trial day 39: the defense continues its case in chief #117

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I'll read the "articles" for free Gilbert Gottfried style.


You know how there's a 'thanks' button? I wish there was a lol button.. you're hilarious... you always make me laugh. :D
Maybe the DT and their expert will be dressed in clown suits today as I really think it would be very appropriate considering what they are trying to pull off here.
Where is the abuse? She's been describing it hour after hour on the stand. You haven't been listening?

One thing she is bringing out is how abuse can really mess up your mind. Another thing she is bringing out is how it escalates. Another thing is how the victim becomes hopeful and then forgets in periods between abuse, so that puts the victim on the most reinforcing schedule known to man, variable reinforcement. That's the schedule that slot machines use to keep people putting their quarters in.

I don't understand why people say this is 30 year old knowledge and then don't see the application in this case.

But, I think so far that this will only work to maybe mitigate the sentence--no dp, or second degree. There are other facters working in that direction, too.


BBM. Because the only "application in this case" is based off of what a confirmed pathological liar has told someone. The only negative behavior that is independently corroborated is that Travis was perhaps a "cad." Was that boorish behavior abusive to Jodi? Well, again, we only have Jodi's words to make that evaluation, so...round and round we go.:twocents:
A couple of the talking heads have said that the dismissal of a juror is a serious appellate issue.

I know, but others have said it is not, because the judge addressed and dealt with the problem. Go figure HLN! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
WTF is up with Willmott chirping about "journal articles?" Is she trying to disguise the garbage and lies that make up Jodi's Journal into sounding like peer reviewed professional journal articles? It never stops with this DT, does it?

I was wondering that myself, why is she calling them an article? I was also dumbfounded when JW referred to Jodi as rationalizing.
Dang I just cannot wrap my mind around this. If I were the defendant, I don't think I could be staring at the jurors that were going to decide my fate. I don't think I could meet someone's eyes let alone defiantly stare at them. If I were a juror that would make me extremely uncomfortable, and also make me angry. If I were the defendant, I would be showing so much humility and remorse, and I would show the utmost respect for the jurors, the court and especially the victim's family. Even animals show their submission to each other when they are in trouble and want back into the fold. All her actions to to me is make me pray every night that she isn't turned loose. I really don't understand her staring at the jurors. Even if they aren't looking directly at her, surely the must be able to see what she's doing out of their peripheral vision?

That's one thing I just don't get that the DT (specifically Wilmott) allows her to do. Rule number one to tell the client is DO NOT look at the jury unless you're on the witness stand. DO NOT glare at them, smile at them, stare at them or even acknowledge their presense other than when the enter and leave. DO NOT look angry, bored, asleep, humorous, etc., etc. no matter what is happening. DO NOT fidget, play with your clothes, your hair, your fingernails, etc., etc., and for heaven's sake do nothing that could possibly be construed as gross (don't pick your nose, scratch your butt, adjust your bra straps, pick your teeth, gargle or spill your water, etc. ALWAYS look humble and attentive, well groomed and appropriately dressed.

For some reason I can't fathom and have never seen before even in traffic court is the DT not paying one wit of attention to how Jodi acts, and Wilmott stares at the jury WITH Jodi while whispering to each other like school girls!!! Even brand new attorneys fresh out of the gate know all this and know how to secretly pinch or kick their client under the table to get them to knock off any inappropriate behavior and read them the riot act about it the second they're in private. And the DT KNOWS they're being FILMED for heaven's sake! Bad enough to act like this in some little county civil court that nobody knows nor cares about!
Originally Posted by molly333
.....But, like she says, the abuser masks the behavior until the relationship is somewhat established, then the victim, rather than recognizing a red flag, makes excuses for it, and the die is cast.

For me, it often seems ALV is masking JA behavior, rather than recognizing the red flags, and is making excuses for her.

She is also a paid witness, who has only heard one side of a story. If she had spoken personally with the Hughes, Abe, and all of the women she can give her 'impressions' on, I might consider her more credible, but at this point she is ASSUMING quite a bit. jmo
Did any of my fellow websleuthers see the tapes of Jodi's Mom and Dad being interviewed by the detectives on Dr Drew last night? And your thoughts?

Yes, my Mom emailed me this morning about them so I went on the HLN site and watched them.

