trial day 31: the defense continues it's case in chief #87

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I can't wait for JM!!! Gonna be soooooo good. Oooh.
It makes me feel better knowing that JM must have dealt with untold #s of so-called experts just like this guy in his career. He'll take him to task during his turn.
In the grand scheme of things, what she 'remembers' or says about what happened after she began killing TA doesn't matter. In fact if she took the stand right now and gave us a detailed description of every detail of her hours in the house that day we all know it would be a lie.
Who cares why she claims she can't remember. It changes nothing. She fired the gun she says. We know she butchered him. If the trauma of shooting him was so bad, how did she clean up, delete pics, etc. All of this is to explain her fog. Who cares? It's what she did that matters, not anything she says.
She may have had PTSD after it, soldiers do and they're trained and know they'll see trauma, I think JA would have been genuinely shocked at how hard it was to kill Travis and how revolting it was. But that doesn't take away from the premed. I'm going to just listen to this guy with interest, he has a lot of experience in a wide variety of areas he probably has something to say I don't get the impression he's excusing her at all .. it just seems like he's there to say these things are possible and this is how it works. I think she's lying about the fog, so do we, so do the TH's and most likely so does the jury. But I still am interested in him he might have valuable input.
JA has had how many years to study up on PTSD??? When was that Time article published? She could have read that too! Is it that hard to portray the symptoms and display the tendencies attributed to PTSD???? We are dealing with a Wacko here, who would do anything.

Wasn't it Kenneth Bianchi who fooled the Doctor's and Psyciatrists into thinking he had multiple personality disorders - they were convinced for a while.

I hope JM is going to put someone on with just as much cred disputing this guy's diagnosis! Come on JM, don't let us down!
I havent gotten all of todays testimony yet,but so far I just wanna say....she fooled him too....however, if I were to buy into it, If I sliced and diced my boyfriend I would be willing to go out on a limb and say I might develop
My next comment is.....AAAAANNNNDDDD.....doesnt change anything , she is still guilty as charged...get the needle ready...
I know I will probably be in the unlike column for my opinion but I must say . . . .
1) I agree with what he has been saying about the studies of the brain . . . . the last 2 studies were very small (29 subjects and 104 subjects in another) . . . he did say they were very new studies as not much has been published on this subject.

2) I like that he is saying JA has been diagnosed with PTSD after she brutally murdered Travis in a 3 time overkill . . . . . she was so violent she stressed herself out. I have no problem with that . . . . . she was a perpetrator of stress on herself and a perpetrator of murder on the man she purported to love.

3) I would love to hear more about the other DSM IV personality disorders (ie: all of the Axis 2 stuff) . . . . I don't think that is all that showed up on the Milan! . . . .

Wen.. I've learned a lot from for overview of different ones.
Yeah, a cold, calculating, nasty Jodi can't be running around on the outside with that long list of traumas she got after killing Travis. It's a kindness to give her the DP. It's a blessing also because she said if she killed him then she'd want the DP.

Nothing has changed here. Jodi still considered 100% GUILTY OF A CRUEL PREMEDITATED MURDER.
Thank you kindly again for your post about 'experts'. Because you warned me, I have NOT been tempted to pull my ears off my head in order to get rid of the sound of this Dr's 'theories'. :floorlaugh:

LOL And he is not as bad as I thought he would be! He will be easily crossed by Mr Martinez.. He is readily saying he did not interview Jodi during the most important times she would exhibit stress etc.. some very honest things came out and then a bunch of boring things...

The jury should come in with some doozies for this one. The lady expert should take notes right now...
Sending jury home 1/2 hour early today

Monday 10:00 AM AZ time.

:banghead: FFS...I have been defending Judge S for weeks--and now this? We had maybe 4.5 hours of testimony this week!! Ridiculous. A "Travis"ty.
Okay, my memory isn't the greatest, nor am I in the habit of keeping a notebook on things that catch my interest like this (yet!)but I know some of you do. I vaguely remember , when it was first brought up about her art being sold on ebay, either here or on the trail page on FB, that the account selling the "art" had purchased psychology text books in their ebay history. Does anybody else remember that? Did anyone note it?
This guy is a <mod snip>. It is all about money for him and he could care less about JA or anybody for that matter. JA knows this is BS and she is just as happy as she can be thinking that this guy just might help save her live. <mod snip>
Hi, my first post here, but I've been following the trial since Day 8, I believe, and lurking here.

I think this guy's biggest problem is that Jodi is smarter than he is, and he hasn't realized it yet. I'd love to hear from someone in the courtroom, to hear if the jury appeared to be interested or buying it.
WELCOME!! Don't judge by today, please. When Juan gets up, you'll be gald you're watching!!
OH holy cow, I just re heard him.

He said

She was the perpetrator of a violent crime.
So since this DSM book has been entered into evidence... Can Juan Martinez ask the witness to read the characteristics of a sociopath?

Oohhhhh good idea!
Didn't he say he gave her the MMPI? And wouldn't that test show psychopathy?

I listened for it and didn't hear him mention it (could have missed it, but I don't think so. eta: convenient, no?).

He gave her the MMCI - not sure which version... and PTSD Inventory.
Wait she didn't try to stay away from things that reminded her of the crime!! She ASKED to be driven back to Travis' house after the memorial!!!!!!!!!

Not to mention practically pleading with the detective to show her the crime photos of Travis because of her "morbid curiousity".
Dr. Samuels, how do you view your opinion and diagnosis given the client has an inability to tell the truth, ever?
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