trial day 39: the defense continues its case in chief #115

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Jodie's mom is there too (chambers?)

No, her mom is in the courtroom. Because JA is in chambers Travis's family is entitled to be there also but not JA's

WildAboutTrial ‏@WildAboutTrial 1h
@francine069 Everyone is talking about restaurants and food in media section. Jodi's family is still here in courtroom.
This reminds me of a trial that IS covered a few years ago but Ican't remember the guys name. Darren somethingorother?? He had killed his ex wife in the garage I think. In the middle of the trial there was a morning like this. Everyone, even the TH, were like "wth??" and then the trial was over and he had plead guilty. He tried to take it back years later and was denied.

I'm thinking I'm just going to go nap. I've eaten a bowl of cherry yum yum, thingy of peeps, walked the dog, straightened up the living room, have to pork out to bake for supper, ran the dishwasher. I'm a nervous wreck!
Darren Mack?

He shot the judge as well!
Could this cause a mistrial if Tri color was mouthing off to other jurors?

I really don't understand the logic/fairness of "jury misconduct"... as in this speculation that #5 may have said something showing her pro-prosecution leanings. At this point, all of those jurors have opinions. We heard them in their questions... "How do you define '*advertiser censored*'? ". Following such logic, all of the jury should have been dismissed for hearing this sarcasm from another juror.

Can anyone explain? These jurors are going to be discussing this case in a few weeks.. what difference does it make, now? I can understand if #5 said something 2 months ago, but they are entitled to their opinions AND they are entitled to some frustration, as well. Maybe this is Nurmi's strategy... drive the jury insane with delays and spy on them.
I think it's very possible that they are questioning all of the jurors. On Thursday they were questioned, but it was about Juan and being out in front of the courthouse and if anyone seen that. Now the issue is whatever #5 said, and I imagine they need to know who heard it and what they heard. Then the defense/state would have to argue their points for and against letting #5 and possibly other jurors go. I will not be surprised if more than #5 is let go today *sigh* I just hope its not a mistrial. I told my husband last night, I am tired of this trial but I have put so much time into it, I gotta keep watching now, I will be ticked if it does turn out to be a mistrial.
On the other hand, if #5 is let go.... I really want to hear what she thinks!
OK dangit! Are you guys going to make me look up candy crush??? LOL!!
Someone needs to notify HLN they can stop promoting the "you won't miss a minute of the Jodi Arias trial"....first court has to start.
I'm just going to try to keep this in mind: no matter what happens, (juror misconduct, mistrial, etc.) no matter how long it takes, JA is going DOWN for this. She is never going to walk, she is never going free. The only thing at issue at this point is punishment.

If there is a mistrial and they go for another what experts can Nurmi put on for Jodi? I mean seems like the bottom of the barrel was scraped for at least one of them and I don't see him being call back to the stand.

I want to see that man go down in flames for what he's done, not only in this trial but the others that he's been their expert and made the same excuse and test scores for pedophilia and rapists.
I guess I disagree with some of you about it being distasteful to show the funeral. I will watch it because I am ready to hear some good things about Travis Alexander instead of hearing and seeing gruesome or negative things. Funerals are times to remember the good things and to honor the person. Travis has been dragged through the mud (blood) so much, this should be a reminder that this was a living person who was truly loved.
I'm starting to wonder if JA decided to tell the truth, I mean tell another story. I think this time it's the aliens that beamed down an exact clone of her, complete with the same DNA, who did the crime.

I've felt for a long time that the only things missing here were aliens and Middle Eastern terrorists. :floorlaugh:
Is it possible the defense is wanting to present some type of ' inflammatory' evidence about TA , something along the lines of demonizing the victim , to help their defense and that's what they could be talking to the family about ? Is it ok to release this info? Is there any such info? I have no clue, I'm just speculating out loud here !
Twitter tweeps saying eveyone coming out of chambers.
Wild about Trial now tweeting under @WildaboutTrial2 due to being over the tweet limit, for those of you who want to keep following for updates
So 's going on??? I smell a mistrial

I smell a DT that is FIGHTING like HELL for one. They want a do over badly and a chance to seat a different hand picked jury. One who hasn't seen all trial coverage (much like Casey Anthonys DT fought so hard to get).
Beth Karas ‏@BethKaras 12s
Alexander's siblings, Flores and Martinez just walked out of chambers. Arias and her attorneys followed. #JodiArias
Ooooh Steely you've inspired me. Yes, cookies is all that could help me right now. 1111 peeps viewing thread!!!
@harpyonside mt ‏@ColourExperte #jodiarias Dismiss #5, sequester jury, both families no ribbons, attys leave thru secret door, that's it.
Wild About Trial 2 ‏@WildaboutTrial2 33s
#JodiArias is talking with Willmott by her desk. She is leaving through the side door with the Bailiff though.
Jodie's mom is there too (chambers?)

Erroneous information.

Reminds me of that old game "Telephone" where something gets whispered from one person to the next and by the end, it's been twisted into something entirely different.

Of course it doesn't help when certain unnamed media outlets stir the pot by speculating.
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