)
If they 'go there' re: coercion, I am going to hate him even worse.
Own the f up to what you did you blankety blank.

Wow, he took a beating on the resale of that kayak! Bought for $1500 and sold for $400.
As I said before, I can't understand his people talking about how smart he is.
Not that I'd ever do something like this, but if I did I sure as heck would plan it out much better.
Dumb criminal.

Wow, he took an $1100 hit on that kayak! So he only had $3400 minus the price of the iPad (about $160 @ Walmart) - that leaves $3240 for 38 days, or $82.26 per day.

ETA: NOW I understand why they were broke!
Wow, he took an $1100 hit on that kayak! So he only had $3400 minus the price of the iPad (about $160 @ Walmart) - that leaves $3240 for 8 days, or $82.26 per day.

I think iPads are at least 500.

ETA - At least thats what I see in the Cortez Walmart. Online you can get cheaper and refurbished. But in store I'm not finding them that cheap.
On above live link...¬if_id=1494636041398501 (thanks! I came on with 29 viewers, 269 now~~, and got up to ...

I'm taking quick notes from this live stream

They went to church 3 or 4 times at his church, they gave her a bible at Christmas. And once his wife questioned him, they stopped taking her.

The days they went missing, and night before said to wife he was going to Williamson Medical Center. At 11 am he was supposed to switch cars with her, and she was concerned that he was in a car accident.

Her daughter picker her up at noon from work, and went home and found note. She called police upon reading the note.

They leave Columbia - go to Decatur Alabama and they threw cell phones in river. Got the new tag to avoid deception.

When asked how he knew to disable GPS, he said from youtube.

First night... then caught on video..

Then to Canyon City, then Cortez... where he got the IPAD (no date given ed)

Then went to Utah, Nevada, stayed one night in military commune one night and he slept with gun that night.

Bought Kayak for $1,500, and tested it out. Planned to go to Mexico in kayak per FBI. Tested it out and Tad ran into LE before testing... and coming back they see same LE officer... Tad thought he was caught. LE didn't recognize... Was small boat warning.

Sold kayak for $400 and headed to northern ca.
It made him sad when he saw wifes plea on internet.

Then they went to Berkely... black bear...Griffin story...

She says (reporter) re 21st interview in Chico.. he wanted to go home and waived his right to atty. He admitted to initial kiss. He admitted to planning departure, taking wifes car, throwing phones, etc.

In court, they played audio recording of his call to his wife after arrest. "he said, baby I wanted to come home three weeks ago"... she asked him why didn't he turn himself in, and he said she did want to do that, and if she didn't go with him, they (LE) would think that he had killed her and that is why he didn't.

Did she say what cities in Utah and Nevada they stayed at? If I can find that out, I'll add it to the map I made.
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