trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #111

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H L N will also be taking a HOLIDAY BREAK so back to YOU TUBE...for trial catching up..
Good timing JW, leave the jury all weekend til Tuesday wondering why JM is objecting so fiercely and what is trying to be hidden about the Hughes = major weak point, with friends like these you do not need enemies.
Oh hooray starting 9.30 all next week! Hopefully wilmott will be finished with ALV by lunchtime tuesday.

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Let's just hope that they are all full days and not half days.
So, in other words, ALV is saying she is confident calling Travis abusive based on single person's opinion?

Oh okay.

She has absolutely no credibility. She can't talk to Travis, therefore, cannot evaluate him. A mere e-mail does not an abuser make.

Total rubbish.


Will the jury be able to see these "letters"? If not then why are we hearing any of it. How can we be sure she comprehended anything right. I know the DT is kind of leading these questions to make this woman answer in these ways. I just can not wait to Juan gets her. Argh I feel rage after today.
this is impacting the jury! evidence never heard and info allegedly about ta being abusive with others by his closest friends wth were they thinking.....this is bad folks. and the jury is going to sit on it 4 days. :furious:

which is why i believe she faked the migraine it would end with this garbage :furious:
who has a cemented opinion that ALL women are abused by the patriarchal system that she feels is still in place against women. Unfortunately there are feminists of her age that feel that way. I consider myself a feminist because of the history of women who got us the vote and broke barriers NOT women like her who want to keep us as victims. I've met activist women like her. They were married to men but were gay and eventually left the men. I'm sure that whole process was difficult but I think they use their personal experience to make broad generalizations about gender stereotypes which have the effect of infantalizing women instead of empowering them. Nothing makes that point better than her testifying for this cold blooded killer as someone who was the victim rather than the perpetrator. I don't think she can conceive of Jodi being a perpetrator or responsible for her actions. It's all because of the man and the men in her life and her role in society. Poor Jodi is all this quack can see. Which is why I refuse to listen to any of her testimony until Juan gets his shot at her.

Ya know, I think this women is a really sweet and compassionate person. She see's the world the way it SHOULD be, though, and Not the way it really is.

I mean she is talking like Jodie and Travis were meant to be together in some sacred bond that was loving from the beginning. I am surprised she did not mention rose petals on the bed sheets.

Truth is this is today's way of "hooking up" if it goes some where fine, if not fine. That is the chance you take when you have sex without really knowing who it is you are having sex with. There is NO commitment. I do not find that ODD or degrading in any way. They are adults, and she could have decline the sex in the parking lot--fact is she hoped the sex would be what kept him with her. She USED it , it was not taken from her.:moo:pLEEEESE!!

I hope when JM get's to ask her she tells hoim she did the same think with EVERY guy she met. Sex was what she was good at, she did not need the ROMANCE to go along with it.
I hope JM tears into JW's questioning all morning. In case some didn't notice, the mitigation rep. was cutting eyes at JM while Nurmi was accusing Juan of misconduct.

Is she the revengeful type, my impression after the ribbon caper...YES
JM will clear everything up in rebuttal. This jury will have a clear picture that Travis was not into Jodi at all (except for sex) and that crazy obsessed JA couldn't handle that.
Motive, motive, motive!
OK, are these emails in evidence or not?

And if they aren't, how is she able to testify to them?

If they are, where are they and why aren't we more knowledgable about them?

I was talking to a friend who's a trial lawyer about an evidence seminar he attended last week and, of course, I had to turn the conversation to this case lol. He said that the AZ rules were changed just in January to require that information relied upon by an expert must now be independently admissible, while previously if just had to be information upon which an expert in that field would typically rely. The rule doesn't apply to her testimony, though, since her opinion was formed prior to the rule's effective date. I'm paraphrasing hearsay, though, so maybe AZlawyer can confirm or refute.
I'm quite nervous right now. If they are talking to each Juror individually regarding JM signing autographs, won't the DT say that informing them of this issue (the autographs, pictures, etc) will make the Jury prejudicial and maybe ask for a mistrial??

Even if NONE of the Jurors saw this happen (& I don't believe they did), with this questioning, it WILL be brought to their attention, unless I'm misunderstanding.
I don't understand why they are not just reading the email instead of 'someone's' opinion of the email.

I wonder if that's what the Judge meant by speaking to the Jurors individually to let them know there was a previous court order to explain all the objections..??
OR will they ask the Jurors if any of them saw Juan signing autographs..??

SO each juror is going to be asked about if they saw Juan pose for photographs.

See, I don't get that. Isn't that in itself prejudicial? If they didn't know he was doing it, they certainly will after being asked. :waitasec:
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