trial day 40: the defense continues its case in chief #119

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Well, now it is all clear! Jodi's mom called the police on her for growing weed with her friends. This must by why Jodi doesn't get along with her mom!

She said it in her police interview on HLN.

I always thought she had been a problem child for most of her life!

Wow .......that is a long time to hold a hate filled grudge.

<modsnip> just said they found court note requesting sequestration of the jury and the judge denied it.
Now, go watch the Burning Bed with Farah Fawcett. That is domestic abuse, and he deserved to die! I just wish Juan could play snippets from that movie and say, "that ladies and gentlemen is domestic abuse, and a reason to kill in self defense".

That was a very powerful movie. A question I have had buzzing around my brain was the actual duration of JA &TA relationship as it relates to any statistical evidence of domestic abuse and victim retaliation.
Since she was 13 if she had been evaluated it would be Conduct Disorder and once she turned 18 they would evaluate her as a psychopath.

I really don't think there is much her parents could have done to change her. I have read that even medication can make the psychopath worse. None of the mental health professionals know how to put a conscience in a human when they don't have one.


Agree. I am sure these Parents have had one he77 of a time with her. More than we likely will ever know. It is reasonable to me her Parents would think Bipolar. Especially in her younger years. We dont hear too many Parents say "Oh my child must be a psychopath". Just bouncing off your post :seeya:
According to JA's "friend", Bryan, who visited her in the past, JA told him she anticipated a mistrial. Makes me wonder if that's what the DT promised her.

Wow, this is very suspiscious to me. Who anticipates a mistrial?Honestly. It would not surprise me in the least if JA is running the show behind the scenes and is trying to get a mistrial. She probably has researched how to do this, what causes mistrials, etc. Just like she wanted to act as her own attorney early on, to become privvy to more information, I believe she could be pulling this let's get a mistrial stunt so she knows the State's strategy and can see what they've got. (and all of this I believe partly explains what to me seems to be Nurmi's immense dislike of her)
OK you guys I am thoroughly upset and must share with you what has led me to this level of anxiety.. I just returned home from my Dr's office, just regular check up, and saw the (FNP) Nurse Practioner.. she is a lovely woman, mid-forties, married with twin boys that are Juniors in high school..and I have always thought highly of her..until now...

She brought up the Jodi Arias trial(yes, it was her that brought it up, not me) as I was exhausted and ready to leave and wouldnt have dared to broach such a subject that would only prolong my having to be there any longer than absolutely necessary.. anyhow she asked me what I thought about the woman who had "snapped" and killed her boyfriend..well, I quickly corrected her that first of all they were not, and had not been in a relationship, they were exes, and lived hundreds of miles away from each other.. she says OK, so why do you think she did it?.. I said plain and simple she could not AND would not allow this man with whom she was absolutely fatally attracted to in the most obsessive of ways..that she was not going to allow him to have rejected her and move on with his life..he had flat out called her out on who and what she was and for that Jodi decided he would have to die.

She then said, "well, you're not answering my question, why did she kill him?" which I said she is a psychopath thats why and the reasons will never make sense to a person with a non-pathological mind.. she tells me no, this girl is not a psychopath..this girl clearly "snapped" and this was a rage filled murder..his wounds indicate that she could not stop because in her mind she was saying you will never do this to me again..therefor the repeated stabbing and overkill.

I was astonished at what she was saying and told her she was mistaken.. she told me, "no, there are men in this world who prey on women, prey on a particular type of woman.. Travis was one of these men, and Jodi was one of these women who these predators prey on.. he clearly used her, manipulated and lied to her, all the while still being with other women and that when he was done with Jodi, and no longer had any use for her, and wanted to cut all ties with her, that it was at that point that Jodi "snapped"..the overkill happened from this "snapping" that occurred in this woman and the fury was her saying to him you will never ever do this to me or anyone else ever again!."

Let me tell you I was downright angry...very, very angry at this point in time and I just simply could not understand why or how this woman I have known for years, respected, and even could she be of this frame of mind WRT this psychopathic, cold blooded killer, Jodi... I told her that I respectfully did not at all agree with her and asked her was she really informed and aware of the facts of the case because I could see *possibly* how someone unaware of the facts could "possibly" come to a quick conclusion of Jodi being the victim.. she assured me she was quite aware of the circumstances and the facts of the case and that the DV witness that was now testifying was doing a great job of bringing these exact manipulations, emotional abuses, and predatory nature of Travis to light.. this showing that it was the combination and long term affect of having suffered those very real abuses at the hand of Travis that is what led to Jodi "snapping" and killing him in such a brutal fashion.. she said hormones are involved in that "snapping" and that any woman can absolutely be pushed to this "snapping" point where they could react in such a brutal nature towards their abuser..

