AMBER ALERT TN - Summer Moon-Utah Wells, 5, Rogersville, 15 Jun 2021 #25

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On the subject of memory loss, I recommend watching Darkness and Evil, Part 4 of John Kelly Profiler

Starting about minute 3:40 he explains how a long history of substance abuse dumbs you down by causing loss of neuro-transmitters.

He also explains encapsulation: years of substance abuse leaves you at the maturity level you were when you started substance abuse / addiction. Some of those stories they come up with remind me of what children and teens come up with. MOO JMO
BBM. What does this mean?
Just saying, possibly, everyone was literally sleeping. The rem and nrem are levels of sleep most every hunan expeiences. DW's could be completely inoscent of accusations regarding his daughter, Summer Moon. It will come out after the case is solved. Loving her deeply and letting her sleep between he nd his wife is not a crime. <modsnip>

My thoughts are that Don Wells and Summer Moon do have a strong bond. Until anything else is reveled in the present, and confirmed with a reliable source...he is innoscent of suspicion. I can understand Don Wells enamore for his daughter.
My mother had a strong bond with my older brother for his entire life. My brother never slept in my mother's bed and they were not affectionate. Their bond was mental and, spiritual. My brother's wife questioned their bond when she (the wife) was in her mid fifties. My sister inlaw and my brother had been married for over 20 yrs. with two college age children. My mom was in her mid seventies, had her own life, widowed, a pension, savings, was independent and lived 5 hours away but, visited them for holidays or special occasions. My mother simply, loved my brother and admired him, plus they were friends. <modsnip>

I don't know Don Wells and he has nothing incommon with my brother, "accept" that his daughter, Summer Moon has the gift of magnetism toward others and her parent with massive responsibilities. I would imagine that Don's struggles are serious. His daughter Summer Moon must mean the world to him. Her unconditional nature must be refreshing. If he took advantage of that, it is for LE or CPS to discover it and proceed accordingly.
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Snipped by me

Candus didn't ask H to go with them.

No I asked if I could come with because Summer was going.
Ok got it and she says ask your mom.

We don't know what Candus said on the 911 call. We only have the dispatch recordings. And originally MSM said it was shorts then quickly changed to last seen in grey pants. So I think she had on what we saw in the car just minus jacket/sweatshirt.

Chris interviews Hunter
Yes, H. said CW did ask if he wanted to go fishing and then he changed his story:

On your link:
And then she said, "Do you want to go fishing somewhere?"
And I said, "Do you care if I come with?......"
DW is asked.

done (I guess this should be "Don) i have a question um
we were talking about it earlier and
you i hear a lot from you what you would
what you have to say you told me you you
do still have hope that summer is alive
somewhere i'm just curious if he was to
be watching or she
to be watching
this youtube channel right now tonight
what would you say to that person
right now.

DW: just say please you know of course
please find a way to let her come home
does everybody here we love we love her
with all our hearts and we've never
mistreated our kids

i think we don't have the best of
everything but we we do have a lot of
love we've never
mistreated our kids or anything.

Note anything said in the negative and anything repeated as sensitive. He begins by asking "to let her come home". This is good. He then doubles down saying "we've never mistreated our kids or anything". We must ask ourselves, why when asked "what would you say to that person" His brain goes to "never mistreating their kids" x2. Some may say he maybe addressing what he has heard and or read. Ok, that's fine, but he is not, it is not put forward, he chose them words, they where not alluded to or offered up. If you was to ask, say for instance (and god forbid) a friend whom was in DW's position the same question, you would probably think, jeez where did that come from? I didn't ask how he treats his kids. Next we have to wonder what his definition of "mistreating" is and "anything like that".

This concerns me.

Time stamped.

Didn't CBW imply that she was responding to online comments regard the well being of her children and public opinion and extended family opinion.

I have several questions.

What if Summer Moon was tricked by a family friend, aquaintance?

What if Summer Moon left on her own thinking she'd be back later?

Her mother and others keep saying that "she would never leave the swing." Or she would never walk off. Did you notice during the interview with Don Wells standing with his son ......?
Right after Don Wells says,....... she would never walk off on her own,........
the brother immediately looks down at his feet. Like a reflex.

That would be confusing to a young boy that knows his little sister chases them on their dirt bike all the time. She keeps up, but there have to have been times when she had to walk back alone. Also, at church she was free to walk where she desired. She may have been getting accustomed to giving herself permission. At the pool, according to H, she was alone in the water on her own.

According to H, mamma and CBW were discussing the water park as if they were going?

