Travis Alexander and Jodi Arias - What do you believe?

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How have you seen them? They haven't been released publicly...

I have my connections ;)

Prepare to have your jaws drop as I post the following quotes and links:

Travis' sister from the In Memory Of Travis Alexander Facebook page:
Ok quick update, it was a circus in court, get this... Jodi fired her attorneys and is now representing herself.. that's all for today. it was nuts, she was questioning all of the witnesses, we shall see what goes on tomorrow, the big day is on the 10th, we will find out when trial is due to start.!/groups/33785181856/

All I can say is.. :shocked2:
If it hasn't gotten media attention recently, it SURELY will now!!
"Do you have any experience?" she asked. "Do you have a law license? Have you even read the statute you're accused of?"

The answer to all the questions was "no."

But Stephens granted the request and asked that Arias' public defenders, Victoria Washington and Kirk Nurmi, remain on as advisory counsel and be ready to step back in as her attorneys if need be.

Read more:

Thanks for the link SheStartedIt. Why on earth would the judge grant the request, especially at this late date - that is just crazy, IMO. I don't see her "advisory" counsel helping her out all that much. What on earth is the defendant trying to prove, that she is in fact crazy. Now I hope it's televised, this would be interesting to watch.
Well I didn't expect to come here and read that news!!!!

Has Jodi lost all touch with reality while locked up? Or is she just crazy like a fox? If she represents herself and does a shoddy job, how would this effect an appeal down the road?

I feel for Travis' family and friends. To get so close to the beginning of the trial and now this ...
Hath no fear! The trial is starting tomorrow! Or today depending what time zone you're in.. I've been looking at different sites like and HLN, but not one of them have any info having to do with Jodi.. you would think there would be some media buzz, considering she's the only woman facing the death penalty, to represent herself.. just completely blows my mind!

I'll be sure to post any updates that I hear of, which I know you all will do the same I'm sure.
Man... I'm more nervous/anxious about this then I thought I would be.. I feel awful that Travis' family has had to go through all this and won't really be able to fully grieve until justice is served..
It's saddens me so that such an intelligent, goal driven and genuinely nice person had to throw her life, along with taking another. I can't imagine what her family is going though.. they come upon some very difficult times in life and then this.

Sorry, I will quit rambling now.. must be my sleeping medication talking! Goodnight sleuths.. let's see how tomorrow pans out.
One article in the news about the recent developments:

Murder suspect Arias to defend herself
Jodi Ann Arias could be sentenced to death if she is convicted of murdering her boyfriend in his Mesa home in 2008.
But Monday, on the eve of her trial, Arias decided to push her experienced defense attorneys to the side and defend herself............

Arias, who has completed the 11th grade, will go up against Deputy County Attorney Juan Martinez, a homicide prosecutor with a reputation for going straight for the jugular.

More here:
Seriously?! An 11th grade education and she thinks she's going to get herself off in a death penalty case? That is the ultimate in arrogance!
Seriously?! An 11th grade education and she thinks she's going to get herself off in a death penalty case? That is the ultimate in arrogance!

ITA. It is complete arrogance on her part, especially in a death penalty case with overwhelming evidence against her. I do wonder if it is just a move to create grounds for a future death penalty appeal or does she honestly believe that a charming sociopath whose relying on good looks will get away with murder?
Hi, everyone, and thanks for all this news. I can't claim to have predicted it, but to me, Jodi's decision fits her personality. Her previous press and TV interviews demonstrated that she would override strandard legal advice: Even a fledgling attorney would have kept her from reciting her version of events before the prosecution made its case. From the start, I thought and predicted that Jodi would insist on testifying; indeed, at this stage, she is almost obliged to because of her previous contradictory public statements.

Jodi's new age beliefs that with strong resolve, we can actualize our intentions already have had deadly consequences for Travis; now they might strike a death knell for herself as well.

The thought of her cross-examining forensic experts, veteran police officers, and Travis's dear friends is nothing less than bizarre.

P.S. This is from Jodi's blog:
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world.
The thought of her cross-examining forensic experts, veteran police officers, and Travis's dear friends is nothing less than bizarre.

WOW I had not thought of this aspect of these developments...Travis' friends/family do not deserve that.
WOW I had not thought of this aspect of these developments...Travis' friends/family do not deserve that.

