trial day 41: the defense continues its case in chief #122

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She likes her some Snow White.. I must say (not saying it's bad, it's just what it is...)

Westwood, CA. ABIP Annual Conference. “My Family and Welcome to it: The Legacy of Domestic Violence”

Anaheim, CA. Orange County Domestic Violence Council’s Annual Conference. “Future-Shock: The Secondary Impact on Adults Raised in Abusive Families”

Las Vegas, NV. Safe nest’s Funders’ Luncheon. “Was Snow White a Battered Woman?”

Los Angeles, CA. ICAN Nexxus Conference. “Was Snow White a Battered Woman?”

San Diego, CA. IVAT International Conference. “Treatment Issues with Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence”; “Victims Becoming Victimizers?”

Long Beach, CA. ABIP: My Family and Welcome to it: The Legacy of Childhood in Abusive Families. “Snow White and Female Socialization”

Long Beach, CA. For the Child Circle of Friends Breakfast: “Snow White and the Wicked Witch: Healing Childhood Abuse”

San Jose, CA. California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists Annual Conference. “Snow White, Gender and Power”
Snow White all over the place, huh?

Did you know Snow White was 7 years old when the Wicked Queen decided she needed killing?
She escapes by saying she will run away and never come back?
She sneaks into the home of seven little men, eats all their food, tries out all their beds, and falls asleep until they come home and find her there?
She agrees to clean the house if she can stay?
She loses consciousness on three separate occasions when she is attacked?
And she eventually sees her rival drop dead from torture?

But I cannot find anyplace where she is battered or abused by Prince Charming.
Huh? :dunno:
Shoot me, but I agree. She may have an archaic view on todays world and still looking through Elton John's star shaped, rose colored glasses, but she was a pioneer in DV. She fought the battle when the rest of us were kids. I do believe she is sincere, but unfortunately in a time warp with todays mores and sexual equality. Imo she is wrong, but not willfully so and not because she is being paid.

I agree. She picks apart the questions from JM because she feels like the words are being twisted, much like the title of one of her topics - hence - Snow White.

I do feel like JM is mocking the Disney show, especially when the real topic at hand is TA and what he went through. I think this is what has me most upset.
I completely disagree with you because ALV's resource came from Jodi Arias. The liar, which made ALV a liar also. And she is getting paid for it and she loves it because her bias against men came across loud and clear. JM needs to rip her to shreds. I will back him all the way!!! This woman is mean and untruthful.

I completely disagree with you. Most domestic violence victims I've seen interviewed about this case are incensed that they're implying Jodi Arias was an abuse victim. It's a slap in the face to actual victims of domestic violence. I think Juan will eat her alive and show her she has no way of knowing what happened between those two other than what a known liar has told her.

Two posts in a row and imo so correct. Thank you.
...I did kinda wait with baited breath before her reply about the age of the dwarfs... to me, they're old men (eww).

Initially I thought AV maybe used the Clarissa Pinkola Estes ("women who run with the wolves" interpretation of Snow White... to learn it is the Disney version? Really?

Still can't remember the end of the movie, tho'.
Don't have it myself - will stream it.

....she was copying CP Estes! Also the book she wrote was based on other therapists patients....not her own work.
Carrying this over from a previous thread.

Critical lies for the prosecution

JA has admitted to killing Travis Alexander. Unless there is new evidence on rebuttal of premeditation, IMO JM will continue to hammer at “lies Jodi told us”; he would like this strong enough so that he can tell the jury to disregard anything and everything she has said, with them agreeing. I do think this will be a key part of his closing remarks.

What are the lies she has told in court which have been exposed? Here’s a start:
• Returning the gas can to Walmart (points to premeditation).
• Claiming she did not fill three gas cans (points to premeditation).
• Retrieving the gun by stepping on a closet shelf, which is not possible with resting shelves (Fear of TA story/self-defense could not have happened this way).
• Statement on stand that her testimony has been truthful under oath (credibility).

ALV’s testimony also has contradictions, including:
• 2/11 testimony of April 07 vaginal penetration while JA was sleeping. Arias testified the incident happened in the bedroom of Alexander's Mesa, Ariz., home in May 2007. She said she was uncomfortable but did not tell Alexander to stop. Per ALV, she did ask him to stop and he complied; this was noteworthy for JA’s ability to set boundaries. (credibility with respect to negative testimony re: TA)
• 7/28/07 Diamondback game/TA’s birthday. ALV testified this JA was going out for the evening to the game. Game was an afternoon game (credibility, negates TA controlling behavior).
• 1/22/08 pedo incident. ALV recanted prior statements that the images were on a computer, saying she misspoke. Will JM be able to go after this?
• ALV stating not once, but twice on 4/3/13 that she saw no evidence of jealousy on the part of JA (impeaches credibility of expert witness).
  • 6/1/08 journal entry where writes TA tried to guilt JA into stopping by Mesa on her way to Utah. ALV said JA told her that she and TA talked about this on the phone that day. Phone records show no call that day.

