Found Safe TN - SLP, 14, Madisonville, Monroe County, 13 Jan 2019 #5 *ARRESTS*

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One article states that medical testing found injuries related to sexual activity. Another article said a sexual assault examination (no mention of testing) was done. Another article called it a sexual assault exam (again, no mention of testing).

SP was examined. The exam indicated there was recent sexual activity and the nurse informed Pfluger.

Me too!

Only have a minute but wanted to address this before it got too out of hand.

The person doing the exam would be a nurse. Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner. SANE.

Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner - International Association of Forensic Nurses

I think this may be where everyone is a bit confused by a nurse informing Pfluger. This is a rape kit. The SANE, maybe an assistant SANE and the child's representative would be present, that's it. I am not sure who her representative would have been at the time.

Yes she would have seen a doctor but I highly doubt a doctor performed her exam. That's just not their specialty. The SANE would have performed it and then left the room to tell Pfluger what it showed. There would not be a need for lab testing to determine recent activity.
I still have a couple of pages to read, but I have to take a break, just reading what happened to her is somewhat traumatizing to me, it's unimaginable how she must be feeling.

So I don't know if anybody mentioned this in the last couple of pages, but someone posted again, that the step-******* wanted to get her pregnant. And the question how this even would have worked because it would have been proof that he raped her.

So I suddenly had this thought in my head, the only way it makes sense - he made sure that the entire family was isolated, what if he wanted to get her pregnant and just keep her on the farm hiding her there, they were "homeschooling" her anyway and there were no neighbors, then she would have had the baby right there on the farm without hospital, doctors, etc. - and then they just could have claimed that her mother is the mother of the baby, no one would even know if the mother was pregnant or not in this isolation.

If he really wanted her to get pregnant, this is actually the only way I see how he could have gotten away with it (because like I said, the baby would have been 1000 % proof, so there must have been a plan, I doubt his plan was to get her to have his baby and then go to prison for life). I just think there must have been a reason why - at her age now - they suddenly a few months ago went into total isolation, for her, for the entire family. And maybe that reason wasn't because they knew she told someone, maybe a teacher, maybe the reason was a lot more serious than that.
So maybe my mind is going to places that never occurred but I’m thiiiinking about the things this might have told SP while she was in his basement.

Judging from his manipulative and cold language in his texts that @gitana1 so clearly outlined and interpreted upstream, I can only take this further that he maybe held things over her head like “it’s my way or the highway, you want to go back there?” Can’t find the right words right now bc I’m so angry but what I’m saying is I bet he threatened in some way that’ll she’ll end up back with RP if things weren’t done his way. I can’t imagine the threatening and emotionally abusive BS he had spewing from his mouth.

Still catching up but I also think BR thought he had some sort of “justification” for his actions, and certain actions were to set up an excuse for all this should he ever get caught.
I still have a couple of pages to read, but I have to take a break, just reading what happened to her is somewhat traumatizing to me, it's unimaginable how she must be feeling.

So I don't know if anybody mentioned this in the last couple of pages, but someone posted again, that the step-******* wanted to get her pregnant. And the question how this even would have worked because it would have been proof that he raped her.

So I suddenly had this thought in my head, the only way it makes sense - he made sure that the entire family was isolated, what if he wanted to get her pregnant and just keep her on the farm hiding her there, they were "homeschooling" her anyway and there were no neighbors, then she would have had the baby right there on the farm without hospital, doctors, etc. - and then they just could have claimed that her mother is the mother of the baby, no one would even know if the mother was pregnant or not in this isolation.

If he really wanted her to get pregnant, this is actually the only way I see how he could have gotten away with it (because like I said, the baby would have been 1000 % proof, so there must have been a plan, I doubt his plan was to get her to have his baby and then go to prison for life). I just think there must have been a reason why - at her age now - they suddenly a few months ago went into total isolation, for her, for the entire family. And maybe that reason wasn't because they knew she told someone, maybe a teacher, maybe the reason was a lot more serious than that.
Oh, I imagine his story to outsiders would have been that he and his oh, so religious wife were taking on the burden of their sinful daughter and raising the child. He would have milked their martyrdom for all it was worth in the church.
I’ve still got several pages to read here but a couple questions I wanted to note before I forget in case not addressed is:

One of the very first questions SP would have been asked by LE is if any sexual contact occurred during her time in BR’s basement.

