AMBER ALERT TN - Summer Moon-Utah Wells, 5, Rogersville, 15 Jun 2021 #29

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There have been stranger abductions of children where the child's body was never found.
The case of Michaela Garecht is one example. The case was recently solved, and LE knows that it was an abduction by a stranger, but Michaela's body has never been found.
It's true that a perp with a connection to the victim is far more likely than a stranger to conceal the victim's body, but sometimes a complete stranger will hide the victim's body.
Jacob Wetterling was abducted and murdered by a complete stranger, but he was buried, and his skeleton was only found because the killer led LE to it (decades after the murder).

ETA: I think that most perps are aware of DNA now, so I think that we'll see more and more cases where the victim's body is hidden or destroyed even when there was no prior connection between the killer and the victim.
I think both examples you provided are ones that keep parents helicoptering their children and not letting them play outside unsupervised. Horrific!
Perpetrators in both cases seemed to be serial offenders with a place for disposal already selected.
I am not saying it isn’t possible but a stranger entering that property by chance with two adults present and all those dogs and then grabbing Summer soundlessly and fleeing without being caught on any cameras along the way is unlikely.
Lgood.morning all!
I was.listening to the call with M and CW again!
M says to.CW think of your boys you'll.get them back CW is sobbing
Next M says Something along the lines of. Summer is.out there
A d CW in a very heart breaking g voice says to M
This was the moment I felt she has nothing her disappearance! She does not.know where she is!
I.could be wrong! But I hope I'm.right!


Well, in all honesty, IMO and per CM, the whole phone call was a PRANK
CW was "acting" and deceiving her sister in law, who then felt she needed to share the {Fake} info with her family and elderly parents.
I just can't even imagine having to tell my family, especially parents, that their son was
A. Arrested by LE/FBI and hauled away to Boston AND
B. Some Drug cartel took him, beat him up, will kill him, whatever.

Only to find out afterwards that it is a HOAX, a PRANK !!

So, IMO.. her faking and asking "Where is she" in regards to Summer was just part of her Act.


As always, JMO
They want to.put as much distance between themselves and the victim!

There is just so.much wilderness in Tennessee!
Holly Bobo comes to.mind.
May not be a stranger and she may be found d very close
Someone e lucky to.look in the right spot!
The closest locations to hide was the Baptist Church parking lot, neighbors 2 miles apart, or a a vehicle. Creating distance could mean driving to another state. In that respect, I would consider a drug addict in the area for a buy. Many times, people with money leave their comfortable home and do whatever, in the poor area of town. Make sure no person whom they associate with will know or see their habit. They would travel miles away to do or purchase drugs, a norm.
Wouldn't it be a person, women or may, who became comfortable traveling in and out of the local, a mobile individual? Better yet, if drug dealers were to pick up or drop off a shippment, I wonder if they would fly her out. So many people can fly theses days. Small aircraft are in so many places. If it is meth for sale in the area, then there is a lab not far away, IMO.
Police sped past only one car on their way to Jayme Closs's home. She was in the trunk. | CNN

Did the authorities pass the perp on the road as they did in the Jayme Closs obduction. The information was captured on the car's camera. All Police, EMT. and Firetrucks should put cams on their vehicles while traveling to an emergency. In the Jayme Closs case, the perp pulled over to allow police to pass. Jayme Closs was bound and gagged in the trunk.
I think both examples you provided are ones that keep parents helicoptering their children and not letting them play outside unsupervised. Horrific!
Perpetrators in both cases seemed to be serial offenders with a place for disposal already selected.
I am not saying it isn’t possible but a stranger entering that property by chance with two adults present and all those dogs and then grabbing Summer soundlessly and fleeing without being caught on any cameras along the way is unlikely.
Well, in all honesty, IMO and per CM, the whole phone call was a PRANK
CW was "acting" and deceiving her sister in law, who then felt she needed to share the {Fake} info with her family and elderly parents.
I just can't even imagine having to tell my family, especially parents, that their son was
A. Arrested by LE/FBI and hauled away to Boston AND
B. Some Drug cartel took him, beat him up, will kill him, whatever.

