Travis Alexander and Jodi Arias - What do you believe?

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Hi, SheStartedIt, and welcome to this community. I have a question? What was Jodi like in high school? Was she involved in extracurricular activities? Outgoing? Self-directed? Quiet or interactive? Flirtatious? What did other people think of her?

I'm just looking for any keys to her personality.

P.S. In response to your very honest reactions: I think that very few people are full-time homicidal thinkers, especially in this kind of crime. I don't think that Jodi's "good side" was illusory; I think that her killing thoughts were like a fast-spreading disease that took over, perhaps within a very short period. After that, it was just damage control.

I think that her anger towards Travis was festering because he quite willingly had sex with her repeatedly and then rejected her as a possible mate because she was sexually active. As Knox noted earlier, in an interview, she said that Travis knew how to push all her buttons; I think that finally she had had enough. That they had sex just before she murdered him served as a kind of coup de grace.

Looking back on the times I did know her.. I honestly cannot say that there was anything out of the ordinary about her.. she was very sweet and really funny. I didn't spend a whole lot of time with her, friends of mine, that were mutual friends with her are a lot closer than I. But these are all the people I've been talking to, regarding this case from the beginning.

But, none the less.. she was someone we never would have pegged, to be capable of such a horrendous act. And I think we'd all like to hope for best, but are kind of expecting the worst.

I've got to release this computer for the time being.. but I will be back to discuss more with you all, very soon.

thank you for all the welcomes =)
sorry it took me a while to respond.. our internet has temporarily crashed and burned...

But you know, I don't ever remember Jodi dating anyone in high school... And she kind of fell off the radar, until I saw her again a few years back. So, that would be hard for me to say.. But, I asked one of my friends the same question, (she knew Jodi a lot better than I did) and she said her behavior with anyone she was dating, was never anything out of the ordinary.

But then, I read on another site that this girl, who was a friend of a guy Jodi used to date.. Was at this man's house, and that they saw Jodi stalking and peering through the window.

And then AGAIN.. There is also some crazy lunatic, trolling the internet, claiming to be Jodi's best friend and yelling her innocence from rooftops. heh.

The lines are blurred.

But yes, overall.. The news of this, was COMPLETELY shocking.
All of my friend's I've spoken with, just can't believe it.
And of course we'd like NOT to believe it.. But the evidence makes it difficult to think otherwise.

All in all.. Justice will prevail, I suppose.

Thanks for your response She Started It. I have seen that other person claiming to be her best friend saying she's innocent. I can imagine how shocking it would be to hear news that someone you know (whether you are good friends or acquaintances) has committed such a horrific crime and why you and your friends would like to believe it's not true. There does seem to be an awful lot of evidence proving that she was involved, and her inconsistencies in her stories, makes it hard to believe a lot of things that she says.
Looking back on the times I did know her.. I honestly cannot say that there was anything out of the ordinary about her.. she was very sweet and really funny. I didn't spend a whole lot of time with her, friends of mine, that were mutual friends with her are a lot closer than I. But these are all the people I've been talking to, regarding this case from the beginning.

But, none the less.. she was someone we never would have pegged, to be capable of such a horrendous act. And I think we'd all like to hope for best, but are kind of expecting the worst.

I've got to release this computer for the time being.. but I will be back to discuss more with you all, very soon.

thank you for all the welcomes =)

Thanks so much, SheStartedIt, your honesty and compassion come through in your responses.

I think that some killers might have stepped right out of horror films, but many of them really don't seem like living, breathing monsters. Jodi Arias clearly operates sometimes on different wave lengths; even her multiple inept, cumulatively incriminating non-confessions show that she's really not really thinking full-time as a killer.

My sense of it is that Jodi and Travis somehow convinced themselves and/or each other that they could have an "open" sexual relationship, but that convenient pact was a mutual delusion: Travis knew that he wanted a pure Mormon marriage and Jodi wanted them to be together. I can imagine that she was enraged that she wasn't mate marriage because she was sexually active, while Travis somehow exempted himself from that standard. That she consummated the relationship by first having sex and then killing him seems to me symbolic.
Insomnia, oh insomnia.
I figured I'd use it as an opportune time to come on here and rant a bit.

I've been following this case extremely closely, (completely consumed by it actually) since I got the phone call about her arrest (last August).

I've read on all of the evidence that has been presented to the public (and seen some that is NOT available to the public) watched her jailhouse interviews, and the 48 hours episode. Nothing, absolutely nothing adds up. Which is why I said we were all pretty much expecting the worst. I'm interested in seeing how the trial pans out, because I'm sure there is a lot of evidence that we have not the slightest clue of. But for some reason, I see it as, only being evidence that would be damaging on her behalf.

