trial day 34: the defense continues it's case in chief #98

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haha JVM just insinuated something going on with jodi and her mitigator (?) like someone said earlier it was a bit 'intimate' and she giggled.
Guys, it starts at 10:30 AZ time! Same as everyday! Don't be late, you'll kick yourselves!
Jane Velez Mitchel is playing the song that Jodi was singing at some point not sure which one and it is known as the stalking anthem.

Wow, who knew stalkers are such an organized group. Got their own anthem and everything.
JVM thinks something fishy is going on with the Mit gal and Jodi. Wow, JVM recognizes the moves. So, it's not my imagination.

He testified yesterday that he had no input from the family. Did not talk to anyone and in considering his evaluation he only used her input? Today he has information about when she was 13 and that came from her brother. Wouldn't he have been clear under cross that he had also seen a video or talked with the brother??? So it appears he was not truthful, again. jmo

He'd probably describe it as "fognesia" after this. We'll be using that term for years to come.

Speaking of which, although this judge makes me think of fingernails on a blackboard, perhaps closing down court today was simply to protect the delicate hippocampuses of the jury (which, let's face it, have been through an inordinate amount already after having to look at, hear and imagine Jodi's detailed sex stories and pix). We wouldn't want them to be stuck in the "trauma trough" after the the barf incident. They could probably score in the PTSD range after being trapped in this courtroom for so long and being forced to listen to all this bilge and droning on perforated at maddening staccato intervals by insipid objections.

And maybe the judge is also anticipating that this DT might view public puking as an "appealable issue".
I have a question about the gun in the closet and the stolen gun. I need to read up, but if anyone can answer for me, I'd appreciate it. Did forensics determine Travis was shot with his own gun or was he shot with the stolen gun? Or do we even know? I guess they are the same type gun? I'm lost on this... TIA
Video of JA in handcuffs in the interrogation room......

Geez, did someone have a liquid lunch over on that side? Well, this should kill the rest of the day :tsktsk:

Remember the shot of that lady GUZZLING from the huge soda bottle? I'm just saying.....
I beat LE are watching this in another room, laughing their butts off.
That new video.

She wants to be on the ground like a snake. Slithering about that room. Yeuch.
Jodi on the interrogation floor - It's called Bootie Skating per NG
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