trial day 39: the defense continues its case in chief #115

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I thought he got some kind of email and after that he was like WTF??? Did I hear anti-sematic comments thrown in gratuitously?

you've made me doubt what i said, but not enough to search HLN.
attempt # 2...

This is all I got.

Really?? 1st 3 sentences of this email I can already tell Abe doesn't want sheet to do with her & she's harrassing (or attempting to) him (or in fake email can't get past her stalker tendencies)!!

"I've tried to contact you several times with no luck" it's called God's Gift the the Stalked... CALLER ID :floorlaugh:
Beth Karas just said that a court officer has justvinformed them that juror #5 IS allowed to speak to the mediav... If she wishes to.
Beth added ... We don't know her namevor address at this point, but she can be interviewed about this case if she desires to.

I picture HLN and every other media outlet sprinting to get that info to get the scoop.

I hope #5 takes some time to herself first.
Time to process all that has happened ... With the trial and with her feelings too.
I would bevfeeling hurt by being dismissed ... Perhaps even set up by someone for what has happened to her today.

God Bless you juror #5 ....
Whatever decision you make, to speak or not ... I appreciate your dedication all these weeks.
Just heard on HLN that Juror #5 WILL BE ABLE TO TALK !


Well, if she just googles "juror #5" she will see pages and pages from WS...maybe she will pay us a visit. :dance:

:please: :please: :please: :please:
Juror #5 please come to Websleuths!
I absolutely agree. I think they will do anything to get a mistrial. Judge may want to think about sequester soon.

Haven't these poor jurors been through enough? I don't think any jury should be sequestered, not after the CA trial. These adults and are aware of the admonitions. And besides, this is exactly what we have alternate jurors for! I

I fault the judge for not taking precautions sooner and having them enter and exit separate from the public so as not to interact with them. I'm sure they are careful but anyone can make a mistake. If the jurors are outside mulling around with everyone else, someone will try to talk to them, it's human nature - they shouldn't even have the opportunity to hang around during breaks or after court.
Well my die hard trial watchers... I just can NOT do it... gonna skip out till our Juan is up. I'll just rely on all your good notes. If I don't leave, I"m afraid I'll do some damage to some electronic equipment here. AVL is a disgrace to whatever profession she claims.. IMHO
I don't. I bet it was Sky Hughes who was gossiping about TA's relationship with JA. She shouldn't have butted in. And Nurmi told her lies hoping to get her on his side. JM will clear all this up.

There is something about the Hughes that just seem off to me.
They just seem to be in EVERYTHING!
He always looks nice, but hair dye on men just seems....vain. Juan is too dignified for hair dye.

I find it endearing. He's probably never experienced nearly the accolades he's deserved, and so now he wants to look nice in the pics. Whatever makes Juan happy makes me happy.
This sounds like juror #5 may have been approached by someone in the courthouse.

Now they are being extra cautious.

I took it another way. I took it to mean that the media will be clamoring to get the jurys take on having one of their own booted by Jodi. I think it to mean they are protecting them from the media. Because they will be really after the jurors now. They don't care if it results in a mistrial.
Can someone update me? what happened this am?

:seeya: I'll do my best ...

1. Motion for Mistrial -- DENIED.

2. Juror #5 -- DISMISSED -- we do not know why yet ... BUT per Beth Karas, she has no restrictions on speaking ...

3. ALV still being examined by Wilmott ... "same ole same ole" ... abuse ... and unfortunately, continuous Travis "bashing".

4. Lunch Break right now.

I hope that helps ...

Please add to this if necessary.

That Katie on Dr. Drew said a juror asked her a question in the lunch line, I thought about lunch or something....dunno. She said "no"...Nurmi heard it....Katie acted funny to me, like there was more to the story, that she couldn't say on it was all BS. Nurmi , imho, is on the hunt for anything for mistrial..desperation.

Didn't Nurmi go after that Katie first. Last week he thought she was a juror and then thought she worked for HLN right. Or am I confused? ty
The hatred is really overwhelming. I never dreamed I could feel this much above and beyond what I felt for Casey Anthony .. I absolutely hate to say this, but IMO Casey Anthony is absolutely likeable in comparison to this evil witch..

The psychopathic evil IMO literally exudes from her.. i just cannot imagine the overwhelming evil that one must feel when actually in her presence when I, at home in my living room am so overwhelmed with the evil through my television.

THANK YOU for putting into words EXACTLY how I'm feeling right now!!! Not enough "thanks" buttons for me on this one!!
I am way behind on page 36. I need to get this off my chest..... I don't think anyone should be too hard on juror #5 since we have no idea what she said. From all accounts from WS's trial watchers she was always very attentive, took lots of notes and asked questions. It could have been something very innocent and not meant as taken as anything more than an innocent remark, no malice intended. (been there, done that). I think the Judge had no choice except to dismiss her, in order for it not to come up on appeal. This woman put her life on hold and devoted 3 months of her life to this trial. I will HIGH FIVE her and thank her for her service. JMO

She was dismissed because she was 'mod' - young and hip. She had Jodi all figured out. JA feared her and the fact that she had powers of jury persuasion. She had to go. JA looks sooo smug now that she is gone - she thinks she can prey on the middle-aged men on the jury. Only 6 women left!
Can someone update me? what happened this am?

They (Judge, JM, Detective, Defense, Arias, Travis' family) were in chambers this morning. Juror # 5 was dismissed. Motion for mistrial denied. Travis' sisters were crying. Just emotional I suppose.

The DV expert was on the stand talking about how Travis was a jealous flirt and JA was a devout woman.
Just feeling cautious... that if Juror #5 talks, Nurmi and Co. will be listening for any opportunity to declare other jury misconduct. If the possibility of them seeing Martinez outside the courthouse warranted an inquisition... it seems like it would take very little to haul them all in one by one over nearly anything. Media better exercise care and good sense.
Who cares if Juan dyed his hair? He has known he has been on camera for the best part of two months and done nothing about it. Bless him, probably saw some of the photos and thought "urgh that's too much grey on show" and dyes it.

Man can do what he likes with his hair.
Have to disagree. After Nurmi filed that motion yesterday, the media was abuzz about what was happening and the Judge risked putting the trial into further jeopardy if someone went out the front today. Plus the talk of the other juror eating icecream etc out the front of the courtroom. There's also the time logistics and they needed to get the short case over and done with first. And last but not least, we don't know (yet) what she actually said or did.

We all know it takes nurmi long to form a sentence, in between taking his left hand twisting it around in a circle, to expose his wrist and watch ,as he continues to slowlllyyy explain. All his pauses trying to think of what to say.
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