IF she was hesitant to answer truthfully, let’s say perhaps because she’s brainwashed into thinking that he really saved her and doesn’t want to get him in trouble, I think LE and trained interviewers would be able to pick up on this.

My question is, considering the findings of sexual activity by the examiner, wouldn’t these results then be addressed directly with SP? Wouldn’t they say “hey, this is what we found, tell us what happened...”

Rambling here not sure what I’m asking.

Will be looking upstream as I catch up to see if rape charges have been/will be filed.
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Oh, I imagine his story to outsiders would have been that he and his oh, so religious wife were taking on the burden of their sinful daughter and raising the child. He would have milked their martyrdom for all it was worth in the church.

This wouldn't really work either, there would have been the chance that as some point she might have told someone, even after years, as an adult, and with DNA testing there would have been proof.

The only other way would have been - like the Fritzl case in Austria - to hide her for years and years somewhere on the farm, claim that she ran away and somehow left them with the baby or, again like in the Fritzl case, claim she ran away and then later put the baby at their front door and left again. There is still a risk but also a chance that they wouldn't have done a DNA test in this scenario.

If the story about him wanting to impregnate her is true, it could explain the urgency and why, after all those years, she wanted out of there asap. And she had no one, just people on the internet. It's so horrible that she asked for help and just ran into the arms of another predator.
That's the only way I can see it happening, assuming the reporting is accurate. I've been a rape crisis counselor, and random people aren't allowed to stand around during an exam, even U.S. attorneys. How the information became public is another question.

Perhaps SP, had spoken to the U. S attorney, had confidence in her, and requested she be present.
SP had been let down continually, and perhaps now is voicing what she wants.
I don't know what to make of this case, but I do have some differing opinions on some of these questions:
1. I'm an "Old Lady" who plays Fortnite. I don't "Fill Squad" that often because I don't like playing with strangers, but there are probably thousands, if not millions, of adults who do, including very popular streamers. On another note if you search YT for roblox videos you will find adult streamers of the game, even though it is clearly marketed towards the 6-16 crown. It is NOT unusual to have casual friendships with your gaming community and have a huge disparity in ages anymore. (Fill squad is when you are matched with random players - many games have similar features)

2-4: Women and children are molested and raped everyday WITH PROOF, and nothing happens on a regular basis. How many rape kits in each state are still waiting to be tested? A lot. How many kids have been sent back to abuse or molestation when their words, pictures, or proof isn't taken seriously? Way too many.

5. See above. The proof needed to get in the right hands with an actionable result. What if the first person who got their hands on the phone or data accidentally (or purposefully) wiped it?

6. This is where he loses me.

Again, I don't know what to think of this guy. If he was an earnest participant to rescuing her, then I can hardly fault him for most of his actions. Women and children's pain and suffering is marginalized and trivialized to the point where they must suffer not only an initial trauma, but often times, no matter how gentle, repeated trauma leading up to a day in court, that usually ends in MORE trauma, and too often the harsh reality of injustice.

However, do I fully believe that this person is so "woke" that these are his reasonings?? I'm not fully sold (yet).

This is so well said. I can agree with all sides and points, each viewpoint has solid things to back up the viewpoint. I too am not sold one way or the other yet. I do however not believe she was safe and would not be sent back to just go to anyone, it happens ALL of the time. Even those arrested get out on bail and often do little to no time. This girl, to me, is quite smart and knew she could not trust just anything or anyone or she could end up right back in the same spot in more danger than before. I do think no matter what comes out she was safer with who she left with and getting far away and sending proof and awaiting arrest than she was at home or by just going to local LE or a friend herself.... I even suspect she tried that, we will see....

Again, very well said.
That struck me too. Because she's begging him for help. And he keeps insisting that the ONLY surefire way for her to be rescued and not returned to her dad is by recording it and sending it to him.

