trial day 39: the defense continues its case in chief #115

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I was hoping Juror5 would walk out the front doors of the court house and go right over to the HLN news truck.....
Lol at that 3 page single spaced email good lord what a weirdo, what an ego.

"Weirdo" was the EXACT word that popped into my mind too when I read that screenshot. Great minds and all that!:seeya:

BTW - who has time to send brand new acquaintances 3 page single spaced emails?? One thing I have ALWAYS noticed about these PPL people is that they seem to have an awful lot of time on their hands.
I don't think Wilmott is doing too well. The judge seems to be dressing her down at each side bar--at the last one Nurmi had to coach her. And I don't think and the witness have prepared too much. It was telling when she asked whether or not TA had sent JA an additional pair of underwear for Valentines (the ones with the name Travis on the butt) and ALV said "not that I was aware of."

What about that attorney adage, don't ask a question you don't know the answer to?

I think both Willmott and Nurmi are in wayyyy over their heads. No wonder no one wanted to defend her or testilie for Arias.
Don't get too attached to any particular juror -- the most important thing is that there are 12 remaining during deliberations, and that's why they started with 6 extra. Long trials usually have at least 1 or 2 jurors leaving for various reasons. As long as there is an intact jury and they can reach a verdict that is all anyone needs to focus on.
I honestly believe #5 may have made some throwaway comment(s) and another juror didn't like it... THAT juror complained and now #5 is off. The juror who complained would be the one I was concerned about... those "sticklers" always cause trouble.

Considering the questions the judge asked the jury this morning and the security escort at lunch, I think juror #5 was approached by someone and said something she shouldn't have....purely by mistake.
Dear Beth Kara's just talked to the Court PIO and the juror is not restricted but they don't know her name or where she is. Bet they'll find her. Some good TV tonight!

Yes that's what I found was usually the case--unless a specific banning occurred from a judge. Some of the links had video of a juror apparently immediately talking to the waiting press.
Beth Karas just said that a court officer has justvinformed them that juror #5 IS allowed to speak to the mediav... If she wishes to.
Beth added ... We don't know her namevor address at this point, but she can be interviewed about this case if she desires to.

I picture HLN and every other media outlet sprinting to get that info to get the scoop.

I hope #5 takes some time to herself first.
Time to process all that has happened ... With the trial and with her feelings too.
I would bevfeeling hurt by being dismissed ... Perhaps even set up by someone for what has happened to her today.

God Bless you juror #5 ....
Whatever decision you make, to speak or not ... I appreciate your dedication all these weeks.

Juror 5 was BOOTED because she was talking too much allegedly, it might not be in her best interest to go all out in the media right now. It will just prove the point made by the Defense. She needs to just lay low for a while and let this all simmer down. If she truly has any respect for the courts she will. IMO it would be rather tacky to be all up in the media right after being booted for "Talking".
That Katie on Dr. Drew said a juror asked her a question in the lunch line, I thought about lunch or something....dunno. She said "no"...Nurmi heard it....Katie acted funny to me, like there was more to the story, that she couldn't say on it was all BS. Nurmi , imho, is on the hunt for anything for mistrial..desperation.

LOL!! Then why look any further than his stomach? I think the DT and their STAR witnesses should be able to accomplish that.
I think this is ALL about JA's non-too-well-concealed jealousy of KDDJ. This is especially ironic because KDDJ sits on JA's side of the courtroom. If the jury HAS noticed her, they could think she's part of JA's family. :twocents:

We have to sit on ja's side of the courtroom. That's the side for the public. Travis's side is for family and media.
Just an FYI
There is something about the Hughes that just seem off to me.
They just seem to be in EVERYTHING!

They both seem like Type A - leaders used to making things happen, not waiting for things to happen.
I bet HLN has had reporters/scouts at all entrances since the trial began today, just in case tri-color was dismissed. I wonder what news show she will be on tonight!!
Don't know why JA feels smug or pleased or anything. She's still going to prison. Just because she got juror #5 kicked off the panel doesn't mean the rest are going to let her go free. At a minimum she'll spend the next few decades in prison. And that's probably the best she can hope for. Most likely it will be LWOP or the DP.
:twocents: I really want to hear what Juror #5 has to say ... and I am glad she will be allowed to speak -- IF SHE WANTS TO !

No doubt, HLN and other media are tracking her down :great:


I think if I were her and had just given up 3 months of my life only to be deprived of making the final decision, I'd be calling around for the highest bidder for my story....:banghead:
Getting that juror dismissed could backfire on the defense. The others could resent it, and the related delay in the proceedings. You never know.


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I am hoping, but not holding my breath, that their "performances" in this trial/circus is a career-killer for Dr. Samuels, Ms. LaViolette, and both defense attorneys. In a perfect world, they would have to make cold calls to people charged with traffic offenses to even be able to keep practicing law. You couldn't pay me enough to get in bed with the devil.
Don't you guys think the Judge should have ordered tri colour to not talk about this trial until it's over? Just to be cautious?
I was hoping Juror5 would walk out the front doors of the court house and go right over to the HLN news truck.....

She may have been told by the Judge she could not speak to media till trial was over.
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