trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #110

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Morning y'all

Hoping we actually get started today.

somewhat random questions

Do you think someone has told jodi that she isn't coming across good with the public ie we hate her


I think Nurmi and wilmott will dump her faster than a hot potato after verdict and not even stick around for sentencing. Yay or nay?

My new tablet arrived this morning so trying that out for watching later hopefully be able to see better :D

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BBM. That's something I've been wondering, too, Josie. I don't think she spends time with anybody who would be honest with her, and I doubt she would listen anyway.

OTOH, she seems to be a mess recently. She looked seriously stoned all week. I wonder if she's figured it out on her own how badly things are going, although that really doesn't fit her personality IMO.
I just read it there. So this man has just PUBLICLY given his support to the guilt/innocence of JA. I am speechless. Even if I don't buy his assessment, his role wasn't to determine her guilt or innocence in the commission of the crime she is charged with.
He needs to be professionally and legally reviewed. The trial is ongoing and he has publicly posted on an innocence support site for her..... My head is about to explode. He is very much smitten with her.

Who are we talking about here?
JA doesn't seem stressed or down at all. Yes, she tries to appear sad and meek when the jury is in court. She tries very hard to appear as a victim. But I see her mostly giggling with Willmott and pretending to bond with a juror. She seems upbeat to me.
I've been lurking on this thread for a long time and see many familiar faces and have nothing but respect for all and the many opinions everyone brings to the table. So this post is put out there with love, I swear.

Not to beat this already dead horse :deadhorse: but;

Can anyone cite an example of a death penalty trial that has been overturned because the defendant was underfed and underslept during the trial (allegedly or in truth)?

I'm not saying there isn't one, but I just can't find one.

Here is a link to defendant's rights. Can't see any that are being infringed.

All that leaves is 'cruel and unusual punishment'. Is it to be believed JA is being denied adequate and timely nutrition and opportunity for rest to the tune of the trial being overturned. Cruel and unusually underfed/underslept?

Has this actually ever happened, ever? As in, can anyone cite an example of
a murder trial being overturned because the defendant's blood sugar was low during the trial (at the fault of the jail) and they went without sleep and these two things impeded the defendant from getting a fair trial?

I have to add did we get here? She allegedly had a headache yesterday and felt like throwing up. (Note:IMO, Fakey Fakerson)

Now we're at the possibility of her trial being overturned because of JA's being abused/neglected by the jailer? Fer reals? :waitasec:
Who are we talking about here?

Richard Samuels, PhD. He has been in email contact with a different website and a statement from him appeared there. Apparently he went beyond just assessing JA. His statement is on a site that supports her innocence. I didn't know he was a forensic investigator and able to determine guilt/innocence. He must think he's a juror. What a dumb move to make. To do this publicly?

I wonder if JM had an inkling of Samuels alignment with the innocence stance beyond a general opinion and that is why he made the comment that Samuels 'has feelings for JA'?
I just read it there. So this man has just PUBLICLY given his support to the guilt/innocence of JA. I am speechless. Even if I don't buy his assessment, his role wasn't to determine her guilt or innocence in the commission of the crime she is charged with.
He needs to be professionally and legally reviewed. The trial is ongoing and he has publicly posted on an innocence support site for her..... My head is about to explode. He is very much smitten with her.

I totally agree! He is clearly biased! :gavel:

Just like his website says, he will give testimony to favor your client!
Richard Samuels, PhD. He has been in email contact with a different website and a statement from him appeared there. Apparently he went beyond just assessing JA. His statement is on a site that supports her innocence. I didn't know he was a forensic investigator and able to determine guilt/innocence. He must think he's a juror. What a dumb move to make. To do this publicly?

I wonder if JM had an inkling of Samuels alignment with the innocence stance beyond a general opinion and that is why he made the comment that Samuels 'has feelings for JA'?

The way Juan kept going at him for having personal feelings, there may be things we just don't know.