Here is how many times she begs him to help her without having her record her own rape and send it to him

ONE: She pleads, "Bryan do u understand how hard that would be though" But he is unmoved by her anguish, "Yes But understand that I can get in a hell of a lot of trouble for harboring you Unless you can prove what he did they will just release you back to him if we get caught."

TWO: She again tries to get help without recording her own rape, "I just can’t promise I’ll get the evidence". He remains unmoved by how horrified she is by what he is suggesting, "Then I can’t promise I can get you away from that I hate to say it but I can’t risk getting trouble for you. If you can get that video I can get you out of there but without it you will just wind up back with your dad and I’ll be in trouble"

THREE: Again, she pleads, "I don’t have the mental strength or confidence enough to get the video… I’m so sorry Bryan." Here she is actually apologizing to HIM for not doing what he is coercing her to do. Fits a predator victim/pattern to me. He is harsh in his response to this terrified and anguished child. Instead of offering other options, any other option, his reply? "Then I can’t come get you I’m sorry but I cannot risk prison time for you".

FOUR: She pleads again, "Bryan plz There has to be some [redacted] way". I mean here I really see a child just begging an adult to do the right thing and not force her to get raped on camera. "There has to be some way" and there IS some other way.

But no. His response is cold and sinister. His nonchalance about what this child faces in getting him the "evidence" he craves is disturbing, "Just out of curiosity why can’t you just stay in your room and wait for him to get you? He’s going to rape you anyway, might as well have the phone recording". WTH? What kind of adult responds to a terrified child in this manner? A pleading child:

"There has to be some way."
"Just wait for him to get you. He's going to rape you anyway, might as well record it."

Wow. The utter disregard for what this baby is going through and goes through at the hands of her father, is stunning. He is supposed to be this knight in shining armor? Some misguided hero? A well meaning but stupid person trying to "do the right thing"?

And yet this is how he responds to her pleas for help. To her desperation and helpless horror about subjecting herself to having her rape recorded and sent to a strange man.

"There has to be some way."
"Just out of curiosity why can't you just stay in your room..."

As if it's just such a reasonable suggestion. As if it's no big deal for a terrified 14 year old who has been repeatedly brutalized, to record it.

FIVE: Again, this little girl pleads. Once more desperate for this adult to help her without making her get raped on camera, "Bryan I can’t stand it I’ll have a [effing] mental breakdown… idfk how"

This noble hero's response? "Ok".


"I'll have a mental breakdown." His response is basically, "Oh well."

This is tragic to me. She knew in her heart he could help her without that. His cold manipulation of her and capitalization of her desperation to me in this conversation chain is obvious.

But she tries another time to get this adult to do the right thing for her. To avoid forcing her to exploit herself and endure hell on camera. Begging. Pleading.

SIX: "There has to be a way I can’t just stay here bryan I’m begging u plz" And he again insists, "There is. Be in your room when he comes home and have the phone recording. That way when he comes for you it’s already recording and you don’t have to worry about anything And I can’t help you if we don’t have foolproof leverage against your dad". He coerces her to think the only way to get "foolproof leverage" is to record herself being raped. And send it to stranger. Despite the cost to her mental stability in doing so. Our hero.

Finally, she explains the depth of her horror over what he is telling her to do as the price for freedom. She demonstrates that so great is her anguish over the possibility of being raped on camera, in order to be helped, that she would rather just die.

SEVEN: "If u don’t help me somehow I might as well kill my [effing] self like I’ve been planning to do I can’t get the video I just can’t"

This caring hero's response to a terrorized child? He becomes angry. Defensive. She's 14 and being raped. She's pleading for help. And he gets mad at her, "So I’m an *advertiser censored***** for not risking going to prison for someone I haven’t even met?". He shows how much he cares for this vulnerable child, "someone I haven't even met", yet is willing to work so hard to "help" her by getting her to record her rape, send it to him and then drive to pick her up and transport her across state lines?

Once again, she begs for help and states she cannot do it. She cannot get that dreaded but much coveted video.