Perhaps Summer Moon thought she was going to the water park? Was she sad that she wasn't going?

What if someone over heard the water park trip was canceled and told Summer Moon that they would take her the water park later?

What if they said you have to be down the driveway so we can leave quickly?

The dogs won't bark if they don't see a car or hear a car. Right?

The dogs won't follow Summer Moon. Right?

Her sent ends at the end of thr drive. Wouldn't she have walked? A person walked her may have met her part of the way, the perp maybe?

Her dad keeps saying she is mature, and physically strong.

Didn't Summer Moon's mother say that she wanted to identify with her brothers? Look like them, play like them. Free to play anywhere? CBW says Summer Moon was incharge. Could she have taken charge that day when invited by someone?

Also, I think Chris McDounough said CBW was employeed with a traveling circus.

Could Summer Moon have picked up the feeling of a free spirit to get up and go?

When my sister was 7 yrs old she picked up the phone, dialed zero, and ask for the Police. The opperator thought she my sister playing. She wasn't. My sister wanted to resolve a problem. I'm not saying that Summer Moon called the police. The point is that a 7 yr old, one year older than thought of an option.

I'm saying that young children are not given credit for being smart, astute or methodical.

Did she make things line up in the universe not having a mature instinct to know it was a bad idea to go along without her family?

What if there was someone else who was feeding some of the dogs out of sight, an accomplice?

The only dogs left were the dogs that sleep all day and are harmless? (according to CBW)
Ranch, I know that as a trauma survivor of childhood abuse and neglect! But imho the way DW and CW are talking that's not what is going on. In phases where I couldn't reach old traumatic memories, I would say "I don't know, my mind is blank." I wouldn't say this one day and that the next day and something totally different a week later. IMHO and ime that's not how dissociative amnesia works. That's not just my experience, I know other people who are trauma survivors, I've been in inpatient treatment and seen how others react and what they say and how. How people connected to SW are reacting doesn't seem or feel remotely familiar to me. JMO MOO

I cut folks a lot of slack when it comes to trauma over children. I have zero history of substance abuse but have no recollection of my daughter's funeral and no recollection of my deceased son being born. Although both were many years ago, those recollections have never come back and I am resigned to the fact they probably never will. A psychiatrist assured me that my memory is working just fine, doing what it needs to do for me.

IMO, but just to point out that trauma can be different for different people.
I am being serious when I ask this what does, "Summer is a free spirit" mean? Her parents say this as do the people at church (the ones who have spoken out). I don't understand what they mean.

I remember being five. I just ran around playing. I didn't do this in church although i remember fidgeting and getting a whispered "be still". But, forgetting about me, i really haven't ever heard that applied to a child before.

Children run around and play. They will wander around and explore if they're allowed to do so because children have a lot of energy and are curious.

The people who i have heard called a "free spirit" (they were adults or close to being adults) would be exactly the kind of people who would wander off because they did it all the time. Where's so and so (last seen yesterday)? "California." Oh, okay. Two weeks later. "Alaska." Then suddenly they're back home.

So, maybe i am not understanding this term. Because if SW is a free spirit by my understanding she would be exactly the type of child to wander off or hop into the car with someone who promised to take her swimming (example).

Fortunately, (I guess) she really doesn't seem to be that kind of person. She's outgoing for a young child, but she really seems to always go back to people she knows or family. Usually, in the photos and videos we see, it is CB or RL (if at church).

I believe CB that SW wanted her around. This is very normal for SW's age to want mother close by. I believe DW that SW was close to him. Probably when he got home she was excited to see him again.

But, i think it is wrong that she didn't love CB. She clings onto CB and shows off on her swing for CB.

I am sure she spent time with CH, too. But, CH hasn't said much so we don't have those stories. She also ran around following her brothers and i can believe she really liked H.

So, she just seems like an outgoing five year old rather than a shy five year old. But, idk SW and they do, so i am missing something here.
I am being serious when I ask this what does, "Summer is a free spirit" mean? Her parents say this as do the people at church (the ones who have spoken out). I don't understand what they mean.

I remember being five. I just ran around playing. I didn't do this in church although i remember fidgeting and getting a whispered "be still". But, forgetting about me, i really haven't ever heard that applied to a child before.

Children run around and play. They will wander around and explore if they're allowed to do so because children have a lot of energy and are curious.

The people who i have heard called a "free spirit" (they were adults or close to being adults) would be exactly the kind of people who would wander off because they did it all the time. Where's so and so (last seen yesterday)? "California." Oh, okay. Two weeks later. "Alaska." Then suddenly they're back home.

