trial day 35: the defense continues its case in chief #100

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If you go to the doctor with sharp pains in your stomach, does the doctor hypothesize an ulcer based on your conversation, or does he run tests to rule out something more serious? Even if he has 35 years of experience? He still runs test?
Why, he'd know the tests would be the same based on his review.
Why test for anything else? Even if you lied about your symptoms? Doctor would know, even if you forgot to tell him you swallowed bleach, your pain would be present, right?
Here's the juror question I want to hear.
"if someone plans to commit a murder without being caught, such as attacking someone in the shower and then washing away the evidence, and the murder doesn't go as planned, say the victim fights back more than anticipated, almost escapes, the murder is messier, takes longer, etc. would that cause enough stress and trauma to cause PTSD?"

His answer would be, "Well, yes. It's possible. There is little excluded from the realm of possibility. But based upon my 35 years of quackery, I'd say that it is highly improbable. That'll be $250/hour, please."
Good Grief, he has talked about meteors, adolescence, and now swimmers? :lol:

ETA: And now sports magazines! :lol:
WildAboutTrial ‏@WildAboutTrial 2m
Every time Willmott is done with a question everyone sighs in dissapointment when she starts up her next question. #JodiArias

Including Wilmott herself.

I've heard a lot of heavy sighing from her.
I wish Juan could ask Samuels the same question Willmont did to remind the jurors who the true victim is: Was there anyone there to help Travis Alexander when he was being shot, stabbed and sliced up by the defendant?
The jury knows a run-out-the-clock ploy with they see/hear it. DT may deny Juan a shot at Samuels today, but it will hurt them.
That's good. And far more interesting then what the doc is saying on the stand right now. Blah, blah, blah, blah.

Seriously - when was the MCI test created? 1970. So we're going back to the 70's. OMG!

To be fair the MCMI is on its 3rd edition, if I remember correctly. It's a very standard, basic test that can be very effective in diagnosing a client/patient/defendant if administered correctly.

It wasn't though and he'd already presupposed a diagnosis he just needed to make up confirmation for anyway.
Her chair was so ridiculously low she was probably able to crawl underneath tables and hand notes to her mother herself and nobody noticed she was gone lol.

Her *advertiser censored* were on the table the other day. Hilarious. Then she stands up and towers over JW.

One thing we can't call JA, is original. Lowering the chair, flipping the bird..we have seen these before. Boring! She needs some new material.

She is not too smart in lowering the chair. I am sure someone on the jury has read about that "other" case where the defendant did this. If I was on the jury and knew about it, JA doing this would insult my intelligence. :moo:


(oops did i say that out loud......:blushing:)

Unless someone screams out "Shut Up"
Has there ever been a trial that has spent so much time dealing with things not real as this trial?
Sports magazines? Oh heavens!
O.M.G. my hippocampus is flooding due to acute stress from listening to the dr.
Is he asking the jury a question. LOL?
There is absolutely no doubt in my mind Jodi experienced trauma AFTER what she did. So what does that have to do with the crime she committed?
WildAboutTrial ‏@WildAboutTrial 2m
Again, for at least the 6th time we hear that the intruder story was a psychological defense mechanism. #JodiArias

Earlier he stated she had answered she was not bothered by it because she did not think about it and that was because she had no memory of it to disturb her. If you aren't disturbed by something how does pyschological defense kick in?
These are self serving lies...not an alternate reality as the result of severe stress. I don't need 30 yrs of psychiatric training to recognize self serving lies.
WildAboutTrial @WildAboutTrial

I see many jurors tuning out. Looking at the ground. Playing with their fingernails. #JodiArias


WildAboutTrial @WildAboutTrial

Every time Willmott is done with a question everyone sighs in dissapointment when she starts up her next question. #JodiArias

They're dying of boredom over there.

poor peeps,
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