Found Deceased TN - Noah Chamberlin, 2, Pinson, 14 Jan 2016 - #3

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DNA Solves
(Veeery curious about the shoes, where they/it was found if they were found)
Sorry. OT again. margartia25, thanks for my new avatar from a previous thread (Can't remember if #1 or #2, not that it matters). I love it.
I hate to be "thanking" posts that suggest how this precious baby may have succumbed out there in those woods. I know you all know what I mean. I pray the searchers are lead right to him today.
(Veeery curious about the shoes, where they/it was found if they were found)
I think we were all speculating on 'new lead/evidence' and comment from another official saying he had no shoe(s) on when initially it was reported that Noah was wearing tennis shoes. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks.
According to Tom Mapes, Madison County Sheriff Office public information officer, the search party that once numbered in the hundreds is down to 70-75 trained law enforcement officials. That number is expected to drop as inclement weather is predicted for Madison and Chester Counties early Friday morning.
Mapes said he did not anticipate an afternoon press conference unless there is a major update.

Mapes addressed rumors of officials finding bones in the woods. Mapes confirmed the bones, but said they belonged to an animal and still had animal fur on them.

The link came from here, in case any of you have run out of your "free" articles. It gives you a freebie since it's linked from Twitter:

Tyler Whetstone ‏@tyler_whetstone 40m40 minutes ago
New: Thurs. update - Crews scale back Noah search … via @JSunNews
I'm a bit confused about what the sheriff from Rogersville said about "no shoes on and a t-shirt." I don't see how he would know this if they happened to find a shoe. The reason is because of the t-shirt bit. How would he know Noah had on a t-shirt unless there were some kind of photo suggesting such. He wasn't reported missing wearing a t-shirt. He had on a long-sleeved shirt. Even if a t-shirt were under it he wouldn't know Noah still had it on without some kind of evidence to SHOW that to be the case.

I still think the recovered leads are possibly from trail cams.
New article. Thank you to all of you for all your posts and updates and for continuing to care about little Noah

"Investigators uncover new evidence that missing toddler Noah Chamberlin is still in Tennessee woods, one week after his disappearance Madison County Sheriff John Mehr said Thursday investigators had 'recovered leads' the two-year-old was in the woods.

Noah went missing in Pinson, Tennessee, on January 14
The 'leads' are the first major find in the one-week search.

However they would not elaborate further on the evidence.Investigators insist the family has 'no reason' to have harmed Noah. They hit out at conspiracy theorists for 'distracting' their search"

Read more:
No official confirmation that shoe(s) were found. No confirmation of what was found but something was "recovered" which lead LE to feel confident that Noah was in those woods.

This coupled with a statement by an official from another county who has been assisting with search efforts indicating that Noah was without shoes has led folks to believe maybe the unnamed evidence/lead mentioned by sheriff is a shoe or shoes.

Noah was wearing shoes when he disappeared.
I'm so sad Noah still hasn't been found. We're all buckling down over here and preparing for horrible weather. If the season is anything like last year, they may not be able to continue the search until warming weather arrives :( Last time we had horrible ice storms that not only made driving and walking impossible, but trees became deadly since the accumulating ice would cause branches to become weak and fall. Even in my own backyard, I have a big tree that split nearly in half due to a week's worth of ice and snow from last year. TN, especially west TN, does not handle snow very well, especially when it's more than an inch or two, and we're expecting 4-6 inches. I can't imagine them continuing the search tomorrow or the rest of the weekend, it would simply be too dangerous, even for professionals.

Another bad thing is how this new rain, sleet, ice, and snow is going to make sink holes bigger and make new obstacles. It will literally change how the forests looks after branches and crap fall on the floorbed. I'm afraid if they don't find Noah before tonight, then they may not find him for a long, long time.

&#65533;&#65533; I'm still trying to hold out hope for miracle. I've never wished so hard for a child to have been kidnapped or to have rolled into a hole somewhere and be stuck, rolled gently enough to not be super seriously injured but maybe just too steep for him to get out, a deep, mild temperature, hole with water but not enough to drown him. <modsnip>

Poor baby shouldn't have been gone this long &#65533;&#65533; Everyday I beg whatever higher power that may be out there that today will be the day that Noah gets to come. If he is gone, I hope he didn't suffer and I hope they find him so the family can have closure.

