trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #112

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The people on the Pro-Jodi site read here. When that picture was first put up here, it was copied over on their site, and a few Jodi fans there said they were going to send it to the DT team. I was worried about what was going to happen since that day. :mad:

I wonder if one of the reasons that the DT made such a huge deal of JM having 'fans' was because the records of DT spending were about to be revealed. The news shows will spend the weekend talking about JM's 'fans' and not about the DT spending taxpayer's money.

If you don't want a bear to eat you....give him something else to eat.
If these were indeed written by Chris and Sky Hughes they probably said that stuff because she wouldn't leave Travis alone! Remember they were the ones that told Travis not to bring Jodi to their home anymore.
I just got banned from THAT site, for the second time, for responding to a comment made by one of their members. My comment wasn't posted either....of course. They don't know how to think outside the box.

Member ******* says:
March 28, 2013 at 2:52 pm
And now it comes out that close friends of Travis have said that he was abusive to women. How is that for evidence?

And I said: What are the names of those women that have been abused. Will they be called to testify? They certainly should testify. Without a name and a face it’s a hard story to believe. Maybe Sky Hughes lied to Jodi to get her to stay away from Travis because she didn’t like Jodi and thought Jodi was bad for Travis. Ya think??
I don't see how Skye can clean up what she wrote in her email when she said she wouldn't let her own sister date TA due to the abusive way he treated previous women.

This is very sad. I am sure she really regrets writing whatever she wrote.
I think the emails (sent back and forth between Travis and Chris/Skye Hughes in January 2007) and the forged letters (inadmissable) that resulted in emails between Nurmi and Skye Hughes (in 2010?) are being confused a bit.

If these were indeed written by Chris and Sky Hughes they probably said that stuff because she wouldn't leave Travis alone! Remember they were the ones that told Travis not to bring Jodi to their home anymore.

Gotchya, I think.

So the 1st set of emails re; Chris / Travis were the ones he sent in 2007 when he met Jodi as in 'don't do it man' ..

Then there is a second set written by Skye between herself and Nurmi after Nurmi told her that there were letters from Travis showing pedophilia which were shown to be forgeries <insert MM here>

And this is being allowed in how? Clearly the DV witness knows these are fake, and she is alluding to them because?

It is revolting to me that this messed up piece of work gets to play out her sick games in a courtroom and rope in qualified people to do her dirty work for her. She must have been in absolute heaven preparing for this trial, she must have thought it would be an absolute triumph.

Epic fail.
DT already tried to get info out of CH on cross, it did not go well. JM will clear it up during cross, and again when CH called for rebuttal.

Just to be clear... this was not in front of the jury. CH testified at an evidentiary hearing for mistrial due to prosecutorial misconduct. He has not testified in the actual murder trial.
Hang on you mean the letters were sent when Travis was alive? Is this what he refers to in the text to Jodi on the 26th?

Just to be clear there is zero anything "pedo" for the year 08 or before. Only the forged letters had to be dated then. The e-mail being discussed between TA and CH was 01/08. As of yet there's only a vague reference to the relationship between TA and JA as being anything bad. The DT threw out the word "abuse" as to "can't un-ring a bell". Even CH doesn't know the context of the whole conversation, being given it in part.
I believe the emails were ruled inadmissible. The DT is being sneaky by getting them in indirectly through their expert witness, which is allowed apparently.

I just watched the hearing again. The emails were admitted, under seal, for that hearing. So, they were not admitted into evidence for trial at that point, but it does not preclude them from being attempted to be re-introduced at trial...i.e., as the basis for ALV's testimony, or for impeachment purposes in JM's cross, now that we know that she did use them as a basis for her testimony.

Of course, as always, as a lowly law student I am always open to correction from AZ Lawyer or any other attorneys lurking about.
DT already tried to get info out of CH on cross, it did not go well. JM will clear it up during cross, and again when CH called for rebuttal.

LAV is the best they can do. They knew Chris or Sky would blow up in there face and snark the hell out of their questioning. I loved the smirk on Sky's face when called in the beginning of the DT witness questioning or whatever you call it.

LAV, the sell out is dirty and Juan will clear things up. Not worried, but I hope JW shuts her yap trap by lunch on Tues.

Meanwhile I work on their off days! Yay! I will be wasting my life away for only God knows how long during my off days.
I just got banned from THAT site, for the second time, for responding to a comment made by one of their members. My comment wasn't posted either....of course. They don't know how to think outside the box.

Member ******* says:
March 28, 2013 at 2:52 pm
And now it comes out that close friends of Travis have said that he was abusive to women. How is that for evidence?

