trial day 31: the defense continues it's case in chief #87

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I just want to know why Travis couldn't catch her when she ran or why he didn't reach for his bath robe first before dealing with her.

Gads! the jury has to wonder the same thing.
sorry for the slight o/t, but just had to ask if everyone's page has the french sexy ad at the top right of their page?.... I've never seen it before and its in all French, is the ad and has a woman in just lace panties embracing a nude dude(atleast all visible areas are nude, save her lacy panties).. the pic looks like one from steamy romance novel everyone have this ad??

darn it,,i got a ad for a pedophilia self help at home:waitasec:
I just want to know why Travis couldn't catch her when she ran or why he didn't reach for his bath robe first before dealing with her.

Gads! the jury has to wonder the same thing.

Because she ambushed and killed him in the shower.

or you mean in her theory of events? "fog"
Jean C. just did a wonderful job talking about how amazing Juan was in another DP case where he put a woman on death row. 4 months of the trial and at the very end he pulled out the smoking gun and got the conviction.

The man has patience beyond compare. He is truly brilliant and I get butterflies when I think about what he could have up his sleeve. Some gigantic bit of truth that will drive it all home and end this thing with Justice for Travis and his poor family. I want those people to walk away and attempt to begin the grieving process. It's not going to bring Travis back but it's the most that can be done for them and they have the best person ever to get it for them.

Where can I watch the Jean C show you are referring to???
I just want to know why Travis couldn't catch her when she ran or why he didn't reach for his bath robe first before dealing with her.

Gads! the jury has to wonder the same thing.

Perhaps because Travis never went after her in the first place, was incapacitated by the initial injury (which I believed left him momentarily at the sink coughing up blood) while his attacker continued to stab him? Poor Travis never had a chance to grab his bathrobe.


Sorry, not buying JA's version at all, FOG or not.

I understand now why Arias' testimony was so weird. "I think I did some thing to provoke Travis" is going to turn into, I'm just SO guilt ridden because I was a battered woman.
All of her words and actions on the stand now make sense to me - she was just trying to reinforce the testimony she knew was coming. How cunning and evil.

I find your statement VERY interesting! As I watched today, I felt as though I could "see" Arias in both Wilmott, and, Samuels (defense expert witness). It is difficult for me to explain - however, as I watched Wilmott say, "Judge do you want to see this," or simply, "Judge," I thought, "Wilmott reminds me of Arias when Arias was on the stand saying things such as, "I'm sorry Judge I didn't hear that," or, "Judge, I have a question." Also, Wilmott would "swipe" her bangs similar to Arias when on the stand. Then, when Samuels was on the stand and he started talking saying things such as, "my patients, I'm sorry, my clients," then after correcting himself referring to his clients as patients only. I'm going to say "Samuels Double Talk," reminded me of Arias while on the stand.

I hope that Arias is copying Wilmott, and, Samuels (as opposed to the other way around). After watching Arias on the stand so many days - I do see that her Defense Team must have spent / is spending a great deal of time together.

Arias and her Defense Team is starting to walk alike, talk a like - sometimes they even look a like (Wilmott with bangs and glasses / Arias with bangs and glasses).

Does anyone else see this? Is it common for a defendant to start behaving / looking like / taking on the behaviors, and, characteristics as their Defense Team?

I've never had this thought before when watching a trial. Even as Arias is being led back to prison - Arias is holding her important folder similar to her Defense Team, Arias is in the doorway and is talking to Wilmott & Nurmi - before being carted off Arias has her head tilted and her body language/movement was similar to Wilmott.

she was just trying to reinforce the testimony she knew was coming. How cunning and evil.[/QUOTE said:
IMO - it is evident that Arias' Defense Team have spent a great deal of time with their client as Arias mannerisms on the stand (for weeks) were so similar to members of her Defense Team. On the stand, Arias displayed the same type of double talk as Samuels today. Due to this opinion, I do believe that Arias was instructed very well about how to tell her story - that her testimony was to serve to showcase the expert witnesses.
Has anyone seen the footage from yesterday, when the jury was coming back in I believe after lunch, JA smiled slightly and nooded at them (or one of them). If I can find the link, I'll post it. But it makes me VERY nervous.

