trial day 36: the defense continues its case in chief #104

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RS, Your 35 years of clinical experience and expertise aren't worth anything anymore. You have destroyed any and all credibility now.:furious:

Betheput his shoes on the wrong feet for 35 years too, and he thinks that makes him an eeeee-motion expert.
LOVE that Juan starts every question to Dr Sam with ... "in you 35 years experience the ...".

I do believe there is a big ka-boom bomb heading for Sam the Sham.

When Juan is finally able to make his point - with his writing down all the questions on the overhead projector.
Eventually, Willy will be at the end of her "approach?" attempts,
lunch will be over ... The handwritten list being made by Juan will be complete.

Then ... ZAP!!
Juan is gonna tie this up with a bow just before he drops the bomb on Samuels.
It's coming ...

I told my friend is like watching Juan with a wild horse or cow...he gets them in the corral and then starts making the corral smaller and smaller till he can brand samuels..ja.. and more to come. Love watching him
The chair thing really irritates me and I don't think they should allow it for any defendant. Everyone just sit in their chair like a grown up and stop trying to look short, OK?

Plus she has to stand every time the jury file in and out anyway, so it's not like they don't see her.

She looks ridiculous in the lowered chair anyway, and she needs to drop the way she sticks her chin out when she stares at the jury because all you see is like this floating head, and its creepy as.
As a short person who has to elevate my chair to keep my *advertiser censored* off the table, I concur. :)

I'm 4ft 10 and have to crank up my seat. In school my feet never touched the ground at my desk lol
I'll bet the doc wants to lower HIS chair when he comes back. lol

I wonder if he'll even come back to that there hot seat, I mean chair :fence: He'd be better off taking a very long lunch, like in another country somewhere...
Mute....HLN has Jodis' biggest cheerleader on.....Jean is worthless...
I missed all of this morning because of work. I briefly read a few posts and from what I can tell is that Juan put the good doctor in his place. Is that correct? Thanks

He did! Also got in that JA hit and kicked her mother as a teen for no reason. I guess that was in her journals...

(FYI: When I first read your post, I thought it said, "...Juan put the good ACTOR in his place..." Must have been some sort of Psychological Defense Mechanism by my brain. :blushing:)
I completely get it, he did the same thing with Jodi when she was on the stand.

I too believe he needs to move on, it is like he gets stuck on stupid at times, arguing needless and pointless things for the sake of an argument.Granted the Doc gets rattled and can not even answer simple things at times and appears to be making them up on the go but all of this at what expense. I have forgotten who Flores is and whoever the ME is and what their testimony was, seems like centuries ago.

I respectfully disagree. JM never does this type of detailed questioning just for the sake of argument. He is laying the foundation for the rest of the experts for both sides, and assisting in his rebuttal. Don't let the TH's get in your head. There is a reason none of them currently try and win DP cases. If one of the TH's has done so, then I stand corrected.
For those who would like a little bit of Juan until lunch returns, here he is at a hearing for Robert Towery.

Sorry for just the link, I'm not sure how to embed a video so you can just hit play.

FWIW: a very smart individual once told me that the dumbest thing one can do from the witness stand is BRAG! It was emphasized that YOU as the "teller of information" should NOT volunteer just how much of a background YOU have (or for some of us, are fortunate to have life experience) but let the ESQUIRE draw it out. Oh yeah, it frequently rubs folks the wrong way when one "pontificates" without an Apostolic blessing and when one presents as "better than you all".

I'm getting the "feeling" that Dr. Samuels was bullied or significantly disrespected by his peers back in the day, aka in the schoolyard and his EGO is allowing him to "show everybody" how important HE is today!
When Jodi stood up for the jury when they were leaving for the lunch break Jodi is a lot taller than wilmont when they did the hieght comparrison before.

I wonder if they lowered JA's chair to the max to make it more difficult for her play hide and go seek with items on the table.
There is a grim determination among parents of psychotic and sociopathic children. We will be patient. We will be supportive. We will not allow the cruelty and gawdawful behavior of our child to harden us or make us cold as parents.

I visited my son regularly when he was in prison and made every court appearance I could. I was a good parent to him from birth and that's my statement to the world. Do you understand?

Also - the chuckling is stress relief--gallows humor in horrifying circumstances

We, like you, are mystified about how the sociopathic child got that way while secretly there are tears and doubts that maybe you did something or didn't do something that wrecked him or her.

I always thought it was brain damage from being held in the birth canal too long waiting for the doctor to arrive (they did that in those days).

I feel sorry for her mother but no where near as sorry as I feel for Travis's family. I hope JA gets the death penalty and I am fairly sure her mother and aunt will be there then, too, so they can have the peace of knowing they did everything they could in their roles.

Awww, Anagranny....this makes me so sad.
Mute....HLN has Jodis' biggest cheerleader on.....Jean is worthless...

She totally changes her tune on Nancy Grace. Maybe Nancy should watch her during the day and let Beth Karas commentate instead. She knows who the victim is... :twocents:
I'm 4ft 10 and have to crank up my seat. In school my feet never touched the ground at my desk lol
Both times I had jury duty the bailiff was kind enough to bring a box to put my feet on so they wouldn't go to sleep. I'm 5ft even.
Can't find the exact quote from last week, but one of the juror's questions was "How do you tell when someone is lying?" The good doctor replied that one of the signs was
blunt affect", or words to that effect. He impeached himself today! How I wish Juan would have referred to his testimony last week! Today, he's claiming that 'blunt affect' is part of PTSD! JA did not suffer from PTSD until the handcuffs went on! Which is it, Dr. Quack?

On another note, does the testimony today about JA's anger toward her mother (Kicking, slapping, etc.) open the door for her mother to be called by the DT or Juan on rebuttal?

IMHO neither side will call her....if anybody would, it would have been the DT. The prosecution knows most likely she will say anything to save her daughter. Thanks, Cindy Anthony.
Wow, timing is everything...

I am so glad this stuff about JA came out in front of the jury now as opposed to during rebuttal. When (if?) La Violette paints her with the same brush the others have tried to (shy, timid, unassertive) its just not going to fly

Go JM!
I hope doc spends his money wisely from the trial because this is probably last experience as expert witness.

Nah...someone will come along who will need the services of a cut rate dr. He might get work, but I doubt he will be able to charge the 250+ he used to
Lets face it, there is always someone needing someone who will give them the answer they need. At this point, IMHO, that type of thing is more the dr's speciality than anything else.

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