Very interesting.

JA's mother is emotional. Not like the woman we have seen sitting in court these three months.

Sounds like JA has had anger issues for a long time. JA moved out of her parents house when she was 17. Her parents were probably glad to wash their hands of her.

I really want to know what friends called the parents and what was going on that they felt they needed some kind of intervention.
I guess I'm just slow. I had an abusive relationship with a man when I was in my 20's. He broke my windshield screaming at me while I sat in my car at a restaurant by opening and bashing my door shut & pounding on my car.

I dumped him. He terrorized and stalked me to the point of police involvement. He would call my phone and leave foul, obscene messages until the tape was full (Yes--I'm old! 43), then he would call and call and call making the phone ring incessantly. When I would leave my apartment, I'd see his car.

He even started calling my boss, telling him what a wh@re I was, etc. I got physically sick--I'm 5'9" and in my 20's I weighed 130lbs--I was a size 4. I lost 20lbs during this stalking & terrorism--I dropped to size 0.

He made it seem that there was no escape from him. But then I got freaking mad. I called the police, an officer came over & listened to my tapes. Then he called the guy at work (and it turns out he wasn't "divorced" like he told me he was--he was married with a small child). The cop told him to either leave me alone, or he would personally arrest him at work or at home in front of his wife.

I was lucky that the threat of arrest was enough for this guy & also that I was able to move from Dallas to Houston. But I was not going to just sit around and let him terrorize me. I got an awesome dog & a handgun. I was fully ready to shoot him if he broke into my apartment.

Moral of the story??

I think every single thing ALV spews is garbage. She completely negates anything she says by saying all victims are women and all perps are men. Both sexes are capable of being a psycho, terrorizing menace. She is absurd.

I didn't accept my abuser's actions for one single second. Not all women are helpless, senseless, powerless waifs. Some of us fight back. JMO
Good for you! I had a stalker ex-boyfriend back when Alyce was being indoctrinated with "women are victims". I made it known there was a .357 Magnum under my car seat and I would shoot. He stopped following me.
We can all wish that but I think ALV believes the insanity that she is spewing. There's something definitely not right in that woman's head.
Well then kmouse, she's not very good at her job. With all her years of experience she can't spot a faker and a liar????
I detest what she is putting the Alexander family through. It is so hard for even us to listen to it, so just imagine the poor family.
I think Dr. DeMarte will come across very well, especially after ALV and RS. I think she'll focus on what Jodi did, not guesses about how she supposedly felt. For instance, ALV talked at length about the June 07 break-up and then skipped to Jodi leaving the July AZ Diamondback game to run home and bake TA a cake. Nothing at all about what drove JA to relocate to Mesa without housing or employment. I hope Dr. DeMarte fills in a lot of blanks about what Jodi did and why.

Interesting how Ms. Wilmott conveniently skipped over that tidbit about moving to Mesa AFTER a breakup. Wonder if Ms. Wilmott will also skip over the 1000 mile drive prior to the slaughter.
I'm probably the only one, but I think there's a little more to it.

For example, I was really taken aback by her saying she didn't do emails. I'm about her age and I do lots of emailing. In fact, it was really a requirement for my job. She never emails with clients? I find that really weird. Most of my friends have grown children who are scattered across the country. Emails are the prime way of staying in touch. My niece lives in Beirut, Lebanon, and if my sister didn't email, they wouldn't communicate at all.

To me, ALV seems to be actively trying to stay in the past. That's a little different than just being old-fashioned IMO. I like antiques, but I love, love, love my laptop and internet! I think ALV has a skewed view of the world and it shows.

I know plenty of people in their 60s who do email, text, internet, and smartphones. The only people around that age--and I am headed there soon--are those who just gave up on the technology of the past 20 years or so. Maybe they didn't need it for their jobs or to keep up with what are now adult children...?

I guess I'm just slow. I had an abusive relationship with a man when I was in my 20's. He broke my windshield screaming at me while I sat in my car at a restaurant by opening and bashing my door shut & pounding on my car.

I dumped him. He terrorized and stalked me to the point of police involvement. He would call my phone and leave foul, obscene messages until the tape was full (Yes--I'm old! 43), then he would call and call and call making the phone ring incessantly. When I would leave my apartment, I'd see his car.