Hi, Hellinor. There are more multiple reasons why a defendant defending himself or herself is a bad idea (lack of legal expertise; lack of mastery of technical issues; a tendency to provoke sustainable objections; display of aggressive tendencies), but none of them can be as immediately gripping as the negative effects of the cross-examination of survivors of the deceased.

Under normal circumstances, many such survivors try not to look at the accused; in these conditions, he or she is almost literally in your face, asking questions that can only make her seem more hostile and them only more emotional and more sympathetic. For self-appointed defense lawyers, this is a Catch-22: Even your least probing questions will seem intrusive and cold-hearted and jurors will feel a natural sympathy for witnesses who are so visibly upset during cross-examination.

For Jodi's defense, it's the worst possible scenario: After hearing Travis' friends speak about Jodi's obsessiveness and lovingly about the deceased, they will be confronted by a "lawyerly" Jodi attempting methodically to undercut their stories (and Travis' reputation.)

It's a losing formula.
This is a pretty fascinating case. Based on the evidence so far she looks guilty to me. I do find the silence of her family of definite interest (although I think it is smart if it's purposeful because who wants to get dragged into that mess through the media?). I also think that Travis was living a double life of sorts--or at least experiencing huge internal conflict about his relationship with Jodi. I can't really see him letting her in at 4:30am if he was afraid of her like his family and friends are saying. I'll be curious to see the letters, journal entries and email correspondence.
Since when can a defendant defend themselves in a death penalty case? I thought she had to have death qualified counsel?
Since when can a defendant defend themselves in a death penalty case? I thought she had to have death qualified counsel?

Hi, EGirl. The judge's questions made it clear that he too was skeptical and he did ask her former lawyers to remain on to advise her. This is what happened in Warren Jeffs' case, though it seems that he essentially ignored their counsel. (Then again, Jodi hasn't yet claimed to be the voice of God.)

This promises to be a complicated case, far more complicated than the Jeffs case, with lots of forensics evidence, piles of email exchanges, and many witnesses probably testifying about Jodi's obsession with Travis. Just having a grasp on all the material will be a challenge. And as you note, this is a death penalty case.....

P.S. On a perhaps related note, according to the Travis Alexander tribute site, the starting date of the trial seems to have been set back to September 19th.
This is a pretty fascinating case. Based on the evidence so far she looks guilty to me. I do find the silence of her family of definite interest (although I think it is smart if it's purposeful because who wants to get dragged into that mess through the media?). I also think that Travis was living a double life of sorts--or at least experiencing huge internal conflict about his relationship with Jodi. I can't really see him letting her in at 4:30am if he was afraid of her like his family and friends are saying. I'll be curious to see the letters, journal entries and email correspondence.

Hi, GladiatorQueen. I think that it would be difficult for the family to say much to the media; they weren't present during the relationship and probably can offer more valuable support privately.

I think that you're right about Travis leading a double life of sorts; I think that like many young men, he just couldn't resist a sexual encounter. At college, I knew several fundamentalist men and women (including one devout Mormon) who actually seemed more sexualized by their church's edicts of chastity.

As for letting her in at 4:30 a.m., the alternative is not letting her in at 4:30 a.m. Her appearance was a surprise; she was probably plaintive or "just wanting to talk" and turning away someone at that hour would probably make me feel guilty too. In any case, Travis' very difficult early years would almost certainly make him hesitant to completely turn his back on people.
Hi, GladiatorQueen. I think that it would be difficult for the family to say much to the media; they weren't present during the relationship and probably can offer more valuable support privately.

Oh, I do agree with you there. But it is interesting to me that no one at all has mentioned anything about her (friends, family or even acquaintances).

I think that you're right about Travis leading a double life of sorts; I think that like many young men, he just couldn't resist a sexual encounter. At college, I knew several fundamentalist men and women (including one devout Mormon) who actually seemed more sexualized by their church's edicts of chastity.

I have a friend who is gay and mormon, and he even tried to convert using counseling from the minister for years (to no avail) to please his family and the church. But, in fact, the minister eventually encouraged him to just embrace who he was and enjoy his life (despite being shunned from the temple).

I am bringing this up because it is possible that he did have more than just sexual feelings for her, but didn't want to be shunned from his church if he had an open and committed relationship with her (his friends wouldn't allow her in the house if I recall as they thought their relationship inappropriate).

Before I bring up my next point, I want to first say that I am not in anyway okay with his murder. I want to say though that we really don't know to what extent he played on her emotions and manipulated her to gain sexual favour--have is cake and eat it too. Possibly that eventually became her breaking point -- and we don't know anything about her past to know if this kind of treatment provoked something in her. Not justifying, just exploring ideas.