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She clearly takes something out of the folder. I can not tell you what it is though. She is looking to see who is watching her IMO.
BTW she took the orange folder with her at the end of court.

I saw that too and wondered what she was up to. I've watched it many times, and the only thing I can think of is a writing instrument. It's small enough to fit in her hand, and she seems to start writing, or doodling, or whatever she does, right after. I really can't think of anything else it could be.

On another note, I am watching HLN After Dark for the first time. The "jury" is voting on whether or not they think JM has been too aggressive, and if that will hurt his case. Are they serious? This woman couldn't give a straight answer if she used a level, so I think his style of questioning is totally appropriate. Typical HLN hype IMO. I only watched because I thought Vinnie would be at the helm, but he's not on tonight. And now JVM is hurting my ears :ignore:. Think it's time to de-Jodify and :eek:fftobed:
I also don't know that the jurors are being positively influenced by any of his psychobabble. If he starts with the crime scene stuff I'm not sure he becomes any more credible and I'm sure Juan can rectify any damage. But, honestly, I don't see how even this judge can let that kind of testimony in-it's clearly the province of the jury to decide what the crime scene shows in terms of premeditation or not.

Assuming the worst, as Stephens has repeatedly done her best impression of a Bavarian pretzel on behalf the defense, what does it mean if it's let in? Can JM fix it/diminish the potential impact?

I'd say it's a fair bet that most of her diary entries aren't honest. These entries were screenshots that JA read from while on the stand. She just didn't read everything on the screen (like she's going to be an excellent wife, etc.).

I agree, but the Dr. said he read all her journal entries... AND apparently took them as being truthful documents. It doesn't appear as though he saw the ones I posted (doctored or not - all her written entries are suspect imv).

Not only that - pacifists aren't known to slit the neck of an unarmed man, shoot him in the head and stab him in the back, chest, and more over 2 dozen times.

Not a pacifist. Not honest. Expert NOT credible.

BBM could you point me towards those? Thanks!

ETA I am impressed by JVM's opinion for once..says JM has to be aggressive.
....feeling so frustrated right now....
Screw JA and her supposed PTSD ....
Willing with all my heart, strength and justice to Travis's family and friends....
On February 7, 2002, I got home from work to find my 27 year old daughter had died. She had BPD and had been hospitalized 5 times in the last 15 months for overdoses of prescribed medication. The mental health counselors thought it was just fine to give her 3 month supplies of heavy duty meds. I had spent the last 12 years trying to keep her alive long enough for her to realize that her life had not passed her by and that she could still go back and finish college.

Anyhow, for the next year, year and a half, I would relive finding her, rolling her over, feeling how cold she was, her precious kitty was just going crazy. When police and ambulance arrived, I was asked a lot of questions....I know they had to. I worked about 25 minutes away and I would just blank out driving to or from work. When I relived it, I went through all the physical reactions too. Heart pounding, hyperventilating, etc. After two years I finally threw in the towel and got help from a therapist. MY PTSD made me relive the nightmare, not forget it!

Oh Wing, I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter! That has to be horrible. I remember vividly the morning I got a call from my aunt that my uncle had called the police in mom BPD mom's city (she lived several states away from me and her brothers and sisters at that time) because she emailed a suicide note to us and he looked at his email first. I remember how it seemed like eons while I waited to hear from the police and paramedics if she was alive, and all the awful thoughts going through my head while waiting (this sounds horrible but I didn't know if I was wishing for her to be alive or not because it had/has been such a rollercoaster with her). I remember all the phone calls with the ER and the ICU, only to find out she was basically perfectly okay, just sleeping off a hangover that was made worse by Ativan. Then the hospital getting her into a rehab program and her checking out of that program in less than 12 hours...I can't get those seared images, sounds, thoughts, etc out of my mind, I can only imagine how much worse it would be if I had found her actually deceased.