He even started calling my boss, telling him what a wh@re I was, etc. I got physically sick--I'm 5'9" and in my 20's I weighed 130lbs--I was a size 4. I lost 20lbs during this stalking & terrorism--I dropped to size 0.

He made it seem that there was no escape from him. But then I got freaking mad. I called the police, an officer came over & listened to my tapes. Then he called the guy at work (and it turns out he wasn't "divorced" like he told me he was--he was married with a small child). The cop told him to either leave me alone, or he would personally arrest him at work or at home in front of his wife.

I was lucky that the threat of arrest was enough for this guy & also that I was able to move from Dallas to Houston. But I was not going to just sit around and let him terrorize me. I got an awesome dog & a handgun. I was fully ready to shoot him if he broke into my apartment.

Moral of the story??

I think every single thing ALV spews is garbage. She completely negates anything she says by saying all victims are women and all perps are men. Both sexes are capable of being a psycho, terrorizing menace. She is absurd.

I didn't accept my abuser's actions for one single second. Not all women are helpless, senseless, powerless waifs. Some of us fight back. JMO

You are describing a very extreme case. Did you ever wonder why abused women will stay for 20 plus years with men who abuse them? You got out quickly, why didn't they?

Because there are different types of abuse, most escalate slowly, and there is something called boiling the frog. There are also other circumstances that don't apply here, such as children. Most men [or women] are not obviously abusive at the beginning of the relationship.

It has nothing to do with being helpless, senseless, or waifs. Now you are really showing a lack of respect for women who have suffered for years, or a lack of understanding.

Where is the abuse? She's been describing it hour after hour on the stand. You haven't been listening?

One thing she is bringing out is how abuse can really mess up your mind. Another thing she is bringing out is how it escalates. Another thing is how the victim becomes hopeful and then forgets in periods between abuse, so that puts the victim on the most reinforcing schedule known to man, variable reinforcement. That's the schedule that slot machines use to keep people putting their quarters in.

I don't understand why people say this is 30 year old knowledge and then don't see the application in this case.

But, I think so far that this will only work to maybe mitigate the sentence--no dp, or second degree. There are other facters working in that direction, too.

What other factors do you see?
I disagree. This woman knows what she's talking about. She's giving a lot of detail about the dynamics of an abusive relationship. I'm surprised this is not resonating with more women here. I'm thinking that women still can not recognize abuse which is why it is still so rampant.

But, like she says, the abuser masks the behavior until the relationship is somewhat established, then the victim, rather than recognizing a red flag, makes excuses for it, and the die is cast.

If one woman on the jury was in an abusive relationship, or witnessed one, they will know what she is talking about.


Respectfully, while she may know what she's talking about, she's twisting Travis' words and intentions to free a sick murderer - for money.

I know abuse, and I've not seen any of that with Travis. Not saying he was perfect, gee, none of us are, but he DID NOT deserve to be butchered by this she-monster!!!
Oh just wanted to get this off my chest. JW is actually using jodi's term "GUILTED HER", and it sounds like she swallowed a mouth full of helium when she gets to talking so fast :giggle:
I've been asking for three (court) days now, but can we PLEASE get to JM today???? Please???????? :please:

If not I may get fired for continually falling asleep at my desk.
I only caught part of the mom's. I wish HLN would show the entire tapes instead of the ALV nonsense.

They showed the dad close to the end of the show and the body language expert said the dad's body language showed truly what he was expressing.. The dad brought up the gun being stolen from his inlaws after the detective told her dad that his daughter was going to be charged with murder
Where is the abuse? She's been describing it hour after hour on the stand. You haven't been listening?

One thing she is bringing out is how abuse can really mess up your mind. Another thing she is bringing out is how it escalates. Another thing is how the victim becomes hopeful and then forgets in periods between abuse, so that puts the victim on the most reinforcing schedule known to man, variable reinforcement. That's the schedule that slot machines use to keep people putting their quarters in.

I don't understand why people say this is 30 year old knowledge and then don't see the application in this case.

But, I think so far that this will only work to maybe mitigate the sentence--no dp, or second degree. There are other facters working in that direction, too.


Jodi was/is the abuser.
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