As for letting her in at 4:30 a.m., the alternative is not letting her in at 4:30 a.m. Her appearance was a surprise; she was probably plaintive or "just wanting to talk" and turning away someone at that hour would probably make me feel guilty too. In any case, Travis' very difficult early years would almost certainly make him hesitant to completely turn his back on people.

Didn't they have contact via telephone before she arrived at her door? Not sure if this was shown via cell phone records, but thought I had read that somewhere. If he was afraid he could have also called the police when he knew she was coming to his door. It seems to me from what I read he was waiting for her to arrive. Again, he might not want to turn her away, but then he goes ahead and has sex with her? That part doesn't make sense when you place it in context with what his brother and friends say about his discomfort or fear of her. Just saying.
Oh, I do agree with you there. But it is interesting to me that no one at all has mentioned anything about her (friends, family or even acquaintances).

I have a friend who is gay and mormon, and he even tried to convert using counseling from the minister for years (to no avail) to please his family and the church. But, in fact, the minister eventually encouraged him to just embrace who he was and enjoy his life (despite being shunned from the temple).

I am bringing this up because it is possible that he did have more than just sexual feelings for her, but didn't want to be shunned from his church if he had an open and committed relationship with her (his friends wouldn't allow her in the house if I recall as they thought their relationship inappropriate).

Before I bring up my next point, I want to first say that I am not in anyway okay with his murder. I want to say though that we really don't know to what extent he played on her emotions and manipulated her to gain sexual favour--have is cake and eat it too. Possibly that eventually became her breaking point -- and we don't know anything about her past to know if this kind of treatment provoked something in her. Not justifying, just exploring ideas.

Didn't they have contact via telephone before she arrived at her door? Not sure if this was shown via cell phone records, but thought I had read that somewhere. If he was afraid he could have also called the police when he knew she was coming to his door. It seems to me from what I read he was waiting for her to arrive. Again, he might not want to turn her away, but then he goes ahead and has sex with her? That part doesn't make sense when you place it in context with what his brother and friends say about his discomfort or fear of her. Just saying.

Hi, GladiatorQueen, thanks for a great, abundant post.

To me, that Mormon minister sounds extraordinary. I hope that your friend is doing well.

You bring up some fascinating points. I never imagined that you were attempting to lessen the guilt of Jodi.

Jodi had joined the church and many Mormons have premarital sex without it being a major issue, although the percentage is lower than in most other sects. I think that his friends had strong feelings about her because of her jealousy and other control issues and also probably because of her public displays of affection and because she seems to have dressed less conservatively than most women in his circle.

I do think that Jodi was undoubtedly more sexually experienced than Travis. That his closest, in some cases long-time friends were able to cast Jodi as a Jezebel indicates that they felt that she was the aggressor. That said, for him, her erotic allure continued after their breakup: On her Face Book (or perhaps MySpace), he alludes to her sexiness. (That they had sex when she showed up seems more like a relapse on his part than the continuation of a long-distance affair.)

In his professional life, Travis emphasized his unmarried status and wrote on his blog about the difficulty of finding a mate. Jodi thought that she had found a mate. Travis clearly disagreed: His professional and personal circles overlapped heavily and Jodi didn't fit the bill as a good Mormon wife to himself, the Hughes, or other close associates.

I think that, as you say, Travis was drawn to her in nonsexual ways also. Jodi is a high school dropout, but she's fairly bright, articulate, vivacious, and apparently interested in a variety of things. Travis seemed self-conscious about educational gaps that showed in his writing. And Jodi was supportive--to a fault.

I think that you're right. There was a telephone conversation, but I'm not sure that it alerted him to a visit or the time. I think that Travis' fears about Jodi were more about the damage that she could do to his reputation than physical harm to himself. That he was much larger than her certainly will be an important part of her defense.
Didn't this whole thing start over Jodi finding out that Travis was taking another woman with him on a vacation to Cancun?

That's what they said on 48 Hours
Didn't this whole thing start over Jodi finding out that Travis was taking another woman with him on a vacation to Cancun?

That's what they said on 48 Hours

Hi, ILuvMua. I think that was an immediate cause, but Jodi's persistent streak of jealousy had appeared long before that.

That Travis' plan to vacation with another woman had apparently not alienated his friends suggests that their objections focused on Jodi personally.
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