trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #112

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She had the rental with CA tags. Enough said for motive right there.

I think she removed the front plate and flipped the back plate when she she awoke from her alternative reality fognesia.

Then, alas, she gets pulled over in Nevada or Utah. All part of her plan...

But she could have been covering her butt in making sure none of his friends or neighbors happened to see a California license plate while she was sneaking in and out of the house. Taking herself totally out of the picture, or anything to mention California were they knew she lived.
ITA! I think that that chance meeting with Travis at the PPL conference in Vegas must have seemed like hitting the jackpot. And NOT the way ALV is framing it as a power imbalance favoring Travis. It favored Jodi. Jodi is a narcissist, a criminal, someone who uses other people.

She looked at Travis & his Mormon friends as marks to exploit. She was enraged when Travis threatened to expose her true nature to this group of people--and she killed him.

I hope that JM turns this around with ALV--the fact that all her info comes from the lips of a liar, the abused victim was Travis, the aggressor is JODI.

ITA! She knew enough Mormon-speak to fool new dupes, and surely would have tried another fertile Mormon field somewhere else. In her evil mind, an alive Travis may have represented a possible, if unlikely, future threat that must be eliminated re exposing her for what she is to her next/future targets.
I found JM's questions about this perplexing. He is the only one that mentioned that someone else was there and she did admit it when he asked her. I wonder if that person has provided some information???

I know, it keeps sticking in my head. I know she slept on the floor and they were talking through-out the night. It all seems so secretive, like JM and JA conversation, silent, that none of us get to hear.

"Oh, did you file taxes?" ...about saving the gas receipts. Didn't he say that too? JM always seems to shut Jodi's mouth up and Nurmi hasn't been able to say a word. Oh, to be a little fly on the wall at times.
I really think Juan will bring those books up during cross and get the titles. Also, I think this jury is highly intelligent and they may ask what the titles of the books are.

Seems like if they were fiction and nothing to do with JA's issues then the defense would have had LaV give the titles in her direct testimony.
At one point in her testimony she said Matt always had a lot of cars around (Nurmi was trying to imply she could've taken one of his instead of renting if she really wanted to hide the AZ trip in June) as if he liked working on them. Perhaps Jodi took one of the front plates from one of Matt's cars when she stopped to see him before heading to Mesa...
Wouldn't surprise me to know that Arias had Travis' AZ plate from the BMW ? The BMW was driven to the UHaul place by Arias herself, correct ? If so, it had to have a license plate on it. And it would follow that Arias could have taken both plates off the rental car, slapped on the back Arizona tag, and then replaced both CA plates after leaving AZ.
Wouldn't surprise me to know that Arias had Travis' AZ plate from the BMW ? The BMW was driven to the UHaul place by Arias herself, correct ? If so, it had to have a license plate on it. And it would follow that Arias could have taken both plates off the rental car, slapped on the back Arizona tag, and then replaced both CA plates after leaving AZ.

But the whole BMW blow up thing happened back in April. It doesn't seem like she was premeditating murder quite that early on.
I had forgotten about this! That young girl was on Dr. Drew with KatieDDJ twice, I think, speaking about how she had emailed Wilmott expressing her admiration for her as a defence attorney, and that Wilmott had responded. The second time she was on she insinuated that they had corresponded more than once. However, given the way Drew cuts all his guests off mid-sentence that may have been erroneous.

I think I heard JSS say she would review Nurmi's motion some time next week, and now there is talk of her questioning another IS employee.

I wish Wilmott's interaction with that student could be brought to JSS' attention to expose Nurmi's hypocrisy and mean spirit.

I think a bunch of people should show up at the courthouse and have someone ready to take a picture and get their picture taken with nurmi
Wouldn't surprise me to know that Arias had Travis' AZ plate from the BMW ? The BMW was driven to the UHaul place by Arias herself, correct ? If so, it had to have a license plate on it. And it would follow that Arias could have taken both plates off the rental car, slapped on the back Arizona tag, and then replaced both CA plates after leaving AZ.

We only require back tags in Ky. Do both CA and AZ require front and back?
Ok, It is 6 driving hours from Pasedena to Mesa.

She left Pasedena at 9pm on Jun3. She gets to Travis at 4am, sounds about right.

She could have still shown up without his invitation. I doubt he thought when he saw her that she planned to kill him and if she got there at 4 or 5 in the morning, I can't see him turning her away. But, who knows? All we have is the word of a liar to piece these things together. ugh.
Patriarchal Terrorism. That's all I need to hear to classify ALV as a FARCE.

Tell me ladies--who is the evil male who controls YOUR life? If you are female, you have an abuser in your life! How do I know this? Because ALV says if you have a penis, you're an abuser and if you have a vajayjay, you're abused.

I would have to say it's my 5 year old son. He's very demanding and not reasonable at all!

This woman is an embarrassment to women. ALL women--not just those of us who have experienced abuse.

Well, I think Patriarchal Terrorism does exist. Everybody's favorite alleged human being, Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church, is one. Warren Jeffs is another.

I was originally willing to give ALV some slack: her experience is that women suffer at the hands of men and she was talking in generalities. Obviously, though her thinking is way too black-and-white. Abusers are only men and victims are only women. She completely lost any respect I might have had for her when she diagnosed Travis sight unseen and based entirely on what Jodi says and information she received from the defense.
I now have PTSD from a single word. I was reading an e-mail from someone who does not follow this trial. A joke was made about everyone having a hippo on their head, it's called a Hippocampus.

The minute I read Hippocampus I started wigging out, all I could hear was that man's voice in my head saying it over and over.

Wouldn't surprise me to know that Arias had Travis' AZ plate from the BMW ? The BMW was driven to the UHaul place by Arias herself, correct ? If so, it had to have a license plate on it. And it would follow that Arias could have taken both plates off the rental car, slapped on the back Arizona tag, and then replaced both CA plates after leaving AZ.

Plus she lived in AZ for awhile. She probably had AZ tags on her own car too.
THere's the 2 license plates she would need, if indeed AZ does require front and back tags.
Jodi covered that - she said Travis asked her to record it - it was his idea from the beginning. Sure...

It doesn't matter what she's says afterwards, especially since TA is not here to either support or deny her claim. IMO) unless she prefaces the conversation by verbally stating "this call is being recorded', she violated the law.
Good afternoon, frenns!

Sicker than a dog here today and bummed that there's no court until Tuesday. I hate how it was left and that we have to sit on that for four days. I have no worries that JM won't turn it around but it's frustrating just the same.

I said it last night but I'll say it again. Mike Eiglarsh on DD last, when asked what his first question for ALV would be: "How cool was it to be the housekeeper for The Brady Bunch?" Bwaaaaahahahahahaaaa!!! :floorlaugh:
I think a bunch of people should show up at the courthouse and have someone ready to take a picture and get their picture taken with nurmi

Well if anyone has self esteem issues, standing next to Nurmi would give them a boost.
But the whole BMW blow up thing happened back in April. It doesn't seem like she was premeditating murder quite that early on.
Doesn't mean she didn't have the AZ license plate in her possession ...
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