trial day 33: the defense continues its case in chief #94

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heck, I had morning gyno appoinment, then was going to work later this afternoon..

I blew it off lol not working lol

I have never taken off a day from work in the last 3 yrs, unless it was vacation

Jm made me do it lol

I cant help it...

JM is knight in shining armour...he sure is slaying the dragons jmo

i cancelled an appointment today myself. i can't tear myself away from the trial!

eta: i'm sure juan had a professional (and i do mean pro) look over these tests and help him with this.
The MMPI is used in every child custody eval I've ever seen. But he didn't conduct that test. It's used to diagnose. Much more intense than what he did. I wondered why he didn't conduct it. Glad Juan Martinez is bringing it up.
I still wonder why what happened to JA AFTER the murder (not "passing away") is so important. So far, I haven't seen anything to explain away the (what seems to be obvious) premeditation.
Samuels is going down, down, down. Does he actually think that JM hasn't been doing this for years and knows everything about psychological testing? OMG, he is going to wipe the doctor up off the floor.

The doctor is so argumentative!! This is insanity.
Willmott asks to approach just as we're getting to base rate scores. Grrr.
See question #15 here?
how long ago did this traumatic event happen?
yes first look @ item #14 non-sexual assault by a stranger . . 6 mo to 3 years
again talk about incident where a guy and girl came in and killed TA (ninja story)
#16 asks if she was physically injured
her answer was yes
17 - was someone else physically injured
18 - did you think your life was in danger
yes -
danger from 2 ninjas
yes at that time

20 = feel helpless
21 - feel terrified

felt helpless and terrified because of 2 people who came into TA's house and killed him
yes that was her story @ that time
that was your realm of knowledge when you administered this test

legend - 0 not at all
1 - once a week or less
2- two times per week

having thoughts or images in your head when you didn't want them to
she said 5 or more times per week - 2 individuals coming into kill TA

any nightmares about 2 people killing TA
she said zero - not even one time
but she said she was having trouble sleeping - it was not because of the 2 individuals coming in to kill TA . . . not because of the traumatic event

once a week or less . . . . same event involving a man and woman
I would liketo make it clear to you she is responding to some trauma . . . nowhere on the test

in her thinking or her responsiveness - she is responding to trauma that happened on that day . . . it is possible the trauma was actually due to the killing but she had to contribute that to the trauma
you made that up
you made that up right now
no clinical judgement

you used word speculating . . . could be made up
yes that is one possibility
all right thank you!

terms of question #34 . . .
are you having trouble falling or staying asleep = 2 to 4 times per week but no nightmares involving this traumatic event
that is correct

part 4 indicate problems you rated in part 3 interferedin the following areas . . .
except for school work . . all of this interfered with work, household chores, sex life, general satisfaction of life . . . the event we are talking about is 2 individuals

she was incarcerated at the time - all of her life was affected

MCMI vs MMPI . . . mmpi 567 (?) questions normed to people in therapy . . .
if not in therapy it is not normed to you
there are several scales . . . . people who are in therapy . . . another scale for people involved in physical ailments . . . . validity scale . . . . involves people who have been diagnosed with some disorder . . . . normal population? . .one of the tests chose to diagnose

you chose test with 175 questions . . . that gives you a number
final base rate score?
there is not just one score . . . to limit it to just one number limits . . .there are several different factors

let's look . . . print out MCMI profile . . . behind it - base rate scores for 25 different characteristics for Ms. Arias . . . .
can we approach

Uh oh . . . .the rest of the story with regard to all of her personality d/o stuff is about to come out (my prediction)
:what: I would say he is a tad bit of a hostile witness today :what:
TwitterChris Williams @chriswnews

Juan Martinez jumps on #JodiArias witness word "speculate" saying it means "made up". Dr Samuels admits that word could mean that. #Arias
Willie practically ran to the bench lol
I wonder if JM ever sleeps. He is so well prepared on every issue. He's doing this trial on his own (I guess he might possibly have legal staff assisting him behind the scenes, but I don't know this for a fact). He is awe inspiring to me. I love this man!!!!
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