trial day 42: the defense continues its case in chief #127

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Especially may we approach??? Get it together Willmott.
The judge should have just denied that last approach request. There was nothing wrong about Juans question. It is just that Wilmcott doesnt like it.
Wow Jennifer is trying really hard to prevent this "context" from getting in.
This judge is wrong in having all these approaches.
ALV is done for and JW isn't really helping at all by objecting and approaching to try and save her drowning witness
Watching HLN so I'm way behind but JM has skillfully pointed out that LV's gathering of information and opinion is flawed based on the written word. It is she who believed the one person that she personally interviewed. That would be Jodi Arias the known killer and liar.
Just now finishing up with 1st grade homework... Has this afternoon had a bunch of need to watch moments? Trying to figure out if I should start watching now or if I should just wait till kids go to bed tonight and watch it all then. It has not been easy to watch today with all the interruptions in this house.

Wow! Your grammar and sentence structure is excellent for a first grader! j/k :seeya: LOL
WHAT??????? Did she just say - the only one who has a history in lying is Travis???????

why I do believe miss Alyce did say that---isn't that just the best? the jury knows JA is a pathological liar and then this "expert" says this------ oh dear me
Wow Jennifer is trying really hard to prevent this "context" from getting in.

Well he has plenty more so she may as well get A pogo stick !!

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So Jodi found out about Travis dating Lisa because she was stalking, no one ever told her just like no one told her about MM?
(Buzzing in)

"What is, $300.00 per hour?"

(Ding ding ding)
"....that is correct and it's still your turn SunDawnn" :)

I wish Juan would ask her if she started getting paid by the defense before she looked at anything, or after she reached her conclusion.
I think the jury gets it. Loud and clear. Nothing to see here, move along.
JA must be running low on commissary supplies. She is drawing up a storm for Ebay.
This was on the other I thought I'd bring it here...interesting

michaelbkiefer Kirk Nurmi filed another motion for mistrial based on prosecutorial misconduct this morning. I assume that was the in-chambers topic.

michaelbkiefer In his motion, Nurmi references Martinez' attacking witnesses, signing autographs; compares the trial to a circus and the Salem Witch Trials

Jodi Arias is the only one who has made this case a circus with BOGUS claims of self-defense, domestic abuse & pedophilia!

Sounds like Nurmi KNOWS this case is NOT going their way and his client is as good as dead! As in the DP!
Defense filed a motion, which was granted, that prohibits the prosecutor from saying Travis was "murdered" or referring to the act as a "murder". Too prejudicial to their client, the murderer.:furious:

So what terms is the prosecutor permitted to use?

How is it the admitted killer gets so many rights?
How do they figure that avoiding every incisive question will convince the jury of self-defense? I mean, let's face it, at this point that's all they've got left. It only looks worse every time their witnesses play evasive. The obviously dubious nature of the "data" upon which this witness based her opinion is just so transparent that nobody can be taking this seriously at this point.
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