Only to find out afterwards that it is a HOAX, a PRANK !!

So, IMO.. her faking and asking "Where is she" in regards to Summer was just part of her Act.


As always, JMO

I.don't think.she was.faking!
I think that at that time she she totally believed this to be true!
Caused by alcohol.and other substances!
That was not fake.crying!

This.woman needs help!

I know people frown on YT, but there are true crime channels that would do an episode on SW. Or there were...

But, even those avoiding the drama would probably do a brief video that shows videos and photos of her and things like that if asked. Just because she's five and she's missing.

I do think that might be more helpful than amplifying the drama, in a Ye Olde CrimeFiles kind of way, but I guess there's also an argument for "more eyes the better," even if those eyes aren't always looking in the most useful directions.

And, of course, some cases and some folks generate their own gravity and drama -- Haleigh Cummings, Heather Elvis, Hayley Dunn -- at least there was progress in the latter two of those, eventually, and hopefully there will be here too. And soon.
Well, in all honesty, IMO and per CM, the whole phone call was a PRANK
CW was "acting" and deceiving her sister in law, who then felt she needed to share the {Fake} info with her family and elderly parents.
I just can't even imagine having to tell my family, especially parents, that their son was
A. Arrested by LE/FBI and hauled away to Boston AND
B. Some Drug cartel took him, beat him up, will kill him, whatever.

Only to find out afterwards that it is a HOAX, a PRANK !!

So, IMO.. her faking and asking "Where is she" in regards to Summer was just part of her Act.


As always, JMO
<modsnip> It's disgusting,and there is zero excuse for it. MOO
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I.don't think.she was.faking!
I think that at that time she she totally believed this to be true!
Caused by alcohol.and other substances!
That was not fake.crying!

This.woman needs help!

JMO but Summer needs help more than anyone else in this scenario. So all my sympathies fall her way. Imagine how she felt while she was disappearing.
I.don't think.she was.faking!
I think that at that time she she totally believed this to be true!
Caused by alcohol.and other substances!
That was not fake.crying!

This.woman needs help!


Except I think DW was right there and it was preplanned. So that is hard to explain. I do agree she was not sober.

I can't help but wonder if she has ever made an emotional, frantic, heartbreaking call to anyone about Summer being taken.
Except I think DW was right there and it was preplanned. So that is hard to explain. I do agree she was not sober.

I can't help but wonder if she has ever made an emotional, frantic, heartbreaking call to anyone about Summer being taken. was there or not!
He could have.been asleep or.out somewhere!
I night this and M answered the phone!
That phone call.did bit!
None made.any sense !

I do think.she.cries.for her.daughter there's way to.much other.
Stuff going.on and it the way!
She lost her daughter
She lost her sons
Her mom.won't come back
Her husband might.go.soon also!
Does.she deserve.that?!

She has a.past.also.not just.DW
High-level this house!

But she needs someone !
Maybe the right someone.could.get.some.answers!
No spill on live e
Except I think DW was right there and it was preplanned. So that is hard to explain. I do agree she was not sober.

I can't help but wonder if she has ever made an emotional, frantic, heartbreaking call to anyone about Summer being taken.

Maybe she has called ppl but those ppl did not record her calls!

From day one I always thought CW was involved in some way!
As time passed I’m not so sure!
There were 5 ppl there that day in that house!
To be honest her drinking or pot smoking should have had hertelling everyone she knows what happened!
I honestly don’t know
But that phone call to me said she’s a mess!
JMO but Summer needs help more than anyone else in this scenario. So all my sympathies fall her way. Imagine how she felt while she was disappearing.
Absolutely. She's a helpless child. Powerless, voiceless dependant on grown ups to act like grown ups, not childish pranksters pulling spectacular stunts for their own entertainment. MOO
For all we know, everyone except for SW was inside the day SW disappeared.