I feel in my bones that they're close. It makes a lot of sense that they could have found a shoe and that could be the evidence they've been hiding. He could have walked out of it, taken it off, maybe it got stuck on something and caused him to fall. No matter how he lost it at least it means that head there and that they're likely very very close.
I was reading more on hypothermia, and I believe little Noah wouldn't have made it long out there at all with the temperatures especially since he was probably damp and he is young, thin, and had very little clothing on to keep his heat in. And especially if he had no shoes on or lost his shoes. IMO I believe he lost his shoe/shoes early on after he went missing. In the linked article below it talks about Trench Foot. If this happened to Noah and he was barefoot or at least missing one shoe, his skin tissue from his foot would slough off. Wouldn't that make it a bit easier for a dog to track or find a scent? He couldn't have gone far once he hit moderate hypothermia and even then severe hypothermia he probably would have already been pretty much in able to walk and would just curl up somewhere. Also it says they will urinate, " people will have to urinate from cold diuresis. Vasoconstriction creates greater volume pressure in the blood stream. The kidneys pull off excess fluid to reduce the pressure so the person will urinate. " This would cause even more dampness. But then again, wouldn't the dogs be able to pick up the scent of his urine?

9. Trench Foot - Immersion Foot
Trench foot is a process similar to chillblains. It is caused by prolonged exposure of the feet to cool, wet conditions. This can occur at temperatures as high as 60 degrees F if the feet are constantly wet. This can happen with wet feet in winter conditions or wet feet in much warmed conditions (ex. sea kayaking). The mechanism of injury is as follows: wet feet lose heat 25x faster than dry, therefore the body uses vasoconstriction to shut down peripheral circulation in the foot to prevent heat loss. Skin tissue begins to die because of lack of oxygen and nutrients and due to buildup of toxic products. The skin is initially reddened with numbness, tingling pain, and itching then becomes pale and mottled and finally dark purple, grey or blue. The effected tissue generally dies and sluffs off. In severe cases trench foot can involve the toes, heels, or the entire foot. If circulation is impaired for > 6 hours there will be permanent damage to tissue. If circulation is impaired for > 24 hours the victim may lose the entire foot. Trench Foot cuases permanent damage to the circulatory system making the person more prone to cold related injuries in that area. A similar phenomenon can occur when hands are kept wet for long periods of time such as kayaking with wet gloves or pogies. The damage to the circulatory system is known as Reynaud's Phenomenon.

10. Chillblains
Caused by repeated exposure of bare skin to temperatures below 60 degrees
Redness and itching of the effected area
Particularly found on cheeks and ears, fingers and toes
Women and young children are the most susceptible
The cold exposure causes damage to the peripheral capillary beds, this damage is permanent and the redness and itching will return with exposure
Another bad thing is how this new rain, sleet, ice, and snow is going to make sink holes bigger and make new obstacles. It will literally change how the forests looks after branches and crap fall on the floorbed. I'm afraid if they don't find Noah before tonight, then they may not find him for a long, long time.

Nothing to add other than this absolutely breaks my heart.

Praying for Noah's family.
If in fact shoes or a shoe was found what would be the reason to not release that to the public ?
The grandma called 911 at 1:19 PM after having searched for Noah for about 20 minutes.

I wish there was some confirmation on this phone call, as there has been discussion about the way the call came in.
Every time I've read that, it's been mentioned in relation to the weather, such as here

"They admitted their efforts would more than likely be scaled back as winter weather threatens the area.Officials will have to move equipment being used in the search elsewhere in preparation for a possibly snowstorm.
However, they said as long as they could they would be out in force searching for little Noah."
All of Upper Tennessee is expecting a winter storm probably tonight where Noah is and starting Friday for us in East Tennessee. Schools have been closed Weds. and Thursday, I assume tomorrow, too.
Yes, from the beginning msm reported the 911 call as coming in at 1:19:

Noah was reported missing at 1:19 p.m. Jan. 14 after police said he was walking in the woods with his grandmother and 4-year-old sister off Short Road. Noah's grandmother told police the three were on a walk when she looked away from the toddler for a short time and turned back to find him gone.

Oddly, during Sunday's press conference (I think it was Sunday anyway) the sheriff gave a rough timeline of when the various responders arrived. He said the 911 call came in about 1:40.

