trial day 35: the defense continues its case in chief #100

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It annoys me that the Doc can't answer a simple question without giving an excuse for JA.
It makes me like him even less. Hope it has the same effect on the jury.
Gitana - when she asked JA questions, she would ask the question and then add, if yes....

That's what I recall. Will have to go back and listen. It seems different for me today. Probably just me.

Sometimes, but only if the question was all one question. There were several where she followed up with a new, related question.
Just jumping on for a little bit . . ..

you don't get attached to your first hypothesis . . . .

3-8 per 100,000 percentage very low?
that was for Transient Global Amnesia

why JA did not flee from the bedroom . . . she did try to - need to protect herself . . . flight first then further fight

most of the time people fill out the questionairres themselves .

person lied and you test them - how could that person be believed if they are lying.

PDS test not based upon trauma but evaluating throughout lifetime for stress . . . it is somewhat irrelevant what the details of the stressor but whether they faced sitation in their lif with a stressor.

repeatedly physical and verbal abuse . . . from TA

question #14 and #15 . . . . intruder story from 6 month to 3 years . . . based upon a fictitious story? yes that is correct . . . . based upon score from lie . . .

I would not make a diagnosis if the person . . . . lie . . .

diagnosing a person who continue lie to you . . . .
unsubstaintiated by anything else I would not make a diagnosis if I knew they were lying

this doesn't bother her often . . . . doesn't it seem inconsistent with not bothering her a lot?
constent with someone with amnesia if no memory formed

even if intentional isn't it possible that event cause stress

why would JA run into the closet and corner herself
closet had 2 doors - a place to run thru away from TA

fight or flight mode . . . . danger

depending on trauma . . . . if someone next room she could have screamed . . . she responded instinctual basis . . . run for phone call or get help takes longer . . . not an alternative for her

she had PTSD or acute distress disorder before the death of TA?
I cannot tell . . . many symptoms occurred after the incident occurred - physical numbing,

accidentally killing someone would give acute stress?
accident shoot someone in the woods unlikely to develop flight or fight mode . . . . killing in a fight and emotionally charged there is a greater chance of acute stress reaction.

didn't write negative stuff about TA . . .
Ooooooh there was nothing negative to write!!!! They know he was a great guy :)
Woo Hoo! Nothing negative about Travis because there isn't anything negative about him!! I love that juror!!
OMG accidentally shooting somebody in the woods???? He just completely sidestepped the first part of the question regarding planned murd--

OK, I know you guys know. But holy mother of toledo.

"Is it possible that J didn't write anything neg about Travis bc there was nothing neg to write?" Holy moly.
Exactly what I said there was nothing negative written down because it never happened!!!!!!

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totally off the loop -- too much work. When was this ribbon request made? is it in this morning's video?
OOOH she didn't like that one. Nothing negative about TA. How dare they not see her as a victim? We know she gets enraged when people call her out.
Hunting accident? good comparision. :floorlaugh:
I swear to god tears are welling up over these brilliant questions. Take that murderer!
WOW! Is it possible she didn't write anything negative about Travis, because there was nothing negative to write!
"Is it possible Arias didn't write negative things about Travis because there were none?"

I think I love the jury.
There was nothing timultious about that recorded call! WTF is this <mod snip> talking about
Oh wow! Is it possible that Jodi didn't write anything negative about Travis, because there was nothing negative to write!!
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