Guys, I cannot tell you just how angry and sick that I became in hearing this from my nurse practitioner and was very, very short with her in my excusing myself and leaving the office without even making my follow up appt.. I can guarantee that my blood pressure was near stroke level and I knew that if I continued the conversation with her that I was going to accomplish nothing but make my own self sick, and not in any way convince this woman just how scarily wrong she was in her opinion of this case.. I am still sick about it right now well over an hour later and I'm still upset and angry..

My entire point for sharing is what IMO is making me the sickest is the fact that there are supposed highly educated, "normal" women who are actually buying the bull$hit for which this wicked pychopathic witch and her defense team are selling... that is truly, truly disturbing on every level.. it is sickening and I am truly fearful that my nurse practitioner is not the only person who is of this particular mindset..most importantly is the question of is there even one person on this jury that is of this mindset that my nurse practioner is?..because that is all it takes is JUST ONE!..JUST ONE PERSON on that jury can prevent justice from being served for Travis Alexander and his beautifully, strong loved ones who have endured more hell in just these last few months than most of us will endure in our entire lifetimes.. And I honestly just cannot bear to think of their having to be once again struck with the pain of not only having lost the bright and beautiful light that was their brother, Travis Victor Alexander..but to on top of that loss have to endure justice being stolen and stripped from them as well..

I do know and realize that my being forever affected by what happened with Caylee Marie Anthony and the Pinellas 12 is a factor of which makes me have much more doubt and fear of the outcome of this trial as well.. and IMO if it were not for experiencing that brutal, unjust reality I know I would not be near as fearful as I am right now, in this moment in time with Travis' case.. I am praying that I am just overreacting due to several of these factors and that much more likely than not that justice will prevail for Travis and his precious loved ones...but I cannot lie and say that I am not filled with more fear and anxiety after hearing this shocking opinion from someone who I have for many years thought of very highly(my FNP)..

I just needed to vent and to get others opinions and feedback on this and of course that is exactly why I came here to my friends at Websleuths:heartbeat:.. because one thing I do know is that you all know, truly know the actual facts of this case, not the bull$hit fed to the media thru the defense, but the actual facts of this case.. and I just have to hope that these jurors who have seen and heard the evidence up close and personal will see the truth as we do.. that truth being that Travis Victor Alexander IS, WAS, AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN THE ONLY VICTIM THAT THERE IS IN THIS CASE..and that Jodi Arias took his life in the most ultimate of heinous ways for NOTHING BUT PURE SELFISH GAIN AND SATISFACTION..COLD BLOODED BRUTAL SLAUGHTER IS WHAT SHE DID and my God how I am praying that this jury is seeing the TRUTH, and not being blinded by these overboard antics of deflecting and diverting attention away from the facts that this defense team has and continues to do..

My apologies for the long winded rant.. I just really, really needed to share with y'all my experience today at my doctor's office.. Thanks for listening:hug:

:bump: the ignorance of others to this case leads me to not discuss it. With my family especially! :grouphug: I come to this family to discuss :beer:

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Apparently JA was "off" from an early, the warning flags should have gone off then, don't ya think??

My sister - who is quite bright - was held back in first grade because of emotional problems.

Her mom said Jodi was very smart didn't she?
You're right, but first she says "thank you" so JW must have said something to her first. What's really interesting about that little clip is how much JW fusses with that phone and then reaches OVER the computer to plunk it down right in front of JA. You can see JA's hand moving toward it for a split second!


I remember how odd that was at the time. Watching the trial video now I'm noticing that JW seems to be rushing and appears antsy. Wonder what the heck is going on here.:what:
I used to work at a cigar shop/tobbaconist and bought loose tobbaco from the shop to roll my own. Today I was outside talking to my neighbor who I consider an insufferable hipster and she was smoking a hand rolled cigarette. I was like (in my head), "honey, I rolled my own cigarettes before it was cool."

My mother was so glad, when my father stopped smoking. She bought new leather furniture and eventually replaced all of his clothes (most were sewn by her). His homemade cigs were always dropping burning embers. There were tiny cigarette burns everywhere.
My father, one of the last real cowboys, would use this test on any boy I brought home:

My father, who rolled his own cigs, would put a paper and tobacco on the kitchen table. He'd then ask the boy to roll him (my father) a cigarette. If the boy rolled a decent cigarette, I was no longer allowed to date him. hehe :giggle:

Hehe...this is priceless !!!!:floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
On JVM talking about how Jodi was secretive about her private life with her family. They weren't allowed to ask her anything about her life. This doesn't have to do with making her life more mysterious as they were saying on JVM. This is entirely about control. It's about I have this information (about my life) that you want and you can't have it unless I decide to give it to you.
ALV goes off script a bit when she says re jealousy-" not in the texts I've read"...
JW certainly seems flustered and lost in that moment. She seems not to know what to ask and then bang "Judge may we approach". I didn't see obvious signs of a change in ALV demeanor as far as illness. Looks fishy imo

I watched this twice and I think ALV was rambling and looked way out there. I think she did go off script and JW realized there was something wrong and that is why she asked to approach. I know if she has diarrhea, etc. that can cause sweats and absolutely anxiety. I did not see the glasses signal. I think she was legitimately sick and could of even had an accident. That would definitely cause court being cancelled. Not only humilating, but would need a change of clothes, etc. JMO
JA told her Mom she was going down to Monterray but Mom didn't know she was going to leave that day . .. . I don't know maybe she did do it.