So, maybe i am not understanding this term. Because if SW is a free spirit by my understanding she would be exactly the type of child to wander off or hop into the car with someone who promised to take her swimming (example).

Fortunately, (I guess) she really doesn't seem to be that kind of person. She's outgoing for a young child, but she really seems to always go back to people she knows or family. Usually, in the photos and videos we see, it is CB or RL (if at church).

I believe CB that SW wanted her around. This is very normal for SW's age to want mother close by. I believe DW that SW was close to him. Probably when he got home she was excited to see him again.

But, i think it is wrong that she didn't love CB. She clings onto CB and shows off on her swing for CB.

I am sure she spent time with CH, too. But, CH hasn't said much so we don't have those stories. She also ran around following her brothers and i can believe she really liked H.

So, she just seems like an outgoing five year old rather than a shy five year old. But, idk SW and they do, so i am missing something here.
If one has ever been around a child who grew up to be what people call a "free spirit", they could tell as soon as the child got their legs under them and found words to express themselves. It looks like to me that Summer was one and was given the opportunity to express it.
I am being serious when I ask this what does, "Summer is a free spirit" mean? Her parents say this as do the people at church (the ones who have spoken out). I don't understand what they mean.

I remember being five. I just ran around playing. I didn't do this in church although i remember fidgeting and getting a whispered "be still". But, forgetting about me, i really haven't ever heard that applied to a child before.

Children run around and play. They will wander around and explore if they're allowed to do so because children have a lot of energy and are curious.

The people who i have heard called a "free spirit" (they were adults or close to being adults) would be exactly the kind of people who would wander off because they did it all the time. Where's so and so (last seen yesterday)? "California." Oh, okay. Two weeks later. "Alaska." Then suddenly they're back home.

So, maybe i am not understanding this term. Because if SW is a free spirit by my understanding she would be exactly the type of child to wander off or hop into the car with someone who promised to take her swimming (example).

Fortunately, (I guess) she really doesn't seem to be that kind of person. She's outgoing for a young child, but she really seems to always go back to people she knows or family. Usually, in the photos and videos we see, it is CB or RL (if at church).

I believe CB that SW wanted her around. This is very normal for SW's age to want mother close by. I believe DW that SW was close to him. Probably when he got home she was excited to see him again.

But, i think it is wrong that she didn't love CB. She clings onto CB and shows off on her swing for CB.

I am sure she spent time with CH, too. But, CH hasn't said much so we don't have those stories. She also ran around following her brothers and i can believe she really liked H.

So, she just seems like an outgoing five year old rather than a shy five year old. But, idk SW and they do, so i am missing something here.


I like this post. It shows how language, words, phrases etc... can be subjective to individual people. This is why i always ask, "what do you mean when you say xyz" explain to me.
A specific word may have a specific meaning.
If I say the word "boy" some will picture a baby boy, a new born baby boy, while another thinks of their 6 year old running at sports day, while someone else thinks of their 20 year old son, fighting overseas with "the boys", yet still another maybe shouting out to a 30 year old footballer and his team, "C'mon, boys!" The spread of this one single word, "boy" can cover a 1yr old to a 30 yr old. This is why i asked (When DW said "we've never
mistreated our kids") what is his definition of "Mistreated". We all have a personal dictionary it is up to us to decode it, and this is done by asking follow up questions.
On the subject of memory loss, I recommend watching Darkness and Evil, Part 4 of John Kelly Profiler

Starting about minute 3:40 he explains how a long history of substance abuse dumbs you down by causing loss of neuro-transmitters.

He also explains encapsulation: years of substance abuse leaves you at the maturity level you were when you started substance abuse / addiction. Some of those stories they come up with remind me of what children and teens come up with. MOO JMO

I would like to see John Kelly's academic sources on this one.

If this were true, then someone who started drinking in their mid-20's would forever think like an adult, and someone who started drinking at 13 would end up thinking forever like a 13 year old. I know people who are themselves doctors, counselors and therapists for substance abuse (and who started their own abuse at age 12-13 and didn't stop abusing until they were in university - where they were performing very well). I actually know a couple of surgeons who are still addicted, but managing themselves well enough to retain hospital privileges and avoid malpractice cases.

We'd also see a bunch of well-known public figures (who are substance abusers) behaving very differently than when they first started using. Does John Kelly have anything to say about recovery? Is he saying that the brain is permanently damaged by 10 years of drinking and meth, starting at age 15? (I'm making up that example).

