trial day 31: the defense continues it's case in chief #87

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She reminds me of Reese Witherspoon in Legally Blonde. Wilmott sounded equally clueless when she questioned the ME. She was sweet questioning the virginal GFs of TA but how she could possible be the best option this DT has for questioning experts and people of science is beyond me.

I didn't like her questioning Dr. Horn. She sounded like a giggly school girl groupie talking to him. I mean I think he is very handsome too but it soooo seemed obvious with her while questioning him. Not to mention her really stupid questions too.
I am also watching JVM "contemporaneously". The virual jury says not guilty by 83%????? WHAT?

edit: I think the virtual guilty is about Juan being to aggressive.
Juan!!!! Not jodi Juan not guilty of being to hard on the murderer
Basilcat and Wing and Tiki,

I have no appropriate words for your losses and pain. All I can offer is my heartfelt sympathies and prayer of comfort and your own kind of peace.
Thank you for being here to share and offer insight. No one knows your individual hurt or pain, you can only teach us.
Thank you, and eff JA for daring to replicate that type of hurt for her twisted agenda.

Well, that's a year before the murder... I thought it was a selfie she took in her moving van - and not taken for the specific reason of showing the bruises. (Then again, that's what JA said, so there you go).

There must be a reason it wasn't admissible. Probably because it didn't prove/show anything useful. (?)

It was outside the scope of the jury questions, I believe.
It was fun watching Nurmi bored senseless today through the experts testimony like he's put all of us through.

It sure struck me strange that the psychiatrist was an expert and I never heard the word "sociopath" mentioned. Perhaps he hasn't gotten to that chapter of his book yet.

Don't mean to be a pain, but he is a psychologist. Psychiatrists are essentially physicians in mental health. I am by no means belittling the profession of psychologists (far from it), but having a background in the field brings out the OCD in me to point out the difference.

I must say I was shocked that he could so casually insert relevant PTSD criteria to Jodi that he had apparently forgotten to include in his original report. I kept waiting for Martinez to object, but perhaps I am showing my general lack of knowledge of the judicial system. I figured an expert witness couldn't simply make spontaneous addendums to their published report while on the witness stand.

Sorry to quote myself but I just had what passes for one of Arias' evil thoughts. Could she have got the bruises from someone else, then when she went to see Matt and DB told them they were from Travis??? THEN photographed them?

Sounds about right. I also wouldn't be surprised if she bruised or injured herself and claimed he was responsible. I had the misfortunate of crossing paths with a woman who would do this and blame her on and off again boyfriend.

eta- eventually after a lot of effort on her boyfriend's part, he got her off his case and in her own legal trouble.... unfortunately Travis doesn't have the luxury of defending himself or debunking JA's lies about his "abusing her". The jury has to see through her.
No that appears to be all you! The ads I have now look customized to me but they are NOT sexy frenchness :blushing:

Just pay the $35.00 and you won't get any ads. I did. It's the least we can do for all they do for us!! <3
Agree but want to add - she knew he was dead as, if one believes her story about the series of events, after she shot him she would not have ran around looking for a knife when the gun was in the bathroom with a supposedly alive Travis who just threatened to kill her. I don't believe a knife is the weapon to have when facing up to a really mean man who would have or could have had a gun. She's full of it...he was already dead when she shot him and absolutely nothing about her story is true.

OMG! It's raisin!! Glad to see you. Missed you sooooooooooooooo much! :great:
Who says she didn't retrieve and/or send back a message? The orange file is hers for sure. Do you remember the magazine chute?

She sure looked sneaky pulling out her stubby ikea pencil!


it would be awesome to catch her - wouldn't it ?!?:what:
Sorry, I didn't mean to bring my own tragedy into this forum...but I was ( and am), so appalled that JA is trying to claim PTSD....
I am at a loss for words

Basilcat. We are glad you are here. You give great insight
So very sorry for you tremendous loss.
Who says she didn't retrieve and/or send back a message? The orange file is hers for sure. Do you remember the magazine chute?

She sure looked sneaky pulling out her stubby ikea pencil!

so very glad that you saw this.
How many times can someone possibly say hippocampous in one day?
In the Great Reveal of JA as a victim of her own violence, the "expert" said she exhibited the following list of symptoms, blah, blah, blah

AND THEN at the very end he swallowed one important disclaimer. None of them apply for a diagnosis of PTSD if there is the presence of an Axis I or Axis II diagnosis.

