trial day 34: the defense continues it's case in chief #98

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No one would believe all of this if we told the story..... Unreal! I am off to make's what's for dinner :)
Respectfully <snipped>

:waitasec: Didn't Doc Samuels say that he learned about the incident when Jodi was held at knifepoint at age 13 from her brother? Liar! Liar! Pants on fire! :furious:

Yes, he did! Today on the stand. He perjured himself. Someone should clip this video with the other one from today. Total LIAR! Just like his patient/client.
It has been reported in the spectators thread that the Good Doctor wheeled his luggage through the barf.

Why does this not surprise me? :floorlaugh:

He's probably still up on the stand "cleaning his wheels"!
This is all crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

I feel like I'm in some surreal parallel universe
I think "somebody" knew we are all due this complete footage of her and det Floress after today's debacle
It has been reported in the spectators thread that the Good Doctor wheeled his luggage through the barf.

Why does this not surprise me? :floorlaugh:

I think it is fitting as he has been dragging his baggage through vomit spewed from JA's mouth (IMO) the whole time he has been on the stand.
Watching HLN. Who is that mouthy woman on the right? Someone cut her mic, fgs.
As someone who recently had a virus, I would NOT want to go back into that courtroom until somebody has gotten to EVERYTHING in there with Lysol or bleach. Went through this just last week and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. It isn't worth it. I hope whatever this lady has is not contagious and our friends don't get sick too. I definantly wouldn't want them to push the chances of it by going back into that contaminated room today. MOO
I watched a little of the OJ trial, my parents watched it, I was in high school.
I watched part of the CA trial. And parts of some other trials. I watch a lot of the true crime tv shows and read a lot of books.

But I've never seen/heard anything like this trial.
-pop rocks and tootsie pops :what:
-tobelrone (spelling?)
-crawling in doggie doors, hiding in closets
-slashed tires, emails
-nude photos :eek:
-a savage murder
-pedophilia claims (bunch of baloney, moo)
-meek, feeble JA on direct, the argumentative, cocky JA on cross
-defense attorney's picking noses and adjusting their goods
-defense attorney with a minnie mouse voice, who comes across bimbo-ey (yes, I made that word up) questioning a pseudo psychologist
-I forgot all the sex talk. sex tapes, anal sex, 3 holed wonders
-the victim, Travis, an all around great guy
-a family in anguish
-defendants family laughing during court
-those juror questions. The *advertiser censored* question...:floorlaugh:
-defendant was on the stand for an eternity, ok well 18 days
-spectator pukes in court :sick:
I'm sure there are others.

This trial has got it all. :great:

You forgot:

Blood Atonement Defense Story
Hinky broken finger (double jointed)
Fever Blister Tracking
Oh brother... Is there court tomorrow? Are we there yet on the jury questions for the Shrink?
How I love the sound of those handcuffs being placed on Jodi.
I think it was "assertive." So, in his pea brain, he's telling the truth. :floorlaugh:

That lead me to a thought. Didn't he say he and Nurmi went to the jail and confronted Jodi about her story about the Ninja's? Wouldn't that be going beyond the scope of evaluating her??
I don't understand how the test she was given would even be allowed. It was done on a legal pad verus an official test form. Samuels fills it out at a later date. The test is based on her lies about two other people killing Travis.

Samuels had shown he just takes notes and has made mistakes in his note taking so how can he say that he didn't mess up on his test answers.

Sum it up: Is it even ethical for a expert witness to test her without her having the test in front of her so she can circle her own answers?

ITA! It goes to the importance of "chain of custody" in police investigations. If the chain is broken the evidence is inadmissible.

This "doctor" makes the whole field of psychology look terrible, but it is HIS indiscretions and sloppiness and cheapness which discredits HIS practice.

He was too cheap to keep up with the latest textbooks/literature. He was too cheap to even photocopy the test for the subject to fill in the photocopy. He used a FAX copy -- not even a photocopy! That is what Juan referred to, which Doc Samuels had to clarify.

I'm not sure, but I believe that in order to properly run the latest test, you must pay a license fee to have access to the current versions. Just like using legitimately licensed software apps instead of illegally copied and "cracked" versions in your business.

I pay an arm and a leg for my software licenses, yet many businesses profit by using illegal reproductions of the same software. Ugh!
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