trial day 31: the defense continues it's case in chief #88

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With the gun? See, there is no way to know.

Well, if there was a second shot which made TA angry, a bullet would either be in his body or in the house if she missed him. I don't think there was a second shot.
This piece of work aka Jodi Arias is getting on my last nerve and, after seeing that handstand video, I'm feeling even more incensed.

A great poster upthread whose name I've forgotten (but I think I "thanked" them) posted something about how Arias is an empty shell, devoid of anything real internally, no depth, no nothing there... paraphrasing here but I totally agree.

She's like a sponge, sopping up pithy phrases, emotions, attitudes from any source around her - mostly songs, tv shows, angsty movies, self-help blather - and then regurgitating them back to society in an effort to pass as a human being, like some pod person from a bad sci fi film.

I poked fun at her yesterday with my Jodicentric Lifetime movie parody but really, I think that if she were a pinata all that would tumble out of her - after being smacked REAL HARD - would be a mash-up of MTV videos, cheesy made for TV movies and Oprah Book Club excerpts.

Thanks to whomever posted the Dido lyrics - I didn't need to see the video to further understand just how VACUOUS this chick is. I imagine her in her tiny, cluttered bedroom in Grandma's house in a one-horse town, miles away from Travis and what she probably thought was the pinnacle of her social world, doodling in her journal while listening to some emo the-world-done-me-wrong music...

It's too bad we can't time warp the Heaven's Gate group to the present because I truly believe she would have flourished in a cult....then she could have joined them in their spaceship and spared Travis and the rest of the world from all her evil.

Boy, she winds me up!

But how does she make you fffffeeeeeel? :floorlaugh: Sorry I couldn't resist impersonating Mr Nurmi.

ITA with your comment about Jodi at her GM's but I would add making plans to your list of things she did.
This was on Fox News...has anyone seen it?

Grrr... copy and paste the link.

Like the reporter said about her bizarre behavior,"this really began at the beginning". I mean, the laughing? Really? It shows what a psycho she is and I believe it was a victory laugh. She was proud of the slaughter. I pray JM shows this to the jury. Of course Nurmi will object, saying it is prejudicial.

She premeditated the whole thing. I hope everyone sees it now.
With the gun? See, there is no way to know.

Where do you propose the bullet from this second shot you speak of went???

It didn't go into Travis, the defendant, walls, ceiling, floor.... so where?
There was no second shot.
With the gun? See, there is no way to know.

Actually there is. they're called bullet holes (which you can't pick up and take away) and shell casings, (which you can pick up and take away) and if you take one, why not take the other one in plain sight?

Some people turn off the water and towel off IN the shower so water doesn't get on the floor.
Vinnie Politan &#8207;@VinniePolitan
Monday #JoseBaez defends #JodiArias in front of our #JodiJury on "HLN After Dark"... Monday 10pm eastern on HLN

I think I'll skip this show on Monday night. :rolleyes:

Actually, I thought Ryan said After Dark will be on every night until a verdict is reached. Just more blah, blah, blah (boring.) :seeya:
Vinnie Politan &#8207;@VinniePolitan
Monday #JoseBaez defends #JodiArias in front of our #JodiJury on "HLN After Dark"... Monday 10pm eastern on HLN

I think I'll skip this show on Monday night. :rolleyes:

:seeya: Thanks for the warning ! I'll be skipping it myself !

i think she was euphoric , the killing gave her some kind of emotional release. she is dangerous

Omigosh ... that is EXACTLY what I was thinking. Plus .. I do think that was a "command" performance. At first I thought "holy frickin' psycho"!!! But then I thought .... this person has spent a LOT of time acting all of this out. She is not only sociopathic, psychopathic, narcissistic, borderline personality, OCD .... she is just a frickin' whack job from hell. :furious:

They keep showing this head stand/psycho laughing video over and over on HLN ... but the more I watch it, the more I see her manipulative tactics. I hate to say this ... but she "is" smart ... probably above average intelligence. But, alas, she will not prevail over our Juan ... he knows exactly how to interrogate her ... he WILL prevail over this sick predator!!


Don't worry Sleuthers .... I think we're on to her .... GO JUAN. Has anybody heard what kind of family tragedy happened to one of the attorneys?? Hate it when I hear stuff like that. :sigh:
It should be interesting when Martinez questions Samuels. Will it be like an open book exam? Martinez will ask a question and the good dr. will have to check the stack of magazines and books to find and read the answer to Martinez.
I see another book in the making. His testimony could be used for future clients: 101 For Dummies on things to avoid in choosing your expert witness .

I find it odd that he brings the little red book with him and guards it with his life.
Vinnie Politan &#8207;@VinniePolitan
Monday #JoseBaez defends #JodiArias in front of our #JodiJury on "HLN After Dark"... Monday 10pm eastern on HLN

I think I'll skip this show on Monday night. :rolleyes:

Why would anyone want to watch that smarmy bas*#$%? :furious:
One of the only consistent, emphatic statements by Jodi is Travis saying "Kill you b**ch" AFTER the gun went off. Why wouldn't he be angry about that? It's been indicated by the ME Travis would not have had cognizance to attack or speak after he was shot. THAT's why I think there was 2 shots. The kill shot was second. The first shot is what rightly made him so angry. Nothing tto do with the camera.

Travis had to still be alive when Jodi dragged him to the shower. Otherwise, she would have never been able to drag the 'dead weight'. Putting her hands under the armpits of a corpse, his arms would have no tension and be like a rag doll.

Please excuse the description. It made me cringe to type it.

I see the same fleeting affect in Jodi as well - on rare occasion you can tell she feels strongly about a certain sliver of testimony. I feel strongly (after having lived with a social disordered person for so long) that they are able to exist in their world of lies by grasping onto *some* shred of truth in every lie they tell - but to them TIME is not of essence in retelling a truth. This lack of necessity to adhere to chronology permits them to insert the truth into comvenient places that allows them to feel justified in their lie - and therefore their emotional expressions can become more believable.

Just as Casey Anthony did work at Univeral -*at one time* allowed her to feel so confident using that lie with the officers - so we see the same here with Jodi.

I honestly believe at one point during their struggle when Travis was being slit to pieces by someone he now realized was a complete psycho- that he DID utter those words. I just refuse to believe that occurred AFTER the gunshot. But to Jodi, I don't think that matters to her. To her, all that matters is that she feels no man should ever say such things to her and she feels indignant over t - even if it is was in response to her killing them.
There is none as far as I know. I am in the "stabbing first" camp anyway. I believe the ME, and I am sure we will see Dr. Horn again during rebuttal :moo:

I think the stabbing happened first too.

Watched the bizarre video - a headstand - WTF!!
Why would you go to get your hair cut? Well, anyway, you were lucky, it was postponed until Monday morning 10:15 AZ time

but court is supposed to start at 10am according to judge at the end of Thursday hearing.
Sorry if this has already came up but I was just about him running away from her and she was stabbing him in the back as he was running AWAY from her.
With the gun? See, there is no way to know.

I would think there would be another bullet casing or another shot to his body, the wall in the bathroom, something. The bullet had to go somewhere.
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