Being that I know her, personally.. It's hard for me to state theories, or discuss anything about the case, without saying, "she did this or she did that". It makes me feel this weird sort of, guilt. It's really hard for me (and others) to not think otherwise.
SheStartedIt, I don't have the words of wisdom to relieve your insomnia or that guilt-like feeling when you discuss or think about this crime. I'm really sorry that all of this happened and that it's affecting you. You're a human and I think the feelings you're having are a normal reaction to such a tragedy. When someone in our social/family circle is accused of something, it's pretty difficult, IMO, to "make sense" of it all. :blowkiss:
Insomnia, oh insomnia.
I figured I'd use it as an opportune time to come on here and rant a bit.

I've been following this case extremely closely, (completely consumed by it actually) since I got the phone call about her arrest (last August).

I've read on all of the evidence that has been presented to the public (and seen some that is NOT available to the public) watched her jailhouse interviews, and the 48 hours episode. Nothing, absolutely nothing adds up. Which is why I said we were all pretty much expecting the worst. I'm interested in seeing how the trial pans out, because I'm sure there is a lot of evidence that we have not the slightest clue of. But for some reason, I see it as, only being evidence that would be damaging on her behalf.

Being that I know her, personally.. It's hard for me to state theories, or discuss anything about the case, without saying, "she did this or she did that". It makes me feel this weird sort of, guilt. It's really hard for me (and others) to not think otherwise.

Hi, SheStartedIt; unfortunately, guilt is a widely dispensed emotion: Psychologists discovered that the majority of Hiroshima survivors harbored guilt that they were in some mostly unfathomable way partly responsible for their fate or those of their friends. It makes no sense, but it serves as a kind of mourning.

I think that Jodi will be convicted and be sentenced to a long term. If she changes her plea, she might hope for a release somewhere down the road.
I saw this on Jodi's cached myspace seems pretty weird to me.

I saw this on Jodi's cached myspace seems pretty weird to me.


Are you talking about the "I'll see you soon but not soon enough"?

In that photo and many others, she is such a pretty girl, it's very hard to understand what lurks under the surface.
Insomnia, oh insomnia.
I figured I'd use it as an opportune time to come on here and rant a bit.

I've been following this case extremely closely, (completely consumed by it actually) since I got the phone call about her arrest (last August).

I've read on all of the evidence that has been presented to the public (and seen some that is NOT available to the public) watched her jailhouse interviews, and the 48 hours episode. Nothing, absolutely nothing adds up. Which is why I said we were all pretty much expecting the worst. I'm interested in seeing how the trial pans out, because I'm sure there is a lot of evidence that we have not the slightest clue of. But for some reason, I see it as, only being evidence that would be damaging on her behalf.

Being that I know her, personally.. It's hard for me to state theories, or discuss anything about the case, without saying, "she did this or she did that". It makes me feel this weird sort of, guilt. It's really hard for me (and others) to not think otherwise.

I understand from reading somewhere that Travis' brother says there is a lot more evidence that the public is not privy too. I'll be following the trial very close when it comes out.

Do you know any of her siblings? I wonder what they are thinking? They have been very quiet through it all so far, and I haven't seen anything in the media about them. I wonder are they supporting her, or have they washed their hands of her.

I can imagine the shock you must have felt when you heard what had happened.
Are you talking about the "I'll see you soon but not soon enough"?

In that photo and many others, she is such a pretty girl, it's very hard to understand what lurks under the surface.

Yeah, that's the comment I was referring to. It seemed a little odd to me.
Yeah, that's the comment I was referring to. It seemed a little odd to me.

Kind of creepy, isn't it? I think we talked about it on this thread, I can't remember for sure. I've heard people say things like "We'll meet again", in a farewell kind of manner. I think I feel it's creepy of her to have typed because I think she's guilty and in some ways I feel like she's anticipating seeing him again? (Does that make any sense? I'm not good with words sometimes.)
Kind of creepy, isn't it? I think we talked about it on this thread, I can't remember for sure. I've heard people say things like "We'll meet again", in a farewell kind of manner. I think I feel it's creepy of her to have typed because I think she's guilty and in some ways I feel like she's anticipating seeing him again? (Does that make any sense? I'm not good with words sometimes.)

I wonder if there's any history of her having depression or being suicidal. That's not the sort of comment I'd leave on my myspace if I had a friend pass away. It makes me think that she wants to die or something. Maybe I'm reading into things too much here I dunno. Or maybe she knows she'll die in prison for killing him so that's why she said " See you soon, my friend, but not soon enough."
Kind of creepy, isn't it? I think we talked about it on this thread, I can't remember for sure. I've heard people say things like "We'll meet again", in a farewell kind of manner. I think I feel it's creepy of her to have typed because I think she's guilty and in some ways I feel like she's anticipating seeing him again? (Does that make any sense? I'm not good with words sometimes.)