I didn't get from the testimony we heard that he had 'feelings' for her, more he crossed the ethical line from assessing her to trying to do therapy with the book, cards etc because he felt bad or sad or whatever words he used.

But, he definitely does sound a little emotionally involved after that posting.

If Samuels had any ethics or morals and truly believes his diagnosis he could have waited till after the verdict and issued a press release. To be posted publicly on that site leaves no question as to how he feels. He really stepped in it, IMO.
I've been lurking on this thread for a long time and see many familiar faces and have nothing but respect for all and the many opinions everyone brings to the table. So this post is put out there with love, I swear.

Not to beat this already dead horse :deadhorse: but;

Can anyone cite an example of a death penalty trial that has been overturned because the defendant was underfed and underslept during the trial (allegedly or in truth)?

I'm not saying there isn't one, but I just can't find one.

Here is a link to defendant's rights. Can't see any that are being infringed.

All that leaves is 'cruel and unusual punishment'. Is it to be believed JA is being denied adequate and timely nutrition and opportunity for rest to the tune of the trial being overturned. Cruel and unusually underfed/underslept?

Has this actually ever happened, ever? As in, can anyone cite an example of
a murder trial being overturned because the defendant's blood sugar was low during the trial (at the fault of the jail) and they went without sleep and these two things impeded the defendant from getting a fair trial?

I have to add did we get here? She allegedly had a headache yesterday and felt like throwing up. (Note:IMO, Fakey Fakerson)

Now we're at the possibility of her trial being overturned because of JA's being abused/neglected by the jailer? Fer reals? :waitasec:

Thanks. Great post !!:Banane35:
There is no way we can know for sure Dr Samuels posted there.
It could be a "poser" pretending to be him no?
There is no way we can know for sure Dr Samuels posted there.
It could be a "poser" pretending to be him no?

Absolutely, but I seriously doubt that the admins of that site would risk pulling a stunt like that.
They quoted him, didn't just make a general "I've heard from a good source"... type of entry.
I guess if we see the stuff hit the fan or that post disappear we'll know that it wasn't legitimate.
I've been lurking on this thread for a long time and see many familiar faces and have nothing but respect for all and the many opinions everyone brings to the table. So this post is put out there with love, I swear.

Not to beat this already dead horse :deadhorse: but;

Can anyone cite an example of a death penalty trial that has been overturned because the defendant was underfed and underslept during the trial (allegedly or in truth)?

I'm not saying there isn't one, but I just can't find one.

Here is a link to defendant's rights. Can't see any that are being infringed.

All that leaves is 'cruel and unusual punishment'. Is it to be believed JA is being denied adequate and timely nutrition and opportunity for rest to the tune of the trial being overturned. Cruel and unusually underfed/underslept?

Has this actually ever happened, ever? As in, can anyone cite an example of
a murder trial being overturned because the defendant's blood sugar was low during the trial (at the fault of the jail) and they went without sleep and these two things impeded the defendant from getting a fair trial?

I have to add did we get here? She allegedly had a headache yesterday and felt like throwing up. (Note:IMO, Fakey Fakerson)

Now we're at the possibility of her trial being overturned because of JA's being abused/neglected by the jailer? Fer reals? :waitasec:

I missed most of yesterday and still trying to catch up a bit before work. I just have to wonder though. How is it possible that every other prisoner in Maricopa County is not being prejudiced by not getting a special lunch? Surely JA is not the only murder conviction?

It seems a little far fetched to think this would cause a mistrail, overturn or anything but I am not a lawyer soooo

Exactly. She is faking her migraines and whatever else she claims to be suffering from. If she is really sick then have a doctor examine her and give her medicine. I don't care if they want to give her snacks all day. Just consider the timing of her migraine..right before the long weekend. She lies all the time.

