trial day 34: the defense continues its case in chief #97

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The point isn't the PTSD, the point is to legitimate her fog story by showing the lack of memory is a symptom of an accepted disorder.

Geesh, they seem to have really strayed away from that objective then. Nobody believes her fog, PTSD or no PTSD.
Am I getting apples and oranges confused, or did he start the day with "you'd have to be a trained expert like me to manipulate these tests" and end the day with "sure she could have made easily the score even higher if she wasn't so honest and had wanted to manipulate it"?
Where o' Where are our lip readers today? JW looks likes she's being chewed out bout somethin'

I can read lips fairly well (hearing impaired son) - Judge seems ticked off - said something like "just ask a question!', then later - "you need to ask and move on" and something about 'scope of questioning' , then "yes, okay, but when you ask him...." cut to Jodi.."you need to..number....: cut back to Jodi - but not looking like happy words from the Judge, wants her to wrap up .

Sorry, she tilts her head down, so you can only catch some of it - the camera pans out, blurs, and goes to Jodi, courtroom, etc.
They all seem to cover their mouths or look away, I'm sure they know people will try to read them. I had my son (the hearing impaired one, he's excellent at lip reading) give it a try - he couldn't make out much, either - said they obscure their mouths.

Earlier when the court clerk went up to talk to the Judge, you could see her clearly (looked like she's not on camera enough to worry about her mouth being filmed) - looked like she was asking the judge about whether there would be court tomorrow, (looked like the judge said yes - i think).

Sorry - couldn't get too much information - but don't feel you're missing anything.
But they're back now, and still not much to hear! Even Samuels looks bored.
Finally she is done and jurors questions next!
I must be missing something important ...

Wasn't this test the one JM proved was answered by JA during the Ninjas-did-it phase?

If so, why oh why are we going though this "perhaps I should have re-administered this test" old, irrelevant, most likely all lies, test answers??

Yes it really is a waste of time. I hope the jury are as bored as we are.

Did you notice Sherry forgot to switch on the white noise at the end... I was hoping we'd get to hear something tasty, but sadly not! I guess the hour delay is for them to vet the jury questions.
That thing would be Ms. Arias I do believe.

I thought I heard Nurmi ask the judge to have someone come and remind him (I think he meant when it's time to come back), because they were going to be back in the room and he "might forget". That's what I heard anyway.
If I were the jurors Id be getting fed up by now. No matter how many times they rephrase the questions to Samuels, bottom line he reached his conclusions based on Jodi's lies. Enough already. Time to move on.
whoa....yesterday he said he didn't interview anyone else but JA.
How convenient to add 'interviewed family members' after defending not doing so yesterday.
Or do I have this wrong.
Funny how psychopathic twists are playing out

And a knife to her throat. That was a nice touch, too. :furious:
someone posted there IS court tomorrow......can anyone confirm this?? I thought Thursday would be dark?
The point isn't the PTSD, the point is to legitimate her fog story by showing the lack of memory is a symptom of an accepted disorder.

How does that change anything?
She went there with the intention of killing him. She did that.
What she says she remembers after the fact of how it went down is irrelevant and as always, should be tempered with the fact that she lies,lies,lies.
if you fake a test you know you have to lay off some things and not answer high or yes to everything because it will be obvious. it's like cheating on a test in school, you don't want to get 100% you will answer some questions wrong so as not to arouse suspicion.

I had two semesters of Psych in college. We spent several weeks in each course discussing and taking various psychological tests: IQ tests, personality assessments, etc. Jodi couldn't have known how to answer questions on a personality inventory to elicit a particular score unless someone coached her. I suspect that RS altered Jodi's scores to "prove" his theories about her psychological profile.

Why would I want to deliberately provide wrong answers on a test? I aced many tests in high school and college.
Hey guys,

The bullet on top of blood, was there any prints on the bullet itself? Anybody know if there was testimony to that?
All of this just to condone not remembering the knife slashing of the murder?
This is all AFTER the murder. This has nothing to do with pre-meditation.
Does anyone know the dates for when Grandpa's gun was stolen AND the text from Travis where he was raking her over the coals? (May 28th, 2008 keeps popping into my head.)

You see, my theory is the MAIN reason Jodi killed Travis is all the stuff he said in that text or email. (He had to pay for trashing her like that.) If the gun was stolen on the same day or the next day, I say the premeditation began then.

I think the Cancun trip with Mimi was a secondary reason. But, if Travis would only apologize for the text or email and decide to take Jodi to Cancun, then all would be forgiven and he could live a little longer.
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