EIGHT: "IDFK ANYMORE! But u can’t just leave me here! If u don’t help me I’ll either kill myself or just run away to a friends house cause I can’t deal with this **** but I can’t get the video either Idfk what to do anymore

Again, he demonstrates an utter disregard for her mental state, an utter lack of any empathy for this child victim, “And I know you don’t want to do it but I don’t exactly want to see your dad rape you either”

NINE: "If u don’t help me I’ll either kill myself or just run away to a friends house cause I can’t deal with this **** but I can’t get the video either Idfk what to do anymore"

The child is so desperate for this adult to do the right thing, she actually suggests an alternative herself - running away (it's actually the second time she hopefully suggests it before he bites) - and only then, nine times after she expressed her devastation about doing what he kept telling her she had to do, does he casually tell her she can take that option. " Good. Run away to a friends house".

But we see later in the conversation how he uses his skill at manipulation in making that option seem like not a sure thing, as opposed to his determination in getting her to record her rape. "Run to a friends house and hope for the best".

This kid doesn't stop though. She tries yet again. Please, man. Help me. Don't make me do this. Just help me. Do the right thing.

TEN: "That’s all the [EFFING] advice u have for me"?

And here he coldly lies, "That’s all I can offer If I knew something else I would tell you".

Oh he knew something else that could help this begging child. But he only really wanted one thing.

To me this is almost a master class in predatory manipulation. He tries to persuade her it's the only logical thing. He pretends that this is the only way to save herself. He acts like it is no big deal. He insists he cannot get involved any other way. He reacts with coldness when she tries to get out of it, withdrawing his friendliness and depriving her of his friendship. He becomes angry and defensive and tries to make himself out to be the victim, sullenly accusing her of being a jerk for not considering HIS position. She's a vulnerable child. He's a knowledgeable adult. Communicating with a child over the internet and trying to convince her to send him a video of herself being raped. He uses every emotion and argument he can to get that video. Textbook predation, IMO.

Ultimately, in the face of her continued expressions of anguish and horror about doing what he wants her to do, he lackadaisically suggests other options. But those options never come to fruition. He never calls the police. He takes no action to be a real hero to this frightened and devastated little girl.

But we know this: They talk again.

He gets the tape.

You make the best argument and an extremely good argument. I cannot disagree with any of it. I would however like to know what their conversations were beforehand. Did she tell him she had run before or gone to a friend before and it backfired on her... or to a teacher, or LE? To where Wisconsin is advising that if it backfired, or she was not believed before or someone turned her in for running away that she needs irrefutable proof this time? I can walk through every fact and step you take us through and cannot argue one bit of it, other than I want to know the rest... I also want to know if he has anything else on his electronics or computer or phone that shows him to be a groomer, a ped, has any *advertiser censored* with underage children on any device, etc. Those things can change my mind one way or the other.... Based on what we have and what you cite, your argument is ironclad but is there more to it and their conversations...? just speculating and jmho...
I just want every single adult who it can proven, failed her for TWELVE years to be prosecuted to the extent of every law that can be found to apply. They have shaped her life in the most evil, sinister ways. She doesn't even know what normal is, what love and hope and optimism is and it makes me really MAD.

I agree Rosie, that all the Creeps we have mentioned here are prosecuted.
I am also wondering, if there were further incidents that we may hear about, regarding RP's friends.:(
With continual professional guidance, SP's life, we hope will improve.
You make the best argument and an extremely good argument. I cannot disagree with any of it. I would however like to know what their conversations were beforehand. Did she tell him she had run before or gone to a friend before and it backfired on her... or to a teacher, or LE? To where Wisconsin is advising that if it backfired, or she was not believed before or someone turned her in for running away that she needs irrefutable proof this time? I can walk through every fact and step you take us through and cannot argue one bit of it, other than I want to know the rest... I also want to know if he has anything else on his electronics or computer or phone that shows him to be a groomer, a ped, has any *advertiser censored* with underage children on any device, etc. Those things can change my mind one way or the other.... Based on what we have and what you cite, your argument is ironclad but is there more to it and their conversations...? just speculating and jmho...

My response to that is:

1. The defense presented their best evidence to get him bail. There was zero reference to him having prior conversations in which he suggested or they discussed other possibilities in that or any other manner.

2. Even if they had, his responses to her are sinister in their cold manipulativeness. This kid is basically saying that what he wants her to do will destroy her mentally and he is nonchalant and dismissive about that. In fact he actually also gets angry at some point.

