trial day 35: the defense continues its case in chief #100

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Carey v. Musladin, 549 U.S. 70 (2006), is a United States Supreme Court case involving the standard for when a federal court can grant habeas corpus relief to overturn a criminal conviction based on the state court's misapplication of established federal law. At issue was whether a criminal defendant's constitutional right to a fair trial was violated when relatives of the alleged victim were permitted to sit in the courtroom as spectators during trial, wearing buttons that displayed the victim's image.
The Supreme Court ruled that the state court did not unreasonably apply clearly established federal law when it upheld the conviction. The Court's prior rulings on when courtroom practices prejudiced the right to a fair trial were limited to state-sponsored conduct, and had consequently left it an open question regarding the conduct of spectators.
I agree also. But I suppose it can "ingrain" in jurors heads and be bias?

Given the size of that court room, and all the people and furniture in between, I doubt if the jurors can even see those ribbons.
If we're talking in strictly a legal sense here, 'victim' ribbons should not be worn in view of the jury. As others have said, it could be a potential appeal issue, and in all actuality could sway a juror, even if that juror doesn't realize it. As reviled as the defendant is, she still deserves a fair trial.

I agree, but I don't care. I'm glad they said F off.
WildAboutTrial @WildAboutTrial
Back in the courtroom. Counsel is at the bench. We await the jury.
there's this guy on HLN and he said the jury isn't buying what this doc is selling.


That is so great :great: It's just utterly appalling at what lengths this defense and this dishonest quack is going to in order to make this evil, guilty person look less accountable in any way for her actions. And this man thinks just because he's got his PhD in psychology that this jury will believe whatever he says no matter how nonsensical it is... gawd, no wonder he identifies so well with JA, he's so much like her. :tsktsk:
Oh, that's so demeaning to her!! Is it wrong that I giggled when I read this? Can they stick her in a corner next with her nose against the wall? ;p

They could always shackle her hands. :floorlaugh:

Yeah, and that finger position is not accidental.

Just now watching this mornings testimony. I am SO happy the judge is reading one question, waiting for the answer, and THEN giving the follow-up questions. I don't believe she did that with JA. I like it! Doesn't give the "doctor" a heads up on the entire question. :rocker:

She did the same with jodi. She can't ask two questions at once.

For those who missed it, and the several whom have been asking, I'm bringing over the haircut question from the previous thread.

The juror's haircut question went mostly like this:

"You said that sexual intercourse and immersion in hot or cold water could cause transient global amnesia. Is that list exhaustive, or could other types of trauma -- for example the kind of trauma induced by a bad haircut -- cause it too?"

Wow, I have not watched this morning. Just catching up now. That question is incredible. They are mocking him.

Exactly. I also fail to see how this could become an issue on appeal. "Dear Court Of Appeals: The victim's family wore ribbons to support their loved one and that was SO UNFAIR TO ME! ::hairflip::"

No. I don't think so.

Yeah, I highly doubt little blue ribbons will be grounds for appeal!!

I hope Katie coolady is aware of eye contact and the mouthing of one juror. JM needs to knows this.

Can anyone enlighten me about this? What was going on?
Brought over from earlier thread:

Originally Posted by JusticeJunkie
OMG - he doesn't know about her stating she DROPPED the knife!!!!!

Has this been brought up at all with the Defense? Surely the fact that she remembers something during the period she is supposed to have no memory would be something they need to address. Have I just missed it? If so how did they justify it based on his explanation of PTSD and memory loss.
Also, the way JA has taken on her latest "role" sitting there popping pills looking drugged and dazed and trying to appear as though she's some kind of traumatized victim is totally laughable :floorlaugh:
I was wondering where the knife came from and how it ended up to be in the bathroom. Vinnie Politan just said she brought her own. That is very glaring, speaks to pre meditation.

ITA. And that is why they cannot get out of premeditation. Even of you were to disregard gas cans, hair color, phone off, and rental car, you are still faced with the slaughter that happened. She made a decision to get the GUN instead of fleeing.......if you do believe her "story". She had time to reflect on what she was about to do.....and saying you grabbed a gun and were not going to use it will not fly. Then, when she switched to the knife, there is another decision.....with time, no matter how reflect in what she was going to do. For me, the decision she made to THEN slit his throat, is a THIRD time to reflect and decide what to do next. So it does not matter if gunshot was first or last, there was time between each of these elements of the murder in which premeditation had to be formed anew.
I'm sure JM would gently persuade Travis' family to not wear the ribbons if it's so very important.
I'm back and JUST in time. I also took a nice leisurely lunch with a colleague. El Torito yum Guacamole never tasted so good!!!!
You guys see in the court watchers thread that a juror was mouthing something to Jodi as they left the courtroom for lunch at that point when Jodi became animated with Wilmott? the "doctor" said in court that 30% of people who commit HOMICIDE have dissociative amnesia. Big blunder saying homicide?

Of course criminals say they don't remember. It's not amnesia, it's not taking responsibility for one's actions.
I think video tape and someone mentioned it being sent to the jail.

Right - But they aren't going to broadcast or announce "She's been busted". I suppose it is a figure of speech to say she's been busted, when the reality is that people told on her. I just don't buy that anyone can say she got in trouble for it. :twocents:
WildAboutTrial @WildAboutTrial

Back in the courtroom. Counsel is at the bench. We await the jury. Tune in and watch live! #JodiArias
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