I don't know why they couldn't just give her an aspirin and make her stay, rather than put everyone out like this especially the jury. I think they are catering way too much to Jodi.
Richard Samuels, PhD. He has been in email contact with a different website and a statement from him appeared there. Apparently he went beyond just assessing JA. His statement is on a site that supports her innocence. I didn't know he was a forensic investigator and able to determine guilt/innocence. He must think he's a juror. What a dumb move to make. To do this publicly?

I wonder if JM had an inkling of Samuels alignment with the innocence stance beyond a general opinion and that is why he made the comment that Samuels 'has feelings for JA'?

I read the quote that Softail quoted. It doesn't sound like it's in support of Jodi so much as in support of himself. But I haven't actually looked at "that" website, so I don't know if that's all he said. It's a sign of the beating his ego took that he would do something so stupid as to post that.

My take on his "feeling" for Jodi were perhaps more paternal than carnal, but he is definitely way too emotionally involved. Now he seems desperate to prove otherwise. Review boards are notorious for not taking action unless absolutely, positively have to. My guess is he's going to get a letter of some kind pointing out the error of his ways, and that'll be it. If he's smart, he'll retire.
Hmmm let's not read too much into what Samuels said, or what the website said. That site obviously sent him an email, he's not commented on JA at all and simply said he just hoped he got his point across. Do you remember on the last day when he told JM that JA had not told him that her first version of the story was just to escape getting caught and wasn't an alternative reality?

I think the DT and JA conned him and perhaps once the trial is over, and assuming the man ever wants to work again he may make a statement that speaks against what happened.
Oh crud. I was trying to sleep and it just hit me. She's wearing pigtails. I know Travis said he liked them, but I believe the real reason for pigtails is so that she doesn't leave hair strands at the crime scene. She didn't expect the struggle, and always wondered why her hair wasn't in a ponytail.

Pigtails=No hair strands. I'm sure y'all have already covered that, but it literally pulled me out of bed to have a eureka moment.
Jodi's last "migraine" was 2/27/13 a month ago. Maybe it is cyclical.
Guess we will see if she continues to have episodes next week huh?

If I'm being perfectly honest, I hope she really did have a migraine. A little suffering is good for the soul, they say. Or would be, if she had one.

I hope she saw a doctor yesterday. I hope he prescribed Imitrex. I hope the guards will have it available for the future. Then she can only delay the trial for a half hour, rather than a whole day.
Jodi's last "migraine" was 2/27/13 a month ago. Maybe it is cyclical.
Guess we will see if she continues to have episodes next week huh?

i get menstrual migraines and checked my calender for dates, mine started feb22 and again march22. so maybe she has what i have. and mine started three years ago, before that i never had em. not saying she's not lying but i do know that if she was given proper meds, she could function while in court (maxalt, amitriptyline). i take codeine for mine so i'd be spaced myself.

oh and i went and checked the statement by dr. s on that site. jeez i'm starting to think he's in the early stages of dementia. no good can come of that. it's not so much the letter, but THE SITE HE RESPONDED TO!!!
I kinda do too. If it costs 1.00 to buy her a snickers to get this trial moving forward and done, lets do it. It costs more to delay.

The only issue I have is the part where she is given enough breakfast to 'make' a bag lunch. How come Nurmi got up and asked that lunch be delivered to her? Is he saying that she is eating at 3:30 in the morning and then not bringing the lunch or she is eating it before court starts? I am not getting where the 'extra' lunch is going.

She is loosing weight from the stress of this trial IMHO. She was pretty darn sure no jury would convict her once her 'story' was out there. Lets face it, according the ws that are sitting in the court, they are not even looking at her, no connection whatsoever. She knows it. She is freaking out on the inside. I bet a million dollars there will be a moment before this is all over where we see the true JA. She is gonna break down for sure.


I would imagine the days she gets up earlier are the days she showers to allow time for her hair to dry, get dressed and ready for them to bring her to the courthouse for 7am. She then is given her breakfast and she has to change into civilian clothes to get ready for court. It looks as if reality is starting to set in for her and she does not like it.
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