3. It's insane. His plan makes no sense at all no matter what conversation they had before. He's asking her to send him - not LE - child *advertiser censored* before he can or will help her. He's 31 and is going to go get a 14 year old and drive her hundreds of miles out of state to his basement.

This is not an out of context conversation situation or the defense would've added more. What I see here is illogical and evil.

Nothing they discussed prior to this could change my mind.

I know who he is. I'm certain.
That comment about RP wanting to impregnate her came from a defense doc before a bail hearing that wasn't taken from texts or any form of backup, but probably from BR's mouth. I wouldn't put too much weight in that comment. moo

I know, that's why I said "if it is true". But it is still possible that it is true, I see a couple of things that _could_maybe_ point in this direction, like isolating her at an age where she is old enough to get pregnant and her wanting to get away anyway she can (not that I believe before the isolation she didn't want to get away, just that this might have been the last straw that made her want to get away, even if it meant asking a stranger on the internet to help her, it might have been the last straw that made her want to kill herself - things did change drastically in the weeks before she was taken by this internet predator).

Plus seeing that her step-******* is totally sick in the head, he started all this when she was a toddler and it went on for 12 (!) years, he killed her dog and the way he did that makes him even more of a psychopath, so I can totally see him wanting to do something similar as Fritzl.
I hope more than anything that tonight SP is in a place with people prepared to comfort her properly, to let her know that she is loved, she is safe, she is SO brave and strong and good, and that she did absolutely nothing wrong in ANY of this.

AND she is surrounded by those important to her: her siblings, her pets and any others she may choose.
Hope she can experience 'girly' things with children her own age: going to movies and shows, playing music and games, doing what these kids want, guided all the way.
She may now experience a lovely time, that she had never experienced before.
AND she is surrounded by those important to her: her siblings, her pets and any others she may choose.
Hope she can experience 'girly' things with children her own age: going to movies and shows, playing music and games, doing what these kids want, guided all the way.
She may now experience a lovely time, that she had never experienced before.

I hope. I'm worried about her siblings too. I don't think he stopped with one.
I have been pondering the RP move to TN and have wondered about this - she’s around the age where schools in states I have lived in begin to teach sex Ed / now they call it personal health etc but what if he conditioned her their “relationship” was normal but not to be discussed and through GA school she discovered this was all a lie? The move was fairly quick and her contact with BR was within weeks of the move then boom she’s ready to flee her entire family? I believe there was a trigger for the move and a reason she was the only one supposedly homeschooled - could this be it? I don’t know but something uprooted this family of 6 JMO
Only have a minute but wanted to address this before it got too out of hand.

The person doing the exam would be a nurse. Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner. SANE.

Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner - International Association of Forensic Nurses

I think this may be where everyone is a bit confused by a nurse informing Pfluger. This is a rape kit. The SANE, maybe an assistant SANE and the child's representative would be present, that's it. I am not sure who her representative would have been at the time.

Yes she would have seen a doctor but I highly doubt a doctor performed her exam. That's just not their specialty. The SANE would have performed it and then left the room to tell Pfluger what it showed. There would not be a need for lab testing to determine recent activity.

Thank you, I had no idea that a nurse would be doing that.
I have been pondering the RP move to TN and have wondered about this - she’s around the age where schools in states I have lived in begin to teach sex Ed / now they call it personal health etc but what if he conditioned her their “relationship” was normal but not to be discussed and through GA school she discovered this was all a lie? The move was fairly quick and her contact with BR was within weeks of the move then boom she’s ready to flee her entire family? I believe there was a trigger for the move and a reason she was the only one supposedly homeschooled - could this be it? I don’t know but something uprooted this family of 6 JMO

I agree. *something* caused them to uproot, and move all the sudden. Did someone suspect something? Did SP tell someone something and word got back to RP? I am curious as to why mom thought they were moving as well. I am actually surprised no one has come forward from their previous town, saying they didn't know anything was going on. Or did people think something and just not act? I am also surprised no more rape charges have been brought forth re: her sister. I want to hope that he didn't hurt her as well, but I am not holding my breath.
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