trial day 39: the defense continues its case in chief #117

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She writes about trying to move beyond her ex. A year before she admits she shot and repeatedly stabbed him. I love him, I could not possibly love him not, though I wish i could stop.
Turn it off like a light switch. Duct tape it down so itan't turn back on or better yet, just cut the circuit. Cut off its life source.
Make it dead in a second. Lifeless. Prosecutors say that's exactly what she ended up doing.


Does anyone find this wording in JA's diary disturbing. It made the hairs on my neck stand up. Duct tape??? check. Cut off its life source??? check. Lifeless??? check Make it dead in a second??? maybe 62 seconds, but yes. Maybe this has been discussed already, but I am amazed this was brought in.:what:
I am trying to find out the date of the baseball game, I think I posted it in the wrong place. If anyone knows the exact date please let me know. was it 7/9/07?

IIRC, it was Travis's birthday, July 28th. She had gone to the game with friends and he called her at the game, wanting her to do something special with him for his birthday. ALV made it sound like it was a night game, not an afternoon game. She asked him to pick her up and he refused, so a friend had to drive her to his house. When she got there, she made him a birthday cake.

Like, you believe this story?
I agree with you completely. There is a legal objection called "cumulative", but since this is an expert, they can get away with it. I imagine the jury is bored out of their minds with this nonsense, and also awaiting JM's cross. Another major problem is the constant sidebars. They are mostly due to Willmot's inability to phrase a proper question and the judge's inability to instantly rule on an objection. It ain't that hard. I've read this is Stephens' first DP case. I think this is jury abuse.

She has not even had any criminal trial experience. It shows and reflects on her.

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HLN says JA's dad had a motor cycle crash and kidney transplant...
I had not heard that.
You are describing a very extreme case. Did you ever wonder why abused women will stay for 20 plus years with men who abuse them? You got out quickly, why didn't they?

Because there are different types of abuse, most escalate slowly, and there is something called boiling the frog. There are also other circumstances that don't apply here, such as children. Most men [or women] are not obviously abusive at the beginning of the relationship.

It has nothing to do with being helpless, senseless, or waifs. Now you are really showing a lack of respect for women who have suffered for years, or a lack of understanding.


This whole defence is showing a complete lack of respect to true victims of domestic violence. I remember as a child sitting at school in class not being able to concentrate worrying about my mother, I remember screaming at my dad to please stop as my Mum cowered away from him. True survivirs of abuse recognise that this is not the case here. True abuse survivors are not cocky with police & in court. True abuse survivors do not confront casual female friends of their boyfriend & state their claim. True survivors don't slash tyres. They live in fear or they would have walked long ago.
Travis is the victim here of a sociopath stalker who would not take no for an answer. The only 'proof' that Jodi suffered is worth peanuts as it's from her own lying lips.
Oh just wanted to get this off my chest. JW is actually using jodi's term "GUILTED HER", and it sounds like she swallowed a mouth full of helium when she gets to talking so fast :giggle:

I really wish she would swallow a mouth full of ess tee eff you!
I know plenty of people in their 60s who do email, text, internet, and smartphones. The only people around that age--and I am headed there soon--are those who just gave up on the technology of the past 20 years or so. Maybe they didn't need it for their jobs or to keep up with what are now adult children...?


LOL. I'm 55 and just got a new Samsung Galaxy S3 - however I was griping to my DD last night that I couldn't figure it out...she's 24. She said "there's a learning curve'll get there"


I do have friends my age and older who don't do much "interneting", etc. I like keeping up. Best I can. Learning curve or not. :floorlaugh:
You are describing a very extreme case. Did you ever wonder why abused women will stay for 20 plus years with men who abuse them? You got out quickly, why didn't they?

Because there are different types of abuse, most escalate slowly, and there is something called boiling the frog. There are also other circumstances that don't apply here, such as children. Most men [or women] are not obviously abusive at the beginning of the relationship.

It has nothing to do with being helpless, senseless, or waifs. Now you are really showing a lack of respect for women who have suffered for years, or a lack of understanding.