But, even going by CB's story she went to help CH with her brace. It seems possible they went inside the camper to do that. The boys, according to CB were still in the house.

As for the power company, i don't know about the part of Tennessee where she lives, but here they do the cutting when they want.

However, if you don't want them cutting on your land, there is a simple way to keep them away: keep the area around their lines clear by cutting it yourself. Most people choose to do this.
Sheriff Lawson confirmed the next day that Don had not been arrested, not by them or by TBI. So the phone call was a fake. No question about that. It was a prank to try to shed bad light on the stepsister and make her out to be a liar. Yes, Candus may have been drunk and/or high on something, but she knew what she was saying.​ was there or not!
He could have.been asleep or.out somewhere!
I night this and M answered the phone!
That phone call.did bit!
None made.any sense !

I do think.she.cries.for her.daughter there's way to.much other.
Stuff going.on and it the way!
She lost her daughter
She lost her sons
Her mom.won't come back
Her husband might.go.soon also!
Does.she deserve.that?!

She has a.past.also.not just.DW
High-level this house!

But she needs someone !
Maybe the right someone.could.get.some.answers!
No spill on live e

Maybe she has called ppl but those ppl did not record her calls!

Did she ever bring up Summer's name in her hoax call of nearly 30 minutes? I mean, specifically, if she ever brought the subject up herself.
That's where the truck comes in for me. Given the description of painting materials in the back of it, a local independent who perhaps was contracted to paint a home on that road? Could they have honed in on Summer while they were in that little store plaza?
They would have come via an interstate if they had been to the Wells home before. East coast down, cross over to Virginia into N. Carolina, next stop Rogersville, TN. Maybe picking up the same people dropped off in 2020.

It makes sense to take advantage of poor counties. LE is not as sophisticated with surveillance. I don't mean one being better or worse. My friend received a ticket in the mail from L.A. County, California. They said she ran a red light. My friend lives 3,000 miles away which is why she flew in to CA. The state mailed her a summons. They new her name, address, the fact that she was in a car rental and proved it all by sending her a photo image. Options, pay the ticket of $300. or, go back to court in California and fight the ticket. Ouch! Photo imaging can be helpful.

As far as a brainstorm of the Plaza, that could have been done by an acquaintance. I'd think someone would have monitored Don too, if they followed Candus. Don could have driven the red truck as a decoy for thieves. Don could have also called Candus to ask when she'd be home because he didn't want the house unsupervised. If it was someone they knew and the Wells were followed all day, they'd time it after finding out that Don was not home but at work. The person could call Don's boss and aske if Don was on the sight. If yes at 2:45, go to Ben Hill Road and wait for them to get home. If the perps are as close to the family as Allie was, then they'd know the routine after getting home. If mamma Candi's prescription was medical cannabis, there could have been a robbery. What if she was given enough for ever 3 hrs, for day for 2 weeks 63 joint supply? Maybe that distraction had the children outside running for cover, hearing arguing. The boys wind up at at the shed and Summer Moon winds up in the basement. One of the perps chases Summer Moon into the basement, grabs her, finds Don's bank roll by asking Summer Moon, where daddy keeps his blue backpack. She takes Summer Moon and runs through the woods on the dog path, then jumps into vehicle to the other perp. Mamma Candi and Candus are face down in the trailer. The perps take Summer Moon so the family doesn't rat on any specific persons. They can't tell the LE because hoarding money is against the law, and Don can't prove it is his. If LE dog smells anything suspicious on the money later, they will confiscate all of it.

Recently Recorded Interviews:
Allie alleged that money came up missing from her on an occasion she spent at he Wells home.
Chris McDonough Interview's Hunter's Mom INTERVIEW ROOM

Don admitted to taking a guys truck and selling it. (That is a nice chunk of change.)
When Don referred to his always feeling that something was going to happen to Summer (CM interview), I have been wondering if he meant that maybe one of his business friends had been impatient with some habits of Don, maybe slow payment of debts, or poor product characteristics, and had threatened over the years to take his daughter away. A threat which had been ignored until it came true
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