trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #111

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I can see Travis' upbringing with 2 addict parents leaving him "commitment phobic". I think many young men are that way these days, whatever quality of parents they've had.
Oh hooray starting 9.30 all next week! Hopefully wilmott will be finished with ALV by lunchtime tuesday.

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So they had sex relatively early on in their relationship...she's feeling used...doubting their relationship, has she been "used?" Full of self-doubt. Then he calls a few days later and she feels so much better!

Okay, am I the only one that went through that in my late teens/early 20's?

Who knew I was abused?!?!?!?! :banghead::banghead::banghead:

Relatively early? Jodi had sex with him 72 hours after meeting him.
Oh, good lord! ALV believes everything Jodi told her. Unbelievable! The jurors must be rolling their eyes by now!
IMO: the hughes' didn't like Jodi, so I doubt that email was sent out of any love or concern FOR HER. For all we know, it was made up to scare her off.
Because it would show what a good , logical, and normal guy Travis's was JMO

I think the email did come out during the Hughes' testimony. But I can't remember. It will likely come out in rebuttal.

IIRC, this email was about them disapproving and characterizing his continued sex with jodi as "abusive".

It's relevant as to what Ammonitida was not saying... and it may not be politically correct. As far as sexual preference, to each their own BUT ALV is in a field that DOES have an Agenda (and it is biased against men). I am a woman and appreciate the accomplishments of feminism and liberalism, but I believe there are down-sides... and defending JA and the Casey Anthony defense strategy/verdict are perfect examples. IMO, ALV's personal style, dress, haircut (not just that it is short), profession gives the first impression that she is gay.. "not that there is anything wrong with that" and there isn't. It is also true that blaming the "patriarchy" is a cultural divide, displays bias and the LGBT community have their share of activists.

I think this is a gross generalization of a whole bunch of groups. Domestic violence activists and scholars are not biased against men. Feminists and liberals are not biased against men. Nothing about ALV's appearance suggests her sexual orientation. To me she just looks scholarly.
Lesbians are not biased against men.

The most I can say is that there has been an emphasis in feminist studies among academics, during what was likely this lady's era, on "patriarchy" being the source of problems facing women and/or the source of issues such as gender and sex issues, etc.

I really hope we can stop with these kinds of unsupported generalizations and stereotypes. Thanks.
Of course it's a good time for you Jennifer. You want the jury to leave with the words that Travis was abusive.
someone please explain what is going on?
why are they going to speak to jury individually?
this is impacting the jury! evidence never heard and info allegedly about ta being abusive with others by his closest friends wth were they thinking.....this is bad folks. and the jury is going to sit on it 4 days. :furious:

I agree. It will be interesting to hear JM on cross regarding this.
OMG...she's going to ask if anyone saw JM taking pictures?? This is ridiculous.
Yes let's speak with each juror individually to clear up that Nurmi's motion this morning was grandstanding BS with no teeth. Talk about pandering to the cameras!
Based upon info you have read - behaviors that hughes' noticed between TA and JA . . .
can you make the assessment that TA was abusive . . . ALV is using information based upon to make an assessment- in the context of everything going on..

next week - would any one be unavailable to start @ 9:30 each day

no court this afternoon and no court on Monday - Tuesday be back @ 9:30 . .
go back to jury room - we will be speaking to you individually

back to the jury room - remember the admonission - we are @ recess . . .
She's going to see if any of the jurors saw Juan's photo-op. See y'all on Tuesday. :seeya:
AV's outfit reminds me of that movie 9 to 5--Lily Tomlin's get-up at work
SO each juror is going to be asked about if they saw Juan pose for photographs.
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