With that caveat, a competent psychologist would start looking at the criteria for the Axis II diagnosis, even if just to rule them out. He didn't mention that he even considered it. His twelve visits don't give him the background that we have here about Jodi Arias, after listening to this trial.

After all, because plenty of people lose their lover and don't become murderers. I think they didn't rule out Axis II disorders because JA's pride wouldn't allow it. It's the only point I've ever found that I agree with JA.

Axis II includes the disorders more usually considered permanent, like Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Antisocial Personality Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder.

She didn't think much of this guy since she didn't even consider him "professional help" enough to mention when JM asked her if she had ever spoken to a professional about her mental condition.
Sorry, I didn't mean to bring my own tragedy into this forum...but I was ( and am), so appalled that JA is trying to claim PTSD....
I am at a loss for words

Don't apologize for sharing your story. You belong to a unique club--one that no one ever wants to join and from an act that rearranges the very DNA of your soul. It is a massively inconceivable tragedy and it's a defining time of your life and to keep it under wraps (so to speak) would not be authentic and certainly not as a murder case is being discussed. This is your truth and your ongoing journey.

The thing about Jodi's "PTSD" is that is doesn't explain the murder and it doesn't excuse her actions and it's just more alphabet soup thrown out by a desperate defense team looking for some way to save her from the DP. Don't take it personally--it's all a sham and everyone knows it including the jury. It doesn't in any way, shape or form diminish the suffering of you, your husband or anyone else who has experienced real PTSD. :please:

Your ability to go on, to survive, to continue living, loving, sharing is a testament to your strength and your husband's strength. And that is something incredible!
Nope I have no ads cause of ... but now i'm interested in seeing this pic!

sorry for the slight o/t, but just had to ask if everyone's page has the french sexy ad at the top right of their page?.... I've never seen it before and its in all French, is the ad and has a woman in just lace panties embracing a nude dude(atleast all visible areas are nude, save her lacy panties).. the pic looks like one from steamy romance novel everyone have this ad??
My prediction: We are going to have over 100 threads dedicated to watching this trial before it's over. :what:
I find your statement VERY interesting! As I watched today, I felt as though I could "see" Arias in both Wilmott, and, Samuels (defense expert witness). It is difficult for me to explain - however, as I watched Wilmott say, "Judge do you want to see this," or simply, "Judge," I thought, "Wilmott reminds me of Arias when Arias was on the stand saying things such as, "I'm sorry Judge I didn't hear that," or, "Judge, I have a question." Also, Wilmott would "swipe" her bangs similar to Arias when on the stand. Then, when Samuels was on the stand and he started talking saying things such as, "my patients, I'm sorry, my clients," then after correcting himself referring to his clients as patients only. I'm going to say "Samuels Double Talk," reminded me of Arias while on the stand.

I hope that Arias is copying Wilmott, and, Samuels (as opposed to the other way around). After watching Arias on the stand so many days - I do see that her Defense Team must have spent / is spending a great deal of time together.

Arias and her Defense Team is starting to walk alike, talk a like - sometimes they even look a like (Wilmott with bangs and glasses / Arias with bangs and glasses).Does anyone else see this? Is it common for a defendant to start behaving / looking like / taking on the behaviors, and, characteristics as their Defense Team?
I've never had this thought before when watching a trial. Even as Arias is being led back to prison - Arias is holding her important folder similar to her Defense Team, Arias is in the doorway and is talking to Wilmott & Nurmi - before being carted off Arias has her head tilted and her body language/movement was similar to Wilmott.

IMO - it is evident that Arias' Defense Team have spent a great deal of time with their client as Arias mannerisms on the stand (for weeks) were so similar to members of her Defense Team. On the stand, Arias displayed the same type of double talk as Samuels today. Due to this opinion, I do believe that Arias was instructed very well about how to tell her story - that her testimony was to serve to showcase the expert witnesses.

I think there are a couple of things going on here. First, she HAS NO "personality " of her own. She is a socio/psychopath, void of feelings, emotions and real reactions. Her frame of reference is only from those with whom she interacts in prison (and she has been there for 5 years).
Her female defense attorney, with whom she spends a lot of time is very easy for her to mimic. She is bright enough to realize that this "professional" person is someone she can try and measure up to. As well, she and Samuels have spent many hours together, and she can gather a lot of psycho babble in this way, and KNOW what defense mechanisms/ behaviors (excuses) he will try to define in her, ahead of time. She has had a good long time to practice and learn all of this gobldygook in her brain. MOO
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