I think the research shows something different. People who are lower functioning to begin with find themselves further impaired by substance abuse. They also tend to meet and marry each other, which then reinforces their...issues. People who have depression, bipolar illness and other organic issues tend to abuse substances more and to recover when they are properly treated.

I get what you're saying about DW and CW, but I think that most teens are capable of comporting themselves less nonsensical than they do. I do think CW is very introverted, perhaps not outstanding in terms of verbal skills, and may have learning issues (I sense that she is extremely "left-brained.")

To me, DW just seems like someone who can't keep track of what he's already said and is highly stressed, among other things.
I cut folks a lot of slack when it comes to trauma over children. I have zero history of substance abuse but have no recollection of my daughter's funeral and no recollection of my deceased son being born. Although both were many years ago, those recollections have never come back and I am resigned to the fact they probably never will. A psychiatrist assured me that my memory is working just fine, doing what it needs to do for me.

IMO, but just to point out that trauma can be different for different people.

I don't know your age, of course, but I had a lot of memories come back to me that I thought I'd lost forever, starting at around age 50 (and still happening to some extent). It was really weird when it started happening.

I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter and son, Sillybilly. Those are super-traumas, and yes, our memories are supposed to file those in the "numb" category.
I keep wondering if Summer, in her new first day of school outfit, wanted to practice walking to her schoolbus stop that afternoon. Riding the school bus was really my kids favorite part of the day at that age, and she would have watched her brothers get on that bus her whole life, and maybe the new outfit got her obsessed with that big first day of kindergarten coming up August 9, I believe.
This is not my leading theory, but it's on my list.
I always wonder if those involved in the situations discussed here are reading here. Sometimes public comments mirror WS comments.
Similar to H's interview. The words and ideas didn't sound like a 15 yr old who spent a good part of the day on a free ride. Free vapes, a little bit of liquor, ICIES, a chance to get out of the house.
He and CW were "pulling" off the same vape. That is what he said to Chris.
There is new scientific findings about the brain relating to memory, trauma and addiction. Trauma may even be prenatal. Blocking of traumatic memories occur and may contribute to addictions and alcohol abuse. I think this may be why some suffering from a condition of addiction will only agree to medical treatment but not the psychiatric aspect. Adults who abuse and traumatize children often fly under the radar because they have the means and resources to hide problems.
Thursday, August 19, 2021

Officials with the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation confirmed that they have received just under 1,160 tips to date regarding the search for Summer Wells. However, they said most of the tips have not been based on credible information.

Officials also confirmed that the search is still ongoing, and that Agents with the TBI and Hawkins County Detectives are still working to find the missing 5-year-old.

Summer Wells has been missing since June 15, just over two months. Officials said that the case is not considered a cold case yet, however, since agents and detectives are still searching for the missing girl.

Searching for Summer Wells: AMBER Alert timeline
@10ofRods, John Kelly didn't say "forever". He said if a person is clean for five years they begin to mature again. He has personal experience because he himself was an addict of some sort (maybe alcohol? Could be other things). He has a separate channel that he uses to put up helpful information for people with addiction issues. It's free, but i haven't ever looked at it.

I would say, imo, heavy substance abuse (not referring to anyone being discussed here) or certain types of drugs (again just speaking generally) might have forever types of consequences to the person's brain. Exactly how that plays out would depend on a lot of individual factors.

CB and DW are under extreme stress. So... They are just having a hard time of it. Idk what they may have been like prior to the events that brought them to our attention. We see CB sleeping in church wearing a hoodie, so there's that instance. Meanwhile, DW is listening and SW is wandering.
I am being serious when I ask this what does, "Summer is a free spirit" mean? Her parents say this as do the people at church (the ones who have spoken out). I don't understand what they mean.

I remember being five. I just ran around playing. I didn't do this in church although i remember fidgeting and getting a whispered "be still". But, forgetting about me, i really haven't ever heard that applied to a child before.

Children run around and play. They will wander around and explore if they're allowed to do so because children have a lot of energy and are curious.

The people who i have heard called a "free spirit" (they were adults or close to being adults) would be exactly the kind of people who would wander off because they did it all the time. Where's so and so (last seen yesterday)? "California." Oh, okay. Two weeks later. "Alaska." Then suddenly they're back home.

So, maybe i am not understanding this term. Because if SW is a free spirit by my understanding she would be exactly the type of child to wander off or hop into the car with someone who promised to take her swimming (example).