WTH I want to know what she did (Father)

mom - any suspicion @ all she had something to do with it? . . . Mom asked her if she went to AZ and JA swore she didn't go to AZ . . she had enough suspicion to ask her if she did it (Det. Flores)

JA called her sister not her Mom when heard TA was killed and she cried for 4 or 5 days. . . JA told her Mom she even had gas receipts to prove she wasn't in AZ .. . . same excuse being used in trial - that is if everyone didn't know about the gas cans.

JVM asks should JM play that clip of JA's Mom from 6/2008? . . . .

Wendy Murphy says she would not play the tape ... . abusive childhood doesn't come into play - she is a grown up and she killed TA . . . . suggests Judge already ruled interview tapes could not be used. . . .Jeankasaras says call the parents to the stand they are in court . . . she has never heard tapes at all.

HLN got tapes from freedom of information act . . . .d

Thank you again for all of your transcribing, :cheer: We all appreciate it. :loveyou:

Very interesting that she had that excuse= JA told her Mom she even had gas receipts to prove she wasn't in AZ .. . .

That seems like something that points to her guilt.
Holy smokes, is she gonna get off cause she's "bipolar" shudder. No one is responsible for anything
Her dad said she was so secretive about her life... not so much anymore.
Now, go watch the Burning Bed with Farah Fawcett. That is domestic abuse, and he deserved to die! I just wish Juan could play snippets from that movie and say, "that ladies and gentlemen is domestic abuse, and a reason to kill in self defense".
Abuse victims kill when there is no apparent threat of imminent death to themselves if they conclude there is NO OTHER ESCAPE for them. They believe they will die anyway either at the hands of the perp or by suicide. They feel like they have nothing more to lose.

Do you see where this ALV testimony might be heading? That is if self defense was going to be the reason AND you were going to explain why Jodi came back to Mesa. Otherwise you have to sell that the overkill was self defense from a mortally wounded man. That doesn't really work either.

The DT is playing this game of chess by holding onto the piece while they move it around the board trying different strategies. But with Juan as the prosecutor they are already in check and time is running out.
I watched this twice and I think ALV was rambling and looked way out there. I think she did go off script and JW realized there was something wrong and that is why she asked to approach. I know if she has diarrhea, etc. that can cause sweats and absolutely anxiety. I did not see the glasses signal. I think she was legitimately sick and could of even had an accident. That would definitely cause court being cancelled. Not only humilating, but would need a change of clothes, etc. JMO

JW looks at the clock three times before she asks to approach. Nurmi looks at it twice and shifts around in his chair and leans forward. Lots of glasses get touched. It's all a little shifty...

If if if Jodi was bipolar she would have been diagnosed and put on medicine while in jail. However, many people who are bipolar do not take their medicine.

I think her friends said she was bipolar because that is the only mental diagnosis they were aware of at the time. They would never have thought she was a sociopath, borderline personality disorder, psychopath etc.
OK you guys I am thoroughly upset and must share with you what has led me to this level of anxiety.. I just returned home from my Dr's office, just regular check up, and saw the (FNP) Nurse Practioner.. she is a lovely woman, mid-forties, married with twin boys that are Juniors in high school..and I have always thought highly of her..until now...

She brought up the Jodi Arias trial(yes, it was her that brought it up, not me) as I was exhausted and ready to leave and wouldnt have dared to broach such a subject that would only prolong my having to be there any longer than absolutely necessary.. anyhow she asked me what I thought about the woman who had "snapped" and killed her boyfriend..well, I quickly corrected her that first of all they were not, and had not been in a relationship, they were exes, and lived hundreds of miles away from each other.. she says OK, so why do you think she did it?.. I said plain and simple she could not AND would not allow this man with whom she was absolutely fatally attracted to in the most obsessive of ways..that she was not going to allow him to have rejected her and move on with his life..he had flat out called her out on who and what she was and for that Jodi decided he would have to die.

She then said, "well, you're not answering my question, why did she kill him?" which I said she is a psychopath thats why and the reasons will never make sense to a person with a non-pathological mind.. she tells me no, this girl is not a psychopath..this girl clearly "snapped" and this was a rage filled murder..his wounds indicate that she could not stop because in her mind she was saying you will never do this to me again..therefor the repeated stabbing and overkill.

