trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #111

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I'm really impressed by Juan's lack of grandstanding and cool logic in the face of something so meretricious. He comes across as a man of integrity. He did look pissed off though.
I guess that explains why Jodi keeps staring down Katie DDJ.. You would really think she'd have bigger problems to pay attention to.
I had no idea that walruses could become jealous. You learn something every day. Anyway enough zoology, let's get back to the trial. I hope the DT will be finished with this witness soon.
Oh my, not more continuum! Are they still on the continuum?
Well, we know the defense is riveted on HLN. How charming.
I guess Nurmi didn't get my memo about considering the source while watching HLN !!!

Ha ha ha

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No, but apparently he got my memo about the 3 of them dressing the same :)

I switched over from the board to the feed with AVL on and got STARTLED.

Her court room attire gave me an instant head ache. I am hoping this doesn't bother Jodi's fragile mind..
I feel so sorry for Martinez. He never expected to have a fan club. He was only trying to be nice. He is a decent man. Now it could ruin his case?

I just feel so bad for him.

I wish these TH would MAKE THE POINT that Juan Martinez has had a "fan club" long before this trial. For instance, some previous juror's attend his cases, and one even started a FB JM support page.
Some of these TH need to get their facts strait before they spout their mouths!
Movie BUFF?
WOW I need sunglasses to tone down that jacket thing...
Juan Martinez DOES NOT regularly walk out the front door but guess who does? The DEFENSE TEAM, unescorted by "security". How do I know? I've walked OUT WITH THEM MANY TIMES. Nurmi even waltzed past the media trucks mugging for cameras. I saw it with my own damn eyes. This really pisses me off now.
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