Fortunately, (I guess) she really doesn't seem to be that kind of person. She's outgoing for a young child, but she really seems to always go back to people she knows or family. Usually, in the photos and videos we see, it is CB or RL (if at church).

I believe CB that SW wanted her around. This is very normal for SW's age to want mother close by. I believe DW that SW was close to him. Probably when he got home she was excited to see him again.

But, i think it is wrong that she didn't love CB. She clings onto CB and shows off on her swing for CB.

I am sure she spent time with CH, too. But, CH hasn't said much so we don't have those stories. She also ran around following her brothers and i can believe she really liked H.

So, she just seems like an outgoing five year old rather than a shy five year old. But, idk SW and they do, so i am missing something here.
To me free-spirited means doing things on your own terms or going with your own flow, a non-conformist.

Robin described Summer as quiet at times but would talk a lot when she wanted to. Maybe she was quiet around strangers but affectionate with those she felt comfortable with. They probably see her wandering around and exploring as "free-spirited."

Her parents probably call her free spirited because she's independent and imaginative. She plays with her barbies and toys, likes to dress as a ballerina, but also loves to play in the mud and dirt and run after her brothers as they ride their bikes.

I also believe Summer was close to both her parents. Since her mom was the primary caretaker she probably wanted to spend more time with her dad when he got home. Maybe that's why Don said she prefers him. That is likely his perception since he's not around the kids all day.

I'm wondering if Summer's parents are also free-spirited. That may be why neither one seems to keep track of time and can't recall every detail from the day Summer disappeared. Imo
Didn't CBW imply that she was responding to online comments regard the well being of her children and public opinion and extended family opinion.

I have several questions.

What if Summer Moon was tricked by a family friend, aquaintance?

What if Summer Moon left on her own thinking she'd be back later?

Her mother and others keep saying that "she would never leave the swing." Or she would never walk off. Did you notice during the interview with Don Wells standing with his son ......?
Right after Don Wells says,....... she would never walk off on her own,........
the brother immediately looks down at his feet. Like a reflex.

That would be confusing to a young boy that knows his little sister chases them on their dirt bike all the time. She keeps up, but there have to have been times when she had to walk back alone. Also, at church she was free to walk where she desired. She may have been getting accustomed to giving herself permission. At the pool, according to H, she was alone in the water on her own.

According to H, mamma and CBW were discussing the water park as if they were going?

Perhaps Summer Moon thought she was going to the water park? Was she sad that she wasn't going?

What if someone over heard the water park trip was canceled and told Summer Moon that they would take her the water park later?

What if they said you have to be down the driveway so we can leave quickly?

The dogs won't bark if they don't see a car or hear a car. Right?

The dogs won't follow Summer Moon. Right?

Her sent ends at the end of thr drive. Wouldn't she have walked? A person walked her may have met her part of the way, the perp maybe?

Her dad keeps saying she is mature, and physically strong.

Didn't Summer Moon's mother say that she wanted to identify with her brothers? Look like them, play like them. Free to play anywhere? CBW says Summer Moon was incharge. Could she have taken charge that day when invited by someone?

Also, I think Chris McDounough said CBW was employeed with a traveling circus.

Could Summer Moon have picked up the feeling of a free spirit to get up and go?

When my sister was 7 yrs old she picked up the phone, dialed zero, and ask for the Police. The opperator thought she my sister playing. She wasn't. My sister wanted to resolve a problem. I'm not saying that Summer Moon called the police. The point is that a 7 yr old, one year older than thought of an option.

I'm saying that young children are not given credit for being smart, astute or methodical.

Did she make things line up in the universe not having a mature instinct to know it was a bad idea to go along without her family?

What if there was someone else who was feeding some of the dogs out of sight, an accomplice?

The only dogs left were the dogs that sleep all day and are harmless? (according to CBW)
I agree with a lot of what you say here, I am taking care of a 6 year old right now for a family member and this little girl can do for herself! She can read, use a phone better than me, she is sneaky, she doesn't meet a stranger!!! I took her to the aquarium and I have had to really have some chats with her about talking to strangers. The thing is this little girl has had druggie parents all her life so she learned how to feed herself if she was hungry, get her own drinks, and call me on the phone if her dad is passed out to come pick her up. She told me the other day when I picked her up from the police "I'm not scared of anything", to my question 'I bet that really scared you didn't it?' I agree, enough credit isn't being given that Summer could have had a conversation with someone and walked away because I bet she is a lot like the sweet little girl I have in my care right now.
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