It probably doesn't matter in the big picture but FWIW, in my very small community all 911 calls are routed through a multi-county dispatcher who then contacts the appropriate official, so maybe the sheriff was notified at 1:40. I dunno.

ETA: Here's the timeline the sheriff gave. It was from Tuesday's pc, not Sunday.

911 call - around 1:40
2:00 - Chester and Madison counties deputies were on scene
Shortly after 2:00 both sheriff's were on scene.
3:00 - THP helicopers arrived.
4:00 - military helicopters arrived.
4:00 - dogs on the ground.
By 6:00 - 75 to 100 LE personnel on scene.

This is the bit I find hard to believe. Not accusing the grandma of lying but maybe mis-remembering how long she had her eyes off him. It doesn't seem possible that he could disappear completely that quickly, and be so far away, after such a short time that he couldn't hear her, and she couldn't hear him. Unless he fell into a hole almost immediately, without making any noise, and it was a hole that she didn't locate when searching for him, then it makes no sense.

What was the weather like when they were out? Was it warm enough that they might have lay down in the sun and perhaps grandma nodded off and doesn't realise just how long he was gone. Maybe it felt like a minute, but was actually longer?

Did she have her phone with her? Just wondering if she had taken a photo of Noah in the woods that day, and that is how LE are confirming that he was there. That is what has been recovered - a photo or text sent to someone with photo attached.
Deer cam .............wondering if Noah was seen on one with no shoes and just a T shirt? That would be a lead without actually finding anything. Does part of the woods back up to another persons land?
I'm so sad Noah still hasn't been found. We're all buckling down over here and preparing for horrible weather. If the season is anything like last year, they may not be able to continue the search until warming weather arrives :( Last time we had horrible ice storms that not only made driving and walking impossible, but trees became deadly since the accumulating ice would cause branches to become weak and fall. Even in my own backyard, I have a big tree that split nearly in half due to a week's worth of ice and snow from last year. TN, especially west TN, does not handle snow very well, especially when it's more than an inch or two, and we're expecting 4-6 inches. I can't imagine them continuing the search tomorrow or the rest of the weekend, it would simply be too dangerous, even for professionals.

Another bad thing is how this new rain, sleet, ice, and snow is going to make sink holes bigger and make new obstacles. It will literally change how the forests looks after branches and crap fall on the floorbed. I'm afraid if they don't find Noah before tonight, then they may not find him for a long, long time.

I recall it took the state DOT almost through June to cut down those trees on I-40 from last winter. And more could have really been done.
This is the bit I find hard to believe. Not accusing the grandma of lying but maybe mis-remembering how long she had her eyes off him. It doesn't seem possible that he could disappear completely that quickly, and be so far away, after such a short time that he couldn't hear her, and she couldn't hear him. Unless he fell into a hole almost immediately, without making any noise, and it was a hole that she didn't locate when searching for him, then it makes no sense.

What was the weather like when they were out? Was it warm enough that they might have lay down in the sun and perhaps grandma nodded off and doesn't realise just how long he was gone. Maybe it felt like a minute, but was actually longer?

Did she have her phone with her? Just wondering if she had taken a photo of Noah in the woods that day, and that is how LE are confirming that he was there. That is what has been recovered - a photo or text sent to someone with photo attached.

1. He could have been playing a "hiding" game, like lots of kids do. My kid would also play this game, and no amount of calling him to come out and show himself worked. You either had to find him yourself or just leave and hope he would follow you. He also could have, like you said, gotten hurt right away and became unable to make any noise. Also, let's not forget the woods can be "loud", as in the crunching leaves, the loud birds, etc., added to the fact that grandma's hearing likely ain't what it used to be, he could have been making noise and she just couldn't hear it.

2. It was a beautiful day. It was nice enough where everyone around here was wearing light shirts or even t-shirts. I doubt she would nod off in the sun, unless you're camping, people don't take naps in the woods, especially while watching little kids. She probably is misremembering how long she took her eyes off of him, but I also don't doubt her when she says it wasn't long. If Noah ran off to hide, a minute would have been all he needed.

3. Who knows, but I wouldn't doubt it. These days everyone carries their phone with them and grandparents love taking photos of their kids.

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