And I said: What are the names of those women that have been abused. Will they be called to testify? They certainly should testify. Without a name and a face it&#8217;s a hard story to believe. Maybe Sky Hughes lied to Jodi to get her to stay away from Travis because she didn&#8217;t like Jodi and thought Jodi was bad for Travis. Ya think??
bbm and LOL
I've got a few dozen fake FB pages you can borrow. :blushing:
The people on the Pro-Jodi site read here. When that picture was first put up here, it was copied over on their site, and a few Jodi fans there said they were going to send it to the DT team. I was worried about what was going to happen since that day. :mad:

Yeah...I remember that.

This is a public forum.....lord knows ive been reading (without being a member) for like 3-4 years before I joined. Hell...jodi herself could read here (oh and if she does… :sumo:
I would love to know the books AVL sent to JA. I am sure JA got plenty of schooling on them to help her form her pitiful story. I mean BS.

So this defense witness sent JA books also?
Someone asked on the previous thread about the website for the court schedule. Here's the link to the main page of the Maricopa County Courts. Click on "case history" and enter Jodi Arias. This will provide all the actions taken so far in the case and the schedule is near the bottom of the page. It goes through April 3 and indicates 10:30AM start time, but the Judge asked if they could start at 9:30.


Thanks so much for this!!
I'm very confused, I guess. I thought it was established that ALV could not testify about TA as an abuser. Yet, there it was!

Am I going crazy or was that not the indication when this witness took the stand? The fact that it came in right at the end of testimony is quite convenient, as well...

I thought so, too, since ALV had not known Travis and was not able to interview him.

I thought that CA's DT was the lowest of the low, but Jodi's defense now takes the prize. I'd expect this of Nurmi who really doesn't seem to have the talent to be a good attorney. JW, though, seems pretty savvy and smart, but her sneaky tactics negate anything positive that I see in her ability to be a really good litigator. :moo:
I just watched the hearing again. The emails were admitted, under seal, for that hearing. So, they were not admitted into evidence for trial at that point, but it does not preclude them from being attempted to be re-introduced at trial...i.e., as the basis for ALV's testimony, or for impeachment purposes in JM's cross, now that we know that she did use them as a basis for her testimony.

Of course, as always, as a lowly law student I am always open to correction from AZ Lawyer or any other attorneys lurking about.

read rule 703 - JM keeps citing it in his objections & it covers admissibility of material/conclusions of expert witnesses - clears it right up.
How does Skye know that TA called JA a *advertiser censored* unless JA told her?
I don't see how Skye can clean up what she wrote in her email when she said she wouldn't let her own sister date TA due to the abusive way he treated previous women.

She can explain her definition of "abusive." Which in the mormon dating community could be as simple as not calling when you said you would, dating someone else (even though you're not exclusive) playing basketball with the boys instead of watching lifetime movies.....

What many of us might call a "player" (and personally I think that's too strong for Travis) many mormon (and other marriage-minded young women) girls would term "abusive."
Just to be clear there is zero anything "pedo" for the year 08 or before. Only the forged letters had to be dated then. The e-mail being discussed between TA and CH was 01/08. As of yet there's only a vague reference to the relationship between TA and JA as being anything bad. The DT threw out the word "abuse" as to "can't un-ring a bell". Even CH doesn't know the context of the whole conversation, being given it in part.

Thank you. I was not happy that the jury heard the word 'abuse' too, but then they know for sure if there was any evidence of any real abuse they would have heard about it. I can't even remember what Jodi said on the stand in regards to 'abuse' from Travis ... shows how much impact her words had.
ALV is wrong about the Mormon priesthood. She is viewing it as though he were a spiritual leader because of that title, like a Catholic priest. This is not the case. Mormon boys receive the priesthood at age twelve after completing a worthiness interview in which they are quizzed about masturbating. There are two levels of priesthood, the Aaronic and the Melchisedek. Neither of these implies any role as a spiritual leader, other than over women who do not have the priesthood. Mormons are "called" to positions based on inspiration/revelation--all the men are all "priests."

Another error ALV made is in evaluating whether or not JA's boundary issues related to TA. She is not familiar with previous testimony, but if you recall, JA testified that the whole time she and Daryl B. worked together there was no flirting or dating of any kind because it was against the policies of the employer, the Ventana. He left his managerial position in order to date her and that very weekend they went to San Francisco and indulged specifically in oral sex and vaginal sex (don't remember if anal was included).

Since boundaries are relative, I think we can safely judge that JA's boundaries were non-existent and she offered a "full bar" as far as sexual delights were concerned-- and did not seem to require commitment beforehand.
The people on the Pro-Jodi site read here. When that picture was first put up here, it was copied over on their site, and a few Jodi fans there said they were going to send it to the DT team. I was worried about what was going to happen since that day. :mad:

Those threads need to go to the jury room! :twocents:
Tuesday starts a new week. Hopefully JM will get into the ring before that week's out.

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