Hi, Boyz Mum; I actually thinks that she means it. I think that she's in a strange state of denial: In a sense, she thinks that Travis' death was not a rejected lover's homicidal act, but almost a ritual. In her mind, he will meet her again in Mormon celestial climes.

Of course, she wrote this within a few days of her impending arrest, so she might have been melancholy about all sorts of separations.
I wonder if there's any history of her having depression or being suicidal. That's not the sort of comment I'd leave on my myspace if I had a friend pass away. It makes me think that she wants to die or something. Maybe I'm reading into things too much here I dunno. Or maybe she knows she'll die in prison for killing him so that's why she said " See you soon, my friend, but not soon enough."

She did say that she would rather face the death sentence than spend the remainder of her days in prisons.

I think that in some ways, she views herself as a martyr.

She's living very much inside her head rather than in any shared world.
I understand from reading somewhere that Travis' brother says there is a lot more evidence that the public is not privy too. I'll be following the trial very close when it comes out.

Do you know any of her siblings? I wonder what they are thinking? They have been very quiet through it all so far, and I haven't seen anything in the media about them. I wonder are they supporting her, or have they washed their hands of her.

I can imagine the shock you must have felt when you heard what had happened.

I don't actually know any of her siblings, they're a bit younger than me and I was only really ever around Jodi either at school or in social gatherings, so I never met her family.

I do know, however.. That her father has had to have many medical proceedures, which is a large contributing factor as to why her family cannot afford a better attorney.

It's one thing to have a public defender while objecting a traffic violation.. rather than 1st degree murder. :doh:

I feel so deeply for her family though.. They have had A LOT of horrible things happen over the past three years.

I'm still very curious as to why they have prohibited the state from accessing or viewing her visitation records. :waitasec:
Prayers for her family and her father. This must be really hard on them, especially with all this going on.
I don't actually know any of her siblings, they're a bit younger than me and I was only really ever around Jodi either at school or in social gatherings, so I never met her family.

I do know, however.. That her father has had to have many medical proceedures, which is a large contributing factor as to why her family cannot afford a better attorney.

It's one thing to have a public defender while objecting a traffic violation.. rather than 1st degree murder. :doh:

I feel so deeply for her family though.. They have had A LOT of horrible things happen over the past three years.

I'm still very curious as to why they have prohibited the state from accessing or viewing her visitation records. :waitasec:

Thank you SheStartedIt for replying. that's very sad news about her father. I've noticed on her myspace page that she has two sisters (I believe) and a brother listed on her friends list. One of the sister's myspace page is not blocked so anyone can view it, and it appears to me that she has or had some sort of addiction problem going on.

I do feel sorry for her family, to have to go through this and endure everything.

It would be interesting to know who is visiting her in jail, and why they are trying to block the state from accessing it that's for sure.
I don't actually know any of her siblings, they're a bit younger than me and I was only really ever around Jodi either at school or in social gatherings, so I never met her family.

I do know, however.. That her father has had to have many medical proceedures, which is a large contributing factor as to why her family cannot afford a better attorney.

It's one thing to have a public defender while objecting a traffic violation.. rather than 1st degree murder. :doh:

I feel so deeply for her family though.. They have had A LOT of horrible things happen over the past three years.

I'm still very curious as to why they have prohibited the state from accessing or viewing her visitation records. :waitasec:

Hi, SheStartedIt; as Nobodyzgirl wrote, our hearts go out to the family. So many people are affected by tragedies like this. Including you.

You're right; it's incredibly expensive to launch, much less maintain a defense for a murder charge. In a not guilty plea, the costs mount to six figures in no time.

I don't think that prohibition to the prosecution viewing visitation records is complete: I think that the prosecution can make requests in judge's chambers. I think that the battle is over the prosecution's curiosity about whether Jodi's defense will be psychological (e.g., traumatic memory loss) and, to a lesser extent, whether friends will testify on her behalf. They might even be interested in how often Jodi is meeting with her lawyers.
She did say that she would rather face the death sentence than spend the remainder of her days in prisons.
I think that in some ways, she views herself as a martyr.

She's living very much inside her head rather than in any shared world.

I completely agree with you Chanler, that she lives inside her head and sometimes likes to view herself as a martyr.

Regarding the bolded statement, if I were a juror in this trial, the fact that she wants the death penalty, would push me more to give her a life in prison with no chance of parole, because then it is indeed a punishment to her, knowing that she will be spending the rest of her life sitting in prison.
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