trial day 37: the defense continues its case in chief #108

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There are many walking wounded on Websleuths and many have made the choice to not be abusers.

walking wounded
Use in a sentence
walking wounded
casualties, as of a military conflict, who are wounded but ambulatory.
Informal. persons who have been damaged or defeated psychologically or emotionally by their experiences in life.
JM's line of questioning and her insinuations are a disgrace to the profession of lawyering.
ALV knew she was going to be asked these exact questions. She is as much, if not more to blame.

MAKE THAT MORE. JW would not have anyone to ASK the questions TO, if ALV had not accepted.
If the last 10 minutes, LaViolette lost all/most of the goodwill she'd built up with a good many of the jurors.

And if she continues to be used as a tool in this trial, she will have lost all respect she had as a victim advocate and decent speaker on domestic violence. She mostly speaks very generally, and could be a good educator but to allow this twist is DISGUSTING. No wonder she hangs her head in shame when there is a sidebar. She knows she is doing this for money and allowing herself to be used and contribute to this further abuse of Travis and his family and friends.

Are the mods locked out yet?
(PS - I love you mods, but I also know you do your job ........... very well!)
also....ALV has now testified to things she is not an expert on, child psychology and childhood ptsd also the brain scans showing empathy, all she did was watch a tv show featuring the story and read an article.

I watch Dr. Oz too.....I am now a cardiologist. ba-bam!

I've watched my share of Maury Povich. That makes me an expert on paternity tests and dysfunctional teenage girls. I hope to be called as an expert witness to a trial one day!
Travis and his siblings may have witnessed all of that growing up and been dirty etc..(Insert negative BS from JW) but he rose above those circumstances. He had a positive outlook on life and became successful in his own right. He kept a neat and tidy home, i mean he lived a decent life before Jodi. His siblings have made the best out of their lives despite coming from almost nothing. Samantha is a police officer Tanisha a married woman raising her family with love...I just don't get how someone can make such generalizations about ppl who grew up in abusive homes. As if these people are forever flawed and worthless because of where they came from.
I grew up in a home with an abusive father. Every weekend, every holiday was miserable. He never abused us, but was very verbally abusive to my mother, and on a few occasions he was physically abusive. In one sense I guess it was abusive to us, because of the great fear we had. In spite of this, my four siblings and I all have been successful, happy people. We have all had long, happy marriages and loving relationship. We all saw what we didn't want in our lives. She may be pretty good explaining how abuse happens, but it is just not applicable in this case, unless you apply it to Jodi. I know everyone is entitled to a defense, but I have no respect for a defense team that leaves all integrity behind.

Amen, sister.
Oddly enough, I think she is.

I think she has hit eerily close on several salient points for it to be coincidence. She as handed JM his cross on a silver platter and I am really beginning to doubt that it is accidental.

I am kind of :what:

I think JW just dug a hole for herself. Wait until all of TA's accomplishments are brought out. They do not fit the witnesses explanation at all. I am very very surprised JW brought this up. jmo
For people not so fond of JM's so called "style" this is part of the BS he's passionate about fighting on behalf of Travis and family.
AGAIN, it is a logical fallacy to use percentages in this way. Yes, maybe 100% of the population she worked with witnessed violence. BUT 100% of children who witness violence do not BECOME violent.

Grrrrr. Don't blame ALV for this, blame the trained mind of the attorney - it's dirty pool. Well, let's hope our mathmagicijuan sorts it out, if ALV doesn't do it herself.

That's not what she said.
I am so disgusted right now.

This is right up there with the CA case and calling George Anthony out on being sexually abusive to CA as a teen.

How do these people (the defense team) live with themselves? Disgusting. Disgusting.

They can live with themselves because society doesn't shun them for it. Look at HLN....glorifying the droppings of Casey Anthony on their shows. :twocents:
AVL's boring testimony is beyond anti-climactic. The DT must be depressed. Jodi almost had a ruptured aorta trying to get her tear ducts flowing...always amusing to watch!
I find it interesting only because it has relevance to my practice and the situations my clients find themselves in (mostly males, by the way).

I like the generalizations because it's not directed at Travis, and that is a good thing IMO

Yes bu, but....this is a trial about a woman who viciously ended the life of a man she wasn't even dating!!!!

This is not a trial to learn the dynamics of the general domestic abused population!

If you're getting something out of it, great. But this is not the proper venue to get the 411-low down on abuse cases. This is a murder case that showed absolutely NO sign of any type of abuse.

It's a complete waste of time, energy and resources.
Did she mention car salesmen abuse?
You go in to the car dealership.
You say I only have this much for a car and they say how about this beauty she is loaded and costs three times your budget..dangling golden carrot in front of drooling customer..yes that is abuse of the worst kind...
I did this to my husband tonight. I didn't intend to.

Me: Spaghetti OK for dinner?

Him: Doesn't matter. Whatever you wanna make.

Me: That's not what I asked you, honey.

It works, though, doesn't it? JM's questions cut through the BS quickly, that's for sure.
Can she cite ANY studies that support this nonsense? "Most of them do this" "they probably will do that" how does she know?

All she's done is tell stories about her experience of human nature. Like you or I would sitting around the campfire or kitchen table. How is this expertise?
My stepmother was violent with all 3 of us (she also had a phd in social work). She stopped hitting me after I kicked her down a flight of steps after snapping w her chasing me hitting over the head with a spatula or something. I was in college. I have never been an abusive person unless we are talking about abusing myself. Or attracting crappy men. I suffered an anxiety disorder over it...I think Travis coped similarly in being self critical and being vulnerable to a sociopath (note my sister who grew up in the same violence as me). Now I'm gonna cry

May those foul smelling memories leave knowing you are loved by all those that are here right now!!!
May the angels of love and safety cloak you!!!

^j^ ^j^ :rose: :rose: :rose: ^j^ ^j^

(((((((((( Hugs to all to those of Domestic Violence you are loved )))))))))
Wow, you guys are so fast, I can barely log on and ten pages go by!

Thank you to those in the courtroom and all the smart posters. You all help my obsession when I can't break away from work.

I, too, have too much experience in DV. Family, not me. One lived, one was murdered. I know exactly what the Alexander family is going through.

So, just hi and thank you.
I wonder if the jury have submitted questions. This will be interesting...
Jodi Arias is in NO way a survivor of any abuse by Travis. Jodi was the abuser. Period.

I hope Juan is listening intently and is able to speak calmly and quietly with this woman in order to bring the truth to the jury about Jodi as the abuser and Travis as the VICTIM.

During the sidebar I just have to say that this testimony is really hitting home with me. I'm a survivor of severe abuse. I don't talk about it much, it hurts too much. This is really hard to listen to, but I'm trying to learn from this woman in order to help myself.

OK, back to testimony.


I, too, am as survivor and I am finding parts of her testimony very triggering. For the sake of the case and justice for Travis and his wonderful family, I feel I need to listen in order to remain relatively informed for JM's cross. Otherwise, I would be more heavily medicated and rocking back and forth in the fetal position in a dark room. This is really tough to listen to.
JA desperately seeking juror eye contact as the jury files out for a break. Waiting for her to start with the dog whistles!

Both Jodi Arias and Michael Vick's names should never be used in conjunction with the word "dog".
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