FWIW, JA had a strong reaction last week when she saw the defense witness list for rebuttal. “What is this?, What is this?” pointing to a piece of paper listing Robert Brown, Mesa Police Computer Forensics. Her reaction may have had to do with her sense of privacy being invaded, but I speculate she is aware of some very incriminating evidence not yet brought in as evidence.

Additions? Thoughts? Please limit this to what has been shown in court. We all know JA is a pathological liar and it would take a lifetime to expose every lie.
Anyone remember the story The Princess and the Pea. Talk about abuse....The evil mother never allowing her to sleep by putting a pea under the mattress. Nothing makes one crazier than no sleep.

Yet they sleep like babies~! ALL the time!

EXCEPT when they go to jail... then they can't sleep
Oh.... I did like that Beth Karas said that juror #5 smiled when it was Juan's turn!

I hope she doesn't come back though. Her being there really makes me nervous! The DT doesn't need ANOTHER thing to trigger a motion for mistrial.

That ALV said she does not see Travis as a victim says more about her character and so-called expertise than anything else to date.

The ULTIMATE act of violence is murder. The nerve of ALV to say what she did. It's just sickening :sick::sick:

Now as for Martinez, I don't understand where he's going with this snow white analogy. He sounds very tired to me as well. 3 days off will be good for him.

Looking forward to his cross on Monday after he's had some r & r. :great:
Juan has just got started with this Witness. Many TH's stating they are confused and perhaps the Jurors are too. It will all make sense when it's pulled together. Juan has just got his feet wet. IMO
Because I have a lot of personal experience with domestic abuse, including losing a friend to it, and I know ALV knows what she is talking about, so I trust her judgment and believe her conclusions. She also is a great teacher--people should listen to her--what she says about the subject is true and clear as a bell.

Ah. But the problem is Jodi testified too. And she gave a different synopsis than Alyce did - especially in regards to how their relationship began. She still hasn't addressed controlling behaviors on Jodi's part. She didn't have the opportunity to interview Travis or anyone else that knew him, apart from his murderer. She's basing her entire opinion on what Jodi has said - who lies! - and emails, texts that are rife to circumspection if not outright manipulation.

For some people with personal experience with domestic violence there is a concise and very clear pattern that emerges. Such a pattern is glaringly obvious when one concedes Jodi moved to Mesa after their break up; slashed his tires, went through his phone and online accounts, stalked him and other boyfriends, confronted or intimidated prospective female rivals, and there aren't many abusers I've known of quite so free with lending their car, home, food, in addition to passing out their garage code and atm pin #. IME, they tend to be rather possessive of what they believe is theirs.

Shoot me, but I agree. She may have an archaic view on todays world and still looking through Elton John's star shaped, rose colored glasses, but she was a pioneer in DV. She fought the battle when the rest of us were kids. I do believe she is sincere, but unfortunately in a time warp with todays mores and sexual equality. Imo she is wrong, but not willfully so and not because she is being paid.

We are all entitled to an opinion and I respect yours, but I have to agree to disagree here.
Y'all have a great weekend! Keep calm and let Juan carry on!
so you believe she was a "victim" then ?

I'm believing she was in an abusive relationship where she was on the receiving end and trying to extricate herself from it.

I'm still not sure what happened that day in the light of this or what can be proven about it. The trial's not over yet. But, JM has to get his act together or he's going to completely lose me. You can't bully the truth.

Juan's whole point was her "continuum" and her views on DV are so wide spread she could make them fit ABSOLUTELY ANYONE, even a fictional character.
According to her all of US are abusers, and she could make her continuum fit the DV diagnosis for anyone who pays her enough.
He was full of fire and ALV said "Are you mad Mr Martinez?"

something like that

Hahah I'm glad you saw this, my favorites were ALV responding Mr. Martinez followed by the same schtick JA and Dr Dick used.
I'm not sure it has been proven she displays these traits. It's not seen in any of the pages of her writing or anywhere in any conversation she has with him. It's all going the other way.

There's talk about slashing of tires, but we now know he was messing with 11 other women and had at least one named 'stalker' who is not Jodi--so it's not proven who did this.

And we're going by the words of a known pathological liar so I take everything she says withba grain of salt

Are there other things? I have heard the roommates interviewed--nothing.


You're forgetting one small fact with the 11 other women, they weren't in a relationship! He was a single guy who liked to flirt. Big deal? He didn't care who she was with but she was clearly bothered by the whole peeping incident.

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