I agree that if you haven't been in a marital abusive situation with very few avenues to leave, the challenge to get away seems insurmountable. Still, many women do--with their children in tow--and they follow through with divorce and improving the lives of their children and themselves, against all odds.

I did it. And it infuriates me (and I am sure many other women who were involved in "boiling the frog" marriages and relationships) that my situation, which escalated to include torturous violence visited on me by my ex-husband, is even being compared to the experiences of Jodi Arias, who, in my opinion, was never abused by Travis Alexander.
Oh just wanted to get this off my chest. JW is actually using jodi's term "GUILTED HER", and it sounds like she swallowed a mouth full of helium when she gets to talking so fast :giggle:

Don't you hate how they keep verbing a noun?
Where is the abuse? She's been describing it hour after hour on the stand. You haven't been listening?

One thing she is bringing out is how abuse can really mess up your mind. Another thing she is bringing out is how it escalates. Another thing is how the victim becomes hopeful and then forgets in periods between abuse, so that puts the victim on the most reinforcing schedule known to man, variable reinforcement. That's the schedule that slot machines use to keep people putting their quarters in.

I don't understand why people say this is 30 year old knowledge and then don't see the application in this case.

But, I think so far that this will only work to maybe mitigate the sentence--no dp, or second degree. There are other facters working in that direction, too.


What in the world do you see in the evidence so far that would warrant 2nd DEGREE?! Wow. You and I are watching 2 vastly different trials.

Has this been posted yet? The reason #5 was removed.
No one watching via TV or streaming could possibly see a jurors face, so it had to be someone in the gallery. I bet it would be Donovan. How many more jurors are going to be dismissed this way?
posted in another thread this reminds me of the movie "Runaway Jury" where outside subtle ways were used to get jurors off the jury...
Just finally getting home after traveling for 2 weeks and have missed a lot. Can anyone tell me if the entire parent interviews are available online somewhere? Thanks guys! :)
I know plenty of people in their 60s who do email, text, internet, and smartphones. The only people around that age--and I am headed there soon--are those who just gave up on the technology of the past 20 years or so. Maybe they didn't need it for their jobs or to keep up with what are now adult children...?


Thing is that this woman does need to keep up with it for her job. If she is still counselling victims. Because bullying and abuse via technology is more prominent than ever.

Unless she hasn't been counselling for many years, which I don't think she has. She's made a career out of speaking engagements and books for quite some time now I believe. I guess she really hasn't had the need to keep up with what is really happening out there in the real world.



I grew up watching "That Girl". It was one of my favs.
GM, everyone!

I am sitting here with my hip boots on because it will be deep again today. I am also armed with an industrial sized wooden spoon held like a septor. I have goggles on my desk in the event JM gets to cross LAV this afternoon and the proverbial chit starts to fly when he straightens her out.

Oh, and I have put a 'Cajun Hex' on the evil one! I guess I am ready. Sigh.
Nothing ALV has said has been remotely relevant to this case. The defendant wasn't abused- the object of her obsession didn't give a ****. There's a difference.

Not a chance anyone on the jury will take this schillspert's testimony as gospel, even in the penalty phase.

Butchering a guy who just isn't that into you isn't a defense. To imply abuse in this case is ludicrous. TA was abused, not the defendant.

:floorlaugh: Schillspert. (N). Former housekeeper to enormous television family, now employed as domestic violence expert.
Please, they were barely together for 5 months! They were physically separated by 1000 miles.

Travis didn't want her around. She refused to leave him alone. She was/is a stalker and abuser and cold-blooded killer.

I thought it was too short, too. It was 18mos to 2 years or so. But, listening to ALV has made me realize the intensity of the relationship. I know that high school kids can get into these types of abusive relationships and that is also short term.

I just think there is a lot to learn from this expert.


Has this been posted yet? The reason #5 was removed.
No one watching via TV or streaming could possibly see a jurors face, so it had to be someone in the gallery. I bet it would be Donovan. How many more jurors are going to be dismissed this way?

Let's hope Team Martinez/Flores are on this pronto. Donovans voice is on tape via an interview. :)

Seems to me this would fall under Jury Tampering.
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