trial day 37: the defense continues its case in chief #108

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"Empathetic" is not a word. It's "Empathic"
Empathetic vs. empathic
Empathic is usually just a variant of empathetic, which means characterized by empathy. Some dictionaries, especially American ones, list empathic as the standard word and empathetic as the variant, but while the shorter word is indeed the original, empathetic has prevailed—probably due to analogy with sympathetic, with which it is often closely associated—and is now about five times as common as empathic in newswriting, blogs, and mainstream books from throughout the English-speaking world.

ETA: Only posted because I use empathetic and when Dr. Samuels used empathic I had to google, thinking 'empathic' isn't a word! :blushing:
IMO, I think Lisa Andrew's testimony was rather useless. I don't see her testimony as a boon to the state's case OR the defense. It did not seem as if she and TA had that much of a relationship. I would have rather heard of one of TA's long term girlfriends. IMO, couples are on their best behavior when they first start dating. The only things I learned from her testimony was that TA was a gentleman, she did not know the 411 on erections and TA was going out on her and that he made fun of her goal to become a teacher. I felt bad for her that she even had to testify

I would like to hear how you think she helped the state's case if you would like to say. (Not being snarky here) I like to talk about the case.

She didn't really help anyones "case" - but the defense is trying to show something that she helped show.

TA and JA were in a relationship - and the main part of it was a complete secret from everyone - friends, family, religious leaders, community, room mates, etc. We're seeing it - in living color - splashed all over the courtroom. No one else in TA or JA's life saw that, knew about it though.

Her testimony simply shows that, in general, no one who knew Travis - even who was somewhat close to him - was aware of what his real relationship with Jodi was.
What's the sidebar about? and isn't it the first one?

She was trying to discuss Dr Aman. He did brain scans on serial killers and psychopaths and the like. Very interesting!

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I think she's doing a decent job and is reporting fairly accurately about the dynamics and societal perceptions. She is including testimony about men being victims and how they tend to react. What she said about the equalizer was interesting and accurate IMO - when women become physically abusive, they tend to use weapons and objects that will inflict harm.

Yeah, she's doing a decent job if this was a seminar or an after-school special. This has NOTHING to do with this case!!

Her generalization and avoidance to this particular case needs to STOP!!!!!!
I'm trying to dislike this expert (I'm biased) but I can't. She seems sincere.
sorry o/t.. what day did Sky Hughes testify..or did she testify?.. I recall Chris..TIA

Day 18 Wed Feb 13, 2013 (defendant's 6th day on the stand) - She testified at the evidentiary hearing before jurors were present for trial that day.
Jodi Arias is in NO way a survivor of any abuse by Travis. Jodi was the abuser. Period.

I hope Juan is listening intently and is able to speak calmly and quietly with this woman in order to bring the truth to the jury about Jodi as the abuser and Travis as the VICTIM.

During the sidebar I just have to say that this testimony is really hitting home with me. I'm a survivor of severe abuse. I don't talk about it much, it hurts too much. This is really hard to listen to, but I'm trying to learn from this woman in order to help myself.

OK, back to testimony.
Hypothetically speaking, if a man moved many miles to be close to a woman who had broken up with him, would you consider him a potential abuser?

Hypothetically speaking, if a man confronted someone he perceived as a romantic rival in the men's room and told them to keep away from his girlfriend, would you consider that an attempt to isolate her?

Hypothetically speaking, if a woman was found dead in her home and all her friends, within minutes, gave LE the name of her stalker ex-boyfriend, would you believe he was an abuser?

Hypothetically speaking, if a woman encouraged a man to move a 1000 miles away after they broke up, would you feel she abused him?

Hypothetically speaking, if a woman sent her ex an email calling him a sociopath and requesting that she never see him again, and days later the ex showed up at her house, would that show that he is an abuser?

I could go on, but you get my drift.

Great questions! Bet Juan will ask every single one of them.
Omg, can't take anymore. Notice the abused look on Jodie , the real criminal.

She must feel so delighted to have others give her excuses for slaughtering a young man.
Utter disgrace. Even worse I expected. She is just embarrassing herself. Has demonstrated no expertise, no critical thinking, just telling stories and making assumptions and generalizations.
I am so sorry the Alexanders have to sit through this. I'm so sorry Travis.

Has she related any of this specifically to Travis though? I have missed most of her testimony, but what I have heard is just generic descriptions of the dynamics of abusive relationships.
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