I was astonished at what she was saying and told her she was mistaken.. she told me, "no, there are men in this world who prey on women, prey on a particular type of woman.. Travis was one of these men, and Jodi was one of these women who these predators prey on.. he clearly used her, manipulated and lied to her, all the while still being with other women and that when he was done with Jodi, and no longer had any use for her, and wanted to cut all ties with her, that it was at that point that Jodi "snapped"..the overkill happened from this "snapping" that occurred in this woman and the fury was her saying to him you will never ever do this to me or anyone else ever again!."

Let me tell you I was downright angry...very, very angry at this point in time and I just simply could not understand why or how this woman I have known for years, respected, and even could she be of this frame of mind WRT this psychopathic, cold blooded killer, Jodi... I told her that I respectfully did not at all agree with her and asked her was she really informed and aware of the facts of the case because I could see *possibly* how someone unaware of the facts could "possibly" come to a quick conclusion of Jodi being the victim.. she assured me she was quite aware of the circumstances and the facts of the case and that the DV witness that was now testifying was doing a great job of bringing these exact manipulations, emotional abuses, and predatory nature of Travis to light.. this showing that it was the combination and long term affect of having suffered those very real abuses at the hand of Travis that is what led to Jodi "snapping" and killing him in such a brutal fashion.. she said hormones are involved in that "snapping" and that any woman can absolutely be pushed to this "snapping" point where they could react in such a brutal nature towards their abuser..

Guys, I cannot tell you just how angry and sick that I became in hearing this from my nurse practitioner and was very, very short with her in my excusing myself and leaving the office without even making my follow up appt.. I can guarantee that my blood pressure was near stroke level and I knew that if I continued the conversation with her that I was going to accomplish nothing but make my own self sick, and not in any way convince this woman just how scarily wrong she was in her opinion of this case.. I am still sick about it right now well over an hour later and I'm still upset and angry..

My entire point for sharing is what IMO is making me the sickest is the fact that there are supposed highly educated, "normal" women who are actually buying the bull$hit for which this wicked pychopathic witch and her defense team are selling... that is truly, truly disturbing on every level.. it is sickening and I am truly fearful that my nurse practitioner is not the only person who is of this particular mindset..most importantly is the question of is there even one person on this jury that is of this mindset that my nurse practioner is?..because that is all it takes is JUST ONE!..JUST ONE PERSON on that jury can prevent justice from being served for Travis Alexander and his beautifully, strong loved ones who have endured more hell in just these last few months than most of us will endure in our entire lifetimes.. And I honestly just cannot bear to think of their having to be once again struck with the pain of not only having lost the bright and beautiful light that was their brother, Travis Victor Alexander..but to on top of that loss have to endure justice being stolen and stripped from them as well..

I do know and realize that my being forever affected by what happened with Caylee Marie Anthony and the Pinellas 12 is a factor of which makes me have much more doubt and fear of the outcome of this trial as well.. and IMO if it were not for experiencing that brutal, unjust reality I know I would not be near as fearful as I am right now, in this moment in time with Travis' case.. I am praying that I am just overreacting due to several of these factors and that much more likely than not that justice will prevail for Travis and his precious loved ones...but I cannot lie and say that I am not filled with more fear and anxiety after hearing this shocking opinion from someone who I have for many years thought of very highly(my FNP)..

I just needed to vent and to get others opinions and feedback on this and of course that is exactly why I came here to my friends at Websleuths:heartbeat:.. because one thing I do know is that you all know, truly know the actual facts of this case, not the bull$hit fed to the media thru the defense, but the actual facts of this case.. and I just have to hope that these jurors who have seen and heard the evidence up close and personal will see the truth as we do.. that truth being that Travis Victor Alexander IS, WAS, AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN THE ONLY VICTIM THAT THERE IS IN THIS CASE..and that Jodi Arias took his life in the most ultimate of heinous ways for NOTHING BUT PURE SELFISH GAIN AND SATISFACTION..COLD BLOODED BRUTAL SLAUGHTER IS WHAT SHE DID and my God how I am praying that this jury is seeing the TRUTH, and not being blinded by these overboard antics of deflecting and diverting attention away from the facts that this defense team has and continues to do..

My apologies for the long winded rant.. I just really, really needed to share with y'all my experience today at my doctor's office.. Thanks for listening:hug:

In addition to whatever amount of knowledge of this case a person has, there are also naive and ignorant people when it comes to classifications of ASPD. When these people hear the word "psychopath" they think of a serial killer (hunter and prey) -a murderer of many strangers so-to-speak. It's can be frustrating discussing a person such as JA to someone not so knowledgeable in this area.
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