My mom has BPD so I understand the suicide attempts and how they affect you too...making you always on alert, always anxious, always worried about your BPD loved one. My counselor has helped me with that by assuring me that from what she know of my mom from me that my mom will never successfully commit suicide unless it's actually by accident meaning that her suicide attempts aren't earnst attempts at ending life, but rather attempts at gaining the attention or other behavior from someone else she's looking for. I hope you've found a way to diminish your anxiety and hyper-alertness too.
I find your statement VERY interesting! As I watched today, I felt as though I could "see" Arias in both Wilmott, and, Samuels (defense expert witness). It is difficult for me to explain - however, as I watched Wilmott say, "Judge do you want to see this," or simply, "Judge," I thought, "Wilmott reminds me of Arias when Arias was on the stand saying things such as, "I'm sorry Judge I didn't hear that," or, "Judge, I have a question." Also, Wilmott would "swipe" her bangs similar to Arias when on the stand. Then, when Samuels was on the stand and he started talking saying things such as, "my patients, I'm sorry, my clients," then after correcting himself referring to his clients as patients only. I'm going to say "Samuels Double Talk," reminded me of Arias while on the stand.

I hope that Arias is copying Wilmott, and, Samuels (as opposed to the other way around). After watching Arias on the stand so many days - I do see that her Defense Team must have spent / is spending a great deal of time together.

Arias and her Defense Team is starting to walk alike, talk a like - sometimes they even look a like (Wilmott with bangs and glasses / Arias with bangs and glasses).

Does anyone else see this? Is it common for a defendant to start behaving / looking like / taking on the behaviors, and, characteristics as their Defense Team?

I've never had this thought before when watching a trial. Even as Arias is being led back to prison - Arias is holding her important folder similar to her Defense Team, Arias is in the doorway and is talking to Wilmott & Nurmi - before being carted off Arias has her head tilted and her body language/movement was similar to Wilmott.

IMO - it is evident that Arias' Defense Team have spent a great deal of time with their client as Arias mannerisms on the stand (for weeks) were so similar to members of her Defense Team. On the stand, Arias displayed the same type of double talk as Samuels today. Due to this opinion, I do believe that Arias was instructed very well about how to tell her story - that her testimony was to serve to showcase the expert witnesses.

I'm still waiting for that finger of hers to go up her nose.
Mock Jury on the HLN show seem to be hearing more about Juan as an attorney. Mock Jurors want to talk about Jodi, not Juan. It's all about how Jodi comes across to the jurors. She's on trial. Juan's the Hero.
I really think that this bit of evidence was faked and "recovered" years later, like the forged pedo letters. It didn't ring true (to me) as the writing style seemed to be written at a different time, and even the handwriting seemed "off".

I totally believe that especially since her mentioning ripping out pages is an excuse for why she ripped out so many other pages. Who edits their diary anyway??? A diary is for recording your thoughts good or bad and to help work through the bad ones not a work of fiction of My Fake Happy Life That Isn't."

Sorry, but once again I've gotten wayyyy behind on the posts here.
No witness should be allowed to give an opinion on an issue of ultimate fact -- such as whether a murder was premeditated or not, as that is the exclusive province of the jury. The judge will not allow such opinions from experts or anyone else in front of the jury.

Likewise, experts are not permitted to opine about the truthfulness of a witness for the same reason.

That sure seems to be what they're trying to do, though... but thank you. eta: I think they're trying to make the implication, not provide the direct opinion outright - as to why JA killed Travis. But they can offer the reactive cognition theory/hostile attribution bias (?), apparently - which I don't see relating to JA, personally... hoping the jury will interpret this to mitigate the crime (possibly) down to manslaughter...
I don't know...

I'm still confused, unfortunately. So the hearing is simply about whether these psychological theories are admissible because they're new to the prosecution? I guess I'll find out tomorrow. I'm just suspicious about these seemingly 'new